Adventure Fantasy Friendship

“My life has become so much boring”, sighed the sorrowful dragon. “Those damn weak humans. They can’t even put up a decent fight”, the dragon was growing more and more tiresome as the time passed by.

 “Ugh!! I can’t take it anymore. I must really have a change in my dreary life”, the dragon exclaimed annoyingly. There was a stubborn dead end in his life that needs to be passed by any means or it will greatly affect the vigorousness, his life had ever made up.

 “That’s the problem”, the dragon angrily stared at the hoard of gold and jewels piled up in a corner of his adobe. “I don’t know what to do with it anymore”, the dragon continued. He wanted to migrate to another lair in any other areas but he can’t let go of his abundances that easily. He thought and thought but every time the tempting wealth was the problem.

 “O Almighty God! Grant me patience and guidance as you are the Oft-Gracious”, the dragon prayed a lot to God and put his full trust in him. One day, the dragon went out to a very high mountain peak where he loved to go. It was his favorite pastime.

 “Great as ever!! The scene of the city is indeed the best from here”, the dragon was enjoying the scene when something huge caught his attention.  “So the country’s going to be invaded”, he said while seeing towards the border not amazed even a bit.

 He decided to watch the battle from the peak. The local army quickly met the invading army. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing of the swords and the footsteps of the soldiers advancing very quickly.

 “They are stronger as expected”, the dragon was really enjoying the battle, still not amazed though. The war transitioned from normal swordfight to the competition of energy attacks in a blink of an eye. The invading army was counted as one of the superpowers of the world. It wasn’t a wonder that they reached the palace of the king in no time.

 At last the invading army razed the palace to the ground and killed the king sparing no time and waved their flag officially recording their victory in the history. The dragon was really excited because he knew that he would have tough challenges from now on but his hopes weren’t satisfied to the extent he expected for. The invaders, though exponentially stronger than the vanquished, were still not able to break the win streak of the mighty dragon.

 “When had my luck became so poor and tattered. After tens and hundreds of years, I still couldn’t get some exciting challenges!!!”, he was really disheartened by the series of disappointments the life spared him by now but his prayers were going to be accepted and a mysterious young man with not so special clothes but a fine body decided to pay his den a visit.

 The dragon decided to follow him quietly because he was looking lost and perceived not a danger by the dragon. The young man walked in the long cave along with observing the flamboyant rocks, the living witnesses of the long unbreakable win streak of the mighty dragon. He was greatly fascinated by the cave. The dragon, still following him, seemed a little suspicious of the visitor but decided to wait for more time.

 At last the young visitor reached the final destination, the resting place of the greatest temptation ever made, the dreams of the vanquished, the shiny gold and the coruscating jewels. He was staring the hoard deeply and for a long time.

 “As usual, the worshipper of the damn devil”, the dragon was again disheartened but the move of the young man excited the spirits of the dragon to the skies like a long lost friend does to one’s heart. He unlike those who came here before, showed no interest in the mountain of the wealth and shouted something instead.

 “You can show yourself now Mr. Dragon. I came with good intentions”, the young man called the dragon.

 The dragon would have been not amazed but he had concealed his energy to such an extent that detecting his presence is even more difficult than conquering the whole world but the person who still was in his twenties easily detected his presence. The dragon came out greeting with his well known dark blue flame.

 “I came not to fight”, the young man put his sword in front of him easily deflecting the flame. Feeling helpless in negotiating with the dragon, he instead decided the use of force. Both of them raised their energies but the young man was surprisingly at par with the mighty dragon but he was holding back and the dragon clearly perceived it. The whole city shook from the clashes and the cave that once was on the wish list of every warrior collapsed

 “’Young man, your age is deceiving. You are mighty and on par with this old dragon but I see that you are holding back. You indeed came with kind intentions”, the dragon stepped back and lowered his energy. The young man followed suit.

 “Tell, young man, with what cause you visited my adobe?”, he asked.

 “I came to deliver a letter, by the authority of the writer”, the young man handed a letter written on a special paper. The dragon quickly opened the letter. It read,

 “My dear and pure friend Sinclair, if you are reading this letter than it means that I have found my true heir that knows the true values of our kingdom and therefore in my opinion the best to rule I ever found in my life. My friend, every life must taste death. It is the bitter truth. While for some it may be sweet and for others bitter, for me it was both. It was sweet because I could live my whole life with your companionship and it was bitter because I died first leaving you alone but do not be sad, we will certainly meet in afterlife, the ever-lasting life. I hope that even if my chosen heir is not me, you can still found a friend in him. Therefore, on my final request, accompany my great-great-grandson in his life and his adventures. Even all of the papers in the world aren’t enough to contain what I want to write to you but indeed there will be an ever-lasting life. These words are my final parting gift for you. I hope the best for you my true friend.”     

 The paper was soaked wet with his tears before he finished reading the letter. He could not help but read the final parting gift of his friend again and again but this will not bring him back. His words lessened his long persisting sorrow a bit. Finally he stopped crying and said to the prince, “Indeed your great-great-grandfather chose you as his recommended companion for me. From now on I will accompany you in your adventures and help you in your rule. If God wills, we will complete his mission and his life-long dream. May God bless your rule”, the dragon prayed to God. The young prince happily agreed on his respectful and dear ancestor’s order.

 Soon dragon and the prince left the collapsed ruins leaving the hoard that the dragon once held on to grasping his freedom of adventures buried under the rubble. The whole city trembling of fear by the shaking of the city came to check the matter but once they saw that the dragon has left, there greediness took over their thoughts and no one came between them and the pile of jewels and gold. They quickly nipped even the last of jewels leaving no trace of the once known “Fabled Hoard of The Crimson Dragon”.

 The prince ruled the kingdom for another 400 years and the kingdom became an absolute power spanning over the whole world. The people were happy under this kingdom. The kingdom was filled with justice and unity.

 The dream of the great ancestor fulfilled about expanding the kingdom to the whole world and make an absolute utopia and his dearest friend, Sinclair the dragon became the epitome for of loyalty, courage, might and indeed and foremost friendship for both humans and dragons and other beings alike and only his adventures and his famous saying was left engraved in the golden records of the history,

 “If you have the will to leave your wealth anytime, then you will indeed find happiness in your life” ~ Sinclair, the Dragon.

February 17, 2023 19:21

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Wendy Kaminski
19:40 Feb 22, 2023

This was such a lovely story, Rafeh! You have a way of painting pictures that is easy to envision, and I really liked the idea of a God-fearing dragon who prays. :) Thank you for the uplifting story, and welcome to Reedsy!


Rafeh Waqar
20:26 Feb 23, 2023

Thanks a lot Wendy :-) I was first hesitant to portray the dragon as God-fearing but I wanted to show to viewers that they should be God-fearing too and that it will bring nothing but good fortunes as it did with the dragon. I hope my further stories would be also likeable and applaudable to you and viewers alike. Again, Thanks a lot and Goodbye


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