The Monster of Carmeletta

Written in response to: Write a story where something magical happens when it starts to rain.... view prompt


Adventure Friendship Funny

Hey, everyone! I haven't posted in a while so I thought I share the first short story I every full on wrote. Keep in mind that I wrote this when I was nine, so my grammar, spelling, and general skills aren't great. I didn't edit it so I would stay true to the nine year old version of me, so if you noticed missing words and plot holes, just kinda go along with it, okay?

Now . . .

. . . Ready for it?

*Dun Dun Dun Da*

(hahaha Taylor Swift joke. I'm hilarious)

In a big dark forest on the edge of a kingdom called Elfiea, there lived a man named Luke. Now Luke wasn’t just your everyday average dude. No, he definitely wasn’t. Luke was six foot seven, three hundred fifty pounds of muscle, big tall spiky hair, and as wide as a tree trunk. But Luke was lonely. All he did all day was hunt and eat so much he would throw up afterwards. (The reason he ate so much was because he didn’t have anybody to share with and he would be wasting food.) But one day that all changed.

For the first time in years, Luke ran out of supplies. Luke decided that he would ride to a little town near the ocean because of its trading port. He packed up his things, ( Which wasn’t much. Just his axe, some food, and a rope.) counted his the money he stole from the Dwarves, mounted his horse, and rode of toward the little town.

It took him a couple of days to ride there, so when he finally got there he was tired and more grumpy then usual. But when he looked around his mood lightened just little bit. The town of Skyla was colourful, vivid, and a busy town. There were people coming, going, selling, buying, trading, talking, and more. 

An icy wind swept into the town from the ocean and Luke blew on his hands trying to keep them warm. He walked a little farther and saw a man sun bathing in his bathing suit. “People are weird.”Luke Thought as he walked passed the man. When he came to the store he was looking for, he went inside and bought almost everything in the store. When he came up to the front desk, the store owner asked, “ Why you need so much stuff, buddy? Big trip?”

“ None of your business.” Luke said angerly. 

“Come on, tell me where you’re going.” The store owner said curiously. “Come on, tell me.” 

“ I SAID NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Shouted Luke and he knock over a shelf of fire starters. ( Because when he’s angry he destroys things.)

“Okay, jeeze.” Said the store owner. “ No need to yell.”

Luke took the supplies he bought, left the store, and started walking to a tavern called The Ocean’s Prize. After he got to the tavern and paid for his room, he went to the tavern’s bar and order himself soup and bread with a pint of mead. The tavern had a minstrel that night who was singing about a knight battling a dragon. Once he finished, he started singing a haunting about Skyla and its monster, the Jabberwocky. Luke stoped eating and listened. The minstrel sang:

"Hide your children 

Lock your doors 

Because the Jabberwocky is here.

You know it’s there

When its shadow 

Knocking on your door.

Ohhhhh ohhhh

Don’t be fooled   

It has no mercy 

And at the stroke of midnight            

It feasts on his prey.

Sooooo sooooo 

Hide your children 

Lock your doors 

Because the Jabberwocky is here.”

Luke had an idea. Earlier he saw a poster reading: Jabberwocky, dead or alive, reward fourteen thousand gold coins. If he killed the Jabberwocky, he would be rich and a hero. All he needed was someone who know about the Jabberwocky and that was the minstrel.

Luke walked up to him well he was on break and said, “ Hey, have you ever thought of making more money then a couple of coins by doing an easy, simple, and safe job for someone?” 

“Who would that someone be?” Said the minstrel with a strong British accent.

“Me.” Said Luke with a grin. “Me.”

“Okay I’m listening.” Said the minstrel.

So Luke explain that using the minstrel’s knowledge on the Jabberwocky, they would catch it in a trap, kill it and get fourteen thousand gold coins.

“And you’ll even have something to sing about!” Luke said at the end. 

The minstrel thought about it.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Said the minstrel. “But tell me your name first.”

“Luke,” said Luke, “Just Luke.”

“Okay, “just Luke” when do we leave?” Said the minstrel.

“At sun rise. So get some rest.” Luke said.


At sun rise Luke met the minstrel at the edge of the town with horses. As they mounted he horses Luke asked, “So where we heading?”

“The legend says that the Jabberwocky lives in a cave on top of mount Carmeletta, which is that way.” Said the minstrel pointing at a mountain in the distance.

After awhile of riding Luke asked, “ what’s your name? I didn’t catch it last night.” 

“My name is Craig,” said Craig. “Craig Jackson.”

“Well Craig, where are we going to sleep?” Luke said. 

“Oh, at the bottom of the mountain.” Said Craig.

Several hours later, after they set up camp, Luke went hunting for food and brought back a couple of rabbits to eat. As they ate Craig asked, “How are we going to trap it?” 

Luke grabbed a stick and started drawing in the dirt.

“First we’re going to make a big cage and put it at the of its cave. In the cage we’ll put its favourite food and that will lured it out.” Luke said as he drew a couple of simple drawings. “Then we’ll close the cage and kill it.”

“Okay, but how do we get the cage up the mountain?” Said Craig.

“We’ll put it up using ropes.” Said Luke like it was obvious. “It’s late so we’ll worry about this in the morning.”

Luke and Craig said “good night” to each other and settle down on the moss and fell asleep.

The next morning, after a breakfast of berries that Luke found, they made a cage from twigs and mud. Craig said the Jabberwocky’s favourite food was fish. So, Luke went fishing and brought back some fish. Then they started there cold, windy, and rainy journey up the mountain.

Mount Carmeletta use to be a great tourist site before the Jabberwocky came. Mount Carmeletta had beautiful and icy summers, cold and rainy winters making it a great adventurous place to hike, hunt, and camp. Because it was winter, Luke and Craig did not have an enjoyable trip. It took them half a day to get up the from all the ice and cold. 

Once they got to the cave, it took them awhile to catch their. After they caught their caught breath, they set up the trap. After they put the finishing touches on the trap, they hid behind a big boulder near the cave’s entrance. They waited. Nothing happened. But all of a sudden, a loud grumble came from the cave. Luke and Craig closed their eyes. Luke held on to his hammer he was holding, ready to strike. They heard it walk out of the cave and into the cage. The cage door slammed shut. Luke and Craig jumped from there hiding spot. Luke ran over to deal the final blow. But what he saw made him freeze. It was a cat. A cat was in the cage eating the fish. Luke looked in side the cave. He saw nothing. He looked back at the cat who had finished the fish and was looking at them hoping for more. Craig was looking around when he asked, “Where’s the Jabberwocky?”

“It’s right in that cage.” Said Luke.

“You’re joking, right?” Said Craig as he looked at the cat, wearily.

“No joke.”said Luke. “You know how the Jabberwocky comes out only at night?”


“Well, this cat comes down the mountain searching for food he goes to the town. Somebody must have saw his shadow and thought t was a terrifying beast and told every body about it and people believed him.”

“Okay, so what do we do then? There’s no Jabberwocky to kill anymore.”

“We’ll take the Jabberwocky back to Skyla and tell them what happened.”

“Do you think they’ll believe us?”Craig said doubtfully.

“They believed the dude who started this all then I think they’ll believe us.”

So that’s what they did. After they arrived back in town, they told everyone what happened and they believed them. (Luke couldn’t resist saying “I told you so” to Craig.) There was a big celebration where the lord of the town gave them gold medals and fourteen he thousand gold coins and his gratitude and There was a big feast that lasted all night.

The next afternoon, was saddling up to go home when Craig came running toward him, holding a box in his hands.

“Here.” said Craig giving the box to Luke. “It’s so you don’t get lonely.”

Luke opened the box and inside was the cat they found in the cave.

“Nobody wanted him. Probably because he was the Jabberwocky. So, anyway I thought you might want him.” Said Craig. “It’s okay that you don’t want him.”

Luke smiled. “I’d love to keep him, but he’s going to need more company then a grumpy man livening in the woods.”

Craig laughed. “Yes, I bet he does. So, I guess I could come.”

“Well hop on then!” Said Luke as he mounted his horse. “ I’m not going to wait all day for you to decide!”

Craig hopped on and before they started riding Craig asked, “What are we going to name the cat?”

“Wocky.” Said Luke. “Wocky.” 

And with that they rode off into the big, dark, forest.

The End

September 22, 2021 06:01

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00:25 Jan 21, 2022



Maraika!!! 😎
05:57 Jan 22, 2022



13:06 Jan 22, 2022

How are ya? (This is Em btw)


Maraika!!! 😎
17:50 Jan 22, 2022

Oh hi Em I thought it was you from your profile pic I'm doing good thanks how about you? Read anything good latley?


Maraika!!! 😎
17:56 Jan 22, 2022

"Whoever said "great, now I'm in Nazi Germany" because they read historical fiction last and my quiz had a question about it, you're amazing." Lol i think that was me but i'm not sure


22:33 Jan 22, 2022

Yeah haha Not really, but I did finish a series


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23:31 Jan 20, 2022



Maraika!!! 😎
05:57 Jan 22, 2022

hiiiiiiiiii whats up?


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Ash S
16:04 Oct 01, 2021

Hey there, Maraika!! Aww, this is the cutest story ever!! I can't believe how you could be so good at writing even when you're 9!! Damn, man, when I was 9, I was making new friends and babbling non-stop to them, and yeah, singing gibberish in rhythm. lol XD How are you? It's been a long time since we had a talk. I miss you, your sweet, sassy attitude and your stories so much!! <333 So, Sienna and I've posted the 2nd part of the collab story we're doing. We both want you to check it out and leave a feedback on it. P.S: Last week, I asked...


Maraika!!! 😎
17:46 Oct 02, 2021

Hey Ash! Sorry I haven't been messeging you latly. School has been busy and I haven't finding time to be on Reedsy. I've been doing good. It's been boring out where I live, but I have some new books that i've been dying to read, so that's good. How are you doing? I miss you too! Thanks for reading my story! I'm glad you liked it. It was a little wierd, but I remember having fun writting it. I'll make sure to check out your new story today or tomorrow. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see what happens next. Ooo questions I've always wan...


Ash S
05:11 Oct 27, 2021

Hey Maraika! Sorry for the late reply. Was a bit busy lately cause school is reopening here and gotta do some leftover work. 😄 So, I haven't written anything for "Scarlett Thread" and I hope Si is not angry at me. Thank you for the questions! I'll get back ton answering them as soon as I'm free. I actually miss talking to you so much. ❤️ Bye! Peace out! ✌️ Ash


Maraika!!! 😎
16:20 Oct 28, 2021

Hey Ash!!!! Yay!!! I'm glad your alive. Also schools are opening up again??? Awesome!! So happy for you :) Take your time on getting back to me. (And I don't think Sienna is mad. She doesn't strike me as a "get mad at Ash" person.) I missed talking ot you too ❤ Maraika➡out


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Unknown User
21:51 Oct 21, 2021

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
19:31 Oct 22, 2021

Pretty good, thanks Sienna! How's life been for you?


Unknown User
21:06 Nov 08, 2021

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
17:50 Nov 09, 2021

lol np Idk why it didn't. That's weird.


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Unknown User
02:02 Sep 25, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
02:00 Sep 25, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
23:48 Sep 24, 2021

<removed by user>


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Ash S
15:07 Dec 08, 2021 ✨does happy dance ✨ I'm back!


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Unknown User
19:49 Jan 18, 2022

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
05:08 Jan 19, 2022

Thanks so much!!! :)


Unknown User
05:21 Jan 19, 2022

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
18:38 Dec 13, 2021

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
22:20 Dec 16, 2021



Unknown User
00:09 Dec 17, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
20:04 Nov 28, 2021

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
19:16 Nov 29, 2021

Hahaha that amazing!!!


Unknown User
19:18 Nov 29, 2021

<removed by user>


Maraika!!! 😎
19:13 Nov 30, 2021

LOL I love your name!!!!


Unknown User
21:17 Nov 30, 2021

<removed by user>


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