Kings & Queens đź‘‘ part five

Submitted into Contest #62 in response to: Write about a character putting something into a time capsule.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Gay

Charlie's POV:

Freezing myself in time was a good plan. 

Airen must be back if I’m here, too. But that means Warmonger’s back as well.

I should have unfroze two days after Airen did. That’s when I drank the potion. 

I’m back in my potions room. I gather the ones I prepared a century ago, which should work perfectly now. I put them in a satchel, and put it on my back.

I take the hidden entrance out into the woods. When I stand, I see dead creatures everywhere.

I step over them, trying to figure out what’s happening. Suddenly, a chubby troll with a club comes running towards me. I kick him away, and back up. He creeps forward, and raises the club. 

I knew I should have brought a weapon.

Suddenly, I hear an ear piercing shriek. The troll drops the club, and falls to the ground. I take the opportunity to run, and go towards the scream.

I know, stupid move. But I need to find Airen. That was definitely Warmonger, and I know Airen wouldn’t let anyone else kill him.

I reach the end of the trees about five minutes later. I see Warmonger’s body at the bottom of the hill. A silver dagger is sticking out of his throat, and I recognize it as Airen’s father’s.

  I look around for Airen, but I can’t see him.

Then I see a boy with red hair laying on top of the hill. 

No. It can’t be.

I run up the hill, and drop beside him. Another boy is beside him. He’s alive, just sleeping, unlike Airen.

Airen’s armor has a deep gash in it, and blood pooling around his body. He’s dead.

Not with me here.

I pull out a red potion, and pour it in Airen’s mouth. 

“Come on, come on.” I mutter. 

I use a stray jacket to stop the blood on his chest. 

Suddenly, he gasps, and sits up.

“Don’t,” I warn, pushing him gently back down.

He blinks. “Charlie?”

“Shut up, would you? You can still die.” I say to prevent myself from crying.

He nods, and lays back down. 

“Airen! Delvin!” Someone yells.

We both look up, and I see two boys running towards us.

One of them looks like the sleeping boy, and the other reminds me of my brother.

“Chris, Sal!” Airen says, ignoring me. He sits up as they come up.

They look confused. “What happened?” The taller one asks.

“Well, Sal. I died. But my friend here did something, and I avoided death again.” 

How he jokes right now, I don’t know. 

“What about Delvin?” He asks.

“My future husband is sleeping. Don’t you dare wake him up.”

The other one, I assume that’s Chris, widens his eyes. “What?”

“This isn’t important.” Sal interrupts. “You look terrible.”

“The marks will heal soon.” I say. They look at me for the first time. 

“Who are you?” Sal asks.

I stand up. “Charlie Reynes.”

“Wait, so you’re my great great great grandfather?” Chris asks.

I shrug. “Possibly.”

“Huh.” He says. “How are you alive?”

I look around the battlefield. “Maybe we should go somewhere else.”


Delvin’s POV:

I don’t want to wake up. If Airen’s gone, there’s no point. 

Someone shakes my shoulder. “Wake up.” Chris says.

“No.” I say, turning around. There’s a blanket over me. Did they move me?

Someone kicks me. “Get up.” Sal.

“No. Leave me alone.” I answer.

I hear a dramatic sigh. “Get up, Del. I’m hungry, and they’re waiting for you.”

Airen? My eyes pop open, and I sit up. 

I’m sitting on a huge bed in a huge room. Airen’s leaning against a wall, looking at me, grinning.

 I get out of the bed, and run towards him, pulling him in my arms, and I kiss him hard. I don’t even care that there are other people in the room.

“You died.” I say when I pull back. 

He smiles. “I told you death doesn’t like me.”

“You idiot. I can’t believe you. You got killed.” 

He nods. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“I seriously hate you.” I mutter, pulling him to me.

He buries his face in my chest. “I love you too.”

When I let him go, he smiles at me. “So are we going to get married?”

“Shut up.” I tell him. “How are you alive?”

“Does it matter?” He asks.

I look at him. “Yes. It does.”

He explains how Charlie saved him just in time. I thank him over and over. He waves me off, and says it was no problem.

“Hey, Delvin,” Chris says. He’s sitting on the bed, with a white cat in his lap.

I sit across from him. “Yeah?”

“Don't get mad, okay? It’s not your fault.” 

“What’s wrong?”

He takes a breath. “The castle was attacked. None of my family made it. Or your dad.”

“Oh.” I say. I don’t remember him, but it still hurts. Airen sits by me, and wraps an arm around my waist.

“Where’s Sal?” I ask quietly.

The cat jumps out of his lap, changing into my little brother. He sits by Chris.

He looks mad. “Here.”

“You okay?” 

He raises a shoulder. “Not really. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay,” I agree. Then I look at Chris. “So you’re king now?”

He nods. “Yeah.”

“What about the elves?” I ask.

Airen points at himself. “I was nominated.”

“Cool.” I say. 

We’re all quiet until Airen’s stomach rumbles. We all laugh, and it breaks the tension.

“Let’s go eat.” Chris says, hopping off the bed, and pulling Sal towards the door.

Airen and I follow them. I put my arm around his shoulders, and pull him to my side. I’m not losing him again.


No one’s POV:


Chris and Sal got married. Charlie made a potion that made it so they could have children, and they have two kids. Chris is a great king, and the kingdom is better than ever.

Airen and Delvin stay with the other creatures. 

Most don't trust humans, so they stay in their cave. Some live among the humans, and are treated the same.

Airen and Delvin have four kids. Delvin is extremely protective of Airen, and rarely lets him out of his sight.

This year they decided to make a time capsule for people to open in a hundred years.

“Come on, Allie,” Chris says to his eight year old daughter. She has messy blonde hair and green eyes. She has the same powers as Chris.

“Yeah, come on Allie,” Ryder says. He’s four. He has brown hair, and brown eyes. He has fire powers, like his aunt did.

Sal rolls his eyes at them, and opens the doors. They're going to meet Delvin and Airen in the forest.

They walk through the forest, meeting up with Charlie on the way. They all go to the lake.

“Astra!” Allie shouts. 

Austra is their daughter, who is also eight, and Allie’s best friend. She has red hair, pale skin, and color changing eyes.

“Allie! Guess what?” She shouts. They start talking to each other.

Ryder walks over to Nick, their five year old. He has curly blond hair, and elf ears.

Aiden and Asher, their ten year old twins, are in the water. They both look just like Aiden.

The adults talk until their kids are tired of playing. Then they start putting things in the time capsule.

“Can you believe the elves didn’t want this stuff?” Airen asks, pulling out the bag of magic items he got.

The silver dagger that Airen used to kill Warmonger, a flute that can make plants grow, a magic mirror, two magic bracelets, a book of spells and potions, and a note from the four of them.

“Do you think someone will actually find it?” Chris asks.

Sal shrugs. “Eventually.”

“Probably.” Airen says.

Delvin snorts. “Hopefully.”

And with that, they bury it in the ground.

October 04, 2020 03:18

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02:07 Feb 27, 2021

Such a cool series! And I am glad that you finished it! XD The time capsule part seemed a little bit stuck on, to me, (made me look at the prompt), tho it is a cool epilogue. And a weird doubt, you know your series 'dead end'? The protag's name is 'Ari Reynes' (your current name XD) and the sorcerer here's name is 'Charlie Reynes' (it rhymes) and the prince's name is 'Christopher Micheal Reynes', so Ari is a descendant of a royal family in another universe or is it just coincidence? Probably coincidence XD Why do I weave such wei...


Ari Berri
02:37 Feb 27, 2021

Thanks! Yeah, I was trying to follow the prompt, but it probably wasn't needed. I didn't notice that when I first wrote it, but I figured why not, and I might mention that later in the series. If I finish it.


03:25 Feb 27, 2021

Eh, one of those times when my theories don't get a 'keep quiet!' Back. XD I am to blame tho, I never let anyone else say anything while a movie is running but I hurl off the we-ear-dust theories. XD Hm, do finish it, don't desert it. Actually, saying that is quite hypocritical of me, I have also deserted a few 'series', not yet on reedsy tho, and I guess that I kinda stopped doing that. (By the way, can you be a character in the series I am working on?, it's kinda like semi reedsy cast, [sorry if I bothered you!]) Happy today!


Ari Berri
21:40 Mar 01, 2021

XD I'll try, I've been distracted. Sure, I'd love to. You're not bothering me, don't worry.


01:52 Mar 03, 2021

XD Oh Whould you mind giving a faint character description? (Like appearance, name, gender, personality etc.)


Ari Berri
15:39 Mar 03, 2021

Sure. Name: Ari Gender: I don't really care, so gender fluid? Appearance: Curly blue hair, freckles, and round glasses. Personality: funny and smart.


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