Fantasy Science Fiction

The trolls told me I was a lightning when I was younger, but I did not believe them and then I forgot two minutes later. Although I do remember them telling me I would be a Queen. It was funny to me because I was little, and I didn’t even know what Lightning was. I thought it was the little bugs that fly around at night and they look like little night lights all over the sky. Oh, you're probably really confused, aren’t you? Let me explain. 

The Earth is divided among powers: Water, Ice, Fire, Air, Earth, and Lightning. They used to think there were only four elements of the Earth, and that they didn’t do very much. Now, there are six elements and everyone is born with one of the powers of the elements. For example, my brother was born with the air power. My mother was born with the water power. My father was born with the fire power. You don’t get your powers until you turn fourteen. I am thirteen years old, and I am awaiting my fourteenth birthday. It’s tomorrow. 

I expected that I would get Earth, or Ice because they are the only other power my family doesn’t have. What about Lightning you ask? Well, Lightning is only for the world's leaders. There is the group of Lightnings and they are all rulers of the world. Lightning is the strongest power, so they kind of just decided that they were the rulers.

I woke up the next morning like it was a normal day, but then I remembered that it was my birthday!  I wanted to find out what my power was immediately! I ran outside and started to try to figure out what power I had. I tried pointing my hands at things, you know what you would normally do when you are trying to figure out what power you have gotten. 

Suddenly, all the electricity poles in the neighborhood started buzzing and shooting out sparks. I soon realized that I was a Lightning, and that they would soon be coming to get me. I thought it was pretty cool that I was going to be a ruler of the world. I was basically a daughter of Zeus himself! I started shooting things with lightning bolts and turning the power off and on. Don’t judge me, you know you would do the same thing if you had just found out that you were a lightning. 

Anyway, the lightning’s servants, the Ice came to fly me to the Palace. Oh, did I not mention it is in the sky! I would be living in the clouds, as a Lightning! Not just an Ice that only lived there because they had to. This was awesome!

Then, it hit me. The trolls told me that I was going to be a Queen. That meant, that I was going to be the Queen of the Lightnings! I mean, I am a Queen of a bunch of rulers! That means that I am the Queen of the World. Okay, that is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. The Ices walked me into the Palace. Then, they walked me right on up to the King. His name is Daniel. He has been ruler for only two years, and has just chosen me to be his Queen.

I kneeled down onto my knees and began to greet him. “Nonsense! Stand up!” he said. I stood up and then the words came out of his mouth. “I have chosen you to be my Queen. I have been searching for a Queen ever since I began my heir to the throne. I saw how kind hearted and thoughtful you were and decided that you would be my queen. Now, the Ices will take you to get ready for your coronation.” he said, with a strong voice. I went to my room. It was huge! It had everything from candy to jewelry. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be the Queen of the Lightnings and the World!

The Ices started getting me ready for the coronation, I thought it was a little fast for a coronation, but apparently the Lightnings were in desperate need of a Queen. The Ices did my make up and hair. Then they even fitted a beautiful gown to fit me. It was gorgeous. It was a light blue with gold accents. The Ices were very kind to me. They told me their names and even told me about themselves. My favorite Ice was Brianna, she was kind but also kind of a tough-love kind of person. I liked her a lot. Good thing was that she was my lady in waiting. 

I had never actually been the type of person to do my hair and make up and dress up real nice or anything like that. I did like to host tea parties when I was little. I would always have my friends come over and we would use my plastic tea set. I loved that little tea set so much, I think it is still somewhere in the attic. 

I practiced my coronation ceremony over and over again before the coronation. I was really nervous about messing up and dropping the items that were necessary for the Queen’s coronation. There were many traditions that the Lightnings had that I would have to become accustomed to. I was alright with that, though. 

Finally, it was time for the coronation. I was ready. I had practiced over and over again. It would go great. “You will do fine.” Brianna said, seeing the nervousness in my face. I went up to the altar and began my speech. When I finished, Brianna looked at me reassuringly. I knew that I had done great. 

That is the story of how I became the Queen of the Lightnings, and the story of how I made history. I made it to where we could all live where we wanted and do what we wanted with our powers. I was still the Queen though. Daniel was still the King, too. Brianna decided to stay my servant, but also become my best friend.

October 08, 2020 19:19

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Kaitlyn James
16:29 Oct 09, 2020

This one has to be my weirdest yet, but I kind of like it. Comment your favorite part and I would be happy to reply and check out a story of yours!


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12:20 Oct 15, 2020

Oooooooh! Nice work! Such a creative story and I love anything fantasy with superpowers 😂 Have you watch Avatar: The Last Airbender? It’s an awesome anime show that this story reminded me of. Anyways, great job!


Kaitlyn James
13:07 Oct 15, 2020

Thank yous so much! I have watched it and it is pretty good. I am so glad you decided to check out one of my stories, like I told you in a comment I am sure that you've seen you are like a celeb to me lol.


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Kaitlyn James
13:10 Oct 15, 2020

Omg thank you so much for following! THIS IS AWESOME!


13:21 Oct 15, 2020

Lol my pleasure. YEEEEET


Kaitlyn James
13:24 Oct 15, 2020

lol what are you yeeting?


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Sia S
04:22 Oct 15, 2020

Wow! Good job on this! My recent story was a little similar!!


Kaitlyn James
01:27 Oct 16, 2020

Sorry I was at soccer practice and I’d not check my phone. That’s funny! What story?


Sia S
02:21 Oct 16, 2020

Its okay! O was just saying that my latest story is a little similar. Great minds think alike! ;)


Kaitlyn James
02:40 Oct 16, 2020

Lol they do don't they


Sia S
04:21 Oct 16, 2020

Hehe yeah


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Raquel Rodriguez
17:04 Oct 13, 2020

Hey Kaitlyn! I love the top paragraph of your story! It's so fun! This is great! :) I can definitely relate to this because I always forget things :P Also, can I say, wow! You know a lot more than you think you do! When I was 10 (cause I'm 11, turning 12 this year), I didn't know that people could do stuff like: '"We have to leave. Like, right now," she whispered, cupping her hand around his ear.'


Kaitlyn James
19:20 Oct 13, 2020

That’s cool! I’m glad that you liked it! I’m eleven too! So glad to see other young writers! When is your birthday?


Raquel Rodriguez
23:49 Oct 13, 2020

December 27, that's why I'm still 11. :P I'm the youngest in my class, lol > O <


Kaitlyn James
02:14 Oct 14, 2020

Me too! Are you in 6th grade too? My birthday is May 12, so I won't be 12 until the end of the school year. lol


Raquel Rodriguez
13:18 Oct 14, 2020

I'm in 7th grade :P


Kaitlyn James
18:06 Oct 14, 2020

Nice, I’m still in sixth lol


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Sarah Parker
22:20 Jun 24, 2022

I love the story. It was really interesting!!! I love the part about the powers.


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