Adventure Fiction Friendship

β€œI promise… we’ll escape somehow,” I vowed, placing my hand against my feeble beating heart.Β 

β€œTony… I’m worried about Abby,” I managed a weak smile, ruffling Diana’s brown hair.

β€œDon’t worry D, she’s a smart girl… she’ll manage.”

β€œIf you say so,” She mustered her courage to sleep against me, I felt her shiver from the cold, her hands trembling as her body vibrated.

I watched Abby’s precious little sister close her eyes, her breathing evening out as she mumbled in her sleep, something I couldn’t understand… girl things.

I looked across the cave to see Lily inspecting something, her eyes narrowed upward as if she was present but her mind was wavering into another dimension.


β€œHm?” Her warm blue eyes were red from crying, her nose was runny, her cheeks were stained with unshed tears. She wasn’t behaving like the little sister I’d known.

β€œWhat’s bothering you?” I asked. She broke off from my glance, looking back at the ceiling where I couldn’t seem to find an ending, an endless wormhole.

β€œI… I miss home.”

β€œWe all do,” I agreed, staring up at the ceiling with her, seeing what interested her.

β€œHm,” She went back in her thoughts.

I settled beside the rock where Abby had once sat, I forgot the look her curious coffee eyes produced, her steady emotions, she was a tough cookie to crack, never let anyone get the upper hand. I also choked a smile thinking of the moments we’d had… before we were stuck.

I had reassured Diana that her sister will be fine… but will she? I was beginning to worry something went wrong, something always does. Our fate doesn’t seem to work in our favor.

I breathed. In. Out. Repeat. Calm down Tony Kennels.Β 

It had only been 12 hours, last I checked since Abby had left. I didn’t know what to do without her presence always trying to find a way. I guess… I miss her.

Those memories helped me relax as I closed my eyes, seeing Lily walk up to me but I couldn’t hear or see anything else but darkness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Β 

β€œTony wake up,” I felt someone shove me back and forth like a rag doll. Only my sister would do that.

β€œW-what’s wrong?”

She pointed at something at a distance. I had to cramp my eyes closer to glimpse at what she saw that intrigued her.

β€œAha,” I crawled backwards, gripping the sand with my fists as I grabbed Lily’s hand and pulling her away.

β€œTony, what’s wrong?” She asked, a brow going up.

β€œBat,” I whispered, β€œThat's a bat.”

She laughed, no wheezed is more like it. I almost gasped, patting her back as she coughed.

β€œDon’t do that again,” I warned, she leaned over and sat next to me. Keeping her hands glued to her sides.

β€œRelax Tony… I think Mr. Bat has something to tell us.”

I gave her a puzzled look, wanting her to explain.

β€œIt talked,” She finally admitted guiltlessly.

β€œWHAT!?” I pressed my palm against her cold skin, she wasn’t sick… then what?

Diana had stirred awake due to me, rubbing her eyes as she walked over to us.

β€œWhat happened?”

β€œThe bat talked.”

β€œHuh?” Diana looked just as confused as me, searching around our surroundings.

β€œWhere’s the bat?” I asked.

Lily pointed behind me.

I turned around, meeting the golden brown eyes of the Chiroptera; the scientific name of bats. I almost patted my back in regards to remembering last month’s lessons.

Diana froze, I felt her heart beat twice as fast. Usually Lily would run away screaming when it came to these flying specimen’s. How is she grinning at it like it’s her friend?

β€œMr. Bat, this is my brother Tony and my best friend Diana,” Diana and I exchanged baffled looks as Lily introduced us to β€˜Mr. Bat’.

Lily moved forward, her sneakers squeaking as she advanced ahead.

β€œDon’t be scared,” She cooed, β€œWe’re friends.”

β€œSpeak for yourself,” I mumbled, Diana faked a cough, only I knew she giggled.

Lily rolled her eyes at me but reached out into the darkness. Bits of sunlight that had leaked from the cracks spilled over her hand, creating weird illuminated lights on her skin.

I could hear the beating of wings, I held my breath when Lily held the bat in her hand, cradling it like a child. If we weren’t stuck in a cave now I’d be congratulating her about breaking her phobia against bats.

β€œTony, meet Mr. Bat,” I could feel Diana step back, her eyes held a worried expression.

β€œLil’s, that's a wild bat, it could bite,” I gotta admit, I was a bit scared of it too.

β€œNo, no… he’s a friendly bat, aren’t you?” I almost felt nausea when she placed a rapid kiss on the creature.

β€œLily? Eww… bats are contagious,” Diana replied.

β€œSpeak Mr. Bat,” She totally ignored our warnings, β€œHe spoke to me, I know he did,” I sighed, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder, careful not to touch the bat.

β€œLily… I don’t think…”

The bat shifted from her grasp, flying low enough that I could see its keen, gleaming fangs and its blood-thirsty eyes. I shivered from the chills, goosebumps appeared all over my skin.

β€œLily…?” I trailed off, seeing tears light her eyes.

β€œTony, we’re going to live!,” She exclaimed, hugging me tightly. I gagged from the tightness.

β€œHow…?” Was all the words I could muster out.

β€œMr. Bat, he’ll help us,” She blew an air-kiss at the creature who I thought almost smiled.

Diana remained silent, not the usual behavior.

I gave her an optimistic smile, she grinned back shyly. Her coffee brown eyes reminded me of Abbys, the feeling of loneliness erupted from my mind like a steaming volcano. Is she ok? Alive? Will we get out?

Diana faked a cough, snapping me back to reality.

β€œTrust me big brother.”

I saw Diana give me a slow, yet upbeat nod.

β€œFine… we’re in.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

β€œSo… how’d my little sister get over her fear of bats,” I joked as we strolled after Mr. Bat in hopes of it- correction- him leading us to freedom.

β€œOh… I’m not over it yet… Mr. Bats cute,” She gushed, her cheeks turning red.

β€œSay… how come I can’t understand the bat?” I saw Lily flash a disappointed look, β€œMr. Bat,” I corrected.

β€œWell… I’m not sure, I was sitting and the next second I could hear a faint voice talking, I was scared out of my mind but Mr. Bat helped calm me down.”


β€œHe sang me a song.”

I looked surprised, a singing bat?

β€œWhat song?”

β€œThe midnight moon,” She whispered, a lump appeared in my throat.

Faint music played into my ears, only I could hear. The mellow piano notes flying in the background, the violin taking the lead, soft tapping of feet.

I felt like a little boy again. Memories flashed in my mind. Grandma was in everyone of them, her blue eyes were like the ocean on a breezy, summer day. Her hair was like the silk that came from the moon, her trembling hands always warm and welcoming. How’s she’ll sing that song when I was scared of the roaring thunderstorms outside, when I heard that mom lost her job, when my dog died. Grandma was always there… singing the same tune that echoed in my mind nonstop.Β 

I could feel the power of her words, the way she carved each word out with precision.

Never give up hope

It will keep you alive

Take my words into your heart and chant

Don't let your fears misguide you

Never let them lead you astray

Be like the moon that illuminates the dark, midnight sky

Be the light that shines bright

β€œTony, look!” I saw my sister’s face light up with joy as I followed her glance. We were at the beginning of our journey, the place where it started, I could feel the warmth of the sun and the fresh air just ahead.

β€œWow, Mr. Bat really did help us!” Diana exclaimed, jumping with jittery excitement.

I chuckled, leaning down to hug the girls.

β€œI’m so proud of you, Lily.”

She flushed pink, kissing my cheek.

β€œI am too,” Diana joined in.

β€œAww guys, thank Mr. Bat not me.”

Diana and I gave each other a stunned look but we walked towards Mr. Bat who had perched himself on top of a rock, his golden brown eyes never leaving us.

β€œThank you… Mr. Bat, how shall we ever repay you?”

The bat flew over the perch on Lily’s shoulder, it’s rough tongue licked my sister's pale face.

β€œWhat’s he saying?”

β€œUm… he said he’s happy to help, also he said he saw Abby on the campsite last night.”

The reminder of Abby let tears stream down my face… she was alive… and so were we.

β€œShall we?” Diana asked, looking hopeful.

I looked behind to see Lily sorrowfully say goodbye to her little friend.

β€œBye Mr. Bat, thank you a bunch.”

I placed my hand on her shoulder, leading her away from the dingy cave, into the light again.

Diana was already outside, kissing the ground like I’ve seen people on TV doing but she spat out the dirt and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

My eyes burned from the radiated light, my eyes had been adjusted to the darkness and sudden light had almost blinded it. Lily rubbed her eyes, I copied her and it worked!

I grinned at the girls.

β€œWe have to find Abby and get home, mom and dad must be so worried about us,” Diana explained, it had been almost nightfall but our aching legs didn’t want to give up.

We agreed, knowing that another adventure awaits us.

I just hope Abby would be alright.

β€œAbby, we’re coming for you,” I whispered into the midnight sky, β€œI promise.”

January 06, 2021 23:02

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Hey Varsha!! I really cannot believe that this is your 23rd story! You are such a talented person! I can tell you excel at writing! Also, you are also working on a novel simultaneously which is just AMAZING!! You are progressing so much in Reedsy, and I am so happy for you! Again, thank you so much for putting me down in the comments!! <3 <3 <3 P.S. We baked 2 cakes and watched the Ball Drop! :)


Aww, thank you sooo much Hari!!! Yay, your also an excellent author and one of my best friends:) Thank you!!! Ya, its hard but I try to! And of course:) P.S- Ohh thats sounds like a wonderful new years!!! What flavor cakes?


Your welcome Varsha. Also, thank you. =) To answer your question, one was plum cake (which I didn't wanna eat) so the other one was Red Velvet.


:) Oh yes, I don't like plum cake either(only grown-ups eat it);) And red velvet is a good flavor!!!


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Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful New years! Comment down what you did! This is my first story for 2021 so I'm very excited!!! Also I'm working on a novel so double excited!!! Thank you so much to all my followers for helping me get so far... I couldn't have done it without them:) Yay! 1400+ points and over 100 followers!!! Can't believe this is my 23 story, wow in just 2 months! I want some special thanks to theses people...(no particular order) π•Šπ•ͺπ•₯𝕙𝕖 β„‚π•£π•šπ•žπ•€π• π•Ÿπ•€π•₯𝕒𝕣 Lillian Brooks AmΓ©lie Veva Maya W. π•­π–‘π–†π–Žπ–— π•·π–Šπ–’π–”π–“ βœ―π‹πšπ’π₯𝐚 π‹πšπ―πžπ§ππžπ«βœ―(Hair...


Kate Reynolds
18:04 Jan 07, 2021



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19:24 Jan 15, 2021

I loved the continuation of Trapped. It gave me a new insight on the story. Although this part of the story was amazing, I think I liked the first part much more than this one. Still, you did an amazing job!! You're such a good writer😁😁


Aww, thank you Cookie!!! (Im put u in my bio in my BFF column!!!) Yeah, I liked that one too! Thank you! You are as well :D


20:33 Jan 15, 2021

It would be my honor to be in your BFF column!!!πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


14:29 Jan 19, 2021

Aww thank you❀️❀️


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:D I upvoted you.


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Kate Reynolds
03:07 Jan 09, 2021

New storyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Maya -
02:37 Jan 09, 2021

I submitted the spirit animal story and you're mentioned in it. It's called "Endings and New Beginnings" :D


Maya -
02:42 Jan 09, 2021

Thanks! :)


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Kate Reynolds
02:41 Jan 08, 2021



Kate Reynolds
12:53 Jan 08, 2021



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Kate Reynolds
12:52 Jan 08, 2021



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Jasey Lovegood
05:52 Feb 01, 2021

Hey Varsha! I loved the second part of this story, I think the details were good, and I'm excited to read the next part! :D


Hi Jasey!!! Thank you so much:D, I'll let u know when I write part 3! How are u doing?


Jasey Lovegood
20:25 Feb 01, 2021

No problem! I’m doing alright, I’m back at school, how r u? :)


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Coco Longstaff
00:54 Jan 10, 2021

hey Varsha! I just wrote a new story!!!!


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Akshaya Sutrave
06:26 Jan 09, 2021

Hi Varsha! This was a fantastic story! Congratulations on 23 stories, and best of luck on your novel!! :D Thank you so much for mentioning me in the comment of this story and for adding me to your list of friends and BFFs in your bio!! :DDD You're such a sweet friend!! And congratulations on reaching the leaderboard!! You deserve it!! :D


Aww, thank you Akshaya!!!! U are too:) Of course, your one of my best friends:) Aww, thank you so much!


Akshaya Sutrave
13:59 Jan 09, 2021

Thank you Varsha! :) You're one of my first and best friends here!


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Kate Reynolds
17:50 Jan 07, 2021

Hello Varsha! THIS WAS A GREAT ADDITION TO PART 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was such a nice story, and I loved Mr. Bat!!! Great job! :D


Kate Reynolds
18:11 Jan 07, 2021

Ofc!!!!!!! Thank youuuuu! :>


Kate Reynolds
18:22 Jan 07, 2021



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