Adventure American Fantasy



This was the day that Julia was going into 7th grade. She was super nervous. Yet she was also exited at the same time. She just moved from gulf shores alabama to duluth minnesota. So she is at a new school called duluth edison northstar. So when she got to school she met a friend named Chloe and brooke. Brooke had long dirty blond hair and Chloe had short brown hair. She was also in the same grade as them. She had history and geometry with them and math with brooke. So later that day in history the teacher was acting a little weird to julia. After the class Julia asked what was up with the teacher. Brooke and Chloe just say ̈he is always like that. So we got used to it. You will two soon. Do not worry.̈ but julia still does not approve of him. so that day she walked home by herself trying to think why Mr. roberts was acting so strangely. she told her mom about it. she just said maybe he was coming down with a cold.

Chapter 2


So the next day when she is in history. She found out about the secret of Mythical animals. She talked to the history teacher, mr.roberts. He tells her all about the secret. This is what Julia was told: so I am a werewolf. I hope I am not obvious. But I was not from Minneapolis. I am really from under Minneapolis. Back at my true home we always called ourselves the gifted because since I am a werewolf and can transform into a werewolf. I also can smell super good. We have the head of the city of the underworld and he is a dragon called blackout but he is all good. But his parents were bad. That is why his name is the blackout. After he told Julia all that she at first did not believe then realized he was not joking. But he told her to never ever tell this to anybody because I would get in big trouble. Julia says “not even my best friends.Mr.roberts says ̈not even your best friends or family.” so that night she thought about what her teacher said. The next morning she decided to tell her friends. But that was a mistake because if she told she would be forced to leave her home. Under magical purposes. 

Chapter 3 kidnapping

Sadly she did not know that would happen. So later that day she goes up to Chloe and Brooke and tells them everything. They did not believe her though. so they both said, “You should go home before you say something even weirder.” Her friends brought her to the office and she went home.

The next day her friends were worried about Julia because she was not at school. So Chloe and Brooke go to the office and the teachers at the office tell them that Julia should be at school. her friends grow worried so they tell mr.roberts. So when mr.roberts found out he realized that she was kidnapped by a monster. He mumbles ̈she must have told her friends about the secret ̈ ̈oh no i will be told on and she shall be held captive!¨ he thought for a minute then told her friends she went on a vacation. This (vacation) was not a good one! 

Chapter 4 

The meet

So that night he went straight to Julia's house to see her. But when he got there her parents said that she was kidnapped. So he told her family the whole story and that he was a werewolf himself. When they found out that their daughter was kidnapped by a monster. Her mother realized that was the white glowing light from last night. Mr.roberts says ̈oh no that is Charlotte and Ameera. They are the meanest dragons!̈ so at the sound of that the parents panicked. Their names were John and Ann. so John and Ann asked mr. Roberts to help find their child. Mr.roberts agreed to help find their child,Julia. Meanwhile, Julia is underground held captive. For telling the world the monster secret. Charlotte and Ameera tell Julia that mr.roberts is next. She hates being inside a cell so much she starts to dig at the floor with her hands. But when she gets to the bottom she gets lasered because there are lasers. She sees that there are also steel bars. She yelps in pain from the lazers. That gets Charlotte and ameera attention though. So she is brought to a cell that if she touches the sides she gets shocked as hard as a bolt of lightning. But she was not told this so she touched the sides. Julia gets so hurt that she is escorted out to go to the hospital.

Chapter 5 

the escape

 While in the hospital she decides this will be the best time to escape. Julia starts to plan her escape. This was her plan:

  1. tell nurse i have to go to the restroom
  2. Go down elevator to first floor
  3. Go into the restroom
  4. Crawl out of window
  5. Sneak out of the city
  6. Go to nearest non monster city
  7. Call mom and dad
  8. Tell them I am okay and to come and get me
  9. Relax on way home alive

So the first thing I did was tell the nurse I have to go to the bathroom. She said she would escort me to the bathroom though. So getting home would have to wait. I did go to the bathroom but not very happily. When I got back the nurse asked what was wrong. Julia said" I just miss my family" from that point on the nurse felt sorry for her and was always nice to her. The nurse was like a second mother for the time being. The next day after she told the nurse about her family she started to think more and more about her home and family every day she was there. So she decided to actually get out of the rotten slinky cell.

January 07, 2021 16:42

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