All For Science

Submitted into Contest #234 in response to: Write a story about someone whose time is running out.... view prompt


Drama Horror Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

All For Science

It's a jungle out here. I'd been warned. Predators and prey of every size and description around every corner. Anywhere can be breathtakingly beautiful and equally breathtakingly deadly. Stay alert to stay alive.

Even with safeguards in place I find myself in terrifying peril. Time's running out. The end is near. I fear no help is in the offering. I am on my hope left. It's getting more... and more breathe. Humidity so thick it's like...sucking a wet sponge. But I can't give up... yet. I...I see my short life flashing before me. Might pass out soon. can this be happening?

<> <> <>

Won a grant to study... rain Amazon. All Far back as I can...remember I had a love for...for plants. Instilled by mother. Rest her soul. She raised...exotic plants. So, I wanted...I wanted to emulate her. Made it into a great

Oh, that hurt. Can't think straight. Getting...light headed. Most of my...history will be found my journals. When did I last make an entry? Right. When I arrived. Was going to...add more tonight. Oh, well. Best laid plans...

He has me pinned...right where he wants me...trembling in fear. Grip tightens. Ohh...

Hope Adam knows...knows I really did love him. Wanted to be his wife...but...but...So ironic when I think about it now. How...we were saving ourselves...for marriage. Mutually agreed. The right thing to do...with our bodies. Not give temptation and...all that. Yeah, we made it to...some bases but...overall. Still a twenty three. Could have...gotten married...long ago...But we wanted...our master degrees first.

I tried to first. Takes too much...breath. Ohhh...owwww!

Now look at my body. I tried so hard...stay in shape...stay healthy. right. There'll be...nothing left...A pith helmet and...designer cargo pants...if that.

Ow! Think that was a rib...that cracked. Snap...crackle...pop. If lung punctured... maybe put me...out of misery...sooner. Yes, yes. I should pray...for that. Make this end...Please. Oh, hurts so much! Get it over with...already! Ommm.

Must...confess all my sins and beg...forgiveness. Please...forgive me for not serving...You and my fellow man...better. Thank You for...saving grace. Re...remember me in Your Kingdom...Pleeease.

So ex...cruci...ating. Think pleasant...thoughts. Hmm...omm...

Night first met Adam. Halloween year. Friend...convinced me ...wear outlandish...costume. A pleathery...sleeping bag looking...wrap that looked like a...a giant anaconda whole. Ironic...Right? Lower jaw...pushed up my D-cup my neck. Only my arms and head stuck out...above the form-hugging...diamond studded snake skin. Created quite the...shapely bulge--40/26/36. The upper jaw...looked like a hoodie...coming over my head. Adam...and every other straight male...took notice.

But Adam's field of snakes. They're his...passion. More so than me...I fear. He seemed jealous trip here. I only...look at plants. He would...have so many snakes to...admire.

Snakes. Ah...I...believe...he would classify...this charmer as...a reticulated python. He has me...wrapped in multiple...coils. make me his meal...I'm afraid...Enjoying squeezing...every last breath...out of me. Until I pass out...or die. Making me devour...whole...without a struggle. More bones he can...break will make me slide down so...much easier...It won't be Being a tin can. Everything hurts...Breaths getting...shallower.

All alone...on a hike. Not far...from camp. Stopped to...examine...flora. He dropped...out of canopy...above. Even if I...looked up...he would...resemble...dripping vines...Was he stalking me...or I happened to...stumble into his domain? Easy delivery!

Knife...strapped to my thigh. Once he had his grip...he moved so fast I didn't...stand a chance. Maybe...butt dial help? my back pocket. Reached for arms pinned...behind me. Chest thrust out...between coils. Pretty picture...No doubt. Oh...ow...ooohhh.

Try not to...imagine the...coming horror. Maw's above me...already drooling. Smells putrid...I can hear...his forked tongue pith helmet. It...deflects saliva away...from my face...for now. It's strapped on. If he tries to dislodge head may be...ripped off, too. Less misery...for me? Please let...this end.

With each exhale...he takes up the space...crushing me more...making impossible to get air. Oh, the pain! Agonizing pain!

Adam once...told me. This guy of...most efficient killers in world. Only the best...for me. Oh, don't laugh. Takes too much...breath. He's getting...more efficient. Once I pass out...he'll easily...swallow me...whole. Connective tissue...allows open wide...He'll...'walk' them head...and face. Hope he chokes...on helmet...Backward pointing fangs...prevent me from...escaping if I'm still...alive. Sure, as if...

Once prey in...throat...strong muscular mass down through...long esophagus...into...juicy thick stomach...all prepared...for heavy task of...digestion. May...slow him down...several days. My body...quivering in terror. Hmmm... percent...No flora...for him. Can...swallow prey...much larger...thicker than himself. He'll bathe it in...lots of...slimy acidic juices...and digest everything...except hair and nails...things with keratin. Those will be...expelled as pellets. Wonder about...cargo pants and...hiking boots? Someone...someday find pile of...designer scat? I'm such a...comedian...sometimes. Maybe I'll taste he'll spit me out? Don't wanna be...snake food. OHhhhhh...AWwwww...

<> <> <>

“Is someone...over there? Behind those...ferns? Augh...Help me...Help me, please. Out...of time.”

“Hello, Eve, my love. Imagine finding you here hanging out with a serpent. Uh, you're turning a bit purple."

“Oh, oh, Adam! Thank...goodness! Save me. Can't...breathe. He's breaking...every bone. The pain is...unbearable. Awwww...Destroy this...this monster.”

"Let me beat him with this stick. Let go of her you horrible purple people eater!

"Sorry, not working, Doll. Can't say I didn't try.

“Besides, how could I possibly forgive myself for destroying such a magnificent specimen. He's only doing what comes naturally. You look like a piece of meat to him. Can't blame him. He's made a delectable selection.

Just look at the way he is working you over. Kind of like the way you twisted everything around in your journal I found back home when I was watering your plants. You were ready to dump me after all our dreams and plans. Simply because I gave into temptation and bedded that perky waitress. She didn't deny me any of her body, unlike you. 'Oh, can't touch this.' Now who is touching you everywhere? And you expect me to save you.”

“Adam, please...Can't last...much longer. The near.”

“Tell you what, Sweetheart. How about I make you a movie star? You look hotter than I have ever seen you all coiled up cozy-like with that hungry python. Your boobs are sticking out between the coils and look good enough to eat. Oh, that is his plan alright. Such a tasty morsel for him. I'm gonna film it all in the name of research. 'The eating and mating habits of the reticulated python.' My favorite subject. It will pay for this nice little vacation I granted myself.”


“He'll get a good portion of that, too. Let me help him out by taking off that ridiculous hat and those heavy boots. Maybe I can slip off those long pants as you are slipping down the hatch. Don't want to be too hard on his delicate system. Hard enough swallowing a prickly prude. Smile pretty for the camera. Look like you are enjoying this once in a lifetime experience. It's all for science.

“There you go now. You'll make a sexy, shapely bulge in his belly, my dear. You'll stay alive for a few hours. Be sure to thrash around in all the sweet smelling bile. He'll like that. Gives him satisfaction. And it'll speed up the digestion so the burning won't last as long. I did mention it's gonna burn a bit, didn't I? Have fun.”

The End (of Eve as we knew her)

Epilogue: Adam, “I'm funning with you folks. Of course. I waited a couple of hours then showed up at her camp where they were missing poor Eve. I led a search party and we happened upon this large, long, legless lizard lounging languidly along a sunny ledge with a bulging bobble about the belly. In the name of science, we opened it up and found a slime covered, beet-red, boiling mad but still beautiful, busty, blonde botanist.

“She never would marry me but she made a fortune telling her tale of what it felt like to be swallowed whole. (And my secret porn video went viral!) All for science, you understand.”

January 26, 2024 19:34

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Annie Persson
11:41 Jan 27, 2024

Oh my goodness. That's all I can say. I like the little names thing there, and the mentions of temptation. I'm glad she didn't die! I have a feeling Adam is actually a nice guy, he's just.... misguided a bit. Really good read! :)


Mary Bendickson
18:52 Jan 27, 2024

Thank you so much. Got some feed back from really good writers that intro too long. Wondering if I should try to fix? I had ended it before the epilogue but I am with you. I really didn't want her to die. But Adam is a sick dude.


Annie Persson
19:17 Jan 27, 2024

Um, yeah, the intro is a bit too long, but you don't have to take too much away. Ah, ok. I'm glad you added that last little bit then. :)


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20:59 Apr 13, 2024

I'm so relieved she survived in the end. What a bad ex boy-friend! Not A Nice Guy! Don't know how I missed this gem, story. Clicked a few more likes on past stories already read as well. From back when I used to forget to click 'like' after commenting. This one looked interesting. The irony of it! Loved the 'beet-red, boiling mad but beautiful, busty, blond, botanist.' description. I can forgive you for so many adjectives because it sounds so cool.


Mary Bendickson
23:41 Apr 13, 2024

Glad you got a laugh out of it.🤣


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Martin Ross
18:15 Feb 16, 2024

Wow! That is one wild adventure, and I loved the narrative…device — it set a tone perfect for the prompt and story. The ending is a hoot!


Mary Bendickson
19:48 Feb 16, 2024

So glad you got twisted up with it. Thanks. Also thanks for liking my 'Another Brick in the Wall'.


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Chris Campbell
00:34 Feb 09, 2024

Certainly felt the pain in this one. Great descriptive passages on being crushed by a python.


Mary Bendickson
01:26 Feb 09, 2024

Didn't come from personal experience on this one. Glad you liked it.


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Ken Cartisano
23:17 Feb 06, 2024

Great story Mary. Charming. I had no problems with anything in the story, length of intro, ellipses in the architecture, totally okay with the change of narrator. It's kind of a fun horror story. Only one general suggestion, I would not start a story with a cliche, no matter how innocuous. I was more shaken by the comments than the story, (except for Michal Pryzwara's.) I mean, good lord. 'Adam is actually a nice guy, he's just... misguided...'? Really? I watch and do nothing as you sink into the quicksand and I'm a little... misguided? I h...


Mary Bendickson
00:36 Feb 07, 2024

Thanks for your in depth analysis. It was sort of a sick scenario. 🤮 my research maybe could have been more complete but from what I gathered these carnivores like to swallow their prey alive so that there will be struggling inside that aides with the digestion. They also need to lay in sun for same reason. There is always the possibility the victim may drown in the saliva or other digestive fluid before helping out in the belly. Adam did not seem to be concerned about that. I should have included she was a bit broken up afterwards but I fi...


Ken Cartisano
01:52 Feb 07, 2024

Ha, ha. A bit broken up. This is a pretty cool story. She would have him arrested, and charged with negligence, if not attempted murder, just on principle alone. That character was nuts. I hope that's pretty fcuking clear to most people. It's not cool to let a snake eat your girlfriend, even though you think she deserves it for cheating on you. (No, seriously, you can look that up somewhere. Reddit I think.) I got the impression that Adam wanted to scare her, not kill her, (like a good little lunatic. This is probably the thinking behind on...


Mary Bendickson
01:59 Feb 07, 2024

Yeah, I considered the criminality of his inaction. She should have put him in the wringer of the legal system. To be fair to the commentor that Adam was a little misguided I had edited the story some after her thoughts on it and made Adam more dastardly.


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Tommy Goround
01:01 Feb 01, 2024

Oh. I keep thinking of this title as "eat me" or maybe "eat meat." Yes. It's about science


Mary Bendickson
01:05 Feb 01, 2024

Like I said I should have worked with you on this piece. You would have taken it to the max!


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Carol Martin
22:55 Jan 31, 2024

It certainly kept my attention from beginning to end. It took me to a place I could never imagine going to. The story was unique, but it didn't quench my thirst. The writing was good, but it left me empty. Young adults might enjoy the story because they still have lessons to learn like not traveling alone, being careful where you put your diary, and understanding men's needs. I can remember watching many horror movies when I was young, and I would have enjoyed your story very much fifty years ago. It was a good story.


Mary Bendickson
01:03 Feb 01, 2024

I did say in other comments this is different for me.


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Michał Przywara
04:52 Jan 31, 2024

With all the pauses in the dialogue, I like to picture this as her somehow speaking for the benefit of an audio recorder. The way she goes through the scientific facts of what's devouring her is probably a decent defense mechanism against the pant-crapping terror of being eaten alive. I'm reminded a bit of Scully from X-Files. Of course, we can't ignore the names. Adam and Eve, and a serpent. Only here, it seems Eve was the virtuous one and Adam went astray - and like, really astray - and the serpent is a serpent :) A fitting take on the...


Mary Bendickson
05:26 Jan 31, 2024

Thanks for your take on Eve being taken. The breaks were her trying to breath as she was being strangled. Mostly she was remembering stuff Adam had told her about his favorite subject. Nightmare going through her mind unable to,believe was reality. Maybe a little far fetched. Probably would have passed out from fear long before able to recall anything. But author needed to set the scene, right?


Michał Przywara
05:40 Jan 31, 2024

Oh for sure. If 99 out of 100 people pass out from fear, we want to read about the 1 that doesn't.


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Hannah Lynn
00:09 Jan 31, 2024

Wow! This is such a different type of story - super unique! I didn't know where it was going and couldn't stop reading! Great imagination :)


Mary Bendickson
02:08 Jan 31, 2024

Thank you. Yes, it was different for me. Glad you liked it.


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Carol Martin
12:18 Jan 30, 2024



Mary Bendickson
13:44 Jan 30, 2024

Sooo true. Thanks.


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03:07 Jan 30, 2024

Nice to see you trying something really experimental! A lot of fun puns "you twisted everything around in your journal" and alliterations "large, long, legless lizard lounging languidly along a sunny ledge with a bulging bobble about the belly"! I enjoyed the made for tv comic ending! I could almost imagine someone trying to do this to go viral on Youtube.


Mary Bendickson
06:57 Jan 30, 2024

Very experimental indeed! Glad you had fun. Don't think Eve did! Thanks.


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Ty Warmbrodt
01:38 Jan 30, 2024

What a wicked little tale, Mary. I truly enjoyed it. Very well written, showing how Eve was struggling to breathe. You had me on the edge of my seat. I thought surely someone was going to save her. Talk about a vindictive lover. Great story.


Mary Bendickson
06:52 Jan 30, 2024

Talk about not knowing which way to go with the prompts I really went out on a ledge, er, limb with this one. Happy you were on the edge.


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Trudy Jas
01:06 Jan 30, 2024

suggestion? Make sure your pay pal account is up to date. Wonderful!


Mary Bendickson
06:49 Jan 30, 2024

Tee-hee! Glad you think it is a money maker. Thanks.


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Rebecca Lewis
01:24 Jan 29, 2024

This story took quite a twist! It seems like Eve's perilous situation turned out to be a carefully orchestrated plan by Adam. Quite a unique blend of suspense, humor, and unexpected outcomes — all for science, as they say.


Mary Bendickson
01:42 Jan 29, 2024

Does make you wonder? Thanks for reading. I know it was hard to 'like'.


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Timothy Rennels
05:50 Jan 28, 2024

One twist after another! For goodness snakes!


Mary Bendickson
14:04 Jan 28, 2024

Punny. Thanks for liking. Kind of hard to really like it.


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Claire Trbovic
15:12 Jan 27, 2024

Excellent take on the prompt, great format, even better twist at the end, massive thumbs up for me! I particularly liked the Halloween section, really clever mirroring into the action itself. I spent a bit of time in the Amazon last year and am continually relieved I was never left alone ha!


Mary Bendickson
18:58 Jan 27, 2024

Smart girl! Thanks for liking.


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Alexis Araneta
15:03 Jan 27, 2024

The bigger snake is Adam, obviously. Oh my, Mary ! This was so creative. I love your allusion to Biblical lore. It made the whole twist unexpected. The descriptions were absolutely wonderful, especially of what went through Eve's head when the snake was strangling her. Amazing job ! (And I do hope Eve, upon returning home to safe ground, dumps Adam.)


Mary Bendickson
18:56 Jan 27, 2024

Oh, she did! Thanks for liking.


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Jonathan Page
04:29 Jan 27, 2024

Great story, Mary! Maybe this week's winner! The interior dialogue of Eve in the middle is very captivating. I like the experimental style with the ellipses. This concept is very original and engaging. Immediate stakes. I was invested in Eve's struggle with the snake. The twist with Adam letting the anaconda devour her *(out of...spite...revenge?) is unexpected, and the final conclusion where he saves her in the end is as well. Cruel! The way you started with the relationship history, I thought you were going to make the middle scene with...


Mary Bendickson
05:29 Jan 27, 2024

Oh, you guys are really good. Thanks for taking an interest and the imput. Does this mean I should make some changes before it is approved? That may be tomorrow.


Jonathan Page
06:33 Jan 27, 2024

If you have time. Edit early and often!


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Michelle Oliver
01:06 Jan 27, 2024

Poor Eve. I think Adam is the real serpent here. Your descriptions of being crushed by a python are great, quite literally breathtaking… the ellipses break the flow of the story in an interesting way, showing her pain and jumping thought as she nears her end. Great work.


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Tommy Goround
20:05 Jan 26, 2024

Hmm... No email. Concept awesome. Notes. I'll erase... - sexy descriptions of being devoured. Good. -intro? Not good. Almost can be read backwards like the snake regurgitated you and you ask "why am I not good enough to digest?) - Adam gone but no tour guide? A tour guide would be interesting 1) be knocked out 2) find anaconda....reticulating anaconda so normal that he just watches for a minute. Maybe he repeats "this is normal down here" 3) a guide could find heroine so beautiful being eaten that he is slow to help. Theme? "For scien...


Mary Bendickson
21:39 Jan 26, 2024

You gotta know I was struggling with this one. So out of my comfort zone. Should have collaborated with you from the get go.


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