Drama Thriller

As I walked down the street in the quiet hours of the morning I turned onto the street where I lived, pulling my flannel tightly around myself. There was one house on the end of the street that had the lights on in the kitchen and the window was open. As I wobbled passed this little cottage-like home I was stopped by the smell of a freshly baked cherry pie.

Almost instantly I took off running to the comfort and safety of my own home. But I couldn't run faster than the memories as it all came tumbling back over me.

He stood over be with a knife, thick, sickly sweet, red liquid was dripping from it onto the back of my shirt, the heat pushing through and causing me to squirm. I screamed and thrashed in an attempt to break free only to be met by a chloroform rag to the face.

When I woke up I was alone, still fully clothed thank god, but freezing cold. I took a deep breath and looked around, trying to soak in my surroundings. There was a desk not far from where I was seated next to the window, which was nailed shut with plywood. There was a small dresser with the drawers open, and some very strange articles inside. There were clumps of hair taped to a bright yellow post-it note, and about a dozen slices of cherry pie rotting away.

"I let them go. They were compliant, so they got to live." He said, his voice was deep and raspy. It scared me.

"What do you want from me?" I said, trying not to let the fear be heard in my voice.

"Your hair, and a cherry pie." He produced a basket with all the materials he would need to cut off my hair. A sharp pair of scissors, a spray bottle of water, and a comb.

"Okay, you can have my hair, all of it for that matter. Just promise I can leave after." I said, nearly bursting into tears.

"Of course you can." He said, making his voice sound almost as sickly sweet as cherry pie filling.

I sat still as he soaked my hair with the water. Then he took the scissors and began to hack away at my hair. I cried silently to myself as I watched my flowing black hair get reduced to an uneven crows nest.

Then I baked him the pie. All the while he sat back and watched every move I made like a hawk. Should I try to run, he had a knife ready, should I ruin the pie, I am stuck here. Once the pie was finished he used the knife to cut us each a slice, forcing me to eat one.

Then he opened the door. He let me go, watching me walk away down the street. I was freezing, wearing nothing but shorts, a t-shirt and a flannel the colors of cherry pie.

I got home and, took a hot shower, and went to bed. I felt as if I could sleep forever, just letting the darkness roll over and encase me in it's tendrils of darkness. But alas, I woke up.

I was so hungry, all I wanted to do was eat. But I wanted to eat something very specific, cherry pie. I didn't want to buy it, no, a store bought pie isn't any good. I wanted a homemade cherry pie. So I set out to find people to bake me a pie. I asked nicely and was turned away with the slam of the door and a curse word.

So I turned to better tactics, kidnapping. I stalked quite a few young woman over the course of the next 3 weeks. I figured out their schedule, where they lived, worked, liked to hang out, and chose a day to take them.

It started with Mary, she was very pretty. Long blonde hair that would look good on me if I do say so myself. I waited in a coffee shop she was known to frequent and made my move, dropping a bit of Rohypnol into her latte. Within 30 minutes she was out, banging her head on the table. I picked her up and took her to my house, laying her on my garage floor. I held her head and stroked her soft, blonde hair.

When she woke up she tried to escape, so I used the knife, digging it into hr calf to maim her. She crumpled back to the floor almost instantly.

"What do you want from me?" She cried, the same words I had said but a month ago.

"Your pretty hair, it's soft." I muttered, petting her hair.

"All of it?" She, tears filling her ocean blue eyes.

"All of it and a cherry pie." I said, pulling out a basket I had filled with the ingredients she would need to make me my pie.

"Okay, but I can leave after right?" She asked taking the basket. I nodded and she sighed, letting me chop off chunks of pretty hair.

Afterwards she baked me my pie and we ate together, it was actually quite nice. I was sad to see her go, but I promised her.

Over the next 4 months I have captured 121 girls, one everyday. Most have been very patient and compliant with me, earning their freedom in return for their hair and a pie. But a few fought and fought, so I had to use the knife. Now I have a whole pile of skeletons in my bathroom, but I don't mind, they are very pretty. I have borrowed some of their clothes for myself, but I am sure they don't mind, they usually just smile when I ask.

One girl was very different though. She couldn't hear me. She just stared with a blank, confused expression. I asked her for her hair and pie, but she didn't respond. I waved my arms at her and she looked over before turning away and ignoring me. I decided not to waste my time trying to explain so I just dunked her head in a bucket of water, chopped it off and left it out to dry. She just stared without expression, maybe she was stronger than the others. I shoved the basket with the supplies into her arms and she walked slowly, ad jerkily to the kitchen. She placed the basket on the counter and looked out the window before raising her hand.

Then they came.

Tons of S.W.A.T swarmed into my house, grabbing me and forcing me to the ground. They handcuffed me and read me my rights. I turned my head toward the oven an smiled, I smelled cherry pie.

September 25, 2020 17:50

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Ray Dyer
16:31 Oct 04, 2020

Wow - the twist in this story happens a lot earlier than I was expecting! Maybe it's just 2020, but the idea that this act of cruelty could spread like a virus make me want to find out what the 121 other girls are doing right now, and also about the other victims of the person who grabbed her in the first place. I also like the description of the knife in the opening scene, and how it seems to be oozing cherry pie.


20:31 Oct 04, 2020

Thank you so much! I am glad it got you thinking! - Bella


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