Finding Ourselves In The Dark

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about someone who purposefully causes a power outage.... view prompt


Thriller Romance

Music, check.

                  Lingerie, check.

                  Candles, check.

                  What am I missing?

         Marisol performs a mental inventory while trying to recall how a seduction is supposed to look. She looks around her boudoir, trying to still her pulse and staunch the nausea rising like lava in her stomach and throat. Marisol takes two slow, deep breaths, making sure to breathe down to her navel, as her Yoga Instructor always reminds the class. Back to the task at hand, Marisol realizes that, based on her rusty recollection, all the basics are here, but something still feels off.

         “Alexa, turn up the volume,” she calls out to the empty room.

         “Ok, turning up the volume to 18,” comes the feminine robotic voice in response. Luther Vandross’s crooning vocals melt like butter through the speaker:

MusicMusic          “Let me hold you tight/If only for one night.”

         How appropriate, Marisol grins to herself. Confident that her “SEXY SONGS” playlist will continue streaming, she leaves the volume up and moves on to the next item on her checklist. Marisol stands in front of the full-length mirror behind her bedroom door, steeling herself for the image reflecting back to her. Self-conscious as she feels, barely covered in black and red lace, barefoot and exposed, she has to admit that her curvaceous figure fills out the sheer nightie in all the right places. This get-up will definitely stop him in his tracks, she giggles to her mirror-image twin.

An extra bounce in her step and her heart beating rapidly, in anticipation rather than anxiety now, she moves to the jasmine-infused candles flickering on the nightstands. Jasmine, her favorite fragrance, is like an aphrodisiac for her with its heady floral notes. Marisol takes in the scent, lets out an involuntary, Mmmm, and transports back to a time when jasmine had quite the effect on both of them. Lost in her reverie, she doesn’t notice the clock change. She is back in another time and place, the smell of jasmine in her nostrils from a different candle altogether. Their first (and last, to date) romantic adventure was not planned in such excruciating detail as the current one—it was entirely impromptu.

One minute they were chatting amicably, as usual, and suddenly, they found themselves in one another’s arms, fully entrenched in a passionate, exploratory kiss. Their clothes found their way to the floor before either of them were aware of their nudity. Once mindful of their exposed flesh, they were hungry to caress with their eyes and take in every nuance by touch. It was inevitable—they had both felt it, deep down,  so neither even tried to resist the magnetic pull they experienced since the day they met (a decade ago) any longer, despite the forbidden union. Each with their own partners, and partners who knew each other, it was not uncommon for the four of them to go out on the town. It was torturous!

Shaking herself back to the present time and space, Marisol experienced the heartache of defying the desires of her body, of her soul all those years, plus the past year and a half, out of sheer guilt over what they had done. She could no longer deny how she felt, physically and emotionally—she’s been lying to him and to herself this whole time. Tonight she would show him not only how much she wants him, but how much she truly loves him, always has. Tonight has to be just perfect! So, what is she missing? What would make tonight that special? Rose petals on the bed, perhaps? She may enjoy that, but he could care less about rose petals and probably would end up swiping them away anyway.  Plus, nothing should compete with the Jasmine aroma.

Suddenly, it came to her—just the right thing to set the mood. Glancing at the clock, realizing that he would be leaving work and would call any moment to let her know that he was on his way, she knew that her timing had to be impeccable. Marisol busied herself with the tasks at hand, not allowing time to get nervous or impatient.


         Rick lets himself into Marisol’s cozy cottage home, as she instructed over the phone a bit ago. He immediately flipped the light switch in the kitchen, then again, but with no reward. Dimly lit with a candle, the room was cast in shadows.

“Hey, Mari,’” he called out to the darkened house, “Your kitchen light is out. Probably just the bulb. I’m gonna take a look.”

“No, leave it for now,” her voice floats toward him like a butterfly in mid-flight. “Grab the candle and come find me.”

That is all the temptation he needs. The broken light has completely gone from his mind; he does exactly as he is told. 

Mmmm, Jasmine,” he mutters aloud, smiling, remembering, anticipating, as he picks up the scented candle.

Curiously, he finds the hallway leading to her bedroom lined with Jasmine candles. What, did they lose power here or something? I wonder why?  

Marisol calls out, “I’m waiting…”

Rick wastes not another second, kicking off his shoes as he heads down the hallway and toward her bedroom door, which he can see is slightly ajar. Before he can see her, he hears her singing softly along with Al Green coming over her Alexa speaker. 

As he enters her room, ablaze with candlelight, he catches sight of her, propped up on the bed in the soft glow, and falls head over heels all over again. Her long, curly brown hair, now white-streaked in certain places, frames her face with its deep brown-black eyes and full lips. He allows his eyes to travel down, taking in the outfit she picked out, especially for him. He takes his time appreciating her choice—how it contours her sexy body.

         “Are you going to just stand there or are you coming over here?” Marisol chides. 

         “Just taking in the amazing scenery,” Rick retorts, his voice dripping with passion.

         “Well, get over here for a close-up,” Marisol challenges.

Few decipherable words were spoken for quite some time after that command. Once their bodies reconnected, they took over, and their lovemaking was passionate and intense while remaining tender and loving.

After over an hour, both of them grinning as if their faces were stuck, the art of speech returned. They discussed their days—she at her home-based business, he at the job site. When the conversation turned more intimate, she almost panicked and veered from the plan, but she found the courage, somehow, likely in his amber eyes. Absent-mindedly stroking his ample chest hair and defined biceps, she told him that she wanted to apologize for lying to him. She certainly had his attention as he sat up and solemnly prodded, “You lied to me? About what?”

Crushed by the pained look that had instantly claimed his handsome face, she quickly blurted it out (NOT part of the plan), “I’ve been lying to myself all along too. I don’t expect you to return the feelings, but I love you—I always have! And I’m in love with you, too!” Looking relieved, Rick grinned, ran a finger up and down the length of her arm, and said, “I’m not good with saying the “L” word, even with the family. But, if it were in my vocabulary, I’d be throwing that “L” word all around you.  You get me?”  “’ Nuff said,” Marisol replied, and they held each other for a while before he just couldn’t stop thinking about those damn lights. He was more of a ‘show how you feel than tell about it’-kind-of-guy—and he showed it by taking care of people he loved, and being there for them. Anything Marisol needed, he’d do for her in a heartbeat!

“So, what happened to the lights?"

Smirking mischievously, she simply answered, “I did!”

September 05, 2020 08:33

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Rodney Owen
15:06 Sep 12, 2020

Hey, I like your story, it’s very sensual! You established that there was an affair previously but they stopped over guilt and have now reconnected but I’m wondering, what happened to their previous partners? Also, what happens next? Do they live happily ever after or are there some issues they need to overcome?


Mary Jo Fortes
13:21 Sep 13, 2020

Hi Rodney Owen! Thank you for your detailed comments and feedback! I am honored that you took the time to read my piece and leave your thoughts! And sensual was definitely what I was going for... As for your questions, their partners are current, not previous. They are involved in an illicit affair. What happens next? Please stay tuned as this is not the last Reedsy will see of this couple and their story--I intend to let it unfold in short stories and there will be issues, as well as happiness, all mixed together. Best, Ma...


Rodney Owen
13:29 Sep 13, 2020

Great, I followed you soI don't miss out!


Mary Jo Fortes
15:29 Sep 13, 2020

Thanks so much for the follow, I appreciate it! I'd like to follow you, as well but I'm not sure how it works. I have followed others recently but I do miss out. Do you mind my asking what I'm doing wrong?


Rodney Owen
00:22 Sep 14, 2020

I’m not sure either as I’ve only just joined Reedsy. I got a notification that you’ve followed me.


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Ariadne .
01:56 Sep 14, 2020

All you need to do is click on a user's name. It will take you to their Reedsy page. At the top in the header, the user's profile picture and name will pop up. Next to it, there should be a "Follow" button. Simply click it and you're set!


Mary Jo Fortes
02:48 Sep 18, 2020

Thank you, Adrienne! I was actually wondering what happens next as I was able to follow people but didn't see any alerts or anything when they posted as I had expected. But I noticed when I look at my profile, the list of those I am following/ those following me is there. Am I missing anything else? Thanks again!


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Mary Jo Fortes
02:21 Jan 23, 2022

Hello again, Rodney Owen! I truly hope that this finds you well. I have just recently returned to Reedsy after a long hiatus from it, during which I was attempting to focus on drafting my first novel. It did not work out that way. In 2021, I caught a terrible bout of writer's block and I was not writing anything at all. It sapped my energy, my confidence, and my spirit! As New Year's 2022 approached, I decided to change my attitude and approach to my writing, as well as my goals. I am happy to report that I have written daily this month, a...


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Warrior C
00:50 Sep 17, 2020

Wow!! I'm always in love reading love/sensual stories like this Mary. I want more, please! Thank you for the read. Keep safe.


Mary Jo Fortes
03:01 Sep 18, 2020

Hi Marissa! I'm so glad that you enjoyed reading "Finding Ourselves In the Dark!" Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback here. More is definitely to come with these star-crossed lovers as I have decided to turn this story into an on-going series so, depending on the prompt of the week, Marisol and Rick will be returning from time to time. Love/sensual stories are not the only genre that I write, but their story, in particular, is begging to be told! So, ask and you shall receive! Be well and stay safe.


Warrior C
03:04 Sep 18, 2020

Aww! Thank you Mary so much. So happy to hear that. Gosh, I can't wait to read it! YES!😊


Mary Jo Fortes
07:00 Oct 17, 2020

Hi Marissa! Sorry--been "gone" a month. Trying to catch up but I have to sleep so To BE Continued. Just wanted to let you know that the sexy Romance between Marisol & Rick will be continued this week. Please wish me luck that I will make the deadline... been an issue all month (up until last night. So glad I made it as that was an important one to me). Can't wait to catch up soon and go back & read any other stories you may have posted while I've been away! Take good care, Mary Jo


Warrior C
08:12 Oct 17, 2020

It's okay Mary. I know you will. Take care as well and thank you. 😊


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Mary Jo Fortes
02:26 Jan 23, 2022

Hi again, Marissa! I truly hope that this finds you well. I have just recently returned to Reedsy after a long hiatus from it, during which I was attempting to focus on drafting my first novel. It did not work out that way. In 2021, I caught a terrible bout of writer's block and I was not writing anything at all. It sapped my energy, my confidence, and my spirit! As New Year's 2022 approached, I decided to change my attitude and approach to my writing, as well as my goals. I am happy to report that I have written daily this month, and lo...


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Ariadne .
01:54 Sep 14, 2020

This is such a sexy story! I love how you turned this prompt into this, I have yet to read another like this. Great work! Please check out my story and leave a comment/like! I'd be so grateful!


Mary Jo Fortes
02:55 Sep 18, 2020

Thank you, Adrienne, for taking the time to read and comment on my story. And sexy was what I was aiming for--this couple is quite the sexy pair (stay tuned as I have decided to turn this story into a series and I hope to post more about Marisol and Rick here, depending on the prompts)! I am very honored by your comment "I love how you turned the prompt into this. I have yet to read another like this." As you know, being a fellow writer, the characters sometimes superimpose themselves--that's exactly what happened with this one. This ...


Ariadne .
04:34 Sep 18, 2020

Yet again, this comment brought tears to my eyes. You are a fabulous writer and deserve to be acknowledged. Thank you so so much - I get drunk on joy when I read comments like yours! ❤❤❤


Mary Jo Fortes
03:57 Oct 17, 2020

Hi Adrienne! How are you? I am well, but took an unintended hiatus from Reedsy--I missed some deadlines (one by seconds--I literally watched the contest close as I was about to post--soooo hard to swallow!! But a great lesson on deadlines and overthinking pieces) Anyway, I made this week's deadline, with time to spare. I wrote a somber piece, near and dear to my heart this week. Please check it out if you get a chance. I'd love your feedback. I am heading straight to your stories now--excited to read anything you may have written sin...


Ariadne .
05:31 Oct 17, 2020

I'm well, thank you, Mary! I'm glad that you are as well. Oh, tell me about it. My second story was meant to be for the previous contest, but I literally finished typing it a minute after the deadline! I had to tweak it a bit and submit it for the next. You're right, you can learn great lessons from such mistakes. I would love to check out your latest! I'm touched that you sought my help after so long - I feel it's been AGES since we last spoke! Oh, that? I have a touch keyboard thing at the bottom right corner of my laptop screen. It...


Mary Jo Fortes
06:24 Oct 17, 2020

So glad to hear you are well! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one! The thing that gets to me is that I start the new week's prompt every Saturday. The week sometimes gets in the way, though as I'm in the midst of a relaunch of my business and it's a crazy time, but still. It's 1-3K words. I get caught in the editing, up to the last second. This past week's I almost went back in to cut and paste images that didn't come through when I pasted the whole document--they were important to me, but more important was that the story get s...


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Mary Jo Fortes
02:34 Jan 23, 2022

Hello, Ariadne, my long-lost Writer Buddy!! I truly hope that this finds you well and still around. I have just recently returned to Reedsy after a long hiatus from it, during which I was attempting to focus on drafting my first novel. Unfortunately, it did not work out that way. In 2021, I caught a terrible bout of writer's block, and I was not writing anything at all. It sapped my energy, my confidence, and my spirit! As New Year's 2022 approached, I decided to change my attitude and approach to my writing and my goals. I am happy to re...


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