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Drama Thriller Adventure

“Ah, the One World Trade Center. At last!” Jacob thinks to himself. You see he works for a company call The Logistics Company and has been trying for years to get into the management area and have his own office at the Trade Center. He finally made it. After five long years of hard work. He finally made it. Today’s his first day. He’s going up to the floor his office is on. Floor 83.. It’s a bit high up there but at least he has his own office! He’s so thrilled about it all. He can’t wait to get to work! He’s walks into the building and gets onto the elevator. There’s about three other people in there with him. About every four floors, somebody gets off. Then he was finally on it by himself. Just jamming out to elevator music while waiting to reach his floor. He’s currently on floor 79 when all of a sudden the elevator starts to shake and all of the power shuts off. It’s pitch black. The only light source he has is his phone. He turns on the flash and looks for the emergency button and presses it. As soon as he presses it, he starts to hear screaming and sounds of things breaking. Somebody starts to pound on the elevator door screaming “help!!” He starts to panic. He has no idea what is going on out there. He looks all around for an escape but couldn’t see anything. He wishes he could just pry the doors open but he can’t. Then he decides to look up and notices a little square thing that looks like an exit. He tries to reach it but is too short. He takes his brief case and places it on the floor and stands on it in attempts to reach it but still can’t. He starts to think about what he can do. Then he starts to stare at the railings on the walls and has an idea! He starts to grab onto the rail and place one foot up at a time. Successfully climbing the railing, he then reaches up and moves the top of the black square opening it. He grabs the top and pulls himself up and on top of the elevator. He looks around but it’s just like a box without a top. He looks up and notices that there’s an open elevator. The only option now is to climb the ropes that hold the elevator up. The screaming continues, the glass breaking, gun shooting. Everything. It just seems so chaotic up there. The worst just crosses his mind. “What if this is a terrorist group?” “Or what if this is 9/11 all over again?” He didn’t know what to think. All he knew is that he had to get out of there. He takes off his business jacket and rips the sleeves off. He then ties them to his hands so that he wouldn’t hurt them that bad as he climbed. He starts to climb higher and higher. His arms and legs start to ache as they hold him up and against the wiring. He keeps pulling and pulling until finally he reaches the open elevator. He stays still for a second and takes a look out of the elevator area into the building. There were small fires everywhere. Bodies lying on the floor. Glass shattered. Tables broken in half. He took a deep breath and swung out and into the building. He squats down and looks around to make sure nobody threatening is around. He doesn’t see nobody and starts to head towards the stairs. Almost tripping over bodies and having to step over the fires. He starts to run down the stairwell. As he runs, he starts to hear more and more screaming and gun shots. “What in the world is going on?” He thinks to himself. He finally reaches the second floor when he gets stopped by somebody in a ski mask. “Well well. We got another runner, eh?” He asks while pointing a gun at Jacob. “Come with me man. We’re going to have fun with you.” He continues. Jacob follows him downstairs onto the first floor. That’s when he sees hundreds of people in ski masks with guns. If he wanted to run, there’s no way he could escape hundreds of people shooting at him. So he just listened and obeyed to whatever they said. “Empty our your pockets!” One said. Jacob took out his car keys and wallet. “There’s nothing in this piece of junk!” The guy yells. “Yeah, I don’t have a lot of money. Today was my firs…” Jacob starts to reply. “Yeah yeah quit with the excuses. Take off the suit. Can probably sell that for a pretty penny.” The guy says. Jacob takes off his suit and starts to talk. “Why are y’all doing this? Why don’t y’all just get regular jobs to make money?” “Well, you see. Nobody wants to hire felons. Plus this is just way more fun than flipping burgers, don’t ya think? I’m going to be honest, you’re the only one who would cooperate. So therefore you’re the only one alive. That makes me start feeling jittery inside. You know what I mean? So guess what!! You’re part of the gang now tough boy. Just gotta shoot ya one time and it’ll be official.” The guy says while grinning from ear to ear as he pulls the trigger, shooting Jacob in the shoulder. The gang finishes taking all of the money and jewelry and then carries Jacob out into a van. “Now you’re going to be one rich guy now. Unless you get caught anyways.” The ski mask guy says. Jacobs I’m so much shock right now. He doesn’t know what to think or say. He doesn’t even know what’s going on right except for the fact that he’s bleeding out. “Wait… what did you… mean by… me getting caught?” He gets out. “Today was your first day right? Well, since you’re not there now and today was your first day, I’m pretty sure that they’ll blame this all on you. So you might as well go ahead and join our gang because if you get caught and arrested and they happen to let you out, very doubtful, but if they do then you’ll have to come back to us. Plus you don’t have a choice. Try to leave and we’ll just simply kill you. Plain and simple.” The ski mask guy replies as they continue driving. Then suddenly Jacob passes out from losing too much blood. 

September 06, 2020 00:02

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1 comment

T. Rezy
07:01 Sep 17, 2020

Hmmmm, I don't see why a gang of hundreds that managed to stage a heist at the World Trade Center would rob a random guy from his suit. Let alone entertain dialog with him. There were a few mistakes like "doesn't see nobody" should be anybody. I liked the detail of him using his sleeves to climb. If you wanted to do justice to a story like this it needs developing a lot more. Too much going on in a short time. Overall it wasn't very coherent. But keep writing, we can only improve.


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