Spend the Night at The Masons

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt


Gay High School Romance

He had to admit, though the house was big, it wasn't the type of style he thought the Masons would go for. Jay thought that they would go for more of a... modern look, not the very classic, family-oriented home that he found himself in now. After waking up in a comfy, warm bed that he would never mistake for his own, shirtless and wrapped around another boy, he decided that it was a great time to look around and try to remember what exactly happened last night and where he was. That was when he ran across the picture of Mr. and Mrs. Mason with their 2 twin children, Camron and Cacy, better known as simply the Masons.

The Masons were all well-known, not because Mr. Mason owned half of the town, and not because Mrs. Mason was the meteorologist for the Channel 5 News, but because of their children. Cacy was the captain of 'The Girls', a club for young teenage girls to earn extra community service points by going to old folks' homes, giving them baths, and styling them up. Camron was like any stereotypical jock, playing every sport known to man. While they may have seemed like the typical 'jock and mean girl,' they weren't. With 4.0 GPAs, they were also both known for their smarts, as well as for being everyone's friend. It didn't matter if you were a geek or just someone in the background like Jay, the Mason twins noticed you.

After a little while of looking around the rather large two-story home, Jay returned to the room where he had first woken up. He hadn’t gotten a good look at the boy who he'd been spooning when he woke up, and he was getting curious as to who he was. Jay was like any other boy. He liked playing sports and going to parties. His grades weren't stellar enough to make him stick out, but he wasn't one to fail his classes either. He had a good group of friends who he would die for, and he was gay. You wouldn't have noticed; it wasn't like he wore dresses or high heels. He was just Jay, who happened to be gay

Jay walked around the room looking for his shirt, shoes, and socks, and found them all over the room in the most random places, like the bathtub and the light fixture that was hanging over the boy still in the bed. After getting dressed and making sure that he still had his car keys and wallet in his pants, he rounded the bed and tried to get a good look. From what he could see, the boy had loose light brown curls and slightly tanned skin with a slight blush of freckles. Jay himself had dark brown, almost black, hair and a pair of hazel eyes that he got from his mother. 

Jay smiled at the boy under the blanket and wondered who he was. He could be from anywhere; the parties that the Mason twins threw could have anyone in attendance, from up to three towns over, so this boy really could be anyone. Jay sighed and sat back on the bed. He looked around the room once more from where he was sitting and actually saw the room for the first time. It was painted a nice soft green with a white ceiling and trim, along with a very light cream-colored carpet. On the walls of the room were various sports trophies, and even some for academic things like spelling bees and math tournaments.

Something across the room caught Jay’s eye and he stood up to go look at it, not noticing that the movement of the bed stirred the boy. It turned out to be a picture of two small boys at what seemed to be a very large tree. The more he looked the more he noticed. One of the boys looked familiar and as Jay glanced at the boy he realized why. Of course, it was Camron Mason and after looking around the room again, he figured out that this was his room. All the awards had his name on them, and Jay cursed himself for not noticing it earlier when he had to grab his shirt off of one of the shelves.

"You know," the voice behind him startled him. It wasn't very deep but deep enough and raspy from sleep. "Most people wait for me to wake up before they start snooping around my room." Jay didn't have to turn around to see who it was, and he couldn't believe he hadn’t realized it sooner. Of course, it was him, why wouldn't it be? Jay mentally gave himself a facepalm before slowly turning around to face the grinning shirtless boy sitting up, covered by only a blanket. "Uh... Hi there Camron didn't see you there..." Camron only laughed and laid back down full on the bed, stretching. "Well, pretty sure you saw enough of me last night." Jay's face turned beet red as he watched Camron stretch his muscles, watching their every movement as he began to try to remember what happened last night and why he was in bed with Camron Mason. Camron only laughed and got out of bed, reaching on the ground for a discarded pair of sweatpants. Jay promptly turned his head away before he could see anything and started to ramble, which was one of the things he was great at doing. "Uh yeah, I went to go home but then forgot my keys in here. And my shirt. And my socks and shoes. But I came back in and I was like, 'Hey I might as well look around while I have the chance,' and then I figured that I might as well stick around and start cleaning because it is a mess out there, the-" But he stopped short when Camron started laughing.

"Dude, it's ok. I'm not pissed or anything was just confused for a second. Wait, did you just say that you would help clean?" Jay turned back around to face a thankfully semi-clothed Camron who was looking around the room with disgust. "I could really use the help. I told Cacy that she needs to stop inviting everyone from the whole state but she says that a bigger party is always more fun." Jay just stayed quiet as he watched Camron walk to the bathroom. "Where is she now that we have to clean, huh? God, she's such a bother." 

Camron came back out with multiple red cups containing various liquids. Jay took that as a sign and started to grab some of the trash around the room. They both slowly made their way through the house, asking stray party-goers who had stayed over to help. Most people just left, but some stayed and started to help clean. By midday, all the cups and trash were picked up, but the house was still a mess. Jay could still smell the sweat and various bodily fluids around the house and took that as a clue to get too deep cleaning mode. 

Jay was not a clean freak. At least, that’s what he told everyone, but they all knew that he really was. He always had everything clean and in order and even carried cleaning supplies around with him wherever he went. It’s not like Jayminded getting dirty, he just liked to be clean afterward. When he saw the state of the kitchen and bathrooms, he went into cleaning mode. He wanted to leave them spotless, and he wouldn't leave the house without them looking like they were cleaned every day by the best cleaner in the world. It was the least he could do after spending the night. He felt like he cleaned for hours, but he was finally finished with everything and was very proud of himself. Just as Jay was putting the cleaning supplies away, Camron walked into the room and whistled. ¨Damn, you clean better than the maid, maybe I should hire you instead.¨ Jay just laughed the joke away and continued to put the supplies away when he felt a hand on his back, making him jump and hit his head on the counter above him. In all of his time cleaning, Jay forgot about what he had woken up to this morning and why exactly he was here in the first place. ¨Oww, ok sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you like that.¨ Camron backed away from Jay a half step to let the other boy get out fully from under the counter. ¨Oh, no it’s ok, I just wasn't expecting… that…” Jay looked over that the still shirtless Camron and muttered under his breath, “I didn't even know you were gay.” He hadn't meant for him to hear the comment, and so his face turned beet red when Camron started to laugh. After his laughing fit, he finally said, “Neither did I. I still don't think I am, more bi-curious? I don't know what I like, but I definitely liked last night, but I also like girls, so I really have no clue.” 

They just looked at each other for a moment before a loud ring cut through the air, making both boys jump. It was Jay's phone, and when he looked at it his blood ran cold. “Hey, I need to get home, like now. Last night was fun and all but my mom is gonna kill me, so I'll see you later, alright? Bye.” Then Jay all but ran out the door trying to make it home while getting berated by his mother for staying out without letting her know.

May 14, 2021 18:23

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Taniya Kelly
03:16 May 22, 2021

I LOVED THIS SO MUCH!!!! Although you had some grammar and spelling issues, the moral was great and it fitted so well with the title! PLEASE WRITE MORE! I LOVE THISSSSS!!! <3


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Chloe McLellan
15:08 May 21, 2021

I loved this! Please write more!!!


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