Fantasy Adventure Mystery

The boat slowly drifted into the port as a cold mist blew through the faces of everyone on board. The breeze shuffled everyone's well-kept hair and frivolous clothing. The mast rocked and creaked as the ship came to a forceful stop next to the wooden docks. Grabbing my one brown suitcase and nothing else, I took the first step onto the new land. My legs shook a bit as I had not yet rid myself of my sea legs but regardless the sight was tremendous. The city even in the day stood out against everything with its white marble, pillared buildings, and large structures that made the place seem mythical. The large snow-covered mountains behind it made the backdrop of the whole city like a scene in a play. As I stood in awe and amazement a man bumped into me causing my luggage to spill out, revealing the vast amounts of riches and documents. The gold coins and jewels spilled out across the ground as everyone began staring at me. “Watch it you-” He stopped mid-sentence as he looked back towards me and saw the riches on the ground. “Oh I'm so sorry sir, forgive me.” He kneeled and started picking up the coins and helping me back up. He sneakily tried to slip rubies and gems into his pocket as he helped me up and didn't realize I saw him. “It’s alright, my fault for daydreaming I guess.” “Ah no, entirely on me, but I'm in a rush have a good day sir.” He turned around and began to quickly take a step, “Where do you think you're going with my property?” He stopped and with a nervous grin, he turned around to face me, “Whatever do you mean? I hold none of your possessions.” I walked up to him, and glared into his eyes, I stood taller than him just slightly but enough to strike fear and intimidation. My eyes flickered with anger and trepidation like a stormy sea filled with turmoil and strife thrashing against the boulders ashore. Like cascading darkness that filled the night for eternity, wiping all happiness and love from the world, I showed him who I truly was. Leaning down to his ear I whispered, ‘You will give me what's rightfully mine and then cast yourself into the sea.” I pointed off the dock and towards the sea behind him and like a dog he obeyed me and pulled four rubies and multiple coins from his pocket and handed them to me, then he walked off the port and into the water. I walked back to my luggage and realized everyone was glaring at me over what just transpired. A few people even ran to the side of the port trying to see what happened to the man. Taking the luggage in my hand I looked back towards the city and continued walking. Everyone stood motionless as they stared at me, blonde hair ruffling in the wind. I walked with the strut of a god and waltzed right into the city. It was filled to the brim with every kind of person; scholars, teachers, peasants, and blacksmiths. Their hierarchy was evident by sight alone, the way they dressed and walked. The rich wore robes of silk and sandals of leather while the poor and low-end ones dwelled in sacks and sandals of rope and wood. A smile grew on my face as I continued to meander throughout the town. From markets filled with exotic fruits that are only found in the four corners of the world to schools built upon marble and glass, it was astonishing and breathtaking. For the many years, I had traveled around the world there was nothing that could come close to the beauty of this city. Reaching my destination, I stood at the doors to the city’s capital palace made of gold and rare stones that some I hadn't even been blessed to see before, the doors made of African blackwood and carved to show ancient murals and battles. The epicenter of this magnificent country was a building like no other, a rival to all things beautiful. I walked up towards the door and countless guards stood in front of me. Continuing to walk closer, a guard that I could only guess was the commander stepped out to me. “What is your business here?” He stood towering above me, a giant at least 7 feet. I took my left arm and slammed it into his stomach causing him to fly back into the crowd of guards. Almost at once, every guard ran up to me threateningly holding spears and swords. “Halt! Don't take another step!” Taking a small dagger that was held on the side of my waist into my hand I placed the bag of jewels on the floor. At that moment a guard lunged forward with his spear, tipping it down to my left. I kicked off the ground into a swirling spin and kicked him in the head causing him to fly into two other guards. The rest began to bombard me. Jumping up into the air, I landed on a guard's head. Grabbing his shoulders I jumped off him pulling him with me and slamming him into the ground. Spinning around, I took the knife and lodged it into the guard's ribs. “You bastard!” One screamed as I pulled the knife out causing blood to spray. A sword came slashing to my head, I ducked and side-swiped his legs knocking him over. More guards came from everywhere surrounding me. Taking another concealed dagger from my right side I held blades in my hands. Closing my eyes I began to rampage against the forces. Letting my mind and senses be heightened I did nothing, only my body moved. Driven by pure instinct, slaughtering every enemy that came towards me. Within a matter of minutes, the sound of yelling and the stomping of guards dwindled to silence. Opening my eyes to see the bloodbath. Onlookers and bystanders ran from the scene and a few hid and continued to watch. Wiping the blood off my clothes and knives, I walked towards my luggage which stood only a few feet away. Untouched by the onslaught that transpired it stood in perfect condition. I picked up the bag and walked towards the enormous doors that stood before me. Reaching my right arm out I pushed both doors open gaining access to the palace. As the doors finally opened, guards in the numbers larger than I'd previously just fought off stood guarding the king who sat on his throne made of shining gold and diamonds. It was magnificently beautiful, like a natural wonder of the world. “Hello your highness, I'm grateful to be blessed by your presence.” I said it in a mocking tone and it made the king angry as he stood up, “What purpose do you have here?!” “Right to questioning I see, no worries. I'm here to seek the throne. You see, I'm the rightful heir to this kingdom and I'm going to see fit that I get what is mine.” The anger filled the king, “You dare mock me in my palace? You are the heir to nothing! Seize him!” “I wouldn't do that, your highness.” I yelled amongst everyone who stood in front of me. “You mortals have no respect, do you? I come to your humble abode and don't even receive an open welcome? I'm a God and I should be treated like one!” “How dare you proclaim yourself to be a God.” “Oh but I am.” At that moment I jumped into the air landing on a soldier's head. Jumping off him I continued to hop between every single guard. It was seen as a spectacle as no one dared to move except the king who started to take a few steps backward at the sight of me near. He didn't have time to run or hide, like a rabbit out in an open field, he was trapped. Before he even had time to turn around and run or order a single guard to attack I jumped off the last guard and landed gracefully in front of him. Taking my left arm I grabbed his shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes. He shut his eyes and turned away profusely. Taking my right hand I grabbed his jaw, ‘Look at me! Look into my eyes!” Moving his head back towards me he slowly opened his eyes with a face filled not with fear but with anger and disgust. I stared into his eyes once again and showed him what it meant to be blessed and cursed by unknowable power. His face turned from anger to fear to absolute distraughtness. He began flailing his arms, and screaming, “Let me go, stop this!” I didn't look away, he saw the past, the present, and the future. War and suffering, a king who used to be mighty and strong now whimpering and begging. Closing my eyes, I threw him to the side and turned around to look at everyone who had witnessed the spectacle. “I am your new king, bow before me as I will bring this empire up from the ground and into the heavens for all to marvel at.” I glared down at the king who was traumatically laying down on the floor, shocked and bewildered by what he had just witnessed. I leaned down to him, “I order you to acknowledge I am the new king. Spread the word to your people and then leave this land. This bag is full of gems worth enough to buy a country. Take it, and leave.” The once-known king got up from his clutches obeying my order. Every guard and noble stood in the room, outright frightened and scared of what had happened. “Gather everyone to the kingdom's capital, tell the people that the rightful king has risen.” No one dared to move. Stepping forward, I looked out against the starstruck people, ``You heard him did you not?” The people shuffled out of the room, guards and servants alike. Each just as confused and frightened as the next. Only the king and I stood alone in the palace. I gazed around at everything, it was stunning. The beautiful art and paintings that lined the ceilings and walls, the statues made of marble and exotic stones, and there in the center a throne made fit for the true king. I walked towards it taking my hand and feeling the pure gold that laced the entire monument. Sitting upon my throne I glared down the long empty corridor. “My time has come. A new world is about to be born upon the entropy of this planet and I the ruler will stand gallantly at the center, leading the onslaught across every nation. I will not only be a god among men, but a god among gods, and only then will I be able to hold out my right hand against the universe, and be satisfied with all that I've done.” 

June 03, 2021 02:17

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