Fantasy Funny Drama

Nathan loved his life to the full. He was a Prince among men, the eldest and next in line to the throne. The kingdom was very great in land and richness, but it also had resources, valuable to the rest of their neighbours. What more could a man want in the prime of his life ?. There was one thing, he longed for since childhood. That was to feel love, real true love, and not the stiff upper lip kind. A shake of the hand, peck on the cheek. His family was considerably stand offish when it came to any show of affection. Even if it was for a child and family in private quarters. No, they were a serious, snobbish lot. His mother controlled even the clothes that he was to wear to an event. The king was much worse, with a temper and scorning, bellowing voice, that sent cold shivers up the spines of any guard on duty, with in hearing distance.

Nathan insisted on his trip across the golden sands that lay in the south. He would cross the great river and forest, to make his way along great rich fields, until he reached the dunes and lakes that bewitched his very soul. There he knew was a race of people, unlike his own, who loved freedom, to roam the desert and enjoy life to the full. His right hand man, Maximus and those guards who constantly grinded him with their presence, were given orders by the crown to keep the Prince out of trouble, and danger.

The Prince knew, he only had a week of freedom. To push the boundaries and explore this vast mystical land that lay before him. Tents were set up, and it was time to change his outfit and set about this strange new world. It had not taken long before Nathan made himself known amongst those that camped by the stream. They did not trust nor like the kingdom to the north. Any one who passed that way, had never returned, unless it was for trade. They were too cold in their manner, and had in the past, instigated wars for profit. War mongers, dressed in gold and jewels.

The Nomads of the south had a different build, they were alike in ways of appearance, but not in shape. Much smaller than those in the north, but just as handsome and beautiful. Their feet were of webbed toes, to prevent them from sinking into the deep sand dunes. Prince Nathan, saw all to well, the advantage of such birth, when he climbed a large mountain of soft golden sand, and after only a minute, was knee deep, struggling to climb out. The only option was to lay on his back, and roll down hill. The guards tried their best not to snigger, though his friend Maximus turned pale, and was horrified at the prospect of losing such a precious man.

Night fell, with two moons in the night sky, and a glorious belt of bright starts, cascading across the green mirror like glows, dancing around with such joy. A shot was heard, the kind that came from a rifle. Rushing towards the noise, but taking a precaution to avoid being seen, the audience of guards and Royal, lay on their chest, to watch what was unfolding in the near distance. Another race, they were thieves, famous for stealing, robbing and murdering. Covered from head to toe in cloth, the colour of their environment. Armed with rifles that blasted out great arrows made from recycled steel. There lay several of the nomads, injured or dead. "We can not hide and watch a blood bath". The Prince declared, his men agreed, but insisted that he remain behind. Maximus took charge and they set to action against the new enemy. Nathan, gazing across, frustrated at being scorned yet again, noticed a cloaked nomad woman, struggling to fight off one of the attackers. With his men occupied, the Prince drew his sword and made haste to save her. He was greatly skilled, it only lasted but a few seconds. Then he reached down to help her up, their eyes met, and it was instant love. She was very attractive, her hair the colour of red fire, and eyes as green as emeralds. Nathan could hardly speak, but when she stood to her full height, he realised, she was half his size !. The young woman found this intimidating, and stepped back from him in fear. Nathan tried to reassure her. "Please, I mean you no harm".

His men though, were quite violent in their fighting tactic, and clearly enjoyed taking a life. Nathan, watched as the beautiful stranger, had a face of disgust. He begged her, to forgive his men's actions, but she was not interested in any excuses. They were laughing and mocking how the enemy died, even as one lay still alive, he was tortured by Nathan's very own friend, Maximus!.

Yes, the enemy were rotten thieves, known for this same behaviour. But to be good was to be different than them. You should not become the enemy, replacing their actions with an equal evil. Only Nathan, showed any sign of humanity, or remorse for the thieves who were clearly executed after they had surrendered. This was all that those people had known, brought up and bred to steal and kill, they knew no better. But his race, his people had no excuse, they had a choice in life, and yet, here they display such barbaric actions, and glorify in death.

The young woman reached out to Nathan, as he was looking away in horror. She spoke, "you are different, maybe you can help us". Nathan's heart leapt at the chance of doing something good after this wake of evil. "Tell me please, what is it I must do, and it shall be done". His men while robbing the dead, did not see their responsibility disappearing into the vast desert distance.

In his leaving, he had turned away from all that had lay before him, the power he would possess if made King, the wealth and fame. Nathan was only a few short years away from his father's demise, and yet here he walks with a stranger. Seeking for redemption, and a new life with meaning.

April 02, 2021 18:59

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17:23 Apr 12, 2021

I really like the imagery used in this. The two moons, the landscape of sand dunes, the description of the woman. Very evocative.


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Jared Hammer
22:27 Apr 11, 2021

Wow, awesome world building. Very visual. Good job.


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