
Daniella scratched her mosquito bite, groaning in satisfaction as the itch reduced. She then rubbed her rug burn, which she had gotten the previous day. Daniella tapped her foot to the rhythm of the clock. She heard the doorbell ring, and she shot to the door. She saw her best friend Caleb. Daniella smiled and hugged him.

โ€œHey, hey! How far are we running today?โ€ Daniella pretended to think.

โ€œHow about ten miles.โ€ Caleb groaned.

โ€œThatโ€™s way too short.โ€ Daniella grinned at him. โ€œWe will run ten miles now, and maybe ten miles in the afternoon.โ€ Caleb pretended to dance, his green eyes sparkling.

 โ€œWhen is the race again?โ€ She punched him.

โ€œI tell you this every day! Itโ€™s next month!โ€

She was proud of Caleb. When they first started training a couple months ago, Caleb could barely run a mile. Now that he was twenty, he insisted that he was way more fit. They grabbed their small backpacks, and stuffed them with water, and face cloths. They tried to keep it as light as possible, because for the marathon they would bring a backpack. They walked outside to Daniellaโ€™s driveway and got ready. First, they did their pre-run ritual. They grabbed the first water bottle, and took a swig. Careful not to make the water drain past the sticker. They then arranged their four water bottles and clothes. Two bottles on the bottom, two stacked on top. They then wrapped the cloth around the bottles, and zipped it, careful not to knock their tower over. They turned to face each other and grinned. Then they did their handshake. High five, fist pump, elbow bump. Even though they were twenty, they acted like little girls sharing a secret. Caleb laughed and did what he always did. He smacked his thigh,

โ€œLook at these leg muscles.โ€ Then he cracked up, and took off.

Daniella stared after him, then rolled her eyes, and followed him. They raced past pedestrians and cars. Daniella loved the way the wind felt in her hair. It felt like magic. Running sucked every feeling out of her, and it felt amazing. Her long muscular legs barely touched the ground. It felt like she was flying. They ran miles after miles, enchanted by the sights of the mountains, and the beautiful waterfalls. As they reached Daniellaโ€™s house they collapsed on a lawn chair.

โ€œDo we really think we can run 24 miles?โ€ Panted Daniella. Caleb pondered this idea.

โ€œWell we have run twenty miles in a day, so I think we can do it!โ€ Daniella smiled, and went into her little house. She searched through the freezer until she found a tub of strawberry ice cream.

โ€œOoh! Is that for me?โ€ Caleb snatched it from her and popped open the plastic lid.

He then stuck his whole face in the tub, and licked up ice cream. Daniella gagged, and turned away.

โ€œSometimes I think you are still a toddler.โ€ He grinned sheepishly.

โ€œI have to go home, need to work on a project.โ€ She sighed and helped him wipe ice cream off his face.

โ€œYou can come to work at the office.โ€ He shrugged.

โ€œI donโ€™t write. I couldnโ€™t stay in an office the whole day on my computer just writing.โ€

Writing meant so much to her. She had already published three books, and she entered in loads of contests. She shrugged. Friends have their differences. She sat at her little desk in the corner of the room, pondering for an idea to write. She watched as Caleb got in his car, and drove away. It always saddened her to see him leave. She loved him. They had been friends for as long as Daniella remembered. It would bring them even closer to do this race. Daniella gasped. Sheโ€™d write about the race. Daniella roughly scratched out a storyline. She worked on this particular story for weeks to come.

After training for a long time, the race had finally come. They ran a quick three-mile jog before their race. As they finished their run, they jogged to the starting line. A large clock was ticking down the minutes until the race started. Ten minutes. Daniella glanced at Caleb who nodded solemnly. They quickly did their ritual, then started stretching. Daniella glanced at the sideline, and to her joy she saw her parents. Caleb had the same excited face when he saw his parents.

โ€œWe stay together no matter what.โ€ She swore. Caleb nodded excitedly, like a child opening presents.

โ€œWe at least want to get in the top 30.โ€ Daniella glanced around. There were about 200 other people.

The huge banner over the starting line read, MONTANA MARATHON! BREAST CANCER AWARENESS!!  The timer ticked down to one minute. Daniella grasped Calebโ€™s hand, feeling herself already sweating.

โ€œWe can do it,โ€ Caleb whispered, as he squeezed her hand.

โ€œI donโ€™t want to hear you complaining about this being too short,โ€ She teased him. He scoffed.

โ€œI might complain about it being to LONG!โ€ They shared smiles.

He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. โ€œFor luck.โ€ Daniella touched her lips, blushing. The clock ticked down. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!!!! They took off at a steady pace, taking long strides. Daniella breathed in the musky air. She felt so free. The racers had a pretty far distance from each other now, and they passed the one-mile mark.

 โ€œI canโ€™t wait for the oranges,โ€ Puffed Caleb. She chuckled.

They ran passed lakes, and emerald forests. The sun dipping below the mountains, splashing the sky with a beautiful painting. They finally reached the five-mile mark. Daniella gasped for breath, as she took a swig from her plastic bottle, and grabbed an orange. She then clicked on her headlamp. They ran for hours, until Caleb had to stop.

โ€œI have to tie my shoes, keep going!โ€ Daniella shook her head.

โ€œRemember, we are staying together!โ€ He sighed and turned to face her.

โ€œWe are just wasting time right now! I want at least one of us to get in the top thirty! I will catch up!!โ€

She sighed and hugged him tightly. She took off. She ran by herself for a long time and kept waiting for Caleb to come to catch up.



We were supposed to finish together!

Daniella thought angrily as she approached the finish line. Anger ebbed through every muscle in her body as she crossed the line. Daniella did feel accomplished, but she was so sad. A cold metal slid over her neck. She plastered a fake grin on her face. Daniella pulled over a metal chair to wait. Her mother hugged her, and said she understood. Daniella waited until ten at night. Caleb never crossed the finish line.



He must have gotten tired, and quit. Thatโ€™s not like Caleb though! She started to silently cry, as she climbed into her car.




Daniella opened the wooden door to the porch. It creaked, and groaned as it opened. She sat down on her wooden rocking chair and picked up her recent knitting. Her husband George came out.

โ€œYou are still looking for that boy, arenโ€™t you?โ€

He sat down next to Daniella, and put on his reading glasses, as he picked up the newspaper. Daniella nodded and stood up slowly. She grabbed the box, and card, and placed them on the porch step. Today would have been his 60th birthday, along with Daniellaโ€™s.

โ€œHe is not coming back,โ€ George said, gently taking hold of Daniellaโ€™s face. Tears trickled down her wrinkly face.

โ€œGeorge, one thing I have learned is never to give up. I have been waiting for 40 years.โ€ She whispered. 40 years the police searched, and found nothing. He smiled sadly, and kissed her on the forehead, green eyes just like Calebโ€™s.

He walked inside. Daniella traced her fingers over the dusty windows, and murmured, โ€œWish you were here.โ€

May 16, 2020 19:02

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Lol yay! I'm in this story! That is a sad story though. It reminds of that movie where the dog waited for his owner at the train station for two years.


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Daryl Gravesande
11:27 May 24, 2020

Hey, Avery... U awake?


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Zilla Babbitt
18:58 May 19, 2020

Hello! You asked me to read some of your stories, so here I am. This is so sweet and so sad! You build their friendship very well, and I could definitely see them getting together eventually if fate turned out differently ;). There are mainly grammar problems here: Indent before and after someone speaks to bring clarity on who is speaking. One exclamation point is sufficient. Also... maybe Daniella really is a prodigy, but in my experience most professional runners don't do ten miles twice over when running for fun. Usually they run the ...


19:12 May 19, 2020

Hi Zilla. Caleb went to a different country, and police aren't allowed to search in different country's for anyone. Some very serious runners, might run ten miles in a day, I can understand if it is a bit unrealistic. I am very happy that you liked my story though, so thanks for the feedback Zilla! Stay safe!! -Avery


Zilla Babbitt
19:36 May 19, 2020

Of course! Thanks for clarifying.


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Blueberry Elf
17:32 May 25, 2020

So beautiful!!! Really felt connected to the characters. Loved the ending.


17:34 May 25, 2020

Thanks so much! I really enjoyed writing it!


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Daryl Gravesande
17:56 May 24, 2020

When's ur Birthday?


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Daryl Gravesande
16:45 May 24, 2020

Hey, I just posted a new story! Check it out if you'd like! One of my shorter ones, but I had fun writing it!


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Daryl Gravesande
15:45 May 24, 2020

Just writing for one of the prompts! The Parent and Child Relationship one. I'm trying a different approach with this one! Telling it from 2 sides.


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14:03 May 24, 2020

Hello everyone!!! This is the start of my "series!" I hope you enjoy it! Thanks again!-Avery


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Emily Li
15:26 May 19, 2020

This is very good and awesome OWO


15:55 May 19, 2020

Thanks so much em!


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15:29 May 17, 2020

I really liked your story, very sad ending. It really pulled me in.


15:52 May 17, 2020



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Ruth Porritt
09:10 May 17, 2020

Hello Avery, I am a big fan of this story. First, because I am addicted to running. Do you run? (I am just curious.) You have accurately described (with excellent sensory detail) exactly what the experience is like, and why people do it. I also loved the depiction of the relationship between Daniella and Caleb. You were able to create a meaningful relationship in a short time, and this is a skill that I am working on improving. I have no suggestions for improvement, but will you write another story about what happened to Caleb? ...


12:04 May 17, 2020

Ruth, thanks so much! I do run, and I love it. I have run a lot over this break. I sort of connected me and Daniella with our feelings for certain things. I will definitely look at the prompts and write a concluding story! I think I will do the prompt, were the narrator reveals a secret on what happened to Caleb! I have read lots of books on good relationships, so I like to write about that. Ruth, thanks for your meaningful comments! I hope you also have a great weekend!


Jubilee Forbess
13:01 May 17, 2020

Hey, great story, would you mind recommending some of the books you've read with goo d relationships? I can recommend some too; I was just wondering. One must always be on the lookout for great new reading material!


13:04 May 17, 2020

Okay sure. Would you like a book with romance relationships, or friend relationships?


Jubilee Forbess
13:27 May 17, 2020

I think friend relationships. For romance relationship books, though, I recommend Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe because it's wonderful and fantastically written and the plot is, as much as a book can be, throughly original.


13:42 May 17, 2020

Ok I will find some books for you!


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12:09 May 17, 2020

Would you be okay, if I did an introduction in my new story, and say your name? I would credit you for the idea? Thanks!


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Ruth Porritt
03:53 May 18, 2020

It's always a pleasure to read your stories, and I've never had anyone give me a shout out for new story ideas. Thanks, and the next one is dedicated to you, Ruth


11:46 May 18, 2020

:)))) You are so kind


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18:18 May 17, 2020

Hi Ruth! I made a sequel to this story. I am now working on a prequel! I hope you enjoy!


Ruth Porritt
03:54 May 18, 2020

Also, can't wait to read the prequel! :)


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