Adventure Thriller Mystery

“You worthless, you will never amount to anything!” one person said.

“Why don’t you save us all the hassle of looking at you and go jump off a bridge!” the next person taunted me with.

“Let's be real, she's not even human and doesn’t deserve that kind of mercy. She should be beaten to death!” the other one laughed.

Throughout my entire childhood I was picked on, thrown around, and told I would never amount to anything. I would always. believe them but now, sitting in my room, devising my master plan I feel invincible. I want to show everyone how much I can accomplish and how awful it will be to be on my bad side. No one can stop me and I won't be stopped until everyone one who doubts me is drowning in their own blood.

I spent years plotting this and now I might finally be able to execute it. It was the dark of night when I decided to go through with my plan. I snuck out of my house and into the backyard, but before I continued on I checked to see if anyone was around. I was in luck because no one was around. So I made a run for the forest. I kept running until I found what I was looking for, the power plant. My next challenge was to get over the electric fence. I kept looking over it and analyzing it. Ii wanted to figure out the best way to get over it so I could make it in and shut down the power. While looking around I found one of the old, hand held tree saws, I grabbed it and went to work.

It took me about fifteen minutes to make a hole big enough for my body to fit through. After I got through I ran straight for the door. I made it in but when I looked around I saw so many different   electrical panels. I decided that I would just destroy them all. I'm pretty sure if they were all destroyed then they would have to order new parts and it could take days to weeks for them to even get the power up and going again. I watched from the window as the town got enveloped by darkness.It brought me satisfaction watching the world going into darkness, now I can finally destroy everyone who decided to buy and beat on me.

I went to find my first victim. Her name is Samantha. She was the student council president and used her power to torment me all through middle and high school. She is now married to her sugar daddy and has everything she wants but now I'm about to take that all away.

I found her huge mansion and went into her room, she doesn't actually sleep in the same bed as her sugar daddy so now I will be able to steal her away from him. when I got into her room she was still awake on Netflix. I grabbed a cloth that I had soaked in chloroform and went behind her and forced the cloth over her mouth and nose and she fell asleep. I tied her up and put her in my car. I got a text from our mayor saying that the power wouldn't be fully up for a month. That is perfect, I can take one person a night until the power goes back on.

So each and every night for a month I captured the people who tormented me and locked them up in the cellar of the beach house away from the town. I also used gloves and had my hair up in a swimmers cap so that way they would have no DNA of me. There have been many news reports of the people who have gone missing. It has brought me so much thrill knowing that I will be these people's ultimate demise.

Currently they were now all sitting in my basement screaming for me to release them. Except they didn't know that it was me who captured them. I was just sitting on the balcony of my house sipping a glass of wine relishing in the fact that my enemies are now helpless by my hand. I have never felt more powerful than I am now.

Down in the basement Samantha saw who else was down here and they were all her high school friends. She saw Donovan, Riley, Katara, Amira, Asher, Landon, Shanara, and Scarlett. Once everyone had woken up we all started screaming and crying for help. Then we heard someone coming downstairs."Well, well, well, you don't know how satisfying it is to see all of you down here and screaming for help when that's how you used to make me feel." I knew that voice but I just couldn't place it, that was until she came into the light.

"LILIANNA!" we all shouted. I never expected to see her here, or to even think that she would do something so evil. I never would have picked her to be the type to destroy everything, then something clicked in my mind.

"Were you the one who destroyed the power plant?" I was skeptical to ask because in school she really wasn't good with technology.

"Wow the idiot has a brain who knew you could even figure that out so quickly. Yes I shut down the power and now all of who are here, are here for one reason. Can you guess what that is?" we all looked at each other and back at her we didn't understand why she would do this to us." I'll tell you why, this is all payback for what you did to me throughout high school. I'm going to return the favor of picking on you except you won't live. These will be your last few weeks alive. you are going to feel exactly how I felt when you would all pick on me!" she was screaming by the end of we all finally understood what she was talking about but what we wanted to know was what bullying?

When I came back up stairs from seeing my childhood bullies I immediately went to the T.V to see if they had any leads that would lead to me. But they were blaming Amelia, the one person who seriously couldn’t hurt a fly. But that's ok as long as I can continue my revenge I'm ok with anything. But when I was down there what really pissed me off was the fact that they looked like they didn’t know what i was talking about. I was furious that they made my highschool life hell.

We were all down here trying to figure out what bullying she was talking about because no one bullied her because of her Alice in the Wonderland syndrome. We were all always kind to her because at times when it kicked in she would struggle to do anything. She didn’t understand what was happening; she would see the opposite of what was really happening. Then it hit us,” When her syndrome kicked in she thought when we were helping her we were bullying her. Let's hope we can talk her down from this killing craze she is in.” it was all coming together we now understand what is happening she thought we were hurting her when all we were doing was helping her. We finally understand now why she always looked at us like we were monsters. Maybe we can make amends.

I went back downstairs to start my torcher on my old high school colleagues. I have never felt more giddy in my life knowing I will be able to start inflicting pain on them. When I saw them in their cell they looked scared of me. That made me even more ecstatic knowing i had caused them such fear from just stepping into a room with them. I grabbed my new knife from my pouch and was ready to begin.”Wait we didn’t do what you think we did.” Samantha shouted, I just arched an eyebrow at her telling her to continue. I want to hear their excuses.” You Alice in the Wonderland syndrome it causes you to see thighs that aren’t really there we were never hurting or picking on you. We were only ever trying to be your friend. Promise.” she held a pleading look in her eyes.

“Why would I believe a liar like you? I don't have this weird syndrome you say I have you, all the reasons my life is miserable you will never live to see another day!” I shouted at her and charged towards her and sunk my blade in her stomach. She screamed in pain and I watched in amazement as the light left her eyes. Everyone in that room looked even more terrified. I dropped my knife and came to look over her body and to see my handy work. Except that was my biggest mistake, Landon picked up my knife and was pointing it at me.” You aren’t strong enough to kill me. You know that Landon, you're too soft to try it.” I challenged him. But I was shocked when he kicked me down and stabbed me in my heart. I felt the pain at first but then I felt more. I started to feel empty as I felt the blood drain from me. Then I felt the darkness as life left my body. I was disappointed I couldn't finish what I started. I couldn't achieve my ultimate goal.

I was shocked at what I just did. I killed a girl. I was numb as we made our escape. I couldn't believe what I had done. We went to the police and told them what happened. I still somewhat believe I should be behind bars. But they said I was a hero getting rid of her and if I had let her live many more would have died. A few weeks passed and we had Samantha’s funeral. We all felt bad for Lilianna and had a funeral for her as well because it wasn't her fault she had a personality disorder. We all mourned for a while but we knew we had to move on with our lives. We were never the same but we were grateful for everything because now we have a new appreciation for life.

September 12, 2020 01:14

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