American Fantasy Funny

The door cracked open slowly, with a familiar creaking that only one of them was used to hearing. A glint of light appeared but barely enough space was visible for her to see clearly. She was already in sweat, from what she had already been through, and also dreaming of what was to come. A fear engulfed her, but soon faded when she saw the familiar face. She had not known the man behind the face for very long, but in the short time they had been together, he had shown his dedication and his commitment to her. She could also feel it, not only in the way he held her and caressed her, but in the way he gazed at her and spoke those words of tenderness so softly. Yes, he was the one and she was his only desire.

Their ride together had been a short but bumpy one. His hand was there again for her, calming her and assuring her the whole way. He had shared of his desire for her and how it had been going on for so long, almost a year. He had seen her and promised that he would come back for her. She promised that she would wait. Both were true to their word and, now, they would solidify their promises to each other. She had seen others come and go. But, others would only give her a quick glance, without even a word. She had been looking for something more. The strong hand, the caressing touch, the feel of warmth that she had not known before. As much as she knew things would get heated between them, she yearned for it to be slow, for the man to feel and taste everything she had to offer. She knew she was worth it. She knew she had anything and everything he could possibly want.

He knew it as well. For, as soon as he saw her, he knew that she would be the one to fulfill his dreams. He had searched far and wide, knowing exactly what he wanted and not giving in until he found exactly what his heart longed for. He saw it in her. He dreamt of finding one that would submit to him completely, one that would demonstrate devotion and passion toward his goals and not her own.

Once he had her, they both knew that there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. As he approached on that first day, chills ran down her spine. She believed it may have been the temperature in the room, but that was eased when his strong, warm, masculine fingers touched her for the first time. A new feeling embraced her and she was aroused in ways she never knew possible.

As he approached her, the feeling of intensity and the tingling she had felt before became present again. She did not know what he would do, but she waited comfortably on his next move. She knew she could trust him and believe in him. All of her hopes and dreams, she laid in his hands. Everything he had wanted and desired, he knew he could find in her. This was the moment that they would know.

He slowly removed the covering, which was the only thing between her bare skin and the heat and intensity that would soon engulf her. She could feel the temperature rising as the distance between them grew smaller and smaller. She could see the want in his eyes as he gazed upon every inch of her.

He slowly reached behind him with a single hand and placed it into a round nearby container. She was becoming more moist by the second as the moment they had both longed for drew closer and closer. He returned his hand to her, never once removing it from her.

He placed his large palm and slithering fingers onto her thigh and slowly and gently rubbed back and forth. A slow and deep groan arose from him as he continued to massage her skin. This was almost more than she could handle as she continued to feel his tantalizing grip on every inch of her.

He reached back again with the same single hand and moved toward her breast. This is what she wanted and what he had longed for. The moment of climax was drawing near. He continued to rub from one side to the other and then he asked her was she ready for the big one. Despite her enveloping thought of the unknown, she was. She knew she was. Her goal had gone from her own to being the source of pleasure to the man who had opened the door.

With this, the man stood. He unzipped what was before him and reached for the weapon that would decide the moment of truth. She sat there and could only gaze in wonderment. The way he handled himself told her, he had been her before. But, that gave only cool comfort, as the unknown remained.

Gently he placed his instrument into her.

as beads of sweat roll down her legs and thighs, he slowly worked in and out. There was pain present, but the levels or arousal were at an all-time high. But, just as quickly as it started, it ended. The man gently and slowly removed the steely, hard, long device and placed it back in the zipped sleeve he had recently removed it. With that, the door closed. As she recovered slowly from the pain she had recently endured, she realized he had never intended to pleasure her for long. She felt used, cheap and crispy.

As she looked around, she saw the orange light and felt the simmering fluid around her. This is when she knew it was not meant to be and it would not be a long lasting relationship between her and the man who had first opened the door.

As he stood, the man slowly turned and made a bold announcement. “ Dinner will be done in just a few minutes, honey” , he exclaimed. “ The turkey is just about done.“

February 16, 2021 20:23

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Matthew Flick
19:42 Feb 25, 2021

Interesting concept. I enjoyed the build-up to the funny conclusion.


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12:04 Feb 25, 2021

very funny :) (Not sure I'd classify it as fantasy though...although perhaps first-person turkey narrators ought to count?)


Christopher Lane
18:28 Feb 25, 2021

I just didn’t know what else to put it as. Sorry


19:24 Feb 25, 2021

Hahaha yes, it is a bit of a genre to itself, isn't it? ;)


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