What could possibly go wrong?

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Funny

It was a warm, sunny November day, or, in Nancy's words, "The perfect day for a party." She was a budding party planner, wanting to plan a party every second of everyday of the week. Her mother, on the other hand, knew that this was just a 'fling' and would be over sooner than Nancy's desire for becoming a horticulturalist. 

"Mom, I am going to the supermarket. I need to buy some supplies and get this party started!" Nancy ran off even before her mother could say anything. 

She went towards the main street, which was probably the only street in this little suburban town of Gatesdow. Making her way past the various pre-World War cars and antique shops, Nancy finally reached the supermarket. Gatesdow had a humungous amount of aged population and most of the things they owned were even older than this Earth. The supermarket was "The only good thing that had happened to Gatesdow, except for me, of course", Nancy used to tell everyone she met. 

The supermarket was very busy that day, there were about five customers there. This was possibly due to the 'Flat 50% off' sale going on. Nancy was finding her way across the market and towards the 'Party' section when she met with a fatal accident that could have probably killed her. A raccoon was trying to take hold of a streamer and run away with it. If she wouldn't have jumped out of its way in time, she would have been knocked dead.

She went on and added everything that she needed to her shopping cart. Streamers, chocolates, party-poppers, glitter. Her cart was overloaded with party stuff. The other customers all thought the same thing, "This time Nancy’s party planning. I hope this fling lasts longer than her previous ones, it could really be lovely to lighten things up here, especially for the children. They've been through a lot."

Last summer, there was a huge explosion at Gatesdow. It was because of the fact that it was located in the 'No Man's Land' and there was a war going on. The explosion had wiped out the entire Gatesdow School and the community centre. Since then, no school or activity arena had been built for the children and they all were feeling very neglected. Most of them took the wrong path and ended up stealing, but only few like Nancy and her group of friends remained in the light. 

Although her mother didn't approve of Nancy's swift mood swings and ideas, she was really happy that Nancy was following her heart and trying her best to forget the incidents of the past year. 

After shopping, Nancy went straight back to work. She made the invites, thought up of a theme and made dinner for the upcoming guests. She found little time for herself or her family and friends that evening. At 7 p.m., she stood outside her house and took a deep breath. She'd done it all, all by herself, she thought, 'I've finally found my thing. This is going to be the best party the people of Gatesdow have had in a long time. I have planned everything. What could possibly go wrong now at the eleventh hour?’

Realization struck. She had forgotten to send the invites!

She was so busy doing all the work that she forgot to send the invites to the guests. Springing into action, she phoned each and every one of her guests, asked them to attend the party and mentioned the theme along with the dress code. All was well now. What could possibly go wrong after this? Nancy got ready for the guests. She went upstairs to her room and opened her cupboard. 

Moment of truth! She had told everyone that the dress code was to be a colourful blast, but she herself had only black, white, grey and brown clothes! All her coloured dresses were in the laundry. She was supposed to do it that day, but she was so busy with the planning that she'd forgotten about that. 

That was a 'major disaster'. Nancy couldn't host her own party without dressing appropriately. She whacked her brain. An idea struck to her. She went down the lane and knocked the door. Her cousin lived there. She was approximately the same size and had fabulous dresses. She asked her to lend her a dress.

Ashley, her cousin, said, "Nancy, how can you plan a party, decide the theme and not have an appropriate dress? You're weird, cuz. Well, no problem, come in. You can borrow any dress you want."

"Thanks Ashley. I owe you one. Why aren't you ready yet? I thought you were supposed to come up early, to help me set a few last-minute things up?"

"Yeah, about that. I am actually doing some work right now for my university application. I need to do it before the party. So, I won't be able to help you. Sorry."

"No biggie. Best of luck!"

Slowly, Nancy made her way back home to get everything under control. By the time she was done, there was hardly any time for her to get ready. She thought, 'Great! I am hosting this party, I myself am late, underdressed and the party hasn't even started yet. I am exhausted! What could possibly go wrong now to make things worse?'

She went back downstairs. The guests had started to arrive. She greeted each one of them with a big, fat smile and went on. She could do it. She could make it happen. 'Probably this party won't be so bad after all', she thought. 

Just as she thought those words, she heard a bang. Rushing over to the site of the disaster, she found Rex, the hound next door and a stray cat fighting. She put two and two together and realized what had happened. It was a cat-dog fight. There was nothing she could do about it. This was one of the feuds going on for centuries. She continued the meet and greet. 

What happened next was not a very appropriate behaviour of the guests. Nancy saw one of her guests tripping over Rex, flying into the air, and landing flat on her face. The little girl who had fallen instantly became the centre of attention. She needed medical attention, but instead, all the guests were busy laughing. They all thought that it was a part of the party entertainment. Little did they know that the 'party entertainment' had not even been called up!

Gatesdow, being a small town, had just one singing-dancing group. Nancy's thoughts were occupied by the perfect looking party that she forgot to call the Gatesdow Grandeur: the entertainment group to make her party the perfect-sounding party.

The moment she was free, Nancy quickly went over to the girl who had fallen and was now sitting on the chair. She was crying and no one was paying any attention to her. Nancy took her to her neighbour, Dr. Smith and asked her to trust his medical abilities.

A plethora of thoughts and emotions ran into Nancy's head as she went back to the party she had started to host with full zeal and enthusiasm and now was feeling way too droopy to even think about continuing it. 'This party is SO not going well. I forgot to send the invites AND the dress code for myself; a girl was hurt; Rex fell into a fight with a local cat and now, the people are getting very agitated because there is no entertainment for them. I don't know why this didn't work out. What else could possibly go wrong after all this?' She gave a deep sigh. 

Her last words were like the perfect cue for the armed forces just a few kilometres away from Gatesdow. Both the forces started firing and sending explosions in each direction. 

The party ended.

Everyone went home, to stay with their families and to be safe. No one wanted to celebrate or party in the middle of a war. Gatesdow had had many rough days and this was supposedly just another one of them, everyone thought. Everyone had just one hope, that Gatesdow should not be affected by the war, else the people will have no choice but to leave the town and choose sides between two countries. 

Throughout the night, people were up due to the continuous sound of explosions and firing. 

The next morning, Nancy got up. She was excited. Not just because the war had stopped a few minutes ago, nut because she had an idea. 

She spoke to her mother, "Mom, I am not a party planner by any chance. Yesterday's party was a disaster. I am never going to throw a party for myself or for anyone else ever. But I might have just found out my thing after all. I think I am going to be a Peace Settler. I am going to fight with both the countries for the rights of Gatesdow and its citizens. I am going to make sure that none of the Gatesdowians face any trouble due to the war. I will make it a point to re-install a school and a community centre here. I am going to make life better for everyone. This is going to be my identity, our identity now, Peace Settlers."

Her mother glowed with happiness. Nancy had finally found something to do for the society with her abilities after all, 'what could possibly go wrong?’

May 10, 2021 19:30

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TJ Squared
03:50 May 20, 2021

nice story! I feel like it's so very relatable because 'what can go wrong?' XD Super great job overall with the details and plot :) I liked the idea of Peace Settlers, and I too strive to be one ;)


Dhwani Jain
06:38 May 20, 2021

Thanks! Yes, we really need more Peace Settlers in the world, especially these days, when almost everyday you hear some or the other country is about to start a war...


TJ Squared
13:11 May 20, 2021

yeah, exactly.


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Dhwani Jain
17:44 May 17, 2021

Hello! I hope you like this story. I have written it in the best possible way and have tried my best to bring the characters to life. I would appreciate it if you would leave a review comment below and read my blog : www.djdhwanijain.wordpress.com Thank you for reading and enjoying my story!


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Moon Fox
02:52 Jul 26, 2021

Movie is COCO! I <3 that movie. *=*


Dhwani Jain
03:10 Jul 26, 2021

Nope....I asked for the character, the movie is correct though...and the other one is a song....


Moon Fox
12:27 Jul 26, 2021

Is is Miguel? I can never spell that right.


Dhwani Jain
12:28 Jul 26, 2021

Yeah...what about the song?


Moon Fox
12:30 Jul 26, 2021

No clue. :)


Moon Fox
12:30 Jul 26, 2021

Should I delete this thread?


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Dhwani Jain
12:32 Jul 26, 2021

Think...it's a SUPER FAMOUS Disney song. Also, check your reward at the end of my bio


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04:07 Jul 07, 2021

✌ lolz- My question is, well, do you mind giving me a general age range? (Like 10-20 something.) Because like you act really young (like a teen, although I’ve gotten oLdEr ViBeS from you. Maybe early 20’s? teehee) but then I saw in your bio you’re a TEACHER, which means- WELL IDK THAT’S WHY I’M ASKINGG Sorry if this comes off as creepy I’m just mighty confused lol


Dhwani Jain
06:33 Jul 07, 2021

haha! Well, I don't want to reveal my age. Yeah, I am in the 10-20 range only. Also, by teacher, I meant that I teach my grandmother (technical stuff) and my cousins (school stuff). Why OlDeR ViBeS? Tell me how old? What's your approx. age? Where are you from?


14:17 Jul 07, 2021

Ahhhh that’s kinda what I thought, thanks XD I dunno lol, I just meant the age range could bump up to like 10-25. :D 10-15, on the younger side :) The US 🌎 Wbu hehe?


Dhwani Jain
14:19 Jul 07, 2021

Oh....I am on the older side... I am from India! Nice to meet you!


00:46 Jul 08, 2021

Noice! You too!


Dhwani Jain
02:46 Jul 08, 2021

Please read my stories and comment your reviews on them. I too want to read more of your stories. Any suggestions?


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09:46 Jun 26, 2021

Great story. I saw myself as Nancy, always thinking she has everything under control, until she realizes that something is missing... good job! :-)


Dhwani Jain
09:52 Jun 26, 2021

Thanks Susana....yeah, we all have a part of Nancy in us :)


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