Friendship Funny Middle School

Jenny slams the door shut, collapsing on the couch. I look at her, smirking. “You weren’t always the type to get worn out after parties, Jenny.” I say, picking at a hangnail. 

She glares at me, or tries to, but her bright green eyes are dull with drowsiness. “Shut up, Vivian. It’s been a while since I’ve hosted a party. God, and we still have to clean up.” she groans. 

“Let’s go to bed. We can clean up tomorrow.” I reply, pulling off my dress and bra and throwing on some nightclothes. 

“Okay.” Jenny puts on her pajamas and we both retire to our separate bedrooms. 

I’m exhausted, so I go out cold. 

When I open my eyes the next morning, morning light is spilling into the room, and when I blink, the light is thrown off my eyelashes. I glance at the clock, and I can see it’s 11 in the morning. Ugh. Today we have to clean. 

I get up, go to the master bathroom attached to my room and relieve myself, and then put on an old T-shirt and faded blue jeans. I put up my long brown hair in a messy ponytail and wash my face, but don’t touch my makeup bag. 

I stumble out of my small bedroom and mash the buttons on the coffee maker until I hear the noise of coffee burbling.

Then I tiptoe, quiet as a mouse, into Jenny’s room, to watch her sleep. My roommate’s sleeping face is relaxed and peaceful, and there's still a smudge of blue around her eyes from her eyeshadow. 

Her breathing is quiet and even and so very peaceful. I hear the coffee machine beep and say softly “Jenny the coffee is ready. I know you like it nice and warm.” 

She makes a soft noise and replies “Okay I’m coming.” 

I walk out of the room and fill up a coffee mug, taking a long slurp. 

When Jenny is up, and we’ve procrastinated for as long as possible, I take out two garbage bags and hand one to her. “So it begins.” she says dramatically. 

We go to the living room and I say “You take the left and I’ll take the right.” 

So I pick up a stack of four red plastic cups to start off and drop them in my trash bag and three minutes in, I hear Jenny laugh out loud. 


“Look! It’s a shoe!” 

“What?!?! Let me see!” I cry, whipping around. 

Sure enough, Jenny is holding up a bright red Miu Miu high heel by the strap and laughing. 

“Oh.” I say, giggling. “I bet I can find something crazier, while also cleaning up.” 

“You’re on.” Jenny puts the shoe on a table and tosses a pizza crust in the trash bag. “Ew. When we’re done cleaning up solid things, we should wipe down surfaces and vacuum.” 


We are silent a few more minutes, until I cry out “Ooh! Look! It won’t beat the shoe though.” 

“What? What?” 

I turn around, holding up the object, laughing. “It’s a shark tooth!” 

Jenny laughs, dropping a smashed Dr. Pepper can into her bag. “Weird!” 

I move over to another part of the room, picking up a small stack of beer caps. I throw a dirty napkin into my garbage bag next, holding it in between two fingers in the corner. 

“Oh gross!” Jenny says, her voice laced with disgust. 

“Let me see!” I say, turning around, my light brown bun bobbing precariously. 

Jenny is holding a dirty Band-Aid the same way I was holding the napkin moments before, her face twisted. 

“Yuck!” I shriek. “Throw it out!” 

She drops it into her bag. “Look! This room doesn’t have any more loose trash, and we can vacuum and wipe-down at the end.” 

I nod, sighing. “To the kitchen.” 

“You take the right and I take the left.” Jenny says, inching to the other side of the room. 

Swell. The fridge is on my side of the room. God knows what I’ll find in there. I take out the overflowing trash bag from the trashcan in this room and take it to the alley before putting a new trash bag in it. 

Then I open the fridge, and squeal. “Ew!” 

“What?” Jenny says, her voice sounding amused. 

“There’s a bra in here! It’s black and lacy. Golly, it’s a nice one too.” 

Jenny laughs. “What size?” 

“D-cup. Okay, I’m taking it out and putting it on the counter. That has to win!” 

“Fine. Currently it holds the crown.” 

We’re silent for a little while, and I resume cleaning. I throw out a pile of dirty paper plates and sigh. “Okay I finished my side.” 

Suddenly, Jenny cries “Oh gosh, this is weird!” 

“What is it?” 

“Hand sanitizer, but the scent is ‘Bloody Abyss’. Wait I’m gonna smell it.” 

“What does it smell like?” 

“Metal and….blood. Okay that’s tied with the bra.” 

“Fair enough.” 

We finish cleaning the kitchen, and the bathroom and dining room are fine. 

“Alright, Jenny.” I say seriously when we’ve thrown out our two bulging trash bags. 


“I’ll spray and you vacuum, okay? I can sweep as well.” 


I grab the pink antibacterial spray and a paper towel roll and attack the kitchen first, furiously wiping down every surface until it gleams. Then I sweep the floor and mop it for good measure.

Then Jenny starts vacuuming the hallway and I wipe down the coffee table and end tables. 

Then I clean the bathroom, and we both meet up in the dining room. Jenny starts chasing me around with the vacuum and I squeal, giggling. 

“Augh!” I shriek playfully. 

Then she smiles, resuming her steady pattern across the beige carpeting. I spray down the wood table and then we both collapse on the couch. 

“Phew. I’m exhausted. We’ve been cleaning for three hours!” I say, closing my eyes. 

“Yeah. Want to order burgers or something?” 

“Sure. Can you do it?”

Jenny laughs tiredly. “Of course.” She pulls her phone out and within seconds says “Okay, I got two burgers and fries.” 

After a little while, the doorbell rings and I heave myself up, opening the door. I grab the paper bag and hand a 5 dollar tip to the waiter. “Thank you. You have no idea.” I smile, shutting the door. 

I hear the TV in the living room and hand a burger to Jenny, unwrapping my own warm calorie bundle. 

We devour our food and fries before it has a chance to cool and fall asleep on the couch, the TV still blaring in the background.

On the end table drawer we’ve stashed the shoe and bra and for a second, everything is peaceful. 

Cleaning up kind of sucks, but it’s for the better.  

May 08, 2021 21:42

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19:54 May 13, 2021

Once again awesome! But the part about Jenny chasing her with the vacuum, it reminded me of my sister always chasing me with the vacuum.


Pippin Took
21:41 May 13, 2021

when i wrote it, it made me think of how Beezus did that to Ramona xD


21:43 May 13, 2021

Haha, yeah. I totally forgot about that.


Pippin Took
21:45 May 13, 2021



21:45 May 13, 2021



18:23 May 15, 2021

Hi, can you check out my stories? Especially my new one, "Be careful what you wish for." Please?


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Kate Reynolds
15:23 May 14, 2021



Pippin Took
23:33 May 16, 2021

Hey Kate..? 👉👈 Leila from the comments ^ posted a great story called "be careful what you wish for" and it's really good you should read it and like and recommend because she'll post a follow up and YOU SHOULD :DDDD alr well imma stalk all my followers and tell them.


Kate Reynolds
23:36 May 16, 2021

Oooooohhh sure I'll read it! But maybe not today cus I'm kinda busy lol


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Kate Reynolds
20:46 May 12, 2021

Great story!!! It was so cute and sweet and I loved itttttt Wonderful job :)


Pippin Took
17:11 May 13, 2021

thankssss!!!!!! do you have any editing tips?


Kate Reynolds
19:59 May 13, 2021

Ofccc!! :)) Hmmm well, in this sentence: “Oh.” I say, giggling. “I bet I can find something crazier, while also cleaning up.” It’s a bit wordy, maybe you could change it to something like: “Oh.” I say, giggling. “I bet we can find something even crazier while cleaning up.” But other than that it’s wonderfullllll Btwww I LOVE LOTR/THE HOBBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pippin Took
21:15 May 13, 2021

oh sure!!!!!!!!!!!! YAASSSS ITS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD so many people on reedsy are fans, it just goes to show that the ones who are nerdy are the ones who are the best authors! :D


Kate Reynolds
22:10 May 13, 2021



Pippin Took
00:04 May 14, 2021



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23:19 May 25, 2021

What a fun, quick read! I love the part of the sister chasing her with the vacuum. I could picture my sister and I going through the same motions. Great story!


Pippin Took
00:02 May 26, 2021

Haha thanks! I never envisioned them to be sisters, but to be honest, maybe they could be?


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19:14 May 20, 2021

Fun story. I especially loved your decision to call the burgers, "warm calorie bundle," instead of saying burger again. Those types of uncommon descriptions always make a story more interesting to read. I gott say thou, bloody abyss hand sanitizer doesn't sound very sanitary. LOL


Pippin Took
20:14 May 20, 2021

XD First thing that came to mind...


20:24 May 20, 2021

Well, it wasn't quite the first thing that came to mind, since you called a burger already before that. LOL But, when the perfect description comes to mind without having to struggle to come up with something is always a treat. Right? :-)


Pippin Took
00:02 May 21, 2021

Yeah totally!! I think that I was thinking about my stepmom's quest to lose weight and she's counting calories, and I guess somehow my brain connected two and two? SQUEEE I love it when I open up Reedsy and see the yellow bubble, and I've got a sweet comment/convo to see :D


04:08 May 21, 2021

Absolutely! I love this place, everyone is so encouraging and helpful. Seeing that yellow bubble reminds me of the love that I’ve seen poured out so many times on this site. I hope it never changes!


Pippin Took
13:59 May 21, 2021



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