At the last minute!

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about someone who purposefully causes a power outage.... view prompt

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Thriller Funny

Hello, my name is Laura today I’ll be telling you all about a quite special day in my life. It happened exactly two weeks ago so it was quite recently, for your information,  I am sixteen and go to Maple wood highschool. At first, it was a completely normal day like the others. I woke up, like the usual and got ready for school. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details of what I wore or what I ate, there was nothing special about my morning. I’m just an average girl with an average morning routine. I got off my bus and walked into the school, as I walked in the hallways to get to my locker, I saw someone. It was my best friend Melanie, her locker is quite close to mine so we usually meet up in the morning. She looked quite tired, her dark circles were more prominent. “Did you stay up late again watching scary movies?” I asked her as I knew that she does that often. Melanie loves scary movies and she loves to watch them late at night, it’s the best time to watch them apparently. “Yup! I actually did a marathon of the lights out movies, the one, two and three.” She answered while trying her best to keep her eyes open. Melanie loves the lights out movies, it’s about creepy stuff that happens during power outages. I personally don’t like to watch these kinds of movies, it’s a bit creepy and unrealistic. I put my hand on her shoulder and told her, “good luck my friend.” She nodded as she heard my words, she knew that it would be a difficult day for her as she lacks sleep. I took out my chemistry book from my locker and went to my classroom with Melanie. When I entered I saw the rest of our friends, Micheal, Lucy and Josh. I waved at them and went to sit next to them. “Hi, Laura, did you study for today’s quiz?” Asked Lucy. As soon as she said that, I looked at her in shock and so did the others. “There’s a quiz today?!” I asked her while I was panicking. “Yup and you only have 15 minutes left to study for it.” She answered back. Micheal was as shocked as me, we both looked at each other then again at lucy, we gave her a desperate look. Just by our looks, she could tell that we wanted to borrow her notes. “Here you go.” Lucy handed us her notes, as usual, we often forget important school dates, Lucy is the one that helps us to study at the last minute. As I and Michael hurriedly looked at the notes, I realized that both Melanie and Josh looked calm, which was a bit surprising. “Aren’t you guys going to study?” I asked them. Josh just looked like he didn’t care much for this quiz and Melanie was half asleep. It would be impossible to get an answer from them. 

15 minutes have now passed and the teacher came in, I was quite nervous but it’s not the first time I did things like that. I have a habit of doing things at the last minute. This time was no different. As I saw the quiz I worried a bit, some questions I was able to answer, some I just guessed. Time passed, Melanie almost passed out, I think I passed the quiz and this day will pass eventually, everything will pass eventually. The quiz and eventually the class was over, there was no need to ask how they did, the answers that I’d get are way too obvious. We walked out of the class and are now on our way to our next class, Math. I hate math, nothing too unexpected but oh well. Melanie looked a bit more awake now and decided to talk about the movies she saw yesterday, “It was awesome! The second one was actually in a school, some students stayed late at school and then all the lights were off.” She began her dramatic storytelling, “ They heard knocks at the door, random objects kept coming in the classroom but they couldn’t see anything so it was even more creepy. It was just noise, they heard people laugh, they-” She was cut off by our geography teacher who happened to pass by our class. “If only you spent that much time studying instead. How great would that be?” Mrs.Quins knew Melanie’s obsession and does not encourage it. We all laughed at her words but then she spoke again, “ You guys shouldn’t be laughing, you don’t study much either, I see you doing things at the last minute and borrowing Lucy’s notes.” Mrs.Quines gave us a smile before going back. We often heard these words but it is a bit hard to lose this habit. Anyways we had a boring math class and then it was my favourite time, lunch time! I can sit and eat with my friends, it is the best time of the school day.

 We talked about random stuff until Lucy reminded us of something very important. “I’m sure you all forgot but let me remind you that we all have a geography project due for tomorrow and I’m guessing that no work has been done yet. Am I right?” We all miserably nodded, we had done nothing for the project and it was due tomorrow. “I have an idea,” said Josh. “Why don’t we stay after school to do the whole project.” At the time it seemed like a good idea, so we all agreed to it even poor Lucy who had already done her part. We tossed the subject and talked more about very random stuff, what comes out of the mouths of sixteen-year-olds can sometimes seem quite strange. Lunch was sadly over and we had two more classes left until the end of the day. 

The last two classes ended and we all met up in the cafeteria to work on our geography project. “Ready to work?” Lucy said and she sadly received answers that lacked enthusiasm such as “sure” “I guess so”. We were supposed to work, we were supposed to research and write the result of that research on the presentation board. But, there is always a but, we were fooling around. It was a complete mess, Lucy tried to break it off but she cracked herself. She also fooled around with us, we laughed, researched things unrelated to geography. Time passed way too fast, it was already night time. I looked at my phone and panicked, “ Guys it’s 9, it’s 9 pm and we literally did nothing.” Even the ones who seem to not care about school were shocked and began working at high speed. Everything was going well until the lights were suddenly off. “Is the school closing?” Micheal asked all confused. “Probably not, some teachers stay here late to work,” Lucy answered him. I had chills, I am terrified of the dark. I could not see, I could only hear. “Maybe they turned off the lights here because they thought nobody was inside,” Josh said. He turned on the flashlight of his phone and walked to the light switches, he tried turning it on and off a couple of times but nothing happened. “Maybe it’s a power outage?” Micheal said, “Maybe we’re the main characters of a scary movie?” Melanie said while pointing at her creepy smile with the flashlight of her phone. “Stop it Melanie it’s a bit creepy,” I told her. In the end, we decided to go to one of our classrooms to find a teacher. We walked in the dark hallways with a very small source of light. Why did my phone’s battery have to die on a power outage? We found the classroom, went inside and called out, “Is someone here?” We walked closer to the teacher’s desk but then we heard the door closing. It was a loud sound that was able to scare every one of us including the one who’s obsessed with scary movies. Then we heard knocks that came from outside the classroom, we all screamed out of fear. “See! I told you we’re the main characters in a scary movie!” Melanie screamed as she crouched down. It did seem similar to her movie the only thing that was missing was… random things flying in the classroom. Guess what? It did happen! We just heard the sound of objects falling on the floor, I even felt a pencil on my shoulder. Our screams were uncontrollable, sometimes the screams made me freak out more. The situation felt so surreal, I just hoped that this was all a really bad dream. Suddenly, the lights were back on and all we could see is a mess on the floor, a lot of pencils, books and balls of paper. We were all confused until we saw our geography teacher come out of her desk and the chemistry teacher coming into the classroom. We couldn’t really assess the situation quite well until “I’m sorry if we scared you,” the chemistry teacher said. “We wanted to teach you a lesson. We remind you all the time to not do things at the last minute but I guess words weren’t enough.” Mrs.Quins the geography teacher followed. We were all speechless, some of us were wiping tears from the previous event. Our teachers teamed up to scare us and teach us to do things earlier. I still can’t believe it but anyways this was my very special day. It was a day I’ll probably tell my grandkids in the future.     

*Fun fact, I wrote this at the last minute.*  

September 12, 2020 03:24

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1 comment

Sue M
04:59 Sep 17, 2020

Zineb, Now, this was quite the interesting story. From the beginning I was wondering how you were going to include a power outage, since the story took place during the school day. I did like how you weaved the scary movie Melanie watched the night before into a real incident at school. I especially liked the line: “Maybe we’re the main characters of a scary movie?” Melanie said while pointing at her creepy smile with the flashlight of her phone." I also liked your last line: "It was a day I’ll probably tell my grandkids in the ...


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