New "HOME " part 2

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about a drummer going to a Halloween party for musicians.... view prompt


Friendship Kids Happy

My new home part 2

This story is dedicated to Eden Variss for being a great friend and a great support.

However, I am sad to say that she is leaving Reedsy.

*sends all kinds of farewell messages *

I want to thank her for everything she has done for me.

Please go read her stories. They are amazing.


Dear diary,

I didn't tell you what happened yesterday, as I was very busy settling in, with the timetable and the new rules and regulations.

First, I will tell you how my first day here went.

Well, I was really nervous and excited at the same time as I entered the campus. I was greeted by Louisa, who is the head guide. She is a 4th year student here at the Rossville Boarding School.

She was kind enough to leave me at the principal's office after giving me a tour of the building and the grounds.

The beauty of the gardens and all the paintings done by the students, had left me speechless.

You have no idea, dear diary how much I wish I could paint like that.

And the best thing about this school is that it has a library, a humongous library. My mind is blown. I knew right away where I would find myself spending most of my time in the future.

Now, back to what happened after Louisa left me at the principal's office. Well, the principal was an old lady who was really sweet. She handed me all my books and my timetable with the book of rules and regulations.

After going through the rules and regulations, the first thing that came to my mind was that they were pretty easy to follow: not as hard as I thought they would be. I headed to my room, number 30 on the 3rd floor. I found my room and went in. I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a large room with two single beds and white walls. One side of the room was decorated nicely with light colors including pink, white, teal, lemon yellow and lavender . I assumed that was my roommate's side

Well, mine was going to be dark colors like navy blue, red, black and grey.

Just as I was looking around the room a girl came in.


“Oh! Hi! Are you my roommate?”

“Yup! Sure am.”

And we became friends in an instant.

She is my very first friend here in Roseville and my roommate. Her name is Eden. She is really helpful and friendly. I was made to feel very welcome here by how warmly she greeted me.

I am so happy that she is my roommate because she is just the sweetest person ever and the first person who shares my interests . It is as if she is my twin. A copy of me. (except for the face and body though)

I can't wait to see what fate has in store for me this year. Whatever it is, I think I can handle it because I already have a friend by my side.

And the mattress on my bed is so soft I will probably fall asleep as soon as I lie on it.

I have to go, dear diary, as I have to sleep, so that I can wake up tomorrow in good time before the first class.

Signing off,



Dear diary,

The first thing I did this morning was to get ready for the day and go for breakfast. Eden and I talked about how many classes we had together and where all of my classes are going to be.

It was my first day attending the classes here. I was nervous but they went pretty well. I was a little bored in maths class, as the teacher kept on repeating the same thing again and again. But at least, because of her, I have memorized the equations.

All of my teachers were very kind and sweet. But I liked my science teacher the best. She gave me a candy bar for answering all the questions correctly.

We ate lunch at 12:00, Then we went back to attending classes.

After the classes were over we were given an hour to do our homework. I finished my work in 30 minutes and asked the head teacher's permission to go to the library.

So she said that I could, so . So, I went to the library and picked out some interesting books to read at night in my room.

Books I picked out :

~Little Women

~Nancy Drew

~Sherlock Holmes

I registered these books at the counter and headed back to my room.

By then It was nearly 6:00 in the evening and we have to be in our rooms by 7:00 to get ready for bed.

As I had another hour before curfew, I decided on clearing my room a little. I heard a knock on the door. I thought that it was a teacher and quickly pushed everything under my bed, before opening the door.

As I opened the door I saw that the person behind the door was not a teacher but Eden, my roommate. Oh! How stupid of me to think that it would be a teacher and stuff everything under the bed so that she wouldn't see that my room was a mess.

I smiled and let her in. After closing the door, I put everything back in its place and got ready for bed.

Eden and I talked a little about how our day went. After we finished talking I went to the washroom and washed my face and took a shower. Then, I did my skin-care routine. I picked out my night clothes. I decided to wear a navy-blue night dress.

Eden wore a black dress with golden polka dots.

I picked Sherlock Holmes to read and got comfy in my bed.

However, I was able to read only till the 2nd chapter, as I was very tired and sleepy.

Well, that's it for today, dear diary. I have to put the lights off

and I am really exhausted now from all the work. I really hope I will be able to wake up in time for breakfast.

Signing off,



I know that this story is not at all related to the prompt that I chose. I didn't have any ideas for the prompts this week. So, I wrote a story which doesn't go with any prompt.

December 25, 2020 01:56

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Wow Alina, such a beautiful job! :) Also, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


06:06 Dec 27, 2020

Thank you so much! Sorry, but we don't celebrate Christmas. Happy new year to you too.


Oh, sorry!! Then I hope you have a Happy Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/New Year!


19:43 Dec 27, 2020

It's alright no problem! I don't celebrate them either but I wish an amazing new year.


Aww, thank you! :)


02:43 Dec 28, 2020

You're welcome! 😁


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Akshaya Sutrave
05:44 Dec 27, 2020

Hi Alina! It was a great story- short and interesting! I like the way you wrote about the school and Lisa's first day in it. I didn't notice any mistakes, though. Great job, keep it up!


06:04 Dec 27, 2020

Hello! Aawww, Thank you so much! I am really glad you liked it.


Akshaya Sutrave
06:11 Dec 27, 2020

Of course! I enjoy reading your stories! :)


06:38 Dec 27, 2020

☺️Thank you! It really means a lot to me.


Akshaya Sutrave
07:26 Dec 27, 2020



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01:57 Dec 25, 2020

Please let me know if there are any mistakes. I have done it in a short period of time so there are chances of it having mistakes


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06:55 Jan 14, 2021

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY ALINA!!! You are such a sweet soul, even though I haven't met you in person I can tell. You are a very sweet and kind person! And ever since I stumbled upon your page I have not regretted it since!!! May this year grace you well!! Happy birthday!🎉


18:18 Jan 14, 2021

Thank you soooo much, Ugochi! It really means a lot to me. I am literally crying and laughing from happiness at the same time right now. Awww, that's so sweet of you ☺️. I myself have never regretted stumbling upon your stories too. 🤗🤗🤗 Thank you!


20:18 Jan 14, 2021

Aw, of courssee! Anytime! I hope you have a great day!


00:28 Jan 16, 2021

😁 Thank you! I did have a great day alhamdulilah!


06:25 Jan 16, 2021

Thats good!!


22:49 Jan 18, 2021



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Hi, Alina! I noticed a few things, “ HI!” “ Oh! Hi! Are you my roommate?” “ Yup! Sure am.” Maybe delete the space between the quotation mark and the sentence. When you write the titles of book, I would recommend italicizing. I don't mean to be rude or anything 😄 I just wanted to let you know. This is a great story!!!!! Keep it up!!! Happy Holidays!! -Carolina 🤓


03:03 Dec 25, 2020

Hi! Carolina. Thank sooooooo much for letting me know. I will correct the mistakes. OK, I get it. No, you don't sound rude at all. The thing is that I don't know what is italicizing. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me what it is. Thank you!!! Please let me know if there are any more mistakes. I will be very grateful.


03:14 Dec 25, 2020

And I just read your bio and I would love to read your novella. It seems really interesting. Best of luck!. Can't wait to read it.


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Italicizing is when you make the letters all slanty like they kinda lean? I hope I'm making the slightest bit of sense. Um, this article may make a little more sense than I am: Of course!!!!!!


03:21 Dec 25, 2020

Oh! OK that makes total sense. Thank you! I will change the heading. Thank you sooooooo much for suggesting that.


Of course! Sorry I missed the reply about my novella. Thank you!


03:49 Dec 25, 2020

It's alright. You don't have to apologize. You're welcome!😊 I tried italicizing the heading but I can't see any options for it. Sorry! Please let me know if there is any other option.


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Radhika Diksha
06:35 Jan 14, 2021

Happy Birthday, Alina. May you prosper and be healthy in your life.


18:14 Jan 14, 2021

Awwwwwww, Thank you sooooooo much! 😭😭😭☺️ You just made me feel very happy right now. 🤗🤗


Radhika Diksha
18:16 Jan 14, 2021

How did you enjoy the day?


18:24 Jan 14, 2021

My mom baked a cake for me. I got an oven and a beater as my gifts. Now, we are going to go shopping for more of my gifts (basically books, and clothes) And we are planning on going to the trampoline park. That's all. 😅 How did your day go today?


18:25 Jan 14, 2021

Actually I am the one who bakes cake for everybody on the their birthday. Now, my mom wanted to make one for me in return. 😊


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Radhika Diksha
18:26 Jan 14, 2021

Nice. Enjoy. Actually, it's night here so going to sleep. But had a wonderful day and had a festive blast.


18:44 Jan 14, 2021

Thanks! Oh! It's 9:43 pm here. Great! 😄


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Radhika Diksha
18:29 Jan 14, 2021

I would love your comments on some of my work.


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Radhika Diksha
17:17 Feb 05, 2021

Shout out writer IVY HATHERALL FRANCES Shout out story {This story is amazing. A must read} This week's list. Please do read their stories and give them feedback. It will boost their confidence and give them a nice moral support


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Radhika Diksha
11:51 Jan 29, 2021

Shout out writer Fearless Fox Rachel Sundar Shout out story These are the shout out writers of the week. Please do give them feedback in your free time. They need exposure for their fine writing.


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Radhika Diksha
08:04 Jan 23, 2021

Shout out writer Ethan Thora These are the writers for the week please do check put then in your free time. They work hard for their stories, they would love your comments.


18:34 Jan 23, 2021

Okay, I will be sure to check them out. Awww, thank you! I will try my best!


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20:42 Jan 05, 2021

I up-voted you on all of your stories! I'm sorry it took so long!


06:41 Jan 06, 2021

OMG! ! ! Thank you so very much Brooke You don't have to apologize. 🙂 There is nothing to apologize in it .😄


20:11 Jan 06, 2021

You're welcome! Lol okay


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Rose CG
05:03 Aug 01, 2021

Nice job!


01:36 Aug 02, 2021

Thank you! =)


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Laiba M
12:14 Mar 09, 2021

Hi, Alina! You're a great writer! Great job!~ I was wondering if you were Muslim (if you'd like to share) based on your name :)


13:00 Mar 10, 2021

Hello! How are you Laiba? Awww, thank you very much. I really appreciate your feedback. Yes, I am a Muslim, Alhamdulilah. Of course, I would love to share what religion I follow. I am actually really happy you asked 😄 And you are a Muslim too right?


Laiba M
13:03 Mar 10, 2021

Hi! I'm doing well, what about you? Of course! Keep writing :) I am too! Do you know what your name means?


13:37 Mar 10, 2021

I am good, alhamdulilah, Thank you, you too :-) That's great! Yes, I know the meaning. ALINA means beautiful and Manha means gift of God.


Laiba M
14:00 Mar 10, 2021

Wow! That's such a beautiful meaning :) Laiba means the prettiest maiden of heaven!~ What's your favorite color?


14:04 Mar 10, 2021

Thank you!☺️ Your name's meaning is beautiful too. 😊 My favorite color is navy blue, red and black What's your favorite color?


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06:59 Mar 01, 2021

Oh my heart...everyone is leaving. I just came to check on you and to find your bio..💔. Well at least it isn't permanent so I will hold on to that. I miss you!


17:37 Mar 04, 2021

Hi Ugochi!! Hope you are doing well? Thank you so much for coming to check on me. That's so sweet of you. I am so sorry for the disappointment though. I am just going through writers block and having final exams right now so it's a little hard to write and stuff so I decided to take a break from reedsy. Yup this isn't permanent though. I will surely be back. But I don't know when..... Maybe after a month or a few weeks. I MISS YOU TOO!!!! You have no idea how much I miss you. You are my friend and I never forget you, no matter what. Well...


05:58 Mar 05, 2021

Hey! I am doing fine! How about you! Yeahhh I get it! Focus on your exams, school is important so I get it! YAY! You don't know how many people have been leaving, like all of my friends or like people I talked too I would go to their bio and they just say they are leaving and its just soooo sad! Cause most of them are awesome writers and pure souls..🤧. AWW thanks! I have Wattpad but unfortunately I'm not it alot I guess Reedsy is just perfect for me! But if you post a story, I will definitely read it! Just let me know anytime! I hope you do...


09:18 Mar 09, 2021

Hello!! I am great alhamdulilah! I finally finished my last exam. *jumps with joy * You are welcome! I will be sure to let you know when I publish it. Thank you so much! Your support really means a lot to me. Awww, you don't have to thank me, it's the truth what I am stating.


01:44 Mar 10, 2021

Ah yay! Hopefully you did well! I'm actually testing this week too!


13:02 Mar 10, 2021

Yup! I really hope so. Good luck with your tests. Hope they go well!


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Annabel T
16:26 Feb 07, 2021

Wow, great job! This story was relaxing to read and very interesting. I suggest that you might want to think about showing not telling. Instead of saying "I was nervous, but they went pretty well", try writing about WHY she was nervous or use description as an asset. Also, you did a very good job of immersing the reader in Lisa's world. A tricky thing with diary entries is that you have to not just tell the reader a brief entry of the day, but a full length scene, with dialouge and description, but in diary format. But this story was really ...


01:29 Feb 10, 2021

Awwww,Thank you so very much!! Your feedback really means a lot to me .😄 I will surely keep that in mind the next time I am writing. And I am so glad you enjoyed reading this .😁


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Radhika Diksha
18:13 Jan 23, 2021

By the way, I have submitted a new story would love your feedback on it


18:43 Jan 23, 2021

OK, I will go check it out this instant. Thank you!


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21:14 Jan 20, 2021

hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I posted part 3 of sea of roses if you're interested in reading it!


21:32 Jan 20, 2021

Hello!👋🏻 Yay! Thank you so much for letting me know. Yes, of course! I am really excited to read it. 😃😃😃😃😃


22:59 Jan 20, 2021

Yayyy ok! Thank you!


23:05 Jan 20, 2021

My pleasure!


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23:05 Jan 20, 2021

My pleasure! :-)


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05:18 Jan 10, 2021

Hey Alina! I enjoyed reading this story! I don't know whether its because I have this narrative of you in my head(judging by your comments) but all your stories to me are just all really really sweett! They are really enjoyable!~ Hm, this might just be me talking but, ever think of writing children's books? I feel like you would be really FABULOUS at it! It was just a feeling I me crazy if you must lol This was great! Keep writing!!


15:34 Jan 10, 2021

Hey! 👋🏻👋🏻 Thank you sooooooo much! ☺️ Yes, I thought about it and maybe I might write one in the future. Thank you for giving me an idea. That's great. Awww, thank you! ☺️ No, you aren't crazy you are a genius. 😄 Thank you so very much!. I will. You too. Have a great day ahead and happy writing


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Maddie's Closet
23:31 Jul 06, 2022

HIII I heard in your bio that if someone was bored, this was the place to go :)))) HAVE U READ WINGS OF FIRE???? it's AWESOMEEE :DD


16:06 Jul 31, 2022

Ooh, Hiiiiii! I am so sorry for not checking your message earlier . I was taking a break from here. I am back now. Yes I have, and it's great. It's really motivational. Changed my life really. <3


Maddie's Closet
16:54 Jul 31, 2022

no, its fine! i took a break from here for like a year as well lol it changed mine, too. who's your favorite character? mine's whiteout <3


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Hi Alina, I just realized it's been a while since I talked to you. How are you? Also, I am working on a poll, and I need answers from 100 people. ------------------- Do you read the prologue of a book? A Yes, every time B No, never C Sometimes/It depends Note: I am copy-and-pasting this to multiple people. -------------------


10:50 Jun 18, 2022

Hello, I am doing good alhamdulilah. How are you doing? Well, I would say I do read the prologue most of the time. Like very rarely I don't. so, it's a yes.


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Hi Alina! how are u? Can u do me a huge favor and vote for me here: Here is the link to give me a CLAP : Looking forward to your support! Refer the steps here -


10:32 Jan 25, 2022

Hello, I am fine alhamdulilah What about you? OK sure


hi, thats good:) im ok. ty so much!


21:47 Jan 26, 2022

You're very welcome


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