Funny Fiction Kids

This Story Was Dedicated To Kate Raynold and Jade Kingsley. sorry jade.

No one died-




I’m a literal orange. I like eating potatoes! Thats why I grew a potato farm!!!!

Anyways other fruits keep saying it’s cannibalism because we’re both food………...but I don’t think so. I mean. Really. I’m an orange and they are potatoes. There’s this one fruit though, who….I HATE. THIS APPLE THINKS HE'S SO COOL AND CAN SHOW ME UP WHEN HE'S A REAL CANNIBAL I MEAN, HE EATS OTHER APPLES!!!!!!! 

But since he’s a brand name. Apple- 

Anyways he is really nice to most fruits. Just not me because I’m the only one who knows about him eating other apples-

Sad right? YeaH.

We’re both in the same grade. We’re in high school. Freshmen. We have one class together. In the halls I usually just avoid him. When I see him I just walk the other way. Or around him. 

(Imagine this, a bunch of fruits walking in a school hallway). Sometimes he calls me a cannibal. But I just ignored him. He’s really dumb sometimes. Like his insults are like “aPPlEs aNd OrAnGeS aRe sMaRt oH wAiT oNLy aPPleS aRe” like-

Can you even listen to something so stupid?! 

Well I can’t. Therefore I walk away. 

One day I was bored. So I went outside and went on a walk in the forest for no reason I found a cottage. Since my life goal was to become GOLDY LOCKS :)))))) 

I barged into the cottage seeing a cauldron. Then a strawberry came in.

“What are you doing in my cabin?” The strawberry said in a British accent. 

“I- uhhhhh i don't know?” That strawberry was weird because there were no leaves but instead…….a witch hat????? Thats why I’m guessing that the strawberry was a witch. So I guessed that the strawberry was a witch. Knowing that, I ran out as fast as I could. I found myself lost in the woods. Not a good thing, so I checked my watch to see what time it is, 3:46. “It’s late and I still need to do my hw” I thought “sad life”. I pulled out my phone and typed my address in so I could follow a map. As I was following the map I felt someone watching me. I continued to walk through the woods trying to get out. I went through lots of things, I saw a snake which was scary but most likely harmless and I continued to feel someone watching me. Anyways I ran away from the snake as fast as I could. Towards the direction on the map. That way, I didn’t get farther from my house. I saw a light, like you do in anime when you reach an area that you wanna go to, so I ran towards it. I LITERALLY FELT LIKE I WAS IN A BOOK BECAUSE I WAS FINALLY OUT OF THE WOODS!!!!!!!

But now that I’m actually thinking. I wanna go back to the witch. Maybe she’ll have something…… YES I'M GOING BACK

but after I finish my hw and tomorrow after school. :) I need to finish my studies. So I waited, waiting for school to finally be over. As I waited and waited I learned a few things. I learned more waiting for class to be over than actually paying attention. That’s probably not how it words but WHO CARES?!

I’m never coming back here again. So why does it matter. I was daydreaming about beating aPpLe all day as I was learning stuff I guess but my day dreaming is becoming a reality soon. As soon as school was over I left my things there, broke the window (because that was the fastest way out) and ran to the woods. 

To achieve my goal I had to 1, trace my steps to find the witches cabin; 2, ask her to turn me into something that’ll be superior over fruits which is…………………… YOU'LL FIND OUT SOON :)))) 


So I did those steps and…… FINALLY FOUND HER CABIN. I knocked on the door just so I wouldn’t be rude. I waited for about a minute then heard a sound from behind me. 

“Oh it’s you again” I recognized that British accent instantly. 

“Oh uh, HI” I said, trying not to sound too excited. “Can you help me with something?” 

“Hmmm depends, should I forgive you for barging into my house yesterday?” 

“Yes! I’ll make sure you’ll have the best life if you help me!” 

“Hmm sure! What would you like me to do for you? I expect you to keep your end of the deal…” 

“Oh! I will alright! Anyways I need you to……….. TURN ME INTO A HUMAN!” 

“Huh? Why is that?” 

“Well you see.. my genius plan was formed yesterday when I was walking out of the forest. You see I have this mortal enemy that I really HATE. So I was wondering, could you turn me into a human so I could eat him or turn him into an apple pie? I mean it’ll give you the best life. I’ll give you everything you’ll ever want, entertainment, food, water, etc. you know?” 

“Hmmm sounds like a decent plan. I’ve never actually thought of this….. I’ll help you if you keep your end of the deal. And I’ll make sure you do.” 

“Alright! Let’s do this!” 

“Well it’s going to take me like, a day to complete this so, why don’t you come back tomorrow and to see if it’s finished. That’ll make things easier.” 

“Ok! I’ll be back don’t forget!” 

“Don’t worry I won’t! Take care of yourself and gather some clothing for yourself. You don’t wanna walk around naked do you now?” 

“Oh right! I’ll do that right away!” 

I used the same way I did yesterday to go back. I used all the money I had to, but as much cloth to sew up to make a giant cloak. I wasn’t sure how big I would be so I made it as big as I could, just in case. It took me about 2 hours but I managed to make it 112 Cm long and 256 Cm tall. I thought it was a bit big but I didn’t care really. As long as I have a cloak big enough, I’ll be fine, even if it’s too big. The next day I woke up late from staying up for so long making it. I decided to skip school today so I could wash my cloak and because that I didn’t have to go, even though I should’ve. It took a while but I finished washing and drying my new giant cloak. I left it inside so no one or thing would touch it. I went over to the witch’s small cabin to ask her for the potion or whatever she was gonna give me to become human. I replayed squashing apple under my foot over and over and over again for the entire walk. When I finally got there she gave me a bottle of this weird orange colored drink and a syringe. 

“That took a while, it's already the afternoon.” 

“Yea sorry I was washing and drying my cloak” 

“It’s whatever. Well, take this.” She said giving the bottle and syringe to me. “Use the syringe to measure how much you're taking. 1 drop means your 1 years old, 2 means your 2, 3 means your 3. You get the point.”

“Thank you!” 

“Also” she said, giving me a piece of paper. “Follow this recipe to make the apple pie you have to eat to make sure you do turn human. Follow exactly what this paper says and DO NOT mess up. Put the drops after you made it PERFECT” 

“Ok! I’ll make sure to! Once I do I’m going to give you the best life possible!” I said stretching out my arms as far as I could. 

“We’ll see you once you're done!” 

I started to walk away back to my house. 

When I finally got there I followed the instructions on the paper to make the apple pie. It was kind of tricky but I had all the things to make it so that’s good. I continued making the pie for about maybe 3 hours or a little more maybe but I don’t really know. 

Once I finished I placed 16 drops because I am literally 16 right now. 

I grabbed a plate from the cabinets and cut a slice for myself. With 1 bite I grew. Like grew giant. I was human. I smashed my house but didn’t smash my cloak. So I grabbed that and ran over to the school. There were so many electrical wires so I had to go around all those. I didn’t watch out for 1 wire then I tripped……..

Then I got up as fast as I could. But I wasn’t where I thought I was. I was in………. bed?

Wait…… WHAT?!


Welp sad life……. I checked my watch…. OH SHOOT IM LATEEEEEEEEE

I bolted out of bed and got ready. 

When i went to grab my things i couldnt find them anywhere....... ;-;



January 15, 2021 01:02

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Kate Reynolds
01:07 Jan 15, 2021



Erza Scarlet
01:15 Jan 15, 2021



Kate Reynolds
01:17 Jan 15, 2021

It was good though! (You better post more...)


No One
01:21 Jan 15, 2021



Kate Reynolds
01:21 Jan 15, 2021

YES YOU WILL Also PLEASE stop switching accs its confusing qwq


Erza Scarlet
01:26 Jan 15, 2021

Ok ok jeez I’m back on my normal one Also read mah Bootiful bio I changed it :) I mentioned 2 people on it.


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Erza Scarlet
14:17 Jan 15, 2021



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13:02 Jan 20, 2021

This is a mood on every single level. Like... wow. Here's some critique though; While I didn't see any blatant grammar errors on your part, you do have a little bit of trouble with colloquialisms; you see to ride on it here. While it can be hilarious, you need to remember that it's not always going to be that way. People can find overly informal writing to be obnoxious and annoying. Also, I think you could use more subtlety in your character development. Maybe you could have slowly eased into how people call her a cannibal, yet she finds tha...


Erza Scarlet
16:40 Jan 24, 2021

Ok thx! Even though I barley understood anything :D


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Hahahahaaaaaaa Your a natural at this! (I hope I don’t suck, I’m so sorry about anything I did to hurt you D:)


Erza Scarlet
15:40 Jan 17, 2021

When did I say you suck- ;-; If I did it was probably a joke where sorry-


Itsokaycanwebefriends- Imsorry


Erza Scarlet
15:33 Jan 19, 2021

Its fine, sure we can be friends :)


Erza Scarlet
16:39 Jan 24, 2021

:D Now you need to educate me on what friends do :D


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I LOVED IT! Thanks for the dedication bro/sis/friend!


Erza Scarlet
18:29 Jan 16, 2021

You can call me human or my name. :)


Erza Scarlet
18:32 Jan 16, 2021



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Kate Reynolds
01:14 Jan 15, 2021

Critiques: 1. You use too many "so"s. Try using another word 2. Reread it and find places where you used the same word twice, and try to rephrase that sentence so you can use another word 3." Sad right? Yea." The "yea" should be "yeah" 4. Few grammatical errors (which I will tell you if I call you sometime bc I don't want to write them all down) 5. Have dialogue that shows the orange interacting with the apple 6. The writing is a bit stiff, use more commas to make it flow better (but when you're trying to create suspense don't use any) 7. Mo...


Erza Scarlet
01:18 Jan 15, 2021

You suck ;-; Too many complaints WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH


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Erza Scarlet
01:33 Jan 15, 2021

Idk any other word other than so, so-


Kate Reynolds
01:35 Jan 15, 2021

You don't need to. Just rephrase the sentence


Erza Scarlet
14:26 Jan 15, 2021

I change a few “so”’s (that does not count i need my money) Anyways. I changed a few in the beginning. Cuz yep :)


Kate Reynolds
14:27 Jan 15, 2021

Change all of them Remember our bet??? Do not use the word "so" for a week and you get a prize!


Erza Scarlet
14:29 Jan 15, 2021

THAT DOSENT COUNT IDIOT!!!!!!!!! Anyways yes. and I’m not changing all of them. Btw Orange wants to make Apple SUFFERRRRRRr By stepping on him.


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Hi Erza! Good job on your first story and welcome to Reedsy!


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Erza Scarlet
14:37 Jan 15, 2021

Hi humans :) Actually if you read my bio you un-human


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Radhika Diksha
17:47 Jan 16, 2021

Did you give your feedback to other oasis Members? You have to, ok. Even they will give you and you give them. I have given their links in my story oasis.


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Radhika Diksha
14:29 Jan 16, 2021

Please mention the writer in the bio that we have selected for a week. And do give feedback on the stories of the other members of our group. I have written the group members' name in my story OASIS if you want to know the members of the group.


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