Adventure Crime Thriller

 Chapter 1- Stop thevie

    The year was 1164 and when I was a young boy and we moved to the quiet town and my father would tell me to help the world.But at that I time I didn’t know what that meant, and when my father died in war all I could about was what he said.I needed to help my old mama but she told what I had to do.That was the very beginning of my story.I had to make our house a hotel for the poor.But doing that I had to steal a few times to make it right.

      That was when my mother heard a rumor that my dad probably didn’t die he was just probably put in the dungeon because every day on our front we would have 10 coins just like my father did in war.He would send them over when he had time.That is when I got all happy knowing that my father was protect not dead.

   Now that I’m 18 years old I had enough money to start a new chapter of my life,but I needed to help the poor… “So did Robin Hood come back?” asked a very pretty girl.I was in the shadows because I knocked down a fruit cart.This is because I needed to steal from the hagrid.The hagrid was a very old but very rich lady.I couldn’t find her in the crowd.When I reached over to steal a real gold pocket watch from a wealthy man a guard started yelling “STOP THEVIE STOP.” At the moment the pretty girl turned around and at that moment I knew who she was.She was the hagrid.She reached out her hand and yelled “Stop this is my fiancé and he was only trying to steal because we are poor and our 2 children at home are starving.” said she. “So the guard gave us two bags of gold coins and 2 fruits and told us to go.The girl told me to stick with her and so I did.

                           Chapter 2-The lifestyle 

“Follow me and by the way my name is Betsey.” she said. “So are you rich or poor?” I asked. “Oh it’s only me and my brother and my mom.” Betsey said. “Oh so you are living on the streets.Well me and my mom are starting up a hotel for homeless people.” I said. “I can help.” Betsey said. “Well we need 80 more coins then it will be all set and it’s free.Me and my mom we want to be hero’s for the homeless.So since it’s only us we don’t need all the 8 rooms in the house.We only need one.Me and my mom share a room.” “Oh so what happened to your father.” asked Betsey. “Oh when I was 4 years old he died in war.Or he was either put in the dungeon.” I said. “How old are you?” asked Betsey. “I’m 18 years old.” I said. “Well I just turned 17 last week and my father was shot when my baby brother was 6 months in my mother’s stomach.He is only 1 year old.His name is Alex.” said Betsey.

    When we got to the alley I saw a little boy. “Here mama take some coins.” and that is when she started to cry. “What is it mamma?” asked Betsey. “T-There taking away little Alex.” said her mother. “Come on ma'am I know where you're going to be safe.” I said. “Ok Robin Hood.” said the woman. “My name is Andrea.” said Betseys mom.When Betsey walked ahead I whispered to Andrea, “Um Andrea may I have your blessing to marry your daughter?” When she was answering we heard Betsey scream. I rushed up to her. She was bleeding. “What happened?” asked her. “I-I-I-I got shot by a bow and arrow.” She said. “She was bleeding so bad that I handed the baby to Andrea. I picked up Betsey and rushed to the village hospital.2 hours later we went to my house.My mother saw us through the windows. “Oh my what has happened Andrea?” my mother asked. “Wait mom you know Andrea?” I asked my mother. “Of course ever since we found out we were vampires we were going to make everybody vampires but that was a fail so I had you and Andrea had Betsey and then the two of you set married and have children and then you could turn everyone into a vampire. “Ok here it goes I said.Betsey will you marry me?” I asked Betsey handing her a bag of coins. “Ok” she said.

444 years later

Chapter 3 the vampire family

“Okay we need to find the last family and then we will rule.” Said my wife Betsey. After we found them we turned them into vampires. “Lets travel all over the world and change everyone into vampire.” I said. 2 months later me and wife left for Ireland.We jumped off all the buildings by flying.After everyone was turned to a vampire all we had to do was turn the Indians into vampires.We arrow shooting and lots of laughing.We knew it was the Indians.We made friends with the Indians.Then we joined in with the laugher and fun arrow practices.At night we turned into vampir bats and turned everyone into vampires.At the end we had an army of vampires and we considered them as family.The crying of newborn babies of the vampire moms was so cool because it sounded like baby bats.

Chapter 4 Meeting of the vampires

It sounded like a rhythm of rocks.We were all giving a meeting for the vampires.We had get the rest humans out of hiding who knew we were coming. “Ok so we could say we are having a party and we all will dress in all white except for the humans because we’ll know which color they are.First we”ll meet as bats then we will join the humans.” said Max one of the Indians. “That is a good idea.” I said.Well we should start the party.When the party started we were all bats and then we went over the plan again then we went to the party.We stole every jewelry we could find because jewelry can kill us.The power went out then we turned everyone into a vampire.


October 29, 2020 18:12

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Emma Jenkins
18:14 Oct 29, 2020

He and everyone are vampires


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Emma Jenkins
18:14 Oct 29, 2020

This story is about a different Robin Hood


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