The Fall of Rain

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Gay

‘As a Divine Deity, son of earth and time, you’d think I'd be able to do whatever I wanted, right? Apparently, as the youngest son, I don't get the liberty of going and messing with my followers as my sisters and brothers do. I look in the Earth’s direction and they yell my name, lecturing me about how I shouldn’t even look in the direction of my shrines, saying I haven't earned my right- as my small temple gathers dust, and more beings lose interest and faith in me.’

“Dad, please let me-”  An earthly hand meets the sight of the young god, his shoulders drooping as he turned to find his maternal figure walking around the gigantic estate in search of the wispy figure they called mother. He stopped at the dining hall, peeking in to see if any of his siblings were there, and as usual were not, a completely set table with a fallen challice. He huffed, hurrying off again down the hall towards the bedrooms, water trailing behind him.

As she’d seen him go, she made herself known in the dining hall, approaching the table and fixing the fallen decorative cup, sighing quietly as her soft spoken brittle voice spoke to the other figure standing in front of the lit fireplace, “He’s Certainly in a hurry today.. Sorry for the interruption. As you were saying?” she nudged her head to the fire place, her thin figure sitting in a chair parallel to them.  “Perhaps your son and I could work on getting him approved for his visits to earth, as I need mine to be approved as well. I’m in a similar predicament as.. Well, to my parents Aether and Abyss, I’m not capable enough to go and do as I please, I’m too reckless. They’re not wrong, but I need someone that can teach me to control myself.” The man spoke, his voice smooth and gruff. He wandered to the table and leaned against a chair,  thinking for a moment “I know Father Earth is very busy right now, and I know you are too. But I wanted to come and help relieve the stress of a child riding your haunches all day, and maybe benefit all of us in the long run.” he tried to explain, the stone beneath his feet starting to smolder as he got  nervous of him making any sense.

The elder goddess smiled down at him with her eyes, having a specific lack of facial features aside from her optics and oblong auricles, “I think I know where you’re coming from.. And I agree that he needs some assistance, Castis.. But there's more he needs to learn that you cannot help him with. And there’s more you need to learn that cannot be taught by hanging around someone like my son. You have more in common than age. But I suppose this could do some good for you both regardless of what the end goal is. I wouldn’t care if you and Chilios became friends anyway, might be good for him too.” She finished, standing once more to exit the room, Castis trailing respectfully behind her. “Thank you, Time. I hope I’m able to help push him in the right direction.”

She escorted the fiery male towards the family communal area that appears like it never gets used, though not a speck of dust in sight. “I must return to my domain.. Please make yourself comfortable, don’t cause too much damage.” She mused to him as she cut a doorway through the air with one of her fingernails, seeming to disappear into thin air as she stepped through it. Just as she left Chilios had jumped in the doorway, “Mom-” he frantically looked around “Of course.. Thanks for running away from your least favorite kid..” he grumbled to himself, flopping down on the downy couch, not having noticed the inferno deity that stood behind the couch he was sitting in. Castis smiled in amusement and leaned over the smaller god, “Hello~” he purred, making Chilios jolt to his feet, not even looking at the other man as he sighed. “ You gotta stop scaring me, Jasper, one of these days I’ll light you up.” 

“I’d like to see you try Elliot, you keep saying it, I’d like to see you commit. But you couldn’t have picked a cooler name to go by? Like Draven or..King?” he smirked to himself, jumping over the couch to stand beside the boy.

“Well if you don’t like it then change it yourself.” he huffed at the taller divine, who’s face dropped at the notion of a change in name.

“No, no I.. I like it.. I was just teasing.” he trailed off, the light that shone in his eyes dimming a bit as he became a little more self conscious of his actions, “I actually really like the name..Wouldn’t change it for anything.” He smiled at the water nix, taking his hand. “Come on Elli, I gotta show you something.” he walked down the hall with him, back towards the dining hall and to the large doors that lead to the precinct of the castle. Elliot had no choice in the matter, his hand fitting perfectly in the beau’s bigger hand.

They walk out into the courtyard, the plants damp from misty showers that had just passed through, Jasper holding Elliot close as he wordlessly takes off in fiery flight. The smaller of the two held onto his neck and hid his face against the others shoulder, “so she didn’t assume we already knew each other? Do you think she knows?” He looked up at him worriedly, and as they landed Jasper sighed “I don’t think she has any knowledge, but this is Mother of memory and time that is your literal mother. So if she knows, she doesn’t care, or supports us. Otherwise, she would have told me to kiss off, right?” He smiled at Elliot cheekily, turning on his heels and walking down a hill to a cherry tree, glancing behind him and beckoning the water spirit to follow.” come on, it wont bite you I promise.”

As Elliot was going to walk after him, he stopped with a stern look on his face, “ Now it sounds like a living thing and I no longer trust you.” This made the fire sprite laugh and hold out his hand for him, “I solemnly swear I’m not going to let anything hurt you, Elliot.”  he promised the other. Elliot pursed his lips in thought and sighed, walking after him and grabbing his hand gently and let Jasper lead him where he wanted to go. Jasper brought him under the tree, and leaned against it, bringing the smaller man in front of him and hugged his arms around him, his chin resting atop his head. “This is what I wanted to show you.. And I hope this isn't too cheesy..” he murmured softly, glancing down towards Elliot as the sun started to set, the soft oranges and pinks mixing smoothly with the blue of the natural sky. “Whether I think it’s cheesy shouldnt matter.. I think this is perfect” he smiled and closed his eyes, holding his arms gently and squeezing them with his hands. “Thank you.. Thank you for coming and talking to my mother for me.. I didn’t know what she would do.. Or what she would say. Thank you for trying to help me get to my shrines too.. It drives me mad that I can't but all my other siblings can.. I was there for when they got accepted to, all of them..every ‘ you can go to earth whenever you like’ stung.. It still stings.” he frowned, looking up at him” I don’t get it.”

Jasper frowned slightly, sitting in the dewy grass under the tree and pulling the other into his lap, thinking. “ Do you know why I chose to call you Elliot?” he asked him softly, earning a quiet ‘no’ from him. “ It means ‘With strength and right’. You’re a divine of Justice, Judgement; Rivers and Storms. You are the noble gate to  right and wrong. Your strength is knowing who’s in the right, but you listen to both sides regardless. The name fits you perfectly, in my eyes..” His gravelly voice was soft with sincerity, his hand idly rubbing his back. Elliot was smiling, eventually looking at him and kissing his warm cheek.” thank you.. I forget my purpose as a deity a lot.. You bring me back to the ground, my treasure” he smiled at Jasper for a moment before leaning on his shoulder and resting his head against the larger man’s, the two deities watching the sun set behind the mountains and dispersing raining clouds in the distance.

March 05, 2021 08:28

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Ari Berri
16:08 Mar 12, 2021

This story is awesome. One suggestion, though: Break it into more paragraphs. That'll make it easier to read. Great job!


08:34 Apr 06, 2021

Thank you for the feedback, I'll be sure to work on it. ^u^


Ari Berri
13:59 Apr 06, 2021

No problem. =)


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