Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about someone who purposefully causes a power outage.... view prompt

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Drama Funny Thriller

"Mr.Brad will you get up from your lazy butt and switch this thing on", my boss said, when he was only a meter away from it.

"But sir you are very close", I said irritation rising in my voice.

"Looks like someone wants to lose his job, and work as a waiter in a restaurant", my boss replied angrily.

"Am I not talking to you? will you get up from there?", he said as I hesitated.

This is what I had been going through ever since Mr.Robins became my boss. Working at the power holding company as an electric engineer had been my dream job from childhood, because as a child I marveled what source the power that carried the entire city came from and how it is distributed across the city. Things had been on well for me until Mr.Robins became my boss, or I would like to call him "The Blood Sucker".

He made me work late, not minding that I have a wife and two lovely children who needs fatherly attention. Never shows appreciation, but only complains. He just made my life horrible. My baby girls were beginning to feel I don't love them for I was never at home, and even when I am at home, am working. Two days ago, he said something that really pained me when I submitted a file to him, based on the work we did the previous month that he asked me to compile. He flipped through the pages and said,

"Do you know that there are lots of people out there who are dying to have your job and fat salary, and I will not hesitate to give it to them".

"But sir.......", I said.

"No, I don't know why you can't deliver a simple task given to you. Yet you parade your lazy and useless self up and down this office, as someone who has a degree in electrical engineering", he said cutting me short.

"See I promise you that if this thing happens again, I would report you and have you relieved off your job. Nonsense", he kept complaining.

He threw the file into the waste bin murmuring to himself. I left his office annoyed, because I was awake all night trying to finish up, only for him to throw it into the waste bin.Sometimes I wonder if it is only me he's hard on, or rather mistreats, like I fought him in his dream.

So I decided to avenge myself. He could fire me the next morning, but it's better than allow someone to insult and belittle me. But I know he would not, for he knows my importance to the company, though he pretends not to, for I saw his secretary use the same file he threw away.

Pretending to have some work left, I bent over a device while everyone left gradually, till I was the only one left. Nobody suspected anything, for they were used to leaving me behind while I worked on some days. When I was sure everyone had gone, I put off the company's security cameras through my laptop. Then I put on some gloves, before touching any tool, so that just in case they want to investigate the matter, they wouldn't find my DNA.

Slowly and silently, I cut some wires and then flipped a lever, and the whole city went black. Working as fast as I could,for I knew that very soon calls would start coming in, I put on my torchlight, carefully so that no one would see the light, I tiptoed to my car's boot and brought out a dead giant rat that I bought from one guy on my way to work that morning, and placed it where I cut the wires, so that it would look like the rat chewed the wires and got shocked to death. Grinning from ear to ear, I put everything back to place, and turned the cameras back on so that when the power comes on it would connect automatically. Then I entered my car and zoomed off. Passing through the get was easy because the one of the security men was fast asleep, while the rest went to have their dinner in a restaurant not too far away, I think. Lucas always sleeps on duty, sometimes I wonder why he isn't fired yet. So all I just had to do was to collect his keys and open the gate.

On my way home I switched off my mobile phone, to avoid numerous calls from my boss. I slept like a baby that night.My wife was so happy for she was used to seeing me work at night, she knew I had a terrible boss, but I kept smiling. I didn't mind the heat as long as I was at home with my wife. The next morning when I switched on my phone, I saw twelve missed calls and thirty messages from my boss and other colleagues. I drove to work just to find different managing directors and important personnels in our office scolding my boss. They were very disappointed.

"What was a rat doing in this department", one said.

"Is it that you guys are very dirty that you inhabit rats. Not ordinary ones oh, the giant ones that eats through wires", another said angrily.

"Do you know that the governor called me because the power outage affected his house. It's like we are going to transfer you to a different state", another said.

"And the annoying thing is that instead of you to give instructions so that the power would come back on, you allowed it to linger for three good hours even after I called you. What is wrong with you Mr.Robins?", another chipped in.

My boss looked so sad that he was almost close to tears. He immediately got transferred to a different state and was also demoted. It all happened too fast but maybe that would teach him to respect people. I got a new boss in his stead, who is much better than him, or maybe he is just being careful to avoid falling into trouble.

Though I didn't want it to escalate this far,But what can I say, revenge is sweet.

September 10, 2020 22:50

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Ugwu Udochukwu
15:41 Sep 16, 2020



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