What I Love

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt



The Things I Love about People:



I loved that whenever people got excited or happy they smiled. It was an instant reaction to something that made people feel warm on the inside. I loved the way their faces lit up as they allowed for their teeth to be shown. It was their way of letting the world know they had found joy in something.


The face people made when they realized something they were wearing had pockets.

This one is hard to explain. It mostly happens with girls based on what I’ve had the privilege of viewing. The face was shocked laced with excitement. People would first start patting their thighs down searching for a hole. When people didn’t find it they were disappointed but if pockets were located they started to smile. Then they would run to the nearest person to let them in on their newfound discovery.


How people reacted to something they found adorable. 

Their immediate reaction is to crush it. People see something cute and want to show their affection with violence. I love it. People get so overwhelmed with the cuteness of anything that they want to crush it.


When people get really excited about something they want to tell you and they stumble over their words.

People become extremely enthusiastic to tell people about something they find interesting. They start to stumble over their words trying to get every detail out into the world. When people find something they’re passionate about they find a need to share it. They want other people to understand and find the same excitement. 


The face people make when they finally come to a realization. 

It's a series of multiple oooh's and ahh's. At first, they form their mouths into an β€œO” shape and their eyes get really big. Sometimes people start to flap their arms around not trying to hit things but, accidentally landing hard slaps on the objects that surrounded them. If they do end up hitting things or other people they apologize and laugh it off. Then they start to close in on themselves as they realize they should have figured it out sooner. Lastly, they become content in their new realization after they look for confirmation from the people around them. The confirmation they look for is reassurance that they figured it out correctly.


The face people make when they catch something midair.

The shock people experience when they’re about to drop something quickly changes to one of triumph. They look around to see if anyone witnessed what they had just accomplished. Usually, if their great action was missed they ran to tell people who mostly believed they were lying. They had no proof so they took the false remarks with a grain of salt because they knew that they had stopped something from falling as it was heading toward the ground.


When people tried to stay serious but couldn’t.

People tried to hide their laughter as best as they could but most of the time failed. They tried coughing (that was pretty clever if you asked me), smiling, and even talking through their suppressed laughs. The talking never worked. People usually ended up laughing as they spoke. The most common way people tried to stop and keep a straight face is by putting on a straight face. This hardly worked but still, this was the first option people went for when they laughed at the wrong time.


When people put their favorite song on repeat several times.

They knew it would ruin the song but they still did it. Music was always a funny concept to me. People make string together different sounds for the general public. The funny thing was that anyone could do it. Music is subjective meaning anyone can find joy in any genre and music has a lot of those. Another thing I loved was the face people made when they finally found a song they were looking for or when they finally got a song out of their head.


The face people make when somebody else remembers something important to them.

This brought two people joy which made this even better. The person who remembered the important piece of information got happy when they saw the amount of appreciation the other person had when they repeated the information back to them. It made them feel special that they had knowledge about another human other than themself. This interaction built trust between the two people. It brought them closer and made their relationship stronger. It made both of the people involved want to share more knowing that they wouldn’t be talking to a wall.


The face people made when they were really listening and not just hearing.

This is similar to number nine but it’s different. To me, there had always been a difference between listening and hearing. Hearing was just taking in a voice and sounds and leaving it as that. Listening had been taking those sounds and analyzing them. Listening was taking information and using it or at the very least remembering it.

I’m not a stalker, just very observant. I find the little things in people that may be overlooked. I find the things that may seem insignificant and share them with my journal. I must end this list now before it continues on for 50 more things. That’s all for now but this is what I love most about people.

I felt as if it was important that this list was made so that whoever found this would look at the world differently. Whoever found this would start looking at the smaller details. What was that one quote that goes it takes small details to make a bigger picture? That probably wasn’t it but it’s why I make these lists. Focusing on small details for too long can be bad but it also refines the way you look at the bigger picture. Ok, now I’m really done with this list.

December 29, 2020 10:38

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Frances Reine
17:07 Dec 29, 2020

This reminded me a little of "The Book of Awesome". Really wholesome.


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I really love this list about people, it's not normally the thing we list about. Critique would be that up until 5, the numbers were italicized, and then 6 - 10 were not. I don't know if you meant to do that, but just something I noticed. Other than that I loved it! :D also, I don't know how you write so fast! you already have FOUR stories out :O - Amethyst


thank you!! i did mean to have all the numbers italicized and i guess i forgot so thanks for pointing it out i usually write throughout the day but mostly at night so thats why i have 4 stories thx


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Coco Longstaff
22:50 Jan 03, 2021

Hiiiii Thanks for following mee I love this story no one else has written anything like it It’s cute, heartwarming, and funny too Great job!


Coco Longstaff
04:26 Jan 04, 2021

Youre welcome!


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22:26 Jan 20, 2021

I liked this list because most people try to make their stories "realistic" by filling it with the negative things about humans, but you filled this with positivity. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thank you!!! I know there are a lot of negative things about humans but I wanted this story to focus on the positive.


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Veronica Pena
14:53 Jan 08, 2021



Veronica Pena
15:40 Jan 08, 2021

can you like go follow me and like go like my stories I've written


i just followed but im gonna have to read your stories later when i have time


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Veronica Pena
15:40 Jan 08, 2021

can you like go follow me and like go like my stories I've written


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Veronica Pena
15:40 Jan 08, 2021

can you like go follow me and like go like my stories I've written


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21:04 Jan 07, 2021

Hi! I just wanted to say that I will gladly be your friend!πŸ€— I am also a terrible speller (Thank u for whoever invented autocorrect), my favorite color is also purpleπŸ’œ, I am born in February, meaning I am an Aquarius. Also, here we are one, big, happy, writing family!😊😊😊😊😊


Hi it looks like were friends now. i genuinely do not understand why words were invented because i cant spell them my friend is also an Aquarius and our birthdays are coming up!!!!! πŸ’œ :)


22:27 Jan 07, 2021

I know! It’s so exciting!πŸ₯³


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