Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

I had to go away from town for a project of mine. The road was long with deserts in some parts and plains in other. There was no way I could say no to this project so I packed up my necessary things, food and water, and with a lot of advices from my parents, I left my house.

The road was long, to avoid boredom I played some of my favorite songs. I was enjoying this long road-drive, accelerated the car during deserts and enjoyed the views during plains. My journey was going smooth and fine but I still had a long way to go and I did feel tired. I planned to take rest for a bit then continue my journey. My eyes were searching for a hotel now from where I can grab some tea and sandwiches. And soon I saw a board which said, “WELCOME TO ALIEN WORLD”, a smile spread on my lips, the name was indeed interesting. And with excitement I entered my car in Alien world.

The board had a picture of alien drawn which looked insanely real, two round eyes which gave a hint of mischief and two big ears. I kept moving forward and I kept getting surprised, there was a whole world created. Shops, market, hotels etc everything was here. People like aliens were here, everywhere. Oh! How much hard work they put into making their ‘ALIEN WORLD’ real.

I turned inside a market, it was a mini supermart but it had everything, from necessities to clothes, toys, bakeries basically everything. But the thing that surprised me was, everything had pictures of alien on it and those who didn’t, had a touch of it, somewhere in it, like an ear somewhere or two round eyes or three small fingers. Everyone was in Alien get up except me and they all gave me a strange look for a second from wherever I passed and then smiled.

I was hungry and was craving for a tea so I entered the bakery. As I entered, a very delicious smell hit my nostrils and my stomach grumbled. A lot of delicious bakery items whose shapes resembled with those of aliens were displayed behind the glass window. They indeed chose a right name for them.

I thought to order sandwich and a cup of tea but no one was there to take my order, so I came back and got seated on a chair with alien’s face, thinking someone will eventually come seeing me sitting here. The table was round like alien’s eyes. I was busy observing the furniture when a tray which had a flying soccer shape flew towards me with my order and bill in it, I was shaken, badly, the order which I just thought was in front of me? I really thought I have stepped inside some magical world. Round eye like plate with round round sandwiches and tea served in a mug whose handle was like alien’s ear, I smiled whole heartedly on the creativity.

The sandwich tasted amazing and the tea, oh! I have never tasted such a unique tea. I finished my snack and put the billed amount in tray, the notes got converted into some other currency which had alien picture on it, and this was the second thing that shook me. I got up to exit the bakery, still in trance on what I just witnessed but as soon I reached the door a small alien appeared right in front of me, with his three fingered hand extended towards me, like he was asking for a tip. I put some money on his hand and the same thing which occurred with previous notes happened with these, they got converted into some alien currency. The alien like figure waved me a bye with a smile, I mirrored the smile and exited the bakery.

I wanted to start my journey ahead now, but the charm of this market captivated me and I decided to visit it. I reached at a shop which had beautiful accessories like hats, jewelry, it had clothes too. Hats, Oh! I love hats, I picked up a hat, and its circular part had an alien, sitting with his hands under his chin looking with mischievous eyes. I really liked the hat, but had to keep it back with a heavy heart because I didn’t had enough money, I had no plan for shopping and I had to save my money for my journey. I moved further and saw a beautiful dress but it was in blue color, ah! How beautiful it had been if it was golden, ah! I wish I could buy this and my eyes went upto my hairline umpteenth time during my visit there when I saw the dress change its color from blue to golden, exactly how I wished! My trip to this market was surprising me. What exactly was here? Magic or something else? I came out of the shop anxiously. The people coming here for shopping were not using normal cars instead their transport was something like space ships. I was the only one different here but no one was looking at me with questionable eyes, they all were busy in their shopping. My eyes darted towards a machinery shop and I stepped inside to see what new was there and. A machine said “ Press the button and see what your family is doing”, Interesting , I pressed the button out of curiosity and the screen lightened up, Mama was in kitchen, my younger siblings were in garden and papa was busy on computer, I was astounded, when the screen went off after some seconds, I came back into my senses. There were loads of machines but I had no more time to spend here, I decided to visit this place on my way back. I came out but found myself lost, I forgot the way, I couldn’t even find my car, I was getting anxious now and just then someone shook my hand, I turned around to find the little alien from the bakery before, he told me to bend down, I did.

He placed his hand over my eyes covering them, when he removed his hand after some seconds, I found myself near my car. The little alien was staring at me with innocent eyes, then he suddenly waved his hand and started running and disappeared.

I too came out of the captivating ALIEN WORLD and started my journey again, but my mind and heart both were still stuck in there. I finished my work and now my journey was to the ALIEN WORLD, but it was nowhere to be found now, I searched the whole place but failed, I thought maybe I have come the wrong way.

Disappointed, I returned my home, asked my sister to get stuff from car and put it in my room. I was tired and upset, I came inside my room and threw my body on the chair and closed my eyes.

“Wow sister, are these beautiful gift for me?” I heard my sister and snapped open my eyes and saw the hat which I liked in Alien world but couldn’t afford because of less amount of money I had, on my sister’s head and a box in her hand.

“Where did you find this from?” I asked my sister out of curiosity.

“From your back trunk”, she answered as matter if factly.

I took the hat off from over her head, and twisted and turned it and a writing shook me, it said “WITH LOVE FROM ALIEN WORLD”

A shiver ran down my spine that I actually visited AN ALIEN WORLD, I took the box from her hand and opened it, there was the golden dress, the dress I liked and wished to buy. The image of the little alien flashed in front of my eyes. Unknowingly he became my friend, whom I’ll never be able to forget.

November 13, 2020 20:56

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