For The love of Money

Written in response to: Set your story in a casino.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy People of Color

"Okay, we stay but only for one hour, and that's it," Carmen told Both Amy and a joyous Anna who was thrilled to go to the casino. She heard many stories about casinos as a little girl and not being old enough to go. "Come on, Amy and Carmen let's go now" Anna shouted, running toward the casino lights everywhere. The host and hostess were passing out chips and drinks for their suckers I mean their guess. The music was low down some and the lights were on this tall man with gold and black suits. With a fur hat and long jacket draped on his shoulder. Introducing himself as Jackson Moneyback, welcoming everyone to his casino, and hoping everyone enjoys the entertainment. "And don't forget to play play play!" The crowd cheered for him, then the music picked back up and played again. 

All three looked around so many games to play roulette, blackjack, and so much more. Remember Carmen said again "we get to say here for one hour and that's it. No more were out of here do you understands." Both Amy and Anna nodded in agreement. Everyone went their separate ways into the casino.    

"Congrats, you won again, Ms. Anna. The crowd clapped as she pulled her chips toward herself. Thank you I would love to play the next game if I may." The hostess nodded with enjoyment. Carmen hesitated into playing the games. Playing it safe and still lost. Carmen looked at her space watch and an hour has passed. "Alright, I believe it's time for us to go. Carmen looked around at Amy located at the slot machine winning coins fell down but didn't stop to put them in her bag. Carmen called out for Amy but she didn't reply Carmen thought she was focused on the game so much that she couldn't hear her from this distance. She walked toward her as the hostess called on her again asking if she wanted to play another poker match. Still having some chips in her bag. "No, thank you I lost a lot of chips playing poker. She had the straight face down pat but didn't really know how to play like the others do even with her shades on. The hostess bowed and thanked Carmen for playing and if she wanted to play again just let her know. With a wide smile, her eyes started to glow. Carmen was getting a bad feeling about this she looked away the hostess stopped her eyes from glowing. She blinked rapidly at Carmen, "Oh Ms. Carmen would you like to play another game of poker?" She asks as if nothing just happen a minute ago. As the hostess smiled at her, she nodded and backed away. Searching now for Anna and on her way to see about Amy, their indigenous best friend. Carmen got an eerie feeling from this place now and wanted to leave this casino. She tapped on Amy's shoulder "Amy it's time to go. An hour has passed and am getting a bad feeling about this place now. I think we overstayed our welcome here." Amy told her that she was crazy to think anything is wrong. This place was perfect for playing games and spending money. Carmen looked at Amy "Okay, I know something definitely was wrong with Amy she was many things to us, a good friend someone to count on but one thing she was is cheap. She would never spend that much, especially at a casino like this one. She would play it safe, unlike Anna. She looked at Amy's face now and almost screamed out loud. She hold that one in while seeing Amy's eyes glow just like the hostess she knew something was wrong. Carmen pick up all the coins that Amy had earned and tried to figure out how this happen. Maybe it was the lights and when she looked at the hostess from the poker game she notice that everyone started to act differently around the third game. Now I just need to snap her out of this Carmen clapped her hands and snapped her fingers nothing happen. She even shooked Amy hard to wake her up from this nightmare and still nothing. She notice the drinks on the hostess's plate and grabbed them throwing it at Amy's face. "Hey, Carmen what's wrong with you, and why did you wet me up huh?" Amy finally snapped out of it and Carmen was glad about that. She apologized to Amy and told her what just happen up until now and Amy also agreed of getting the hell out of there.  

 They both looked around, wondering where Anna was at. She still playing another game of Roulette and winning Amy and Carmen found Anna and ran up to her "we need to go this place ain't right Anna." Carmen told Amy to stay with Anna while she go get a drink from one of the hostesses. Amy was worried about Anna as she collected her chips and walked toward her. Followed by Amy shaking Anna to go 'Anna, let's go while the getting is still good. Besides I have a bad feeling about this casino." Anna kept on playing as Carmen, her sister, walked away from them to ask for another drink. Shaking her even more now Amy was getting an eerie feeling. Turning Anna around. Shock at the sight her eyes were glowing "No I want to play more and we stay here with more, chips play more, and win more.  Sorry, ma'am but you lost some of your chips do you want to play Roulette again?" Anna look at the hostess and nodded. Amy looked at the hostess. "No, she will not play again. Look at her eyes, it's glowing. What did you do to my friend?" 

Carmen went and grab a drink from the plate of the hostess after asking can she get another drink. The hostess gave her the drink as she walked back the hostess from the poker game appeared before Carmen. Eyes glowing again "I told you am done playing games with you." Carmen grew tired of telling her that she didn't want to play poker anymore but the hostess surrounding her asked the same question "do you still want to play Ms. Carmen." She tries to move past them but they blocked her way toward Amy and Anna. Carmen yelled at Amy, throwing the drink toward her and she caught it pouring the drink on Anna like Carmen did to Amy.

Carmen swept the leg of one of the hostesses from the poker game and as she fell the other hostess gain up on Carmen trying to fight her. There were only six of them in all fighting Carmen's eyes were glowing with flames getting upset as they kept repeating the same question as before. One of the hostesses got kicked in the face and levitated three others it was Anna and Amy ready to fight beside Carmen. They fought as the lights began to get dimmer and everyone was wondering what was going on now. Plates were tossed and glasses were broken until a mighty shout stopped the hostesses and us from fighting anymore. It was Jackson Moneyback "Why are you fighting my hostess, you hooligans!" Carmen grew upset "What kind of business are you running that you got both my best friend and my sister's eyes glowing!" Carmen further explain what had happened early with the hostesses wanting her to play but her plan was going to stay for an hour. There was a shouting match between Jackson and the girls on how the establishment was messed up to the west up. They even threaten to call the space police on him and his hostesses about why people were being hypnotized to play these games. Jackson told them that it was the lights like Carmen predicted and he told them not to turn him into the cops he let the girls keep their winnings and give them a free pass the next time they stop by. The girls agree but if he got pulled on the most wanted list they will be back to collect. 

"So what next?" Amy said as they walked out of the casino. Shopping of course come on as Anna grabbed both of their hands and began to run. They laughed "Alright but remember...Only for one hour all of them said in sync with each other.    

January 08, 2023 22:43

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