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Fantasy Sad

The ghost’s of three

Three is a small number. Unless of course you want to summon three dead people from the deep pits of Hades. It's just unthinkable. But that is what I was trying to do: summon the dead back into the world. It can’t be that hard right? Yes. Yes it can. Several times I had almost died trying to collect the ingredients. There was centaur blood which was toxin if touched by skin and I needed three liters of the stuff. I finally found an already dying centaur to give me some blood. Then there were the tears of a hippocampus which wasn’t hard to get. Finally one more thing. The most dangerous thing. Something from the three gods themselves. Not something small but something big. Like Zeus's master bolt. Hades’s bident, which was a two pronged trident. And last but not even close to being least, Poseidon’s trident. I couldn't just walk up to them and ask for their most powerful weapons to sacrifice to the dead. Even Hades wouldn't do that. Believe me I tried. I needed to steal them. The only chance I had was at the winter solstice where all of the gods had a council. I know all twelve gods and goddesses, not the best when tryna steal the big three’s weapons. But on the winter solstice all of the big three were gonna be together and I could steal their weapons easily. I hope. 

The winter solstice was five days away and I had a plan. I needed to distract all of the gods. That's why I found the bones of a tyrannosaurus. If you plant some of the bones in some soil then water them with blood you can summon something terrible. There only was one setback. Hades will sense the dark magic right as I start it. He’ll tell the other gods to continue and then go stop the magic. I’d tried it before. And I was pretty sure it would work. My friends had been taken when they were thirteen and fourteen. I am fifteen and I’m gonna bring them back. 

On the day of the winter solstice thunder boomed outside Mount Olympus as I walked slowly towards it. Something about it was definitely powerful. Something final. Now I had to perform the dark magic outside then when it was finished I would sneak into Mount Olympus. Now looking back this was the worst plan I’ve ever had, which is saying a lot. I planted the bones, cut down the length of my arm and let the blood fall into the soil. I felt the sting as I took out a white bandage and wrapped it around my arm. There was a deep rumbling sound as the monster began to awake. Then I heard him. Hades. Walking down the hallway. Ohh come on fifteen more seconds I thought. Closer. Then with a loud roar the monster erupted from the soil. Straight from Tartarus. A long snake like dragon thirty feet wide, twenty feet long with wickedly pointed fangs. Hades came out of Olympus to see the creature rising from the dirt. His face went white at the sight of the dragon. I ran into Olympus. 

It was calm in Olympus. The walls were all white and silver with golden statues everywhere. One of Zeus. Another of Athena. Then there was a loud crash and the dragon smashed through the wall right in front of me. Destroying everything in its path. This was bad. Hades was riding on the dragon with his bident trying to unsuccessfully stab the dragon. It had shiny hard scales with wicked pointed spikes jutting out randomly. As they went by Hades saw me and there was a look of hatred in his eyes. He had known for a while what I was trying to do. But the other gods and goddesses wouldn't listen to him. They almost rarely did. He had tried to stop me with hellhounds and furies but none of them were successful. He was taken away as the serpent dived into the ground and went away to strike another attack on Olympus. By now the gods had to have heard the dragon. I went up to the throne room and saw Hestia the goddess of the hearth sitting at the fireside. “I know you are grieving.” she said. “Take them.” she motioned towards the weapons on the thrones. I don’t know why I was so stupid. The gods obviously needed the weapons to fight the dragon. But as soon as I touched Zeus’ master bolt I died. Maybe it was for the best.


Hestia came to visit me in Hades and told me that she was sorry and the other gods would have punished her for letting you live. I told her I understood. I finally got to see my friends again and I work for Hades. I would rather have this job than go to Tartarus. My friends say they died for a reason. Some health problems. I didn’t believe them. Each of them got houses on Elysium. They managed to be good in their short lives. I was not as good. Now you may be thinking where did you learn to use magic like that. Well I don’t know. It just came to me. But something about the way Hades didn’t send me to Tartarus is wired. Maybe I’m just crazy. I mean I did try to steal the gods most powerful weapons. All of the other gods and goddesses (besides Hestia) tried to convince Hades to give me a special punishment in Tartarus. But Hades didn’t. One day he even offered to give me a second life. If you drank from the Lethe you would forget everything then you could have a second life. Clean of what you did in the past one. Only people who achieved Elysium were the ones who could have a second life. Something about this was different. Hades treated me like a son. I think Hades is my father.

December 18, 2020 17:47

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Nainika Gupta
19:13 Jan 18, 2021

I love Greek myths, and I DEVOURED THIS STORY awesome job Luca!! short but amazing!!


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