Contemporary Fiction Romance

You have lived with them for some time. You moved in with them only because you loved them. And in all the movies, love was enough to face anything.

You should have known that all the movies were lying. Love wasn’t nearly enough. You needed every other part of fate to be working with you to give all the credit to love. When fate itself is against your very happiness, then love is useless. Love becomes a word that is thrown around lightly, a word with no meaning.

You had thought that they were the one, the only one. You had believed with all your heart that no adversity could weaken your bond.

You were wrong.

Things got worse with every day instead of getting better.

People said that the pandemic was an opportunity to get to know your partner better, they said that it was a golden chance to spend all your time with them.

They didn’t mention the struggle that comes with sharing your personal space with your partner day in and day out.

They didn’t mention that you both would not talk to each other unless it was absolutely necessary.

You go to sleep after them every night and roll around until you are sticky with sweat. You wake up alone, only a depression on the bed to indicate that they had been there.

You had a fight, about something. It clearly doesn’t matter because you don’t even remember the reason anymore. But both of you are stubborn. You will not admit your mistake unless they admit it first.

The two of you sit in silence for hours before one of you have something to say. When you do have something to say, it is irrelevant and completely the opposite of what you really want to say. The fall in your partner’s face indicates that they wanted to hear something else.

You don’t know how to communicate with them anymore. You don’t know what to say to make it better, to make it easier. Talking to them becomes a chore more than a pleasure.

Today is different. You don’t eat in silence today. They sit next to you and start asking you about your day in that tone they use when they are sorry, and they want you to know it.

You apologize to them before they get to say it first. Their eyes widen, and the lines on their face become less noticeable as they kiss you. You kiss them back in relief.

It takes time.

You catch yourself being distant, like you were after your fight. You try your best to get back to how things used to be, but sometimes you forget. They forget too, but then give you that sheepish smile that melts away all your doubts.

Watching a movie together brings back the silence, the comfortable one this time. You both laugh at the same things because you have the same sense of humour. You catch them looking at you when they think you are not noticing. Your cheeks heat up at the expression on their face, the expression they used to have when they had a crush on you but no courage to voice it.

It makes you feel better than you let yourself believe. Feeling wanted and needed by someone makes you feel like the world could crumble around you and you could sit there with a serene smile on your face, your arms around them.

That day finally comes when you kiss each other, and you find that you cannot stop. You cannot let go. It is not just a kiss anymore when you both cling on to each other tighter with every second.

Your lips roam, and so do theirs.

That night is not as hard as usual. Because even though both of you are coated in sweat, you have giddy smiles on your faces.

Now when you ask each other about their day, you mean it. You really want to know what happened, and how they felt. You want to feel connected to every part of their lives, you don’t want to blink and miss even a single detail, you don’t want to be left out.

It is always worth it because you realize how much they have been keeping inside, how much baggage they are carrying, how many regrets they keep and how many pent-up feelings they have.

You feel honoured to be the one they are opening up to. That is all you have ever wanted, after all. You wanted someone to trust you enough to tell you anything and everything, without filtering of any kind.

Your trust in them multiplies with every thought they share, and soon you begin to say it all too. Sometimes those talks end in laughter and sometimes in tears. But that is okay because you sleep well those nights. Those nights where you are too emotionally exhausted to stay awake and think about pointless things. Those are the best kind of nights.

You both play video games, board games, watch all the movies and binge watch all the television shows you can possibly find. You devour all the content you can and share anything that may interest the other person. You both laugh at all the jokes you can, no matter how lame.

You inevitably have those days when everything that seemed like fun seems like a job. When every person who cares about you is pushed away, and the door of your room is locked as you vent out your feelings to an inanimate pillow.

You sometimes leave the door unlocked and hope for them to enter and make it all better.

They always know when to stay and when to leave. They always know when to just lend a shoulder and when to lend a few words of advice. They sometimes cry with you when they think you don’t notice. What you don’t know is whether they are hurting with your pain, or whether they have pain of their own.

Every day and every night, you pray for the world to go back to normal, for everything to go back to the way it used to be.

You also pray that your relationship with them never changes, and if it does, it only becomes deeper.

Maybe love is enough to survive.

February 18, 2021 15:32

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Radhika Diksha
15:23 Feb 21, 2021

You had thought that they were the one, the only one. You had believed with all your heart that no adversity could weaken your bond. Remove had from the above sentence. ANd coming to the story, I kinda felt the story incomplete. "You don’t know how to communicate with them anymore. You don’t know what to say to make it better, to make it easier. Talking to them becomes a chore more than a pleasure." Like I could not feel the reason behind their fight or struggle. The story above this sentence is a lot confusing. At first, you portrayed ego t...


Writer Maniac
15:49 Feb 21, 2021

I don't think I should remove had, because I'm talking about them in past perfect. I wrote this story in second person perspective without using any gender-specific pronouns and generalising all the events. This is so that every person who reads the story connects with it in a way specific to them, and every person can imagine their life and circumstances in the story. That's what I was going for. I don't really like this story, to be honest, I liked the other one I wrote in second person which is called 'Still Have Each Other', so I would a...


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*Ahem.* This story contains a lot of emotion and good description of the feelings. It's like your leaving the reader to fit in the puzzles pieces (does that make sense? I'm typing with one hand-I'm holding a Mochi in the other.)


Writer Maniac
04:40 Feb 19, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! You're getting better at this :)


I'm getting better at typing with one hand while holding a Mochi in the other?


Writer Maniac
17:08 Feb 19, 2021

Yup exactly 😂


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Do you like Mochi?


Writer Maniac
17:15 Feb 19, 2021

I've never eaten one


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Aww, how sweet. Laura's play acting is just-*chefs kiss*. Poor Jensen was played into Laura's trap. My favorite things about your stories is that you never tell them in like...Present. You always tell them in "You remember that day..." Or something like that.


Writer Maniac
17:17 Feb 18, 2021

Wait what? What are you talking about? I think you're commenting on the wrong story


WaIt-Did you write something about Laura, Theo and Jensen...?


WelL-Allow me to re-correct myself...


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ThIs AcCoUNt Is PuRe FoR UpvOTNg


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Shea West
02:16 Feb 19, 2021

I applaud anyone who goes head on for second person! I felt like I read this first person in my head, as if I were thinking it myself long long ago... Am I making sense?


Writer Maniac
02:20 Feb 19, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! That's what I love so much about second-person, the fact that I can write it in such a general way, and readers will still read it and imagine it specific to them :) That's the beauty of it! I have another second-person story that I posted literally before this, which I love a bit more than this, so please check that out and tell me what you think!


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Eva Bhalla
02:31 Feb 26, 2021

Lovely just lovely, I feel like I am actually there. The pronouns were genius though-fitting with all lives. Anyway, An amazing story and I hope to see more of your work in the future.


Writer Maniac
02:39 Feb 26, 2021

Aww thank you! I'm glad that you got the point of me using second person pronouns, not many people got it :) I have another story in second perspective that I wrote recently called 'Still Have Each Other', so I would love your feedback on it :)


Eva Bhalla
02:41 Feb 26, 2021



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Eddie Thawne
10:16 Feb 23, 2021

Really fantastic story. I loved the tone and the display of emotions. It was truly romantic.


Writer Maniac
11:53 Feb 23, 2021

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I would appreciate feedback on two recent stories of mine called 'Remember that Night' and 'Still Have Each Other' as they're quite different from the normal stories I write :)


Eddie Thawne
21:59 Feb 23, 2021

You're welcome. Sure. Will do as soon as I can.


Writer Maniac
02:10 Feb 24, 2021

Thanks :)


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Radhika Diksha
11:39 Feb 21, 2021

2 new stories would love your feedback on it.


Writer Maniac
12:04 Feb 21, 2021

I'll be sure to leave some feedback soon!


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Renee Avery
03:39 Feb 20, 2021

Wow, I really enjoyed reading this story! It was so full of emotion, yet very realistic. Great job! My favorite part was "you vent out your feelings to an inanimate pillow" because it was humorous and so true. 💜


Writer Maniac
04:01 Feb 20, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! I wrote another one recently in the second person called 'Still Have Each Other', which I really like, so I would love it if you could comment your thoughts on that one :)


Renee Avery
05:48 Feb 20, 2021

Of course! If you wouldn't mind reading my latest one, "Perfect Timing." I'd love your feedback on it. It's a follow-up to "My Father, the Miracle Maker and Destroyer of Things."


Writer Maniac
05:50 Feb 20, 2021

Sure, I'll check it out!


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Writer Maniac
02:39 Feb 20, 2021

Yes, thanks a lot :)


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Jexica Marcell
16:51 Feb 19, 2021

I feel the characters emotions. This was a very good way to make the reader feel like the character in the story by using 'You' and 'They' instead of 'I' and 'Me'. I loved the romance and the descriptions of the feelings. You wrote a story with purpose. Okay, enough with the formal comment. This was HELLA good! The romance was intriguing and I really do feel that love is enough to survive this stupid pandemic!!! I swear with every story, your writing just gets better :) -Cass


Writer Maniac
17:10 Feb 19, 2021

Thank you so much, this comment really made my day! I really love writing in second-person perspective, every reader interprets it specific to them, and that's what makes it so magical :) I wrote another one recently in the second person called 'Still Have Each Other' which I actually like more than this one, so I would really love to know your thoughts on that one :)


Jexica Marcell
17:12 Feb 19, 2021

of course!!!! your second person story inspired me to try writing one, so im currently writing a second person story! thank you!


Writer Maniac
17:15 Feb 19, 2021

Aww that's so sweet of you to say :) Would love some feedback on the story I mentioned


Jexica Marcell
17:36 Feb 19, 2021

of course ill do that, i was busy earlier so i'll read it now.


Writer Maniac
17:39 Feb 19, 2021

Cool! I reply back tomorrow, 'cause where I live, it's pretty late :)


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Arwen Dove
02:41 Apr 29, 2021



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