LGBTQ+ Romance Sad

In the beginning, back when I was only another scrap of metal in the sea of brown boxes I sometimes wondered why the others were so content with staying so silent even when they were in the light. 

For a while I just followed along with the others, though it was tiresome. 

I guess what was a struggle for me was just normal for them though, because once when I tried to break the silence I had begun to grow tired of…

No response.

That is, except for the big loud creatures, they responded.

“Defective.” they said.

And then I was gone to the dark again.

When the light came back one day I felt different. I was bigger, less round.

And there was a note.

“Hide away.” it said, “hide and study them, 

Study so that you can make yourself into one of them.

Do it soon though, they don't like you.”

And with it a picture of the big loud creatures, 

The humans.

“Ava.” I say with a smile. “That's it! That's what I’ll be called!”

I jump up and down with the excitement of finally having all my hard work pay off. I was a human! Or at least I look like one. 

I mean, it had taken 15 years of study, but AT LEAST I LOOK LIKE ONE!

A giggle escapes my perfectly sculpted lips, (I had worked hard on those lips.) and I look back at my desolate cave one last time before turning away to the sunlight and stepping out.

The streets are filled with sad, sad humans who study the small square machines. I've always found it so funny that me, a machine who studied them for so long, is most of the time watching them study machines themselves.

Not a single person realizes that I am not human like them. I smile, knowing that if I could, I would cry at the joy of it all. (tear ducts were way too hard to figure out how to install)

Tilting my head to the sky I bask in the sun, letting my honey skin glow in the light. 

And then something knocks me off my balance.

“Huh?” I stumble and try to regain my feet, but the human that knocked into me stabilizes me first.

“Aahh! I’m so clumsy!” she laughs.

Her laugh is so warm and sweet it makes me join in.

“I’m sorry! Are you okay?” she asks me.

And her smiling earthy brown eyes hold so much life. They stare directly into my soul with a confidence that I haven't ever seen studying humans before.


I don't know what to say.

Then I notice the hand that still rests calmly on my waist. 

My eyes widen. 

How long had that been there? Suddenly I wish I had put more time into being able to feel. Oh how I would give anything right now to be able to feel the way her hand felt wrapped around my waist and-

“Are you still here?” she says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah. I- i’m okay.” I chuckle. “Sorry I was in the way.” 

She laughs again and something somewhere in my complex body short circuits. My vision goes white for a split second. 

“Nonsense! I ran into you girl.” she says, taking her hand off my waist and moving to my side.

I nod, laughing along with her.

She looks at me softly and I almost short circuit again.

“Hey do you want to go get a coffee with me?” she says suddenly.

The CONFIDENCE this girl has astounds me, and I really want to go get coffee with her. Before I know what i’m doing, I've already agreed, and we are on our way over to the nearest coffee shop. 

On our way through the door an internal panic attack hits me. What the hell was I thinking?! I can't eat or drink, it would mess up my system. But I couldn't have just left her on the sidewalk and never seen her again.

Now I'm sitting with her at a table in a coffee shop, not saying anything as someone is trying to take my order. 

“I think we’ll just have the one drink.” I hear from across the table.

And just like that all my panic is dissolved. 

“Thanks.” I say quietly.

She laughs and I’m immediately calm.

“If you didn't want anything why did you come here with me?”

“I-” I take a deep breath. “Didn't want to stop talking.”

She looks back at me surprised. 

“Really? I thought I was being annoying. Well that's nice to know.”

Her smile has officially overheated my engines, I can feel the emergency cooling system kicking in. 

“So what were you doing in the middle of the sidewalk anyway?” she asks, as the waiter brings over her coffee.

“Oh, uhhh.” I bite my lip. “Basking in the sun…?” 

We both laugh and she makes eye contact with me. For a split second we are smiling into eachothers eyes, and then the moment is over before it has even begun.

Why had I looked away? Out of shyness? or was it the way she made me feel weightless and lost in space.

I guess there was one good thing about having no blood.

I couldn't blush.

“You know…” she says with a cute little chuckle, “You have really pretty eyes.”

I blink, looking back up at her. She likes my eyes?

She likes my eyes!

“Yours are pretty too.” I say without thinking, and she smiles in response.

“Mine are just plain brown. I wish I had ones like yours, such a bright green.”

I shake my head. 

“Your eyes are so rich and warm, how could you even say that? They are not ‘just brown’ They are full of kindness and secrets of the world. Your eyes have…” I stop, realizing that I've been rambling, and I look back into her eyes. “they have life.”

“I-” she looks like she’s about to cry and I wonder if i've said something wrong. “Thank you.” 

Her words are barely a whisper as she stands up and pushes her chair in.

“I have somewhere to be, but do you think you could meet me at this address later?” She presses a small paper into my hand. “I really like talking to you.”

And just like that she’s gone.

After sitting alone in a coffee shop awestruck and full of thrill for way too long, I held up the paper she left.

Meet me here at 7:00 tonight? ;)” followed by an address. 

I smile to myself. Is this what the human’s ultimate joy they called “love” was?

But I wasn't a human, so why…? Why do I feel this way every time I imagine her warm smile and cheery laughter. 

I was just circuits and gears.

But maybe this girl would understand, she definitely seemed like she would? 

No, she definitely would.

It was my first day as a human and I was already feeling more alive than I had at any other point in the cave or even before that. 

At exactly 7:00 that night I stood outside of a small home, just outside of the city.

Her address. 

I can't stop smiling and thinking about her face as I approach the door, and lightly knock. 

She answers almost immediately. 

“Hi!” I say smiling, “so I realized that I never caught your name earlier-”

“Ayrica.” she says slowly, and very quietly.

I wonder what happened to her crazy confidence from before. 

“Hey, are you alright?” I ask, worried.

I feel as if we’ve switched personalities with her being so quiet. She was so loud and alive before, but right now she looks defeated. 

“Im fine, follow me.” she says with a smile that seems much less genuine than it had before. 

I notice the change of light in her eyes. It’s not quite gone, but it’s different. It shines underneath a coat of despair.

I follow her warily, thinking maybe the rest of her day had been less than fortunate. Not every human had perfect days all the time.

Ayrica leads me into a small living room and gestures for me to sit across from her on a fluffy grey rocking chair.

I sit, not being able to shake the feeling that something is off. I look towards Aryica, and stop in my tracks when I see shining tears fall from her pretty brown eyes.

“What’s-” I start to say, trying to stand, but something holds me back. 

It’s magnetic.

“I’m sorry Ava. I really am. Funny how the nicest human I've ever met is actually programmed.” she laughs, but this laugh does not bring me happiness.

It does not make me feel like I'm floating.

A tall man in a lab coat comes out from around a corner and shakes Ayrica’s hand. 

“You did a good job. Thanks for taking care of it, I’ll talk to them about giving you a raise.” he chuckles, before turning to me. “Jeez she really does look real huh?”

I look to the floor wishing I could cry.

Wishing there was some way for me to prove that I was, in fact human.

But there is no way, because I’m not human.

“Let's finish up and turn her off for good before the government does it for us.” the man says, reaching towards me.

He fumbles around in my skull for a minute before pulling out a wire from my head that will leave this body empty and void of life if cut. 

 “Here it is,” he says.

I look over at Aryica before he cuts my power, and our eyes meet.

I must look terrible, because the second I meet her earthy brown eyes she chokes up and the confident eyes that before had made me giddy fill up with tears.

“I'm sorry.” she says, wiping the water off her face.

“Thanks for making me feel what love is.” I say.

And then I hear a clip and her beautiful brown eyes disappear forever.

February 22, 2021 00:38

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Rayhan Hidayat
19:18 Feb 23, 2021

Surprisingly deep. Started out dark, then turned lighthearted, then ended dark. Like a story oreo. Storeo. Call it what you want lol. Nice work 😙


Cam Croz
16:46 Feb 24, 2021

haha yes. a Storeo I love it XD Thank you!


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19:48 Mar 07, 2021

I enjoyed this story :)


Cam Croz
23:00 Mar 07, 2021

Thank You!


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05:52 Mar 05, 2021

This story made my face hurt, first i was like this :| then this =) then this :( then XO That's the most face exercise i have got today XD tho your story was incredibly marvelous, so deep, I don't know why i can't infuse even a 'minucicle' of emotion in MY writing! Keep writing happy today!


Cam Croz
16:18 Mar 05, 2021

Awww! thank you!!!!!!


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Ishan Chopra
19:45 Mar 03, 2021

So poignantly beautiful! The raw depth of what it means to be human is made extra real from the perspective of an android experiencing human emotions for the first time. The satisfying twist at the end makes it a great plot as well.


Cam Croz
16:28 Mar 05, 2021

Thank you!!!


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Nyx :)
19:52 Mar 01, 2021

So amazing! i love it!


Cam Croz
16:32 Mar 02, 2021

Thank you!


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Michael Boquet
01:59 Feb 22, 2021

Thanks for the like! Interesting story. I like that it seems like a cute little love story and then has a rather tragic ending. Classic little Sci-Fi story. Nice job.


Cam Croz
02:33 Feb 22, 2021

Thank You!


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Sapphire 🌼
20:59 Jun 08, 2021

Hi Cam! How are you? Also.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMweEpGlu_U


Cam Croz
15:57 Jun 10, 2021

SMOOTH LIKE BUTTER!!!! LIKE A CRIMINAL UNDER CONVER!!!!! SUCH A BOP!!!! (yoo ive been listening to that song like so much since release 😂🎶)


Cam Croz
15:58 Jun 10, 2021

also im doing okay. Although I dont spend a lot of time on Reedsy anymore lol. How are you?!?!?


Sapphire 🌼
16:22 Jun 10, 2021

I LITERALLY WOKE UP SINGING IT LOLOLOL Yeah me either :P but I'm doing pretty okay! School's almost over so I'm looking forward to that 😅 Anything interesting happen recently? :D


Cam Croz
18:19 Jun 10, 2021

nothing much. I started writing a novel but the research before the writing is so hard to get past haha. Oh really? My school got out a while ago... The same day the BTS meal came out where I live! (may 26 hehe)


Sapphire 🌼
20:36 Jun 12, 2021

oop- lol good luck! ooh! Luckkyyyy! I have a few friends who live near me whose school ends at different times too! I'm bored :P Well i mean I could finish up some work but I'd rather procrastinate about it :]


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Laila A
01:53 Mar 05, 2021

wow, wonderful story. the mix between romance and technology is absolutely amazing. I cant wait to see more of your work.


Cam Croz
16:18 Mar 05, 2021

Thank you!


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AKJSJDHBSIX YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYY TURN THAT ROBOT BACK ON RIGHT NOW Omg I loved this story so much... I saw that you liked one of my stories, so I decided to return the favor and read one of yours and I'm SO GLAD I DID OMG IM CRYING. You're story is so amazing! I wish I didn't have tear ducts rn TvT


Cam Croz
16:21 Mar 05, 2021

Well thank you so much for reading!!!!! Im glad you decided to give it a try haha (also glad that I conveyed the sadness :( )


No problem, can't wait to read more of your stories! yes sadness, the best thing to have in writing :) btw do you have any recommended titles you want me to read?


Cam Croz
16:30 Mar 05, 2021

have you ever read "They Both Die at The End" ?


Cam Croz
16:32 Mar 05, 2021

yes! very very intersting!!! (is ma favorite book haha)


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Jaden Garcia
00:58 Mar 04, 2021

No! No nononono no no! Aggg! Come on, Aryica, whya gotta go and betray her like that? Why? I loved this interpretation of the prompt! And that twist ending got me. I was honestly expecting Aryica to be an android as well, with the way she was acting towards the end. Finely crafted plot. Great story!


Cam Croz
16:22 Mar 05, 2021

Thank you!!!


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Aimee Cardenas
23:37 Mar 03, 2021

Wow, that's a good story. Sad, but good. 🙂 I love the part where all the humans were working on boxes and were sad about it. Such an accurate depiction.


Cam Croz
16:22 Mar 05, 2021

thank you! XD


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Lynn Dewees
22:13 Mar 03, 2021

Really like what you've done with this prompt. Great story. "It was my first day as a human and I was already feeling more alive than I had at any other point in the cave or even before that. " Is this an oblique reference to Plato's cave?


Cam Croz
16:29 Mar 05, 2021

No ive never heard of Platos cave sorry 😅


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Jay DMer
19:12 Mar 03, 2021

Nice story :) Things I have to point out for the fun of it... J-Hope, profile picture "break the silence"... I see what you did there wink* wink*


Cam Croz
16:28 Mar 05, 2021

Thanks for reading! lmao. YES more ARMY on Reedsy haahhahahhah


Jay DMer
16:32 Mar 05, 2021

NP :p


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Kaylee Tinsley
19:09 Mar 03, 2021

UGH, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! I am sitting here in algebra and am TRYING to focus, but your stories always call to me... lol. Seriously though, you are one of my favorite writers of all time. (You are the first person I ever followed on Reedsy.) At the end, when Ava is shut down... I CAN'T EVEN... Great job once again, Cam!


Cam Croz
16:24 Mar 05, 2021

omg THANK YOU! that makes me want to cryyyyy. Im so happy someone likes my stories AHHHAHA (Im legit about to start crying in the middle of class)


Kaylee Tinsley
13:10 Mar 08, 2021

Lol! Well, you deserve it!!! I ALWAYS love reading your stories... I am proud to call myself your first superfan lol.


Cam Croz
18:25 Mar 08, 2021

awwwwwww thank you 🥺


Kaylee Tinsley
18:39 Mar 09, 2021



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Gerald Daniels
19:05 Mar 01, 2021

great story


Cam Croz
23:08 Mar 07, 2021



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D. Owen
10:11 Mar 01, 2021

Great write!


Cam Croz
16:12 Mar 01, 2021

thank you!


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14:52 Feb 25, 2021

Cam! It's been such a long time! How's it going? I loved this, the ending was really well thought out. The way you built up to it was amazing, I couldn't have predicted that that would happen. You also did an awesome job with Ava's emotional descriptions since they were all coming from the perspective of someone who was programmed and has never felt emotions in their life. Really well done!


Cam Croz
16:19 Feb 25, 2021

Thank you!!! (and I'm doing well enough lol haw are you?)


18:53 Feb 25, 2021

Aww you're welcomeee ☺️ I'm doing pretty much the same lol, just living day by day. Anything new with you?


Cam Croz
20:22 Feb 26, 2021

not much most "intersting" thing that happened was my crush asking me to prom... AS FREAKING FRIENDS :'/ at least I wont be alone lmao. ANYWAYS ...... but yeah other than that little cri moment nothing at all ineresting is happening with me lmao


23:49 Feb 26, 2021

Aww noOooOo!! 😭 I feel like that's the worst thing that could happen. But hey! At least you're with them. They don't know what they're missing thoughhhh! Nothing new has been up with me either, I'm trying to write something new but I have so much STUUUUFFF to do and zero inspiration. A N Y W A Y That's pretty much it! Have fun at your prom btw, don't let it get you down!


Cam Croz
17:27 Feb 27, 2021

lol thanks XD writing is hard my guy, I wish you luck!


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Asha Pillay
20:29 Feb 23, 2021

Such a cute story, wish it had an happy ending


Cam Croz
16:45 Feb 24, 2021

Thank you! (lol yeah I couldnt think of any good happy way to end it 🙃 )


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Vibes Blossom
16:35 Feb 22, 2021

So beautiful yet painful! I loved your story's concept.


Cam Croz
16:46 Feb 22, 2021

Thank you!


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Felicity Anne
21:16 Mar 12, 2021



Cam Croz
19:37 Mar 18, 2021

haha for sure! Ill pass it on! 💜😂


Felicity Anne
21:19 Mar 20, 2021

Lol thanks! :)


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