Jacob and Samantha (Part 1 Jacob)

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Set your story in a small town where everyone is suspicious of newcomers.... view prompt


Kids Adventure

Part 1: Jacob

Day 1

Hello my name is Jacob. Me and my girlfriend just moved to Colorado. I love it so much here! The only reason we moved here for Samantha’s work. I can’t tell but I think she loves it here. Tomorrow we’re going to meet her new boss. She’s so excited!  

Our house is so big! The back deck looks off a cliff at Castle Peak. It’s so beautiful! I hope this is the place where we start our life with our kids if Sam is willing to have a child. She’s always so busy though. Maybe if I got a job as a Firefighter or a Teacher. I have always dreamed of being a firefighter but my mother always told me that it was way too dangerous. But now I don’t live by her. So ha!

Day 2…

Sam LOVES her new boss! Her name is Mrs. Rayson. She is a fashion icon. She used to be a model then started her own business for make-up and beauty supplies. Me and Sam are going to a super fancy dinner place tonight. I think I’ll propose to her there! I’m so scared she might say no. But I have to at least try.  

“Jacob, this place is so beautiful! Thank you for bringing me along!” Her voice is filled with love. She looks so pretty with her white sparkly dress she made on her own. She makes so many designs I think she should become a designer. She doesn't like being the star of the show.  

“Oh darling anything for you!” I am ready to ask the question. I get out of my chair and onto my knee.

“Samantha, you're the light of my day, the apple of my eye and well… my everything. Will you be my Mrs.Quile?” I am on the verge of tears and she is too. Everyone is staring at our table.

“YES! YES! YES!” She looked at the ring and stared in awe. Then the fountain of tears came. Just a few moments after she said yes everyone started clapping. It was so crazy.  

A few weeks later…

Me and Sam have been so busy working on wedding plans. Our wedding is in 5 months. Sam has been so busy with her work I feel like she’s being secretive. I wonder what she’s hiding from me? All I can do is think about our relationship and our wedding. I hope that someday we can have kids together someday.

5 Months later…

Today is our wedding day! As I watched Samantha walk down the aisle I almost started to cry. But I couldn’t. She looked so beautiful. She always does. She looks more than beautiful today, though. It all happened so fast. We said our I do’s and then kissed. Our wedding was in Hawaii. The setting was perfect. We took so many pictures. Sam told me that the pictures would be memories someday.  

Her father doesn’t really like me, but today he actually smiled and nodded his head at me. Her family is really nice. Her belly has grown. Like a lot since I proposed.

4 Months later…

Today I found out Sam’s secret. I can’t figure out why she was hiding it from me. Do you want to know the secret? I’ll tell you. She’s pregnant! Today I had to drive her to the hospital. She wouldn’t tell me until we got to the hospital. After she gave birth she told me. Our child was a girl. Actually we had two girls. Twins! I think we should name them Avery and Ariel. Sam likes those names too. I think that we’re going to name them that. I’m so mad at her though. Ariel is older by 5 minutes. 

2 Years later…

My babies are so cute right now! They're all sleeping in me and Sam’s bed. It’s the memories that count. Sam was right. I love them so much. If we ever broke up or divorced, I would die. Their my life and everything.  

Our neighbors have always been kinda self involved. They never talk to us. Which I thought was weird. I just can’t believe how rude it is of our neighbors to not talk to us. Maybe they have kids that Avery and Ariel could play with someday. That would be nice if they had a friend in the neighborhood. But they are only 2 years old right now.  

5 years later...

Our life is moving so fast together like lightning or a raging river. The girls are already 7 years old. Sam and I are growing old together, just like I planned. I recently bought a boat so me and my family can play in the sun and do watersports. Avery likes to wakeboard and Ariel likes to swim and water ski. Sam likes to surf and I like to drive and lay in the sun.

  Our favorite camping place is Grand Lake. We go there for a week to two weeks every summer. It's so fun when we get to go out on the water and take a bath in the reservoir. Avery is getting much better at wakeboarding. You should watch her out there doing her little bunny hops! It’s so funny and cute!

Sam has seemed a little sad lately. I’m going to ask her what's wrong.

“My sweet Sammy, what's wrong? You haven’t seemed like yourself lately.”

“Oh Jacob. It’s nothing, really.” she looks sad. I think she wants something, and I think I know what she wants.

“Sweet Sam, do you want another child? Is that why you’ve been in a mood all day today?” She has wanted 3 kids forever but she wanted to wait for a third child until the girls were a little older. Now would be a good time to have a kid. And maybe this time Sam will tell me that she’s pregnant.  

9 Months later…

Today we bought a new member into our family. His name is Anthony. He has the greenest eyes ever. They’re so beautiful. He’s only a few days old so he’s crying all the time. Sam is really happy though. She was glad to have a boy. She thinks that he is the cutest thing ever. Besides the girls. My family’s happiness is mine. As long as they are happy I am. This is how I want our life to be. Just like this. Forever on. 

 The neighbors still haven’t talked to us. So weird. Maybe they're dead. Probably not though.

What did you guys think? Should I do Part 2 Samantha’s side of the story? 

September 14, 2020 04:10

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Amber C
14:13 Sep 24, 2020

This was a sweet story about this family. I’d be interested to know Samantha’s side of things, it seems like maybe she’s hiding something. You could maybe expand on that in future posts! My only critique would be that it didn’t really seem to fit the prompt.


Lauren :)
14:48 Sep 24, 2020

The only reason that it didn't fit the prompt is because you can't do 2 stories on one prompt. The real prompt it should be is one person likes the place and the other doesn't.


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Zea Bowman
01:53 Sep 21, 2020

Wow! I really enjoyed reading this story! It was so full of great description, and I loved the way you pieced it together. Could you please come check out some of my stories?


Lauren :)
02:37 Sep 21, 2020



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Sunny 🌼
22:22 Sep 14, 2020

Cute story, but I...don't think it fits the prompt that well. Maybe that's just me. But besides that I still liked it and I think it was nice.


Lauren :)
22:45 Sep 14, 2020

I know it doesn't fit the prompt well but you can't do two stories on the same prompt😐😬 The real prompt I was trying to use for this one is "About a couple who have just moved to a place that one person loves, and the other hates." So sorry for not making that clear.


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Avery G.
04:32 Sep 14, 2020

Wow, this was good! YAY! A character named Avery! I don't do wakeboarding, but it sounds really fun! This story was so cute! Great job!


Lauren :)
04:37 Sep 14, 2020

OMG! I totally forgot you're name was Avery😂 I wakeboard so that was something I added of myself. Thank you!


Avery G.
22:28 Sep 14, 2020

Lol!!!!! That's sooooo cool! You're welcome!


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Charles Stucker
19:09 Oct 13, 2020

with her white sparkly dress she made on her own.- make it 'the' white sparkly dress, her sounds redundant with made on her own. I hope that someday we can have kids together someday. -Only use someday once. Today I found out Sam’s secret.- it's hard to hide pregnancy after a certain point. Not unless the woman is very heavy to begin. If you ever read around the world in 80 days, you might anticipate what I'm about to say. This was a whirlwind tour of a bunch of points in time. Propose, wedding, twins, years go by... And it doesn...


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