Mystery Thriller


Dear diary,

I feel ok, my body is hurting a bit and I'm a little shook, but my mind is ok. How could I let them take me? I can't remember exactly what happened.. they are keeping me locked in a samll room, its claustrophobic but I've been trough worst shit than this. I know they are searching for me, it's gonna be ok.



Dear diary,

I'm trying to be positive, but the days are long and the nights are even longer. my family... my family must be losing their minds wondering what happened to me. It wasn't my fault, I was just- never mind, I must stay strong, I must believe.



Dear dairy,

That son of a bitch, the man in white! he made me do it, I said no, but he got mad, he wanted to shoot me, I could tell by the look in his eyes. Time is moving slower and slower as the days go by, I try to remember what my life outside this four walls were like, but as time passes its getting harder and harder to remember, I remember blood, I remember war.




Dear diary,

I was drugged, I saw her, I saw my mom? Not possible. my head is pounding as I'm trying to remember, how could it be? My family knows I'm here? No way. Ever since the war my family acted wierd, every thing seemed wierd, I miss life outside, here, its war again.




Dear diary,

Happy new year?

No, at least not for me.

yesterday I had the most bizarre dream, in my dream, my family visited me here, my mom looked sad, and my father was a bit suspicious looking, it was like he almost didn't recognize me, the man in white was in the room all the time, he was making sure that nothing suspicious was going on, guarding us. I remember I could smell my mom's perfume, the dream was so realistic. when I woke up dizzy I could remembered my father said, "you'll be ok son, your doing fine". why were they ok with me being stuck in this place? Never mind, just a stupid ass dream.



Dear diary,

I'm lonely, the room walls are closing in on me, I think I'm losing my mind. How could they do this to me!? Mark died in my hands, I tried to save him, but enemies were near us, he bleed out, there was nothing I could do to save him. I'll be good, I promise, just let me OUT!!!!



Dear diary,

I'm not lonely anymore, a few weeks ago the guy who kidnapped me, brought another captive, we are friends now, his name is Eddie, and he is a war vet too. Like me, he has a diary, he's a good guy, we share some good laugh together. We will know freedom, WE WILL GET OUT.



Dear diary,

War is over, we won, I think?

Eddie wants to escape, I can relate but im also scared, the man in white is outside, but the walls are closing in, I have no air, I love Eddie, but he's taking my AIR!.



Dear diary,

Today the man in white took Eddie, I tried fighting him, but my body is getting weaker and weaker every day, I can swear this room is getting smaller. if Eddie won't return, I'll rage. They took enough of my friends already.



Dear diary,

Eddie came back, but he seems slower, he dosen't talk as much or write as much as he used to. I'm trying to convince him to help me escape, but he just gives me this look, like he dosen't even know what I'm talking about.

At night army flashbacks hits me hard, I wanted to help him, but I couldn't, THIS IS NOT MY FAULT!



Dear diary,

If the war is over why am I here? I was free and healthy, how did I end up in war again?

Yesterday the man in white came in to our room, he gave us food, Eddie seems better, still not 100%, but better. The man in white looked at me with disappointment.



Dear fucking dairy,

"Get your ass back here soldier!" He screamed at me, we were under fire, I had to go, I'M SORRY!!

What is this shit?!! I'm losing my mind. the man in white gave us something, my brain doesn't act normally, I tried talking to Eddie but failed. Yesterday I realized I haven't thought about my family in weeks, whats the point of survival if you have nothing to survive for?



Dear diary,

I lost my brothers, my brothers in arm.

The man in white came to my room today, he was talking nonsense, he mumbled something about me being oblivious and traumatic, he is a true psychopath. Anyway, the wierd thing was when he said Eddie is free to go, he said Eddie is rehabilitated. Eddie hugged me and said goodbye, I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. Another man in white came in to the room, they congratulated Eddie, Eddie hugged them!! The enemies!!! They started escorting him outside the room, I was screaming and fighting them with tears covering my eyes, the man in white shot me with the syringe and I fell asleep.



Dear diary,

I did some thinking and it's all clear as water now. I found Eddie's diary underneath his bed, I read it, Eddie lost his mind unfortunately, he wrote about a hospital, he thought we were in a mental hospital, he thought they are helping us! BULLSHIT. Poor Eddie, they messed with his brian, he left a note to me, saying I should consider taking the "vitamin pills" that they are giving us with the food. My guilt and war flashbacks are haunting my mind, there is no other choice but to play along. Eddie said I should follow their rules, he wrote that I'll get out once I'll take the opportunity to get help. Eddie said escape is a state of mind, I don't agree, but I'll try, for them, my brothers.


March 05, 2021 23:20

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Amara Tillington
18:22 Mar 16, 2021

This is a beautiful story of loos and anger, told in an awesome way, but I noticed some grammar mistakes. Also, I think you should black out the swears, since most people do that.


Oasis Romem
18:36 Mar 16, 2021

Thank you! English is not my first language so it makes sense to hear that.


Amara Tillington
18:40 Mar 16, 2021

Oh. Well, that's amazing! My writing is only a little better, and I've been studying English and it's my first language, so this is impressive!


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A Cat
19:11 Mar 13, 2021

Great ! I enjoyed reading it :)


Oasis Romem
19:20 Mar 13, 2021

Thank you, I'm happy to hear that! 😁


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D. Owen
10:26 Mar 09, 2021

Intense. Diary style was a perfect choice for this prompt. *Not sure if intentional or not but the word I is usually capitalized. It one sentence the word It's is capitalized.


Oasis Romem
12:53 Mar 09, 2021

Thank you man, fixing it, I appreciate it.


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