Funny Kids Fiction

𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐒π₯𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐀

"I...I don't feel good about this at all guys. We shouldn't do this! In fact, school is over! We shouldn't even be here." he warns everyone in a shaky and trembling voice.

He tries to persuade everyone to go back, to go home. In fact, Matthew was right. They weren't supposed to be in the school at 1:00 am. But there was nothing he could do which would change their minds about it. His "friends" never cared about his words, they even ignored him, as they continued to construct their plan.

"Do you guys not hear me?!" he wails at them.

"We do Mat, but you see, you are talking like a kindergartner. You are acting immature." their group leader, Ryan, tells him.

"Oh really? I am the one acting immature? Take a good look at yourselves. I mean first sneaking out your houses and sneaking into school early morning and pulling out a prank for the entire school! Isn't that immature?" he shouts back, hoping for them to just go home.

"Ha! Mat, don't you wanna be with the cool kids? Don't you wanna gain popularity to win that school election? Well, if you want to, you better listen to us. After this prank, we will be the kingsβ€”" as Ryan was talking, Malaya interrupted.

"Um...Ryan! I told you, consider us! Consider the girls in the group! We will be the kings and queens of the school after this prank succeeds, right Tan?" Malaya asked, now glancing at her.

"Of course M! You said it!" Tanya exclaimed quietly.

"Well, I don't know that fiasco was, but that's not the point here. The point here is that after you listen to us, on election day, we will bribe everyone and lie all about the other contestants and say that you are the best and they aren't. We'll make up rumors and fake stories about them so that you get support. Wasn't that our deal Mat?" he looked at Matthew again, in a very serious manner.

"Yβ€”yes. I guess little dirty tricks to reach our goal won't hurt, right?" he asked looking very unsure about everything he was doing right now.

"Uh-uh," he replied, looking very cool and chillaxed. 

"Hey M, how's everything going on your side? Did you fill every locker with shaving cream?" he asked.

"Yup! Also, I just noticed that my hands smell amazing." Malaya chuckled and continued sniffing her hands.

"Ok, that was too much information, anyways, Tan, what about you?" Ryan now questioned Tanya.

"Everything is going as smooth as possible. I'm glad that we're on a ladder. The front hall is filled with glue, except, of course, our lockers and our entrance." she chuckled and shook the bottle of glue, which was almost empty.

"Matthew? Are you feeling good? Everything going according to plan?" he turned to face him.

"Yeah! Of-of course! Why wouldn't it? The...umm, lockers have all been debugged, so, umm...none of the lockers, except ours, will explode the shaving cream we installed." he reported uneasily.

"Good. Of course, since I am the group leader and the man behind the plan, my work is perfect. The graffiti is good. The ceilings, classroom windows, and even the nerds' lockers are all colorful. Didn't miss a spot everyone. Looks like we are done with the prank." he patted his back, and so did everyone, everyone except Matthew because a terrible thought had occurred to him.

"Are you sure no one saw what we did, Ryan? That you taped and broke the camera part of the security cameras?" he asked, just to confirm that he was safe.

"Matthew, I didn't miss a single one," he reassured him, and they all got out of the school using their secret exit and enter door, which was actually prohibited for any students.


It was the next day of school. Everyone was about to be in a huge shock.

"AHHHHH!!! MY FEET ARE STUCK!" screams a girl.


"MY LOCKER ISN'T EVEN OPENING!" another girl shouts.


The entire school was in chaos, even the teachers.

"Whoβ€”who drew on my door?" the teachers were in shock.

"Who made the rooms a mess?" and some were just confused.

"Oh, my lord! Who would ever break the security cameras?" wailed a school security guard.

Amidst all the havoc in school came Ryan, Malaya, Tanya, and of course, Matthew.

"Ha! Our plan worked!" Ryan laughed and whispered to them.

"You're right! This is so funny to watch!" Malaya too, chuckled very hard.

"Oh my gosh! Look at everyone! Ha! Those fools are screaming for help! This was such a dope plan, Ryan! You're the man!" Tanya giggled and fist-bumped him.

"What happened Matthew? Why do you look so...so sad? Didn't have a good breakfast or something?" Ryan asked, almost teasing him.

What have I done?! I...I shouldn't have done this...I hate myself! The entire school is panicking. I shouldn't have been part of this. I don't care about what Ryan, Malaya, or what Tanya thinks of me. I don't care if I won't win the school election. In fact Iβ€”I don't even want to participate in it. They knew I couldn't handle such a terrible thing we did. I just have to step up to the school and admit that it was our prank, our fault this happened, no matter what they think of me. Matthew thought, inside his head.

He was almost rehearsing what to say to the school, what to react when everyone in the school comes to learn that it was part of his fault the school got ruined.

"I will soon feel fine, Ryan, after I admit the truth about what we did," Matthew replied, as he ran to the front of the school to call everyone.

"No! He can't do that!" Ryan yelled.

"I told you, Ryan, we shouldn't have trusted that buffoon." Malaya snapped and stylishly tossed her hair.

"M's right. Ugh! That...that donkey over there is going to spoil our plan. He thinks he's such an honest monkey!" she too, copied what Malaya was doing, and tossed her short hair.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE!! I have to admit something. You all know that I can't lie, so here I go. The reason the school is like this is partly because of me. Not just me, but Ryan, Malaya, and Tanya as well. I told them not to sneak into the school at 1 am, sneak out of their houses too! I told them to not shove shaving cream in lockers, or draw on people's lockers. But I can't completely blame them. The reason your lockers either splashed shaving cream on you or if the lockers weren't working was that I debugged the locking system. I know I shouldn't have done that, but I fell into peer-pressure. I'm sorry." Matthew told what he wanted to say, and even though he knew he was going to get in a lot of consequences with his teachers, classmates, and Ryan, and the rest, somewhere in his heart, he felt relief. 

He felt better for being honest.

~The End~

January 12, 2021 21:46

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Hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your Tuesday! More about this story: 1. Honestly, I really enjoyed writing this very silly and funny story. I felt that instead of making this such a complicated plot, if it was structured in school, the plot won't be so complex and much easier to understand. Besides, I needed to write an easy story like this. XP 2. Also, I kind of pushed myself to come up with a story for this prompt because what my problem was for this is that I really liked the prompt, but had absolutely no ideas for it...so yea...


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Hi Hari!!!! Wow, this was such a fun story to read, I really enjoyed this so much! YAY!!! 70 stories!!!!! Congrads *Hugs* I'm so happy for you!


Hello Varsha! I am so glad you liked the story, and I return this to you too! πŸ€—


Of course!! Thank you too! Also looks like Up voter found one of the down voters. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/olivia-henderson/comments/ Check out the comments.


Well...just be positive. Reedsy isn't really about the points, and should have NEVER been. If was always supposed to be about writing, and reading. Helping people to improve their skills and other things geared to that. Not about downvotes, or upvotes, or any of that. I wish someone in here would understand what I mean by this!


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Emma Taylor
21:06 Jan 13, 2021

Great story, i am giggling to myself right now


Haha, I am so glad you liked it! I can't believe made you chuckle! :)


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16:44 Jan 13, 2021

Amethyst KEEPS GETTING DOWNVOTED. Like the more we upvote her, the more she gets downvoted. UGHHH THIS IS BECOMING WAYY TO COMMON. Me and Luke ran out of comments to upvote :((( do you mind upvoting her?


16:50 Jan 13, 2021



Of course! I literally just upvoted Celeste, so I'm free!


16:51 Jan 13, 2021



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- -
14:02 Jan 13, 2021

HAHAHAHAHAHA Such a silly story, I feel like this should be a fable


Haha, you are right! XP Anyways, thanks for commenting!


- -
22:14 Jan 13, 2021

Of course :DD


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Writer Maniac
11:17 Jan 13, 2021

I really liked this story! I felt it was too rushed and predictable though, looking at the prompt. Maybe you could have started off with the confession and then had a flashback or something to make it more interesting, just my suggestion. I really liked it though! Great job! I would love some feedback on a new story that I just posted called 'All I've Ever Wanted' :)


Thank you for your feedback, and yes, I will read the new story!


Writer Maniac
10:48 Jan 14, 2021

Could you please check it out and leave some feedback?


Of course, sorry I only had time to 'like' your story yesterday!!


Writer Maniac
15:31 Jan 14, 2021

That's totally fine, I didn't get a notification though...


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<inactive> .
10:06 Jan 13, 2021

This is so funny! I like the moral too, the way you presented it made it feel like i was learning 'honesty is the best policy' all over again. The ending did feel a bit rushed and incomplete, still dunno why, lemme read it again Very interesting plot line and believable characters! Great job~~


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Up Voter
01:08 Jan 13, 2021

Omg, I loved this story!! It was silly, interesting, and unique. The plot had me hooked (I love stories structured in school) :)) Magnificent job!! <3


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