Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story about a Google Street View driver.... view prompt



The time has come.

If you are a finding this, then either you have passed away - or you’re about to.

No one else knows this place but him.

If you do, then you can’t go.

If he has let you come this far, then you can’t live.

Don’t try to call the cops - it will be too late anyway.

Don’t try to yell - he made sure no one can hear you.

Don’t try to catch him - he won’t be caught unless he wants to.

Don’t try to run - he won’t let you get far.

Don’t try to hide - he will find you.

Don’t try to live - he has confirmed your death.

Don’t try anything - he will hunt you down.

Before you ask any other questions, you must know about him.

To know about him, you must know about his past.


He used to be a good guy and a really nice friend.

He was the best son in the world and he loved his daughter very dearly for her

entire life.

Not only was he a family man, but he was also a driver - just like you and me, and

many others - like us.

He was a driver for Google and he screened the streets for everyone to see - sound


He took his daughter with him one day to seek out a new place.

She enjoyed it the whole way to the place.

They stopped at a carnival on the way and they got on every single ride.

You could even give them the title of “Best Father and Daughter.”

When the night was falling, they stopped by a hotel - not far from where you are.

They stayed for the night and decided to leave in the morning.

They slept sound and when they woke up in the morning, his daughter was missing.

There wasn’t a place where he didn’t look.

He looked in the room and in the lobby of the hotel.

He asked the neighbors and he ran around the parking lot.

He left the hotel in his car and looked all around the hotel.

He drove for miles.

He drove for hours.

He drove for his daughter.

After driving for a long time, he started to head back - thinking that his daughter

might have shown up back at the hotel.

On his way back, he found a forest - the exact one where you are right now.

He looked around everywhere, but she was found nowhere.

He got back in his car and started to head back.

Unfortunately for him, his camera on his car fell off and it blocked his view from

seeing the back.

Just then, he hit something.

Whatever he hit, it made a loud thump.

He couldn’t quite tell because the camera was in his way, but he saw blood.

When he got out, he saw her there.

He saw his daughter, bleeding and on the ground with an ice cream cone in her

right hand and a balloon in her left.

He felt bad, but he didn’t know what to do with her.

He couldn’t tell anyone, but he couldn’t keep it to himself.

He buried her right where he found her.

You are sitting on her grave.


— Now, you might be wondering how you are related to this, but trust me, you fit

perfectly into his story.

You both have had a family.

You and he are both drivers for Google.

You both chart the uncharted as a street driver.

You both brought your loved ones to the hotel.

You both ventured out to this park here.

You both —

Even if you live - your loved one won’t so don’t fight it - your loved one is next.

Now, don’t think that he’s a psychopath.

He is actually really not.

He is just like you and me.

The only difference is that he cares.

He cares about his daughter and he cares about himself.

He even seems to care about you.

After realizing what happened to him, he wanted to protect others from the pain.

If he sees a Google Street View driver or even the car, he will go for them.

He targets those who are just like him.

He doesn’t want to see another driver kill a loved one.

He killed his daughter on accident, and you are the victim of his change.

He will first kill you, and then your loved ones.

No one knows about this place, and no one will.

You need not worry about hurting a loved one - you won’t be there to hurt them,

and neither will they.


Let me just sum up everything real quick:

— He was a father and a driver.

— He accidentally killed his daughter because he couldn’t see the back of his car -

due to the camera on the top of his car.

— He wants to kill you so that you won’t have to worry about killing anyone else in

the future.

— He will also kill your loved ones so that they won’t have to suffer going through

life without you.

— He will bury you right next to his daughter so that you die peacefully.

— To make you feel even better, he will bury your loved one(s) along with you.

— He is doing you good in a way, so respect him.

— He is me, and I hope that you have signed this book - or else . . .


Do you hear that sound in the bush behind you?

That is him.

He is coming for you.

Don’t scream - he feeds off of fear.

Don’t run - he was a Google Street View driver, and if you know what I mean,

nothing ever goes out of his sight.

Everything is being recorded, so don’t try anything.

His motto is: “You won’t be there to kill anyone, ” and trust me - he means what he


He’s coming closer, right?

But don’t worry; just sign your name in this book - next to all of his other victims.

At least your loved ones will find you in this way - oh wait, they can’t.

Remember that I am doing you a favor, so don’t feel bad.

Everything is going as planned.

All you have to do is cooperate with me.

Your cooperation is the least that I expect from you - after all, I am doing so much

for you.

Try to think happy thoughts - it’s now or never.

The time has come for you to part with this world.

The time has come for you to say your goodbye’s.

THE TIME HAS COME . . . for your death.

May 01, 2020 21:00

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19:03 May 03, 2020

Hey, Pranathi. I've read your story and I must say I loved it. It's simple yet powerful and that's a way of telling who's a good writer. While reading through, I felt implored to ask myself certain questions: why does he want to kill if he feels guilty he killed his own daughter? Is it to cleanse himself of his old sins? Overall, it was a great story.


Pranathi G
19:06 May 03, 2020

Thank you! You are somewhat right on your theory . . . The reason why the killer is killing people is because of his past. When he accidentally killed his daughter, he felt really bad and he couldn't cope with it. He blames the reason for her death on the car and on him. Whenever he sees a driver or the car, he instantly wants to kill them, so that they won't kill anyone in return. He only kills the victim's loved ones because he doesn't want them to suffer either. He went through a lot when his daughter died, and he doesn't want anyon...


19:22 May 03, 2020

Of course. Now I understand. Great story!


Pranathi G
19:26 May 03, 2020

Thank you!


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Sierra Ashworth
03:19 May 03, 2020

Very good. I love your writing style!!


Pranathi G
13:02 May 03, 2020

Thank you!


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Peace Nakiyemba
23:56 May 02, 2020

I loved your introduction and the originality of your story. Your structure is interesting and beautiful to read. This is a great story.


Pranathi G
00:04 May 03, 2020



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Brenda Black
22:09 May 02, 2020

This brought literal chills. You are really talented :)


Pranathi G
00:04 May 03, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Avani G
20:32 May 02, 2020

Wow! I loved this story! I read a few lines and was instantly captivated! As a fourth grader, I honestly don't think there are many improvements. But, if you really want to make sure your stories are good beforehand, maybe try proof-reading it with an adult or a teacher. Loved this story, especially the twist at the end! Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to read more! 👍


Pranathi G
20:34 May 02, 2020

Thank you so much! Are you really a fourth-grader?


Avani G
20:35 May 02, 2020

LMAO, yeah!


Pranathi G
20:36 May 02, 2020

Wow! You write amazingly!


Avani G
20:37 May 02, 2020

Thank you so much! I would really like to write in your style myself one day, though!


Pranathi G
20:37 May 02, 2020

And I would love to write in yours! But seriously, if you are 10, then I am 13!


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April Moon
20:25 May 02, 2020

Wow! This is just- amazing?? It even gave me goosebumps, you did an amazing job honestly, the suspense, the tragic factor and the twist


Pranathi G
20:26 May 02, 2020

Thank you! Your story was also really good!


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Lala Jenkins
19:43 May 02, 2020

I think as soon as you admitted you were the killer you should have switched to first person perspective, you broke away for suspense but didn't alter your writing until midway through. I also felt disconnected from the death of his daughter. Despite his reasoning, I didn't feel much remorse from the character. Maybe it is just me! I do like the idea for a killer driver. I originally had planned to write a Google driver witnessing a murder and being hunted down by the killer, ha ha


Pranathi G
20:11 May 02, 2020

Thank you so much for the feedback! The reason why I didn't switch the point of view was that it was supposed to be like a journal where the narrator comes back and then adds in some points. I know that I didn't make that clear in the story, but it wasn't supposed to switch. I understand what you are saying about the connection between the father and daughter. I didn't have enough time to write more, or else I would have. Did you write the story about the Google driver witnessing a murder? I would love to read it!


Lala Jenkins
00:24 May 04, 2020

Ahh, that makes sense!! I understand now. I think it would have been more chilling if you waited till the end to say it was ME, then it would have held more suspense. Sadly I didn't have the time to write it! Instead I did a poem between two lovers :) Tell me what you think!


Pranathi G
00:37 May 04, 2020

Yeah, I agree with you and of course! What is it called?


Lala Jenkins
13:32 May 04, 2020

You can find it on my profile! The Stars Above!


Pranathi G
13:36 May 04, 2020

Ok, thanks!


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✰ Jessica ✰
19:01 May 02, 2020

Pranathi, this story was a great length, and the beginning was great. I never thought of a Google Street driver in this way. This story was very suspenseful and kinda sad!! My friend almost cried when she read the man ran over his daughter. So, if you wanted us to feel in this story, you definitely made us feel!


Pranathi G
19:03 May 02, 2020

Thank you! I didn't mean to make you and your friend almost cry, but I did add that part for some feel. Thanks for reading!


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Pranathi G
18:48 May 02, 2020

Please read and like my story! Feedback is appreciated!


Pranathi G
18:55 May 02, 2020



Pranathi G
18:55 May 02, 2020



Pranathi G
18:56 May 02, 2020

Please, LIKE!


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Anushka Binoy
18:12 May 02, 2020

Wow this was such an intense, fast paced narrative. Writing in second person is notoriously difficult but everything seems to flow throughout!


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Michael Loss
16:27 May 02, 2020

I really enjoyed the repetition of certain phrases throughout the narrative, it gave it a feel of disruptive yet poetic surge. Overall it is a dark but fun story. Well done.


Pranathi G
16:27 May 02, 2020

Thank you!


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A.R. Eakle
16:15 May 02, 2020

I get that. I mean, I totally get why it's there haha. Have faith in your writing to relay those things. I think you did a great job explaining all of that through narrative!


Pranathi G
16:17 May 02, 2020

Thank you!


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A.R. Eakle
16:10 May 02, 2020

I really like this story. I like the structure and the plot, and even the narrative. What I think you could work on, though, is making the reader feel your "Let me sum it up for you" part. I think taking that part out, and incorporating that into your story as narrative would really give it a BANG haha. Great work on this one!


Pranathi G
16:12 May 02, 2020

Thank you! I agree with you. I just didn't know how to incorporate it into my narrative. I didn't want my story to be confusing so I added that part to make sure people understood my story.


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Jan Querubin
15:56 May 02, 2020

This is a good one. Dark and emphatic. Gives the reader a very effective way of using the 2nd POV. It threatens and that spooked me (in a good way, of course). I love it.


Pranathi G
16:06 May 02, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Zea Bowman
14:04 May 02, 2020

Wow, this was a great story. It had emotion and everything connected to the man killing you and your family. You nailed the 2nd point of view; great job on that. Now, for my advice. I don't know if you wanted to have all of your sentences like that, but I felt that they were sort of choppy; they weren't connected. It was kind of robotic: Sentence. Sentence. Sentence. However, I would understand if that was how you tried to make the story, because it would fit in for the plot. Just respond to this comment and let me know if it was intende...


Pranathi G
14:16 May 02, 2020

Thank you so much! It was intended to have it kind of choppy and short because the narrator was the killer, and he wasn't a good writer. The sentences were supposed to be connected, but I will try to make sure that they are from next time.


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Pranathi G
21:04 May 01, 2020

Please let me know how you really feel about this story! I would love feedback! Thank You!


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Moon Fox
21:30 Sep 23, 2021



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10:07 Sep 21, 2020

Hey, Pranathi would you be kind to watch the first video it's on Harry potter. Sorry for asking your time, I would ready your story


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Sandra Stauffer
05:55 Jul 29, 2020

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Nandan Prasad
15:59 Jun 23, 2020

Hard-hitting, beautiful story! Really enjoyed it! Also, would you mind checking out my story 'Enemy of the State?' Thanks!


Pranathi G
18:26 Jun 23, 2020

Thank you! I left some feedback on your story! It was really good!


Nandan Prasad
01:18 Jun 24, 2020

Thank you!


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