What Says The Mirror

Submitted into Contest #225 in response to: Write a story about someone coming across their doppelganger.... view prompt


Funny Christian Fantasy

What Says The Mirror

“Don't judge me. Yeah, I am talking to you, Doppelganger. I only can repeat what I see. You come to me every day. Morning and night. Looking. Searching. Asking questions. Always with the questions. What do you expect from me?

“You want me to force you to confront your own truths? Well, the truth is--How should I know? Look at you! That's all I can help you with. I am the same. Yesterday, today and probably will be tomorrow.

“I hang around here all the time, whether you are around or not, and stare at that stupid wall over there. Just look at that once. It's a splotchy mess! Wouldn't hurt to liven it up once in a while. When was the last time you gave the place a face lift? No, not you a face lift. This room. Remodel. Give me an interesting mural or something to study. Some pictures of puppy dogs or kittens or whatever. Seascapes. Seashores are nice. Palm trees swaying. Tide rolling in and out. Real peaceful and you could feel like you are on vacation stepping into a spa-like atmosphere. Maybe that would make it easier to face the truth.

“Somehow, someway, you believe I have the power to change how you see the world. I draw your attention to the wall once more. That is my world view. Corner to corner. The whole complete expanse of it. Not even a blue sky. What color would you call that anyway? Pink? Pink pepto-bismal-dismal, sickening, make-me-want-to-throw-up pink? With whatever that discoloration is dripping down in the center. Kind of looks like a heart. A bleeding heart. Maybe it loves me because all it can see all day is itself in me. But can you say dated? Kind of like you? What decade was pink in vogue? Fifties? Sixties? I know, I know, you are waiting for it to come back in style. Well, it won't be long now.

“Oops. Got side tracked there. What were you asking again? Truth? Universal truth? Earth shattering truth? Oh, oh. Simple truth. Yes, that's you alright. Same as you have been staring at me for eons now. Yep, yep. Same face, same body. Kind of a shame what you have been doing to it, though. Maybe a little remodeling wouldn't hurt there either. Wait, wait I didn't ask you to model that part again. Please, turn back around. I have seen it all before and I would only get myself in hot water to answer that steamy question. There is never a good answer to that one. Don't want a shoe thrown in my face. Rest assured I always have your back, though I really don't care to look at it before you are dressed.

“Sorry, I've hurt your feelings now. Look in the upper corner. See your empowerment poem taped there? Read through it again. Should have it memorized by now. That Kim Uliana is a witty one alright. Inspired by watching her daughter looking at herself. Still works for someone getting along in years:

Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

It does not matter if I’m short or tall…

If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide…

It only matters who I am inside…

Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green…

What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen…

When you look at me, don’t judge me by my parts…

The most beautiful thing about me is my heart.

“Yeah, yeah. Brings tears to my eyes, too. Or is that just the steam? Gives a new perspective to it all, huh?

“Just imagine how truly rich you are. You have silver in you hair and gold in your teeth, stones in your kidneys and lead in your feet. Don't forget the gas all built up inside.

“Okay, no more corny reflections.

“Face it. I am not some magic mirror. That only happens in fairy tales and we are still on this side of reality. I am only a piece of glass (Glass, I said 'Glass') with a silvery surface and a dark side. Maybe I've got a few cracks and veins in my facade, too. I am not a portal to a whole new fantasy world. Nothing is going to reach forth and snatch you away. Nothing to be afraid of.

“Sorry, I can't tell your future, either. No scrying here. No, no, I didn't say crying. You are gonna smear your mascara if you keep that up. I said scrying. Trying to predict divine hidden information. Remember how you frequently come to me seeking guidance while trying to make those difficult life decisions about love or finances. Well, I may put on a good show but ultimately you are the one that comes up with the solutions. Right?

"I'm no fun house mirror, either. I repeat only what I see. So, yep, it is what it is. All of it. No distortions.

“I'll be your confidant. I will wait for you to come back again whenever you venture into that strange world out there that is sapping your youth away. I'll help you remember your dreams and, yes, there may be a few regrets. But you have earned every new wrinkle and laugh line. That's what wisdom writes on a face. Be proud you have reached an age that others will aspire to. You are an inspiration.

“Look at those inspiring words again you have taped all along my edges.

“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” 1 Peter 3:3-4

“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25

“God is within her, she will not fall.” Psalm 46:5

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” Proverbs 31:30

“So, I say again, Girl, you got this. You go out there and conquer. I'll stay here and reflect on my loving wall. See you soon.”

{} {} {} {}

“Well, hello again. That didn't take long. You look more chipper and happier than this morning. You're home early, too, aren't you?

“What's that you have with you? Oh, color swatches. Holding them up against the wall to get my opinion. See, we work together very well. Um, I think I like the sky blue one best. How about you? Got some other samples there? Tub surround and flooring, too? Nice, real nice. Something different for the counter top and around the faucet? Boy, you got a lot of new ideas. This will be pretty.

“Hey, why all the masking tape over my glass surface? Can't see what you are doing so well. What is that great big hammer for?”


“You smashed up the counter top. But, hey now, don't aim that thing at me I am very fragile. You know that would bring you seven years bad luck, don't you?

NO! NO! NO! LOOK OOut!.... “

SMASH! CRASH! Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle...

November 22, 2023 00:49

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08:26 Nov 23, 2023

Loved this. Didn't get time to write this week but this prompt did intrigue me. Loved the scriptures you quoted and the poem. You nailed it. I mean, hammered it. Another story where something dies. Wasn't expecting it this time.


Mary Bendickson
18:18 Nov 23, 2023

Thanks. Mirror sacrificed for the remodel.


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Aeris Walker
11:22 Nov 22, 2023

What a creative piece! Giving the mirror a voice is a strong way to show how much how power many of us actually give it, how we come to it seeking and nitpicking and hoping. Loved this line: “But you have earned every new wrinkle and laugh line. That's what wisdom writes on a face.”


Mary Bendickson
19:36 Nov 22, 2023

Thanks for the insightful comment. Glad you liked it.


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John Rutherford
09:14 Nov 22, 2023

Now that is a mixture. Bible quotes, poems the works, but don't blame the mirror!


Mary Bendickson
19:32 Nov 22, 2023

The mirror convinced her to do some remodeling but fell victim to the process. Thanks for reading and liking and commenting.


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Rebecca Lewis
00:35 Apr 01, 2024

That's an intriguing and relatable piece about our relationship with ourselves as reflected through a mirror. It captures how we often look to external things, like a mirror, for answers, validation, or even blame. I like how the mirror's monologue touches on our quest for self-acceptance and the idea that true beauty comes from within. The ending, with the person bringing color swatches and a hammer, adds a surprising twist and makes you think about the balance between wanting change and being careful about how we go about it. It's a witty ...


Mary Bendickson
16:07 Apr 01, 2024

Thanks for the reflections. Glad you liked it.


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Martin Ross
23:30 Nov 30, 2023

Very nice blend of inspiration and humor, and I felt a metaphor for how we strike out when the “easy” answers we seek fail us.


Mary Bendickson
01:03 Dec 01, 2023

A new view. Thanks.


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J. I. MumfoRD
10:16 Nov 30, 2023

I enjoyed your story, lots of good ideas. Solid middle, you hit your stride and built some empathy. I really like the whimsy. (Though, you missed the obvious ‘I’m mirror and you’re glue.’) The story is creative and engaging, providing a fresh perspective on the inner life of mirrors. For me- too many quotes. I’d almost rather just be ‘told’ there are there, they seemed to just ‘float’. But, I’m still new to writing, so I might be missing something.


Mary Bendickson
16:07 Nov 30, 2023

Glad you picked out so much good that you liked in the story. I questioned if there were too many quotes but I wanted to be inspirational. I think when you use quotes they can not count in the word count. I am also new to writing if you look at my bio to see my journey. I do have a difficult time with critiquing others. I did enjoy your story and will look it over again to see if I can be more specific.


J. I. MumfoRD
17:38 Nov 30, 2023

The quotes are fine, you picked good ones. By ‘float’ I mean, if you listen to a lecture or sermon, or anything inspiring that uses a quote, it’s the interpretation and insight that inspires one to see the layers of meaning. In my opinion, by focusing on one Psalm you can do more good and expand minds. You’ve got talent, looking forward to the next one!


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Kailani B.
17:38 Nov 28, 2023

I really like the voice of the mirror (for some reason I heard it as the voice of Phil from Disney's 1997 animated Hercules movie). Good use of Bible verses too.


Mary Bendickson
00:38 Nov 29, 2023

Thanks for liking. Can't say I remember Phil but if it works then great.😁


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Karen Corr
12:40 Nov 27, 2023

Loved this, Mary! Loved the quotes, loved the mirror! Just when I thought the mirror was getting through to her! Pow! 😂 Thanks, Mary!


Mary Bendickson
18:22 Nov 27, 2023

Thanks.guess the mirror went overboard convincing her she needed a new outlook.


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Stevie Burges
04:06 Nov 27, 2023

loved the description of 'Pink'. Well observed. I could think of many acquaintances standing by the mirror each day - and ending up with the hammer - not because of a new life - but because the mirror didn't say what they wanted it to say. I thought it was a good, positive ending.


Mary Bendickson
18:08 Nov 27, 2023

Thanks for liking and commenting.


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Howard Halsall
00:55 Nov 27, 2023

Hi Mary, What an intriguing idea. I was drawn in by the line - “I hang around here all the time, whether you are around or not… “ The end was a treat; I loved the hammer idea. It seems that mirrors are destined to meet a tragic end….


Mary Bendickson
03:24 Nov 27, 2023

Watch where you swing that ⚒️ hammer. Thanks for liking and commenting.


Howard Halsall
03:48 Nov 27, 2023

My pleasure entirely because your new story was intriguing as ever…. :)


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AnneMarie Miles
15:02 Nov 26, 2023

The mirror has a lot to say apparently! And sometimes we need it to say less... Whoops, poor mirror. Thanks for sharing, Mary!


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Helen A Howard
07:34 Nov 26, 2023

Unusual to see things from a mirror’s point of view, but why not? A creative approach to the idea of a doppelgänger that works really well. I couldn’t help feeling a bit sorry for it - looks like it was sacrificed in the end, and it had seen so much!


Mary Bendickson
15:26 Nov 26, 2023

Those flipping shows drive me crazy destroying things that have a lot of life left in them because they are no longer in style. Although this mirror did have some cracks and veins in it that gave it character. It was advocating for change but got sacrificed in the process. Progress I guess.


Helen A Howard
15:42 Nov 26, 2023

Some progress is debatable.


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17:24 Nov 24, 2023

'What is that great big hammer for?' I had to laugh. People can write stories from lots of weird POVs, but I've never seen a mirror before! That was a great idea, and you handled it amazingly!


Mary Bendickson
17:27 Nov 24, 2023

Glad you liked it. I watch too many remodeling shows.😉


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Chad Eastwood
11:51 Nov 24, 2023

A great personality for a mirror! And a well-deserved fate!


Mary Bendickson
17:02 Nov 24, 2023

Inspired by house flipping shows😏


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Michał Przywara
21:37 Nov 23, 2023

Ha! What a great premise, with the world-weary mirror that keeps getting asked things it cannot possibly provide :) Or maybe the answers it gives are the right ones, but they're uncomfortable, and the viewer doesn't take them to heart. That would explain the reminders about the poems and prayers. “Pink pepto-bismal-dismal” :) I've seen this colour :) “with a silvery surface and a dark side” I like that. The core message is a positive one - we can waste a lifetime chasing outward beauty, after all - and the ending is hilarious, though...


Mary Bendickson
21:50 Nov 23, 2023

Thanks for the kind comments. Yes, poor mirror fell victim to its own convincing argument. Will probably be replaced with something oval and black framed with no encouraging verses taped to it.


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