I was dating this girl; her name was Jade. Jade Williams. We hit it off immediately. After dating for about five years, we got engaged and Jade became pregnant. We were so happy. I thought everything was going great but there came life, changing everything.
About seven months after Lia was born, the great life we once knew was gone. Just like that. We had all went to bed like it was any other night. In the morning, I got up and got dressed in comfy clothes and smiled knowing that I'd get to stay with Jade and Lia today because Sunday was my day off. By the time I was dressed, I noticed that Jade still wasn't out of bed. This was a little unusual because Jade was a morning person and was up before me every day. But I brushed it thinking that she tired and wanted to sleep more. I situated Lia with a bottle and began cooking breakfast for Jade and me.
As I kept cooking, I noticed that still there was no sign of Jade, even after calling her about 4 times. I thought to myself that 'she must be really tired' so I decided to be the awesome fiancé I was and bring the breakfast to my love, with Lia in my other hand.
I placed the food on the bed and smiled at her, because even in sleep she was breathtaking. I had always thought it was cute that she smiled in her sleep. I shook her gently and whispered to her that I brought her food. But still, she remained unresponsive. 'Jade?' I said this louder but still, nothing. I repeated this over and over, but she never woke up. I called 911 and they rushed her to the hospital. Not long after, they told me something that I still cry about every other day.
Jade had died in her sleep from (SADS) Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. She had never had a health issue a day in her life other than a common cold. My and Lia's life changed completely. The woman who held us together, our glue, our support, was gone. And my heart was broken.
Everything I once knew fell apart, but I knew I had to be strong. For Jade and Lia.
One month after Jade’s death, reality hit with how hard it was going to be to raise Lia on my own. Jade and I did the parenting together, but to have to be both the mommy and the daddy, took a huge toll on me. The parents out there who know the struggle, they are the heroes without capes. Being a single parent is a challenge but I’m a Capricorn, and we get things done.
“Open wide Lia, here comes the airplane!” I goofily say this to her even making airplane sounds, but Lia is not impressed. She replies by slapping the spoon of baby food away, which by the way is now on my face. Lia follows up with wailing like she never wailed before. Then to add the icing on an imploding disaster, I smell something unpleasant.
“What’s that smell? Is it daddy? “I smell myself while looking at a now intrigued Lia.
“Is it the garbage?” I go to the garbage, but the smell doesn’t appear.
I go back to Lia where the smell becomes eerily close.
“Oh no, we have a code P, Lia! Poop!”
Lia finally smiled for the first time today. Though under unfortunate circumstances, this warms my heart. I’m getting better at this thing!
After a successful diaper change, I make a warm bottle and carry Lia to her room to rock her to sleep. She fusses a bit and I start to run out of ideas until I remember a lullaby that I heard from a movie once. It doesn’t apply to Lia, but it did make me fall asleep as a kid. Jade used to sing it but changed around the words. And like magic, Lia always drifted to sleep. With that, I position Lia and prepare myself to sing.
“Hush now, my baby, be still love don’t cry
Sleep as you're rocked by my knees,
Sleep and remember my lullaby,
So, I’ll be with you when you dream.”
(This song is from ‘The Prince of Egypt’, great movie. I changed the words a bit for the story. You’re an OG if you’ve watched this movie. One of the best movies ever. Anyways, back to the story)
Just like when Jade sang, Lia drifted into a deep sleep. And for the first time in a couple of weeks, I could relax, for like ten minutes tops. Though little time I’m going to enjoy it.
The next day, I decided to take Lia to the park. We were always in the house, so I thought it'd be good, for both of us. Lia was nine months so obviously, she wouldn't be with other kids. However, she could look around and enjoy the day, it was bright and sunny out today. I was feeling a little self- conscious of the fact that I would be the only father without a wife though. All of my friends had a two-parent home. And as you can expect I wasn’t looking for another woman. Jade had been gone for less than a year now, I could never do that to her. She was gone but my love for her wasn’t.
I had expected so much pity when I joined them. But no, I had forgotten that my friends were my friends for a reason. They never made me feel alone. They praised me for doing raising Lia myself. I told them about how much single parenthood has changed me into a person that I love. We laughed and talked about common struggles, and it felt so nice. I told them about how seeing Lia’s smile always makes the day a thousand times better. She's my little princess and I’ll never let her go, that is until she’s old enough to point out how corny I am. I know some fathers have a bad rep out there but let me be living example that I’m changing that perspective.
Soon after, I thanked my friends for giving Lia and me a relaxing day and wave goodbye. Lia had smiled the whole day and that made me so happy. After strapping Lia in the car seat, I tried talking to her about her day. But when I began, I noticed she was already passed out. Someone had a good day.
A couple of months later, Lia finally turned 1. My baby is growing up so fast. Man, I never knew how much this stuff would make you tear up. My angel even had her first steps, can you believe that! I’m still in awe every time I see her chubby little legs running around. She falls sometimes but she gets back up every time. She’s a fighter, just like her mama.
Lia and I are actually going to visit mama now. “Isn’t that right?” I say looking to Lia. Lia smiles in response and shakes her head yes. She’s a smart one too. She never ceases to amaze me.
“Jade, we both love you so much. I promise to come down here and make sure Lia knows her mama. I tell her about you every single day. And even in the littlest ways, she reminds me so much of you, which makes me love her even more. It’s been hard being just us two, but she always helps me make through the day. I will never forget you. We both won’t. I know we both didn’t expect that she’d lose her mother so fast, but Lia's essence and love make up for it. We miss you very much, darling. But for now, we’ll let you rest. We’ll see you soon.”
I place roses at her gravestone and blew a kiss.
“Lia, wave bye to mama.” Lia smiles and waves, but also says her first words.
“Bye- Bye Mama!”
I turn my head quickly and smile.
“Would you look at that your first words! Can you say dada?”
Lia pauses and mumbles, only being able to say ‘dodo’
“Hmm, closes enough. We’ll work on that later.”
“It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.”
-Barack Obama
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"I don't like negative people, I got a positive aura so if your negative, you can't sit with us. I have too much inner Bad Bitch energy to be brought down."
Sorry..my inner self came out when I read that! But I really like thatttt!
Now youuur storyy was so emotionall! I loved it..it was really nice and sad..I like how the father stood up and took care of his child. Its sad not alot of fathers do that anymore.
But I really enjoyed the character who was the dad how he grew up, how he was strong for their child. This was just such a beautiful story I honestly loved it!
Thank you so much for reading. I tried to write a story about a father going through this because we always see mothers so much, when there are single dads that struggle too. Like you said it doesn't happen much, because its just the sad truth.
As for my bio, thanks girl! Lol, seriously, people think they can just come at me with negativity like goodbye. I really am to much of a bad bitch to answer to it.
Yeahh..it was really good!
For real like I be like 'who you talking too, not mee?'
But anyways keep on writing and I'm bout to follow you😂
Lol. Thanks girl.
Wow, Melony! This story was amazing!
It was so touching, and I loved it. I love the father's point on being a single parent- usually you see the mother's alone because the dad left or something. Well done. Very descriptive also- I can visualize everything that's happening in the story. Great job!
Thank you soo much Megan, whenever I have the chance to be different when I write, I take the opportunity. I'm really glad you enjoyed the story.
Of course!
This was amazing Melony!
I felt like I was listening to the father tell his story. I liked how you began by giving us some background on his relationship with Jade, it drew me in and made me connect more with him. The line, "Being a single parent is a challenge, but I'm a Capricorn, and we get things done," was so sweet and it made me laugh. Also, The Prince of Egypt was my favorite movie when I was younger, loved to see it mentioned in your story. Way to go 🙌
Could you check out the new stories I posted yesterday?
Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it, I love this so much. I would be happy to checkout your story!
Hi Melony
This story really put a smile on my face. The characters pulled me in on the first line. I really wanted to read about them. I really like what the father's mindset is. It gives us all a bit of hope. It was so emotional. There were a couple of minor gramatical errors, but that's all really!
I would love it if you could check out my stories too!!!
Ps: Love your bio!!
Thank you for reading. I will check out your stories as soon as I can.
Hey, Melony!
I read your story earlier, I'm here to ask if you've been downvoted at all. I was kicked down nearly 200 points and a few other people lost points as well.
Hey Megan!
Yeah girl I was downvoted 70 points. I swear this downvoted is a loser. What is the point in doing that?
This story gave me chills! As a single parent myself, I definitely relate. Love the humor at the end.
I'm glad you enjoyed this! I tried to be as realistic as I can, from movies and from real-life experiences. I'm glad you could relate, because I myself, isn't a parent. It makes me feel good that an actual parent liked this, so once again, thank you!
I loved this story! The beginning was sad but a great set up for the rest if the story. Keep writing!
Thank you so much!
Melony, thank you for reading my story The Blind Leading the Blind, today is one of those, my daughter is going on a blind date. I will no doubt use it for some story sometime. I loved this particular story of yours, it had all the components of a good story, Young love, happiness, and death. Well done. Sue
Thank you so much. I'm late but good luck with your daughter, I hope it goes great Sue. :)
Nice story, Melony! I would point out grammar mistakes, but it seems like everybody else who gave feedback did! :) I think the only thing wrong here is Showing, not Telling. And definitely a passive voice, that makes your writing so much more alive. Maybe try elaborating over the father's pain of his wife's death, but that's pretty much it! Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you a Capricorn?
Great story!! A sweet, gentle read. Something to bring a smile to the face. Conclusion was beautiful, loved how you ended it with a quote, the husband's strength was evident through the story.
I think the only minor problem is the grammar.
All in all, I like this story!!
Thanks so much for reading. :)
Melony, this was a great read!
It’s amazing that you write in different genres! This story definitely didn’t disappoint. I’m so glad I read it!
Some things I noticed just in case:
We had all went to bed like it was any other night.
It should be we had all gone to bed...
My and Lia's life changed completely.
Should be mine and Lia’s life...
I know some fathers have a bad rep out there but let me be living example that I’m changing that perspective.
Should be ... a living example that I’m changing that perspective
I place roses at her gravestone and blew a kiss.
Should be ...and blow a kiss
Like I said before amazing work! Really enjoyed the flow of the story!
Hope you’re staying safe!
Thank you so much. I try. Yeah, I figured that there would be a few things to correct. I wasn't even gonna write this but it the idea came and I couldn't let go of it. I appreciate the corrections so much tho. :)
My pleasure really! I’m happy you wrote something!
Thank you!
Aww, precious. I love Lia already as well as her dodo. You captured the love and essence of this little family brought closer by tragedy in few words, and it takes an incredible writer to do that. Great job.
Thank you!
Beautiful story and a very sweet ending :)
Here are some notes by your friendly human spell-checker:
- "I placed the food on the bed smiled her" - and smiled at her
- "The woman who held up us together" - who held us
- "but I knew had to be strong" - I knew I
- "but to have both to be the mommy and the daddy" - to have to be both the mommy and
- "Sleep as your rocked by my knees" - as you're
- There is something wrong with this sentence: "The next day, I decided to take Lia to the park because if I’m being honest, Lia and I hadn’t been getting a lot of it wasn’t to run errands"
- "We all take more about common struggles and laugh" - We all talk more
- "but she always helps me make through the day" - make it through
- "but your essence and love make up for it" - I think you meant Lia's essence and love, not 'your'
Some continuity issues: First we have Lia 5 months old (because Jade has been "gone 1 month"), then suddenly in the afternoon she's already 1+ ("gone for less than a year now"). Still, if she's less than a year old she couldn't be left to play alone with the other kids without supervision. But if she's older when in the park, then she couldn't turn 1 a few months after ("A couple of months later Lia finally turned 1"). I'd leave her at 8-9 months old, and not have her play with other kids in the park :)
Hey! Thank you for pointing all this out. I didn't read this yesterday when I posted it because I was exhausted so initially, I was going to take a look at it today. I knew there were things I was going to have to correct. But you made it easier by pointing them out. I changed around a bit so it should be good now. Thank you so much reading, I really do apperciate it.
No problem. Glad to help :)