
This is the prologue of a novel I had started back in February 2021, but left somewhere along the way. Now I am working on it again and I hope to have it completed before the 'anniversary' of the day I conceptualized it. Please comment on what you think about it and would you pick up this book to read if you come across it at the library.

“Ben, look at that book. It wasn’t here a minute ago. Someone was trying to take it. I just saw an old and wrinkly hand grab it.”

“Which book Destiny? You’ve gone bonkers. There is no book here and no one is trying to take it. The shadiness of this house is really getting to you. Let’s get going. We have to go back anyway. Come on.”

“Yeah….I may be hallucinating. Let’s leave. ”

The cousins went out of the house and towards the lake. Suddenly, they were stopped, not by a person or by their will, but by a force. What was it?

A knock at a house without a door, a gateway to the ‘End’, an invincible teen. 

Read this story to find out what is in store for Destiny and her small group of friends.

~ Dhwani Jain

December 26, 2021 14:28

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TJ Squared
22:50 Jan 01, 2022

I think I recall you sharing this with me. It sure sounds like an interesting novel!


Dhwani Jain
03:58 Jan 02, 2022

Yeah I did


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Dhwani Jain
11:10 May 22, 2022

Chapter 1 of the novel is now available on my profile with the name 'Chapter 1'. Please read it and give me your honest reviews.


TJ Squared
23:43 Jun 05, 2022

Cool! I’ll try to check it out soon!


Dhwani Jain
04:52 Jun 06, 2022

XD I deleted it...


TJ Squared
03:48 Jun 10, 2022

Oof lol


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Philia S
16:36 Jan 01, 2022

I like this! I won't say much cause I really wanna read the next parts asap. XD See you on the next part!


Dhwani Jain
16:56 Jan 01, 2022

Philia...I am sorry to disappoint you. I will (most probably) not upload the next part/chapter on Reedsy anytime soon. I have written this as a Prologue of a novel I am working on, hopefully I will be done with the first draft in Feb 2022. Happy New Year !!! 🥳 I don't remember if I have asked this to you, but what is your real name?


Philia S
17:02 Jan 01, 2022

Oh? I thought The Golden Book~Cases were somehow related? TvT Oh well, I enjoyed this one, at any rate, short as it was. Good luck to you! I hope I can be one of the beta readers. :D Same to you!! :D I'm not really comfortable sharing it here, lol. Sorry. Btw, I posted a new story. If you don't mind, could you check it out? Thanks!


Dhwani Jain
03:53 Jan 02, 2022

Not related at all 😀 Ok I'll check it soon


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Dhwani Jain
13:00 Jan 04, 2022

Why'd you die?


Philia S
15:41 Jan 04, 2022

Cause I usually don't talk in Hinglish, lol.


Dhwani Jain
09:37 Jan 05, 2022



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Dhwani Jain
11:10 May 22, 2022

Chapter 1 of the novel is now available on my profile with the name 'Chapter 1'. Please read it and give me your honest reviews.


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Gip Roberts
21:24 Dec 30, 2021

Well, it's certainly formatted like a prologue (with the italics and all). It snatches my intention with the first two sentences. It makes me wonder where they could be, and I assumed a library, so realizing they were in a house gave me goosebumps. I would be curious enough to at least read some of that book all because of the phrase: "A knock at a house without a door..." I would delete the question: "What was it?" because the sentence preceding it should already have people asking themselves that.


Dhwani Jain
10:25 Jan 01, 2022

Ok Gip Thank you for the review. I will make sure to keep that in mind and skip that sentence.


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Dhwani Jain
11:11 May 22, 2022

Chapter 1 of the novel is now available on my profile with the name 'Chapter 1'. Please read it and give me your honest reviews.


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Lilliane Wei
20:18 Dec 28, 2021

Ooooooooh, I really like the mystery you've weaved into the prologue, even with the limited number of words you've used. Also, the fact that they're cousins was a nice surprise, different than the usual sibling relationships between related characters. For the line "The cousins went out of the house and towards the lake" maybe you can change it to "The cousins left the house and headed towards the lake"? That way the details are outlined a little more clearly? It's up to you of course. Please don't take my advice if you like the way you've a...


Dhwani Jain
05:13 Dec 29, 2021

Thank you so much Livia for these encouraging words. You don't know how much I needed them!!! Of course, I can always improve and this suggestion of yours would help me do just the same!!! <3


Lilliane Wei
05:25 Dec 29, 2021

Of course, I'm so happy to help!! <3


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Dhwani Jain
11:11 May 22, 2022

Chapter 1 of the novel is now available on my profile with the name 'Chapter 1'. Please read it and give me your honest reviews.


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Unknown User
04:15 Dec 29, 2021

<removed by user>


Dhwani Jain
05:21 Dec 29, 2021

Oh, have a nice trip! Nice, nice got it!👍 Yeah, you'd better!


Unknown User
05:26 Dec 29, 2021

<removed by user>


Dhwani Jain
05:28 Dec 29, 2021

Nice, make sure that they take good rest. I have been better than what I was before! Still looking for someone who'd do a collab with me!


Unknown User
05:30 Dec 29, 2021

<removed by user>


Dhwani Jain
05:39 Dec 29, 2021

=D Ok, do message me on Reedsy, I'll get back at ya! How was the move?


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Dhwani Jain
11:11 May 22, 2022

Chapter 1 of the novel is now available on my profile with the name 'Chapter 1'. Please read it and give me your honest reviews.


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