Pixie God

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny

It was that time of year again, and the city was in chaos. Fire hydrants were somehow on fire. Silly string was laced between trees and bushes. Rouge rolls of toilet paper bounded down the road. And lets not even start on the slime dripping down the front of the buildings. It was the time of year the citizens regret the actions of their city founders. If only they had not invited that damn pixie god to stay as long as they wanted.

"Incoming!" A voice yelled, everyone on the open street quickly running for cover.

A high pitched cackling flew through the air as the short winged being zipped through the streets; their arms fill with feathered pillows and a bucket of tar swinging wildly from one ankle. Hurtling around a corner and off to their next target, the pixie gods face split into a wide grin.

"Why do we have to go through this every. Single. Year?" Maria sighed, collapsing on to a chair out front of a cafe. "Its honestly getting a bit much."

Maria was tall with deep, coffee brown skin, waist length shiny black hair. Her eyes were a startling green and a silver necklace chain hung around her neck; the deep red pendant glittered in the sun.

"Awww~ I promised only to have fun once a year," a silky voice purred next to her. "That was the deal for staying in the city. And I like it here, so I'm keeping up my end of the bargain."

The person on the seat across from her grinned cheekily. Their pointed ears glittered with sliver piercings, sparkling yellow eyes and short spiky green hair. Swirling black tattoos ran up each arm and across their throat; the black ink marking across their forehead twisted together to create a delicate pattern.

"Heya, Maria," they smirked, wiggling their tar stained fingers at the woman. "How you been? Looking cute as usual."

"Wilton," Maria sighed, looking at the being. "Why do you have to go so far every year? The clean up always takes couple of days."

"Boo. You're no fun. anymore!" Wilton pouted, slumping over the table top. "You use to love pranking everyone with me when you were a kid! What happened to that fun kid?"

"I grew up."

"So sad," Wilton whined, puffing out their cheeks. "I'm thousands of years old and I still enjoy having fun!"

"You're a pixie and a god of tricks," Maria said, pulling out her phone to check the time. "You are truely incapable of growing up from a mental standpoint."

"Oh, ouch, what a blow to my ego!" The pixie sneered, snapping their fingers and causing a mushroom cloud of bright pink glitter to erupt somewhere across the city. "Your so mean to me."

"Oh quit it," Maria sighed. "We both know that that didn't hurt your ego in any way."

"Yeah, you're right!" Wilton snickered, leaning back on their chair; a cheeky twinkle in their yellow eyes. "I'm all to use to that by now. But I don't care. I have my day of fun each year, so I'm happy."

Whispers around the pair hissed like snakes; pointing out the god of the city. Some people were speckled with slime or tar and feathers. A car drove by trailing pink glitter, the drivers hair sticking up at odd angles and a startled look on his face. Glares were sent from all around at the pixie god.

"Well! I'm off to pull more pranks!" Wilton giggled. "I shall see you, later!"

Standing up and stretching their arms above their head, flexing their shoulders back and spreading thin, iridescent wings. Fluttering their wings at a blinding pace, a soft buzzing starting up as Wilton took off; flitting around like a dragonfly. Waving goodbye with a smile, the pixie flew off down the street; weaving between cars and people all while laughing with complete joy. Watching the being fly away, Maria felt the corner of her mouth twitch with amusement as shouts of annoyance and honking filled the air; thinking back to years ago. When she would run free with the cheeky god.


"Maria! I found you!" Wilton cheered, sticking his head under the table with a wide grin. "So, what to do with you now?"

With a squeal, the little girl was dragged out from under the table by her ankle and being pulled into the air. Held up to the height of the short god, a cheeky grin plastered across their face.

"You lost our game little miss," the pixie tutted, tapping a finger against their chin with a look of deep thought on their face. "Now. What sort of punishment should I give you? Oh! I know!"

Reaching out a hand to the small girl, a smile pulling up their lips as the little girl shrieked in delight, desperately wiggling and squirming in the air. With a laugh like chiming bells, Wilton continued to tickle the girl; watching her eyes sparkle with joy. Tossing her high into the air, Wilton quickly flew up and court her mid-fall, smiling down at her.

"Ready to go cause chaos, Mari?" Wilton asked, razing a green eyebrow. "Guess what day it is."

"What!" Little Maria giggled, her big green eyes shining brightly.

"April 1st!" Wilton cheered. "The one day in the year where I can cause as much trouble and pull as many pranks as I want until my heart is content! Wanna help me this year?"

"Yeah!" Little Maria squealed, clapping her chubby little hands as they flew through the city, zipping in and out of parked cars.


"Why do you stand talking to that creature?" A waitress asked; glaring down the street.

The waitress had a feather stuck in her hair and a annoyed look on her face. Her apron was stained with brightly coloured patches and a sticker that read "I never got a pony for my birthday" was stuck on her cheek.

"Because," Maria said, looking at her phones background picture; the smiling faces of her and Wilton grinned back at her. "Their a friend."

April 03, 2021 03:28

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