Because He Lives

Submitted into Contest #244 in response to: Center your story around a photo that goes viral.... view prompt


Christian Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

Because He Lives

March 31, 2024

I received a picture today. I immediately shared it with all my relatives and contacts on my social media page. It had already been recognized as a viral photograph. If any photo qualified to deserve to be repeated enough times to be considered viral this one most certainly does. It sends a vital and timeless message.

Simple and understated the scene speaks volumes. The mostly sepia colored photo depicts a view from inside a cave-like entrance looking back out towards the early morning sunrise. To the lower left side of the entrance one can see a partial curved stone that probably had been in front of the opening acting as a seal but was now rolled aside. Way beyond toward the horizon is a mound on which three empty crosses still stand. The message is powerful and universally recognized. Blessed Easter morn. He is risen. He is risen indeed!

Do you know the story? You should know the story. In a nutshell: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 from the Holy Bible. It is a life saving message.

Our Heavenly Father, the one true God, Jehovah, gave His only begotten Son into the world to save His creation, humans, from the evils of sin, death and Satan. He did that by sending Jesus Christ into the world as a tiny infant born of a virgin as the long awaited promised Messiah or Savior. You know the Christmas story. Wise men still seek Him.

As a grown man, true man yet still true God, Jesus traveled with His chosen disciples teaching them and anyone who would listen about God's plan of salvation. That plan meant His own death to pay for the whole world's sin. A final perfect sacrifice of a sinless man to atone for the transgressions of all sinners.

That sentence had been carried out only days before by the very people Christ came to save. Betrayed by one of His own disciples, turned over to local religious authorities and accused of blasphemy, then handed over to government officials. Even though no fault was found the sinless Son of God was mocked, beaten and nailed to a cross in our stead to die along with two criminals then laid in a borrowed tomb. But He had foretold that He would raise this temple, meaning His body, in three days and He did exactly that. On the third day women who came to embalm the body found an empty tomb instead. He had risen from the dead!

For forty days the Risen Lord walked among His followers once again showing them His wounds in His hands, feet and side. Over five hundred witnesses knew He was indeed alive once more. Many watched as He ascended into heaven above where He lives to this day as true God, a person in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, preparing a place for us to live with Him for eternity if we believe in Him as our Savior, repent of our sins and ask His forgiveness.

Those few witnesses caused this good news message to go viral in an ancient world. Can we do the same in a high tech world? Once you know how can you not want to share this good news?

When God looks at us now He doesn't see our filthy rags of sin but instead the perfect face of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On Judgment Day when asked why should you be allowed into heaven you need only say because of Jesus Christ who took away my sin.

Today we rejoice and sing Alleluias. Feeling blessed our sins are forgiven and hopeful of a new beginning.

Tomorrow will be another new day. Will I treat it any differently knowing my Savior has risen and lives beside me daily? Will it be business as usual. Another day of sinning. Or will I be any different because I know that my Redeemer lives. Will I be different in a week, a month, a year, forever?

Because He lives I will never die, only sleep until I am raised again on Judgment Day.

Because He lives I live in hope and assurance of a better life in the hereafter.

Because He lives I can face whatever this world sends my way knowing I am loved.

Because He lives … I pen this poem...


Because He lives when I awake the morrow

Will I choose to live

Ready to forgive

Without any sorrow.

Because He lives my home is Heaven.

My burdens relieved

once I believed

His body for me given.

So I can make it through tonight

And gladly say

without any fright

I'll show you the Way.

You can make it all right

Everything will be okay.

Because He lives nothing could be finer.

I can dry my tears

put away my fears

And live no more a whiner.

Because He lives, came down from the cross

I don't need to be blue

I can live anew

And recover from any loss.

As for the Father and Holy Ghost

The debt is paid, to me no cost,

The Begotten Son suffered most.

Death defeated, the Devil lost

He is the Priest, He is the Host

The Spirit received at Pentecost.

Because He lives I know no strife

Since I believed

My sins relieved

I shall inherit eternal life.


We are Christians today because untold millions of our brothers and sisters heard God's Word, came to faith, and couldn't keep the good news to themselves. They took it viral. Who told you? Whom will you tell?

If you have questions seek a Gospel-based church to help study God's Word and worship Him there. Confess your faults and failures to one another and to God Himself. Even though we justly deserve eternal punishment, for Christ's sake, He will grant mercy and forgiveness. He'll renew us and lead us that we may walk in His ways and follow His will to the glory of His holy name.

Every Sunday is a little Easter reminding us He Lives. Because He lives so too shall we.

April 03, 2024 22:07

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Peyton Fleek
04:01 Apr 06, 2024

Such a unique perspective and great way to share the gospel!!


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13:57 Apr 11, 2024

For you Mary: Download because I may delete this comment later:


Mary Bendickson
16:10 Apr 11, 2024

Thank you. Awesome! My hubby helped me downloaded it to my computer. Will take some time to read. Is it the same as your stories have been. I have read most of them I think.


16:12 Apr 11, 2024

Yes that’s what I have been developing, I appreciate you!


Mary Bendickson
16:14 Apr 11, 2024

It is quite the amazing story and life you have lived. God bless you.


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Helen A Smith
05:37 Apr 11, 2024

Beautiful Easter message. I really like you introducing your poem into the piece too. The message did go viral and couldn’t be stopped in spite of terrible persecution.


Mary Bendickson
14:48 Apr 11, 2024

😊He is risen, indeed.


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McKade Kerr
22:21 Apr 10, 2024

Great story and great poem! I especially love the line “Every Sunday is a little Easter reminding us He Lives.”


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00:56 Apr 10, 2024

A profound reminder of faith, hope, and the power of resurrection. Thank you!


Mary Bendickson
16:15 Apr 10, 2024

You are welcome. Thanks for liking it.


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Viga Boland
22:38 Apr 09, 2024

I’m sure your story and poem is comforting to Christians everywhere. Fitting take on the prompt


Mary Bendickson
16:17 Apr 10, 2024

Thank you. Wish it would bring comfort to you.


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Darvico Ulmeli
05:43 Apr 09, 2024

Didn't read the lovely interpretation of the Jesus story. Nicely done.


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Shahzad Ahmad
20:11 Apr 08, 2024

Mary this is a beautiful story of the possibility of redemption. The poem introduces a lyrical element, a relevant diversion. Well done!


Mary Bendickson
20:21 Apr 08, 2024

Thank you.


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06:15 Apr 07, 2024

Hi Mary. Wonderful way you used this prompt to tell this tale at this time. The main difference to how I would explain this, is to skip using the word Easter. The things typical to Easter include things not related to Christianity at all. Eggs, bunnies and chocaholic overkill. "So, our modern Easter is named after the goddess Eostre, not in terms of worship, but in terms of timing and the old name of that month." - quote from the net. Eostre is a fertility goddess. It is great that you specifically mentioned the over 500 eyewitnesses to the...


Mary Bendickson
18:26 Apr 07, 2024

Thank you.


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Rebecca Lewis
00:52 Apr 07, 2024

Your poem is touching and captures the heart of what it means to be a Christian. I love how you've expressed the hope and strength that comes from believing in Christ. The way you talk about overcoming fears, finding redemption, and the importance of community resonates with me. It's a beautiful reminder of the power of faith and the importance of sharing that faith with others. It's an uplifting and inspirational piece that makes me feel grateful for the hope we have in Christ. Great job!


Mary Bendickson
00:56 Apr 07, 2024

Thank you so much.


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Daniel Rogers
02:07 Apr 06, 2024

I've never read a more complete explanation of salvation, and that includes some gospel tracks I used to leave on toilets. God bless you. Also, awesome poem, and this coming from a guy who generally dislikes poems.


Mary Bendickson
02:26 Apr 06, 2024

Thank you.😌 I am humbled! Also thanks for liking 'My Blessings Tree '.


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Annie Hewitt
02:23 Apr 05, 2024

Beautiful. Well done


Mary Bendickson
04:00 Apr 05, 2024

Thank you😊


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Irene Duchess
15:28 Apr 04, 2024

Beautiful. I love how you used the prompt to convey the Gospel. I'm Catholic, and it's heartening to see people like you write and share this. Wish I could "like" it a hundred times. Happy Easter. He is Risen! :D


Mary Bendickson
17:43 Apr 04, 2024

He is risen indeed! Happy Easter! Thank you for the encouragement.😊


Irene Duchess
22:51 Apr 04, 2024

glad to give it to the author of great stories :)


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Alexis Araneta
10:46 Apr 04, 2024

Very unique take on the prompt, Mary. I like that you went a different direction with the photo theme. Lovely work, as always !


Mary Bendickson
16:55 Apr 04, 2024

Thank you.😊


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Kristi Gott
06:22 Apr 04, 2024

I love this Mary and you did a lovely job telling the Gospel story and writing a beautiful poem too. You wrote this in a way that uplifts and inspires, spreading the good news and reaching out to others. Happy Easter!


Mary Bendickson
06:25 Apr 04, 2024

Thank you. And to you, too. He is Risen!


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Trudy Jas
02:14 Apr 04, 2024

Inshallh Shalom


Mary Bendickson
05:23 Apr 04, 2024

Thank you.


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Unknown User
01:19 Apr 13, 2024

<removed by user>


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