Mr. Joseph Nkrumah and wife Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah moved to a place called America a land of opportunity and plenty where one person loves and the other hates.

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write about a couple who have just moved to a place that one person loves, and the other hates.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

Mr. Joseph Nkrumah and wife Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah moved to a place called America a land of opportunity and plenty.

As can be noted Mr. Joseph Nkrumah liked his new neighbourhood in Florida, America but his wife Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah hates America due to some perculiar reasons.

Among the reasons that Joseph Nkrumah moved to America was because he loves that country.

Also the weather conditions in the United States of America is very good especially during summer in exception of Winter.

There are beautiful and spacious houses around the entire neighbourhood in the United States of America .

Again during meal times both Adults and children enjoy amazing foods in restaurants.

They both spent some time in small town in America enjoying and having fun with friends.

Again the citizens in the United States of America have an optimistic attitude in life.

There are always paid higher incomes and great work opportunities in the United States of America. It can be noted that English is spoken everywhere including America. In America, Mr. Joseph Nkrumah and his family often speak American English in a foreign accent.

Mr. Joseph Nkrumah lived in a movie location where they normally entertain their family by visiting the cinema in the United States of America. Also Mr. Joseph Nkrumah moved to America because it was a land of opportunity and plenty.

Since America was a land of opportunity and and plenty it was a place where success is always celebrated whilst positivity is a way of life and opportunity is always a reality.

Mr. Joseph Nkrumah moved to America just to experience The Great American Dream as an idea more than anything else. As noted the idea of the American dream is what inspired Mr. Joseph Nkrumah as a special and desirable country in which to live in.

Also according to some controversies the United States of America remains the most attractive country in the World so due to their neatness and attractiveness Mr. Joseph Nkrumah was inspired to move to the place called the United States of America .

Mr. Joseph Nkrumah also liked snow capped mountains, sun parched deserts in America and also there was a perfect climate within the country.

In America, Mr. Joseph Nkrumah experienced four distinct seasons such as Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn.

However in the U.K. we have flats and terraces likewise in the USA they call it real estate. It can be observed that affordable large spacious houses with pools cellars , massive kitchens and garages is certainly a great reason why Mr. Joseph Nkrumah moved to the United States of America.

Mr. Joseph Nkrumah liked moving to the United States of America because food was taken seriously due to hugely rich cultural diversity which has had a hand in making America what it is today entirely.

In America Mr. Joseph Nkrumah visited small towns in America which was a close Community abound in the rural areas and other neighbourhood.

Also with a welcome attitude it is not hard to always feel at home.

Again America's sense of optimism and positivity is by far very refreshing. This is what made America great and this can do attitude ensures that the United States of America has a bright future. Mr. Joseph Nkrumah also got paid higher incomes working in the United States of America and also he experienced a great working opportunity.

Also in terms of salary ,Mr. Joseph Nkrumah preferred the United States of America because the average wage in the United States of America is higher as compared to the United Kingdom.

This was especially true because Mr. Joseph Nkrumah worked in Tech Industry to earn a living for his family.

Again with the area of expertise of Mr. Joseph Nkrumah was able to find many opportunities to broaden his work experience and then progress in his career. Also English is spoken everywhere the lack of a language barrier is certainly an attractive prospect for most new residents from some English speaking countries.

There are instances of having grown ups watching American movies and other Tv series. There you will experience the strange feeling of deja vu as everything seems so familiar entirely. There is also the positive side effect of making daily life feel like living in a Cinema.

It was noted that the Beatles comprising Hugh Laurie in House or more recently James Corden on the Late Show, where there is a long precedent of British people hitting the big time when they make the move across the pond. These musician The Beatles entertain people including Mr. Joseph Nkrumah in America due to the fact that he expressed his love for music.

Also Mr. Joseph Nkrumah enjoyed and experienced Hollywood to Broadway America that leads the way in our movie industry and other musicals. Again whether you are just looking for the best in entertainment or want to progress in your career , this is the place you need to be entirely.

Again in Disney Land all that needs to be offered isn't to America these days. Also the USA version of the famed, fantasy land is still the original.

Also Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah also hates living in America because alot of murder and terrorist attacks occurs mainly in America.

In America most of the citizens are racist ,most blacks are normally murdered due to racism or some other terrorist attacks.

Again Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah noted that in the United States of America most female black women are often raped due to problems that they do encounter in life.

Also other investors including black women normally have their investment embezzled by Banks and other institutions that refuse in paying back.

Mrs Elizabeth Nkrumah also noted that in America black woman hardly get good jobs that most of them become school drop out because they can not afford University education.

However around some neighbourhood in America blacks are termed mostly as slaves especially the women. Also black folks and men are often brutalized and shot by the Police for slightest offence committed in the United States of America.

Again black women often than not also experience assault in their neighbourhood especially by white guys or the Police due to a slight offence committed by them.

Most black folks are easily arrested and imprisoned due to the offence committed by them the police do not show any partiality.

Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah also commented that most of the past and present President in America are White folks. She also commented that the white folks outnumber the black folks in most of the community.

Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah commented about issues of armed robbery and gun shots in the United States of America which also an alarming issue.

Lastly both Mr. Joseph Nkrumah and Mrs. Elizabeth Nkrumah expressed much about their love and dislike against one another about the place they moved in the United States of America.

September 18, 2020 16:32

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22:27 Sep 29, 2020

Hi! I liked the contrast between the two perspectives over what the US is like for two people who are otherwise so close to each other. If I were to point out possible improvements, I think there are two main things I would mention: repetition and point of view. There is quite a bit of repetition in the text ("also" and "again" are seen quite a lot, for example, as well as the names of the two characters instead of resorting to he/she more often). I wasn't sure if this was part of the characterisation, though, in which case it would be mor...


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11:18 Sep 25, 2020

Great, Nice Story! Well Wrote!


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This story made America great again. I almost peed my US Flag Harley Davidson underwear, I was so tremendously overcome with greatness. I am so awash in patriotism that I had to go out back and fire off a few hundred automatic rounds just to express my eternal love for this formerly-and-now-once-more-great nation. #Jesus #USA #Ford


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