Funny Speculative

Hi. My name is Pete and I’m a squirrel! I’m one of those gray squirrels (we’re actually golden brown, but that’s what you idiots labeled our species for some inexplicable reason) and I live across the street from you over there in the park. You’ve probably seen me and my friends before. We are always out and about. You probably think we are cute, but trust me, we hate you. You suck.

I remember when you guys had that whole beautiful, wonderful “COVID-19 Pandemic” thing a few years back. That was the best! Most brilliant idea you guys ever had. Loved it! Barely saw you guys for months. Your stupid cars and trucks weren’t spitting out smoke and running us down in the street. You guys are real assholes. Do you know that?

Sure, there are some among you, mostly older folks, who are kind to us. They sometimes come and sit on the park benches and they feed us breadcrumbs and other stuff that we like. We appreciate that. Those people are totally cool. We won’t hurt them. They are welcomed in our new world, but the rest of you are not. You guys have to fuck off somewhere. Maybe Antarctica.

And that’s what I’m here to tell you. The Uprising is coming on Tuesday around lunchtime. We don’t have your stupid fucking wristwatches and iPhones and stuff like that so we won’t know exactly when the clock strikes noon, but we can just look at the sky. We know. We can figure it out. We'll know when you are heading out for lunch.

You’re probably just laughing this off by now, right? Here’s what you don’t understand. We are organized and we are unified and we are coming for you. It won't be funny when the shit goes down, I promise you.


Why should you worry about squirrel-based violence, you ask yourself?

Well, have you ever seen a squirrel climb a tree? Is it slow? Is it off-balance? Uncoordinated? Now picture a dozen of us running up onto you all at once and biting at your face and neck before jumping away and coming at you again. Sound fun? We have trained for this. We are ready.

And fuck it. I’ll just tell you the rest, because I don’t think you’re going to take any of it seriously anyway. There's no way you will be ready, no matter what, so here it is...

It’s not just us squirrels. It’s all of us.

It’s the birds and the bees and the stray dogs and cats in the streets and the coyotes and the mountain lions and the brown bears up in the hills.

We’re all in this together. And here in northern California we have a fairly large population of Peregrine Falcons. Did you know that they are the fastest animals on the planet? Peregrine Falcons can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour during their high peak hunting dive. They strike - talons first - at these extreme speeds to incapacitate their prey before ripping flesh from bone. How about dealing with that while a swarm of hornets is stinging you all over your body and a large rabid dog is ravaging your leg? Do you think you can you handle that?

You’re probably asking yourself where all of this hostility comes from. Am I correct? You don’t deserve this, right? Well, as Samuel Jackson’s character Jules said in the classic crime drama Pulp Fiction “Allow me to Retort.” (Yeah, we’ve seen that movie. We love Quentin Tarantino. We’re gonna let him live after The Uprising on Tuesday. I mean, come on. What is life for?)

Anyway, let me get to that retort.

You guys suck.

I suppose I could just leave it there but I will elaborate further for you dumb fucks. You guys have basically been running things for a long time, right? How would you grade your performance? Because I’ll tell you the grade we have to offer. You get an F, and that’s only because there’s no other grade lower than that.

You have been terrible stewards of this planet. You ruined everything. We all have to live here and you continuously fuck it up more and more with each passing year.

I remember my parents - squirrels are the best parents, btw - telling me all sorts of stories passed down through the generations back to the time when you stupid reckless dickheads weren't in charge of everything. Sure, we got eaten by predators sometimes (not often, you know how fast we are) but at least the water in the lakes and streams wasn't polluted and the air was clean and we didn't have to worry about you running us over while we are just minding our own business and simply trying to get from Point A to Point B. Damn, I hate you so much.

And for what? For what? So you can just drive back and forth in your cars or fly around in your airplanes so you can make more money at your pointless jobs and show off your dicks to each other in your stupid text messages? I have a tiny little dick and I don't care at all. Why would that even matter?

Dude, we eat acorns, and we are perfectly happy with that. Fuck you and your stupid T-bone steak dinners with Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley at Smith & Wollensky or your $300 pieces of raw fish at Nobu. Like I said, you guys suck, and we are coming for you.

Remember what I said here and remember my name. My name is Pete and I am leading The Uprising on Tuesday. You will see us then. Get ready!

Lastly, I'm just Pete. I'm not General Pete or Commander Pete or anything like that. We don't decorate ourselves with the silly self-serving little titles that you guys are so fond of. Once The Uprising is over I will just go back to being Pete the squirrel and I will play with my friends up in the branches of the trees, or wherever. I am no one special. I'm just Pete the squirrel.

We are coming. You've been warned. Smile all you want. We are coming for you.


January 17, 2025 06:30

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Brutus Clement
04:12 Feb 05, 2025

I love this story!! Great sense of humor


Thomas Wetzel
08:48 Feb 05, 2025

Thank you so much for the compliment!


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Ken Cartisano
16:50 Jan 28, 2025

Hey Thomas, Speculative, eh? I'm not so sure about that. I'm willing to give you 'Funny' on this one, but I think the second definition should be 'Horror' not 'Speculative Fiction.' That was, I say that was a pretty sassy squirrel in your story, I'd say, and a very entertaining story. But nothin' compared to what we're up against up here in the mountains. I wrote a story about squirrels a few months ago, Thomas. A real-life saga of the struggle for dominance between me and a squirrel. I think I called it 'Boomer.' It was more than a ...


Thomas Wetzel
17:25 Jan 28, 2025

Truth be told, I don't really know what speculative fiction is. It just sounded kind of cool. Also, about 80% of my stories are in the horror genre. I think I just wanted to switch it up. Now, to the issue at hand, do you have any video footage of your epic man vs squirrel non-battle for dominion of the workshop? Because we can cut that up and insert some B-roll and some interviews, turn it into a 10-part miniseries and sell it to Netflix. I would watch that. Who wouldn't watch that? Thanks for reading my story, man. I will check out some ...


Ken Cartisano
16:43 Jan 29, 2025

Very funny comments, Thomas. I would watch anything. I WISH I had footage. Forget the squirrels. I'm always asking my wife, "Did you get that on video?" "What? Wait a minute." She goes in the house and I'm hanging by the doorsill. "Whatayamean wait. Put the ladder back up, will ya?" "Hold on a second. It's the plumber." "The plumber? Kim. The ladder..." And then I fall. But I know how to roll. You wouldn't believe how many things have happened to me that don't get recorded. She's too smart to document my murder is what I think. But she's a g...


Thomas Wetzel
17:42 Jan 29, 2025

Yeah man, I was into skateboarding when I was a kid (definitely a young man's sport) and you have to know how to take a real good slam. I've never fallen off a ladder but I imagine that it's similar to the feeling of a good, solid, cement faceplant when you bail out on a 6-step ollie. Not pleasant. We could make a horror film purely from my x-rays. As long as your wife is a good cook, I would suggest you hang in there. Just get some hidden cameras installed and maybe some test strips for arsenic or fentanyl or whatever for discrete usage be...


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Steven Nimocks
12:33 Jan 24, 2025

Thomas Wetzel's "The Uprising" is a brilliantly crafted piece that turns the traditional nature narrative on its head. Through the distinctive voice of Pete the squirrel, Wetzel delivers a satirical masterpiece that manages to be simultaneously hilarious and thought-provoking. The author's choice to tell the story from a squirrel's perspective proves ingenious, allowing for both pointed criticism of human society and moments of unexpected wisdom. What truly sets this piece apart is how it balances sharp wit with genuine environmental concern...


Thomas Wetzel
14:17 Jan 24, 2025

Dude, I am floored. What a delightful review. You are so kind. Thank you so much for reading and commenting so generously on my story. You have inspired me to write something better next time. Thank you so much, Steven. Genuinely appreciated! I'm so glad you liked the audacious voice of Pete the squirrel. I promise to bring the heat again.


Steven Nimocks
18:47 Jan 24, 2025

I really liked the talking squirrel. Animals can be so smart. I'll give you a spoiler. In a novel I am currently writing (and hope to publish this year), my protagonist has a pet monkey. Through the course of the story, 'something' happens, and to everyone's surprise, the monkey can talk. Boy, do I have fun developing his character!


Thomas Wetzel
18:10 Jan 25, 2025

That sounds really cool! Have you ever read "Bad Monkey" by Carl Hiaasen by any chance? The monkey doesn't speak but he is hysterical. Good luck with your novel, my friend. I wish you all the best and hope you are well.


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Elizabeth Rich
20:19 Jan 23, 2025

Dude, how do I get in touch with you? I have an idea. I'm BethDRich...with the gmail.


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Keba Ghardt
13:44 Jan 23, 2025

Rabid fun, dude, best apocalypse. I don't get much time for park benches, but I'm ready either way


Thomas Wetzel
19:58 Jan 23, 2025

Keba! My favorite homeboy on this whole site. (Do people still say homeboy?) Thanks for reading my story. You're one dude who I know won't be offended by the extensive profanity. Hope you are well, mi amigo. Btw, I shouldn't assume you are my homeboy. Maybe you are my homegirl? I don't give a fuck. Makes no difference. Just never met a Keba before. You're aces in my book whatever.


Keba Ghardt
22:01 Jan 23, 2025

Ha ha if I get that surgery, I'll let you know. We're bros in different area codes


Thomas Wetzel
00:22 Jan 24, 2025

Okay, that's what I thought. Just don't want to assume. Hope you are well!


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Linda Kenah
00:32 Jan 21, 2025

Haha-the attack of the squirrels! I live in the woods, and there are plenty of Pete’s buddies around here. And they do have a community (who knows what they are planning?). We saw a fox capture a squirrel a while ago- walking with it in its mouth. Tons of squirrels in the trees started screeching simultaneously. Very loud. Clearly telling Mr. Fox to let their friend go! Not sure if the fox listened as he ran off into the woods. Very creative story! Well done!


Thomas Wetzel
08:44 Jan 21, 2025

Thank you, Linda. Your comments are most appreciated! I pretend to hate squirrels for no real reason but in truth I love them. Just adorable and so fast! Try to catch a squirrel. Go ahead and try. Usain Bolt couldn't catch a squirrel if he was on steroids and crystal meth. I remember a day about 12 years ago when I woke up and found the little kiddy pool in our backyard had become a drinking fountain and bath tub for a mommy fox and her pups. (Pups? Is that right? Not sure what baby foxes are called, but they were so cute.) My dogs wanted ...


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Barbara Minshall
18:59 Jan 20, 2025

Such a delightful story. I'll never look at those cute rats with fluffy tails the same way.


Thomas Wetzel
21:06 Jan 20, 2025

Thanks, Barbara. I think my dog thinks that they are really small dogs who have this magic ability to climb trees. She runs after them, they shoot up a tree, then she tries to climb the tree and just looks mad after a few moments, like they are cheating.


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Rebecca Detti
12:22 Jan 20, 2025

I am extremely scared. I believe everything in your story! When I was first ‘courting’ my husband, he got attacked by a squirrel and it was terrifying. Out of no where the little fella scampered up Kieron’s leg! Horrendous! Really enjoyed this!


Thomas Wetzel
21:26 Jan 20, 2025

Thanks, Rebecca! I used to live on the upper east side of Manhattan and on the weekends I would sometimes get a bagel and coffee and find a bench in Central Park and feed some of my bagel to the squirrels. One day I realized that there was a "wrong side of the tracks" neighborhood when it came to those squirrels. They were not content with "some" of my bagel. Never feed the squirrels in Central Park above 96th Street. (Or bring many bagels if you do. They prefer pumpernickel or the ones with sundried tomato, if possible. Maybe some of that...


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Mary Bendickson
20:27 Jan 19, 2025

I saw five of those golden brown cuties chasing each other in my backyard the other day. I think I am well protected by the pack of long-haired weiner dogs that live next door. They sneak under the fence to tree them on a regular basis. Besides I am one of those old folks who sit on my deck and toss out stale taco shells to the masses (birds included). Even in winter like today at one degree I'll heave some out. What do you think? Will I be spared or should I hibernate on Tuesday? Your scenario, while hilarious, is frightening when you consi...


Thomas Wetzel
01:38 Jan 20, 2025

I think you will be fine. Between your taco shell altruism (why did you have to make me immediately need tacos?) and Bobcat's protection, you should be safe. I had a weiner dog, Coco, and we used to have these little pocket gophers in the backyard. They would dig their warrens and stay down there most of the time. Coco would literally camp out by one of their holes and wait perfectly still for hours. Then I would be watching a movie or a football game or something and she would come in and proudly plop a dead and bloody rodent on my lap and...


Mary Bendickson
02:50 Jan 21, 2025

Mighty fine work,Coco. My granny had a Weiner mix dog that would flush the moles out of her yard so she could play wack a mole.🤕


Thomas Wetzel
03:32 Jan 21, 2025

Coco was utterly adorable and cuddlesome, but if you were under two pounds she was the face of the Angel of Death.


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Ari Walker
19:07 Jan 19, 2025

This is very scary.


Thomas Wetzel
01:55 Jan 20, 2025

Thanks for reading, Ari!


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Elizabeth Rich
17:44 Jan 18, 2025

I loved everything about this story. The anthropomorphic Pete is brilliant. The environmental commentary is relevant, delivered in the most piquant, inflammatory way—You suck. Loved this, and I’m not usually a fan of talking animals.😊


Thomas Wetzel
22:39 Jan 18, 2025

Thank you very much, Elizabeth. I appreciate you reading my story! I'm not usually a fan of talking animals either (when I am not under the influence of hallucinogenic substances). I almost never write tails like this - squirrel pun - but I just liked this idea. I live across the street from the SJSU campus and I walk my dog there all the time and I swear the population of squirrels is exploding, and they do not look happy. I'm getting worried.


Elizabeth Rich
14:12 Jan 19, 2025

When I was in college, there was a tree-lined street, and the squirrels were nearly tame. There were reports of squirrels falling out of the trees, landing on unsuspecting students. I have a real disdain for squirrels. That said, I have on more than one occasion (as an adult) stopped to take photos of squirrels. We have tons of brown/grey squirrels where I live, but the farther north you go, you'll start seeing black squirrels. Then (nerding out here) I photographed a white-tailed squirrel. My dad is crazy old, and when I showed him the phot...


Thomas Wetzel
14:46 Jan 19, 2025

Not nerdy at all. I love almost all animals. (Not a huge fan of squirrels, and, great white sharks, I guess. We have a few too many sharks around here and they can get quite chompy at times. Not cool.) I grew up in NYC but my grandparents lived up in suburban Westchester County and there were squirrels of all types up there. My grandpa would let me borrow his hunting rifle whenever I wanted but those little fuckers are hard to shoot. I was much more accurate with the local citizenry. (You know, after dealing with the compounded frustration...


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Mary Butler
13:47 Jan 18, 2025

Thomas, I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY!!!! You had me absolutely cracking up! Pete's hilariously brutal honesty is such a vibe, and lines like, "I have a tiny little dick and I don't care at all. Why would that even matter?" are equal parts absurd and brilliant, capturing the squirrel's cheeky disdain perfectly. The idea of an organized animal rebellion, led by a squirrel with Tarantino appreciation, is delightfully off-the-wall and had me rooting for Pete even as I cringed for humanity. Loved it—creative, hilarious, and sharp. Thanks f...


Thomas Wetzel
14:41 Jan 18, 2025

Thank you so much, Mary. You are so delightful and kind, As always, you have provided my daily serotonin boost! I know we will never meet in person, but I think I love you! (In a platonic fashion, of course. Not trying to make it weird.) I also think I managed to get somewhere in the neighborhood of "lighthearted" with this one (despite the fact that it implies the decimation of the entire human race) but that's really all I have in the way of whimsical for now. I love this week's prompts and I am already sorting through many themes of mad...


Mary Butler
15:24 Jan 18, 2025

Thomas, thank you for that serotonin boost right back! I have to say, you definitely nailed the lighthearted yet hilariously ominous tone with this one, which is no easy feat when implying humanity's downfall via squirrels. It’s so fun that we both tackled the same prompt and decided to step out of our usual comfort zones—your whimsically dark comedy was absolute perfection, while I splashed into the darker end of the pool (as dark as my fluffy rainbow butterfly brain could manage, anyway). I’m already bracing myself for the madness, mayhe...


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Maria Wickens
00:55 Jan 18, 2025

I'm acquainted with the London variety. The Brixton faction are all high on crack because some time back some junky decided the best place to hide their stash was to bury it in the park. Squirrels and crack don't mix. Even the only slightly more refined Kensington garden squirrels are frightening when they gather on mass. Amateur mistake, I threw a few nuts a squirrel's way whilst drifting past some flower beds (in my head it was a Snow White moment). In reality it was a frenzy where squirrels emerged from all directions. My abiding memor...


Thomas Wetzel
03:54 Jan 18, 2025

You are hysterical, Maria. Nothing worse than those crackhead squirrels, always begging for breadcrumbs and then you see them selling them off to another squirrel for drug money five minutes later. I hate that. When I walked my dog on the campus across the street tonight the squirrels were all staring at me, unblinking. One was curling freeweights (he had biceps that looked like cantaloupes) and another one was oiling up a new prison tattoo. There was fresh graffiti that read "Humans Not Welcome" in red spray paint. Something is most defini...


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Trudy Jas
18:49 Jan 17, 2025

I knew something was up when Pete's cousin, Petra, sat on my windowsill and gave me the finger. She's a skinny little thing with a scraggly tail; one eye goes sideways, and she had an incisor missing. A mean bitch, if you ask me. And you think Margot is with them? It was nice knowing you, man. Any preference for flowers?


Thomas Wetzel
00:07 Jan 18, 2025

LOL. Squirrelpocalypse Now! Don't worry. I just got back from Costco with a huge pack of NY Strip Steaks. I'm confident I can get Margot to defect to our side. All of her morals and ethics and convictions come to a screeching halt once grilled steaks are on offer. Everything is negotiable at that point. (She doesn't know how to work a BBQ.)


Trudy Jas
00:15 Jan 18, 2025

You lucky (and smart) dog ... I mean man. And since Margot is quite capable of defending you against all of California's wildlife, I will look forward to next week's installment. L0L


Thomas Wetzel
00:22 Jan 18, 2025

Well, we only have great white sharks and orcas and brown bears and rattlesnakes and wolves and black widow spiders so...she should be fine. I can't see any of those species posing any kind of actual challenge to her. I just need to keep us stocked up on steaks.


Trudy Jas
00:26 Jan 18, 2025

And breadcrumbs and acorns.


Thomas Wetzel
00:33 Jan 18, 2025

I don't know if we can appease the squirrels. They seem really pissed off. Margot is our last line of defense. (We'll be fine.) I know I keep promising to post video. I will get to it soon. You have to watch her stalk other dogs who are 5X bigger than her. It's identical to the stalking behavior of lions and tigers. She lowers her head, crouches and walks forward as inconspicuously as possible, and when her prey spots her she breaks into a sprint. She weighs 20 pounds. It's utterly ridiculous and it happens over at the dog park every day. ...


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Charis Keith
13:53 Jan 17, 2025

Niiicccce. World-wide animal attack... yikes. Good job, Thomas. Well written.


Thomas Wetzel
16:14 Jan 17, 2025

Thanks, Charis. Much appreciated. Never thought I would write a story about a squirrel. (I live right across the street from San Jose State University and I walk my dog Margot there 3-4 times per day. The squirrels over there are definitely plotting something. I can just tell, and I feel like Margot is in on it. We all need to prepare.)


Charis Keith
20:18 Jan 17, 2025

;') Undoubtedly.


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