Sol and Luna and the Great Sacrifice

Submitted into Contest #282 in response to: Write a story set in a world of darkness where light is suddenly discovered.... view prompt


Coming of Age Kids Fantasy

They say there used to be large orbs of light in the sky. They called one of the orbs Sol and the other Luna. Sol was steady and powerful.  He shone so bright you could see for miles in front of you.  Humans used a written log to keep track of his movements. Sol was so strong, his light had the ability to grow plants for food and shelter. Plants said to grow so big they reached the heavens and roots so deep they reached the underworld. A plant large enough to connect the three planes of existence. In honor of Sol, they held celebrations in his name throughout his annual journey. 

His partner Luna was just as spectacular, if not quite as boastful. She illuminated the world in a unique way. Not with her own light, but by reflecting Sol’s light off her surface. When Sol went to sleep, the darkness would descend. She allowed for the darkness to come, but not over take the land like it has now. Luna was a shapeshifter. With her many faces, it was said she could move the waters in and out along the shoreline. 

Sol and Luna are lost to us now. Humans became too greedy and wicked and the orbs decided to leave. They plunged into the depths of the water. They say you can see them deep in the waters if you wait patiently, silently and with a pure heart. They say if you are fortunate to see them to say a prayer to apologize for our greed and wickedness in hopes they may return.

I listen as my mother finishes telling my favorite sleep time story. It’s a story passed down through many generations. Hundreds of years old. No one living now has ever seen the orbs of light in the sky. Some claim to have seen them in the water's depths, but were unsuccessful in returning them to their heavenly home. If it weren’t for all the twinkling stars in the sky and the glowfish in the water, we would have no light at all. I can’t imagine a world lit up, full of large plants, and moving waters. This idea both excites and terrifies me.

I’m turning thirteen next waking and will be considered an adult by my community. I will now be allowed out on the docks by myself. I've been to the docks many times with my elders. It’s where we catch fish with nets and scoop fresh water to drink and bathe. It’s a big honor to be trusted to go there alone. There will be an initiation ceremony. Afterwards, everyone leaves and I stay alone by the waters. Some say this is the night they saw the orbs of light in the deep waters. Many think it was likely a school of glowing fish or their imagination running wild. I don’t have any high hopes of seeing the orbs or for any prayers that I could say to return them to the sky. Afterall, who am I to sway ancient powerful orbs back to their heavenly home? I can’t think of anything I could possibly say they would have interest in. All this pondering is making me think I should have a prayer ready just in case. Afterall, if they do show up and I say nothing, I would be disappointing my community. I let my brain wander over various ideas. Bouncing from friendly to curious to begging to flattery, yet none seem appropriate for such beings. 

My thinking is interrupted by my sister snoring. I realize everyone has fallen asleep. I have no idea how long I’ve been thinking. I'm so nervous imagining what is to come that I doubt I will get any rest. However, sleep does eventually come and I dream the most vivid dream. I see the orbs of light calling to me from the depths. I offer them a prayer and apologies. The orbs accept my words and say they would love to return but they need a worthy sacrifice from the humans. They need a sacrifice given with a pure heart, a sacrifice only I can give them. I wake startled, my heart pounding, relieved it was just a dream. 

The rest of the waking time goes on as normal, with the exception of the elders sharing their initiation stories. Most stories are encouraging, like listening to the sounds of the insects and the plop of the fish and feeling more at peace then they’ve ever felt. Some stories are funny, like falling asleep and rolling into the lake! A few recall witnessing the orbs of light, they swear it, even though no one believes them. They say the orbs spoke to them in a language they couldn’t understand. They tried to answer back, but the orbs disappeared before they could respond. This reminds me of my dream and the orbs speaking to me. Only in my dream, I understood them and what they said confused and scared me. I brush the memory of the dream off. Afterall, it was just a dream. 

My mother finds me and takes me to the meeting house. I’ve never been in the meeting house. It’s reserved for elders with the occasional exception of initiates like me. It’s a hut made of clay earth with holes through the roof in order to let in the small amount of light the stars provide. The other huts do not have these holes since it would allow rain to fall through. I admire the holes and how they’ve arranged them to let certain constellations shine through. They use these to track the years. I see the three starred belt of the great hunter beaming through. The hunter returning to his position signifies the end of the year and the start of the cold months. They say he was put in the sky as a way for humans to honor him for providing food and protection to his community. I’m told it’s good fortune to be born under such a constellation. Someone with this birth promise is said to become a provider and protector of their community. 

The elders cleanse me with smoke and anoint my head with pungent oils for protection. They say prayers over me and kiss my forehead. They lead me to the docks, chanting an old song of bravery. My whole community walks behind us in silent support. I am brought to the edge of the dock. My mother hands me a blanket, a sack of food and water, and a small dagger. Just in case her eyes seem to say. They remind me my task is to stay on the docks until someone comes to get me. They remind me that it is no easy task, but one that I must accomplish to prove myself worthy of my adulthood and my community.

As they all walk silently away, I feel anxious. I have never been completely alone in all my life. I sometimes wished for a moment like this. Now that the moment has arrived, I feel the urge to run back to my mother. I want to snuggle tightly against her with her blanket and arm wrapped securely around me. I haven’t done that for many many years. I realize that’s what a child would do and I am not a child. This is the moment I am meant to become an adult. I take some deep breaths to relax myself. I remind myself what I am here to do and why. 

I take a seat near the edge of the dock and lean up against the post. It’s starting to get cold already so I cover myself with the blanket. I peer into the water and see the glowfish swimming about and hear them plopping onto the top of the water. I remember the elders' stories and realize this is the most peaceful I’ve ever been. I cycle through their stories in my mind to give myself something to do. While being alone is peaceful, it’s awfully boring. When I remember the stories from the few elders who claimed to see the orbs of light, I quickly look into the water to see if I will be lucky enough to witness them. I stare for several minutes and nothing happens. I exhale realizing I was holding my breath. Maybe their stories were exaggerated. Afterall, schools of glowing fish could be mistaken for big orbs if you were really tired. 

I decided to eat my food. My mother packed my favorite meal and it fills my belly with a satisfying ache. With all my food gone, I don’t have much else left to do. I stare at the stars trying to remember all the constellations and their stories. I go through remembering them one by one. Without realizing it, I start to doze off. I start to dream again about the orbs of light in the water's depths. They seem to be saying something that I can’t quite make out. The light reaches out and starts to pull me under. I startle awake and am relieved again that it is just a dream. 

I see from the corner of my eye something glowing. I look in the water expecting to see a group of glowfish. I am awestruck by what I see. I see two orbs of light. One larger and brighter and one smaller and dimmer. This must be Sol and Luna, but how? Can the stories really be true? I panic trying to remember the apology I rehearsed for this moment. A moment I never thought would actually come. My mind and body disobey me. I can’t think, say or do anything. I am frozen as a statue. I hear a voice, so faint and distant at first, but slowly gathering clarity. 

The orbs are talking to me. They tell me the story I have heard from my mother many times. The story of how the humans' greed and wickedness became too much for them to witness. They decided to leave the skies and hide away in the deep water. 

When the story ends, I am full of grief for them. I can’t imagine leaving my home because witnessing others' behavior was too much to bear. I feel ashamed for what my ancestors did. I want to shout that I am not them! Please don’t punish me! Instead, I apologize and tell them I understand why they went away. I don’t blame them for protecting themselves. I share with them stories from my community. Stories of love and kindness. How we look out for one another and share their story as a reminder that we must not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. Sol and Luna seem very happy to hear this. They want to return to their home in the sky and watch over the world again. I can't believe it! I can’t believe I was able to convince them to return. My community will be so proud! I smile wide imagining my community waking to Sol shining brightly overhead. I imagine sharing with them the story of how it all came to be. 

My thoughts are interrupted by Sol and Luna speaking again. They tell me they will only return if they are given a sacrifice from someone with a pure heart, a sacrifice only I can give. I realize this is the same message I was told in my dream. Only this is not a dream, this is me being asked for a sacrifice great enough for such divine beings to return to the skies and light up the world again. What sacrifice could I possibly give that would be great enough? I look around. I only have a blanket, water and a small dagger. Surely they have no use for such things. My mind races through all of my belongings and the belongings of everyone in my community. Nothing seems like a big enough sacrifice. Then, it dawns on me, a sacrifice of a pure heart that only I can give. It’s me. I am the sacrifice. 

 Realizing they may leave if I hesitate too long, I need to decide quickly. I wasn’t prepared to say goodbye to my family, my community, my life. I remember the story of the great hunter I was born under and how he protected and provided for his community. Wouldn’t my life in exchange for Sol and Luna to return help ensure their protection and provide a better life for them all? I can’t be sure, but I want to give my community the chance.

I make my decision. Going on instinct, I dive into the deep water straight toward Sol and Luna. I sink quickly. I don’t know how to swim, but even if I did I wouldn’t try. This isn’t a journey I will be returning from. I feel their warmth increasing as I sink. Luna catches me and I become wrapped in her presence. I see scenes of my own mother and am reminded of her warmth. Everything becomes dark. I feel the weight of the world drift away and a new awareness takes hold. 

I see my community wake in confusion. Everything is illuminated by a yellow glow. They notice everything has a clearer focus. More defined edges and new colors spread across the vastness of the land. A land they have never laid eyes on before. The elders stand in awe realizing what I have accomplished. They shout for everyone to make their way to the docks. They arrive to find my blanket, water and small dagger laying on the planks. Confused, they search for me and call my name. They do not understand why I am missing. They don’t know that I was the sacrifice required for the light to return. 

They search all day, barely able to enjoy this bright new world for fear of my safety. As Sol starts his descent into sleep, Luna starts her ascent to illuminate the darkness. My community sits in awe from her beauty and in exhaustion for a whole waking day spent searching with no sign of me anywhere. My mother notices first. She points with one hand and covers her mouth with her other. She begins to cry. My sister looks to where our mother is pointing. She too begins to point and cry. Following their gaze, everyone turns to stare right up at Luna. On her surface, they notice with amazement a face. Not just any face, but my face. Confirmation that I am safe and that my sacrifice is the reason for the return of the light. My community rejoices and sends prayers of gratitude for my selflessness.

As time goes on, they develop celebrations in my honor. On the nights when Luna is completely illuminated and my face fully visible, they hold feasts in my honor. They gather and retell the story of my bravery. How I was responsible for the return of the light. Like the constellation I was born under, I too am honored by a place in the sky. At night when you see my face, remember the story of Sol and Luna and my great sacrifice which allowed them to return home to the sky. Honor me by living with a pure heart. Living in harmony with your community, so we may all continue to receive the abundant gifts from the glowing orbs of light, our very own Sol and Luna.

December 28, 2024 04:04

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Graham Kinross
15:37 Jan 02, 2025

This is a really interesting mythology and well told. Some people would say that having a dead character narrate is a problem but in the realm of your mythology who’s to say your MC isn’t immortalised as a star like Greek heroes.


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David Sweet
16:22 Dec 29, 2024

Fun story of Folklore. I couldn't tell at first if this was meant to be ancient or futuristic Folklore. I thought it was a time that industrialized pollution had completely hidden the sun and moon, but when you mentioned the constellation of Orion, it made me think of more ancient Folklore. Thanks for sharing this fun story. Welcome to Reedsy. I hope you find this a great home for your work!


Winter Roses
01:53 Dec 31, 2024

Thank you! Futuristic and being dark due to pollution is a great idea. I really love mythology and ancient civilizations, so I wrote from that perspective, but I do hope someone wrote it from a futuristic perspective! This was my first time writing a short story. Hoping to write more and read others writing through this platform. Thanks for reading!


David Sweet
03:32 Dec 31, 2024

Awesome job! I thought the futuristic Folklore is a great touch. Keep showing up more!


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McKinsee Abbott
16:25 Dec 31, 2024

Wow, the first short story you’ve ever written! A beautiful beginning.


Winter Roses
05:16 Jan 01, 2025

Thank you 😊


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