
Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Set your story in a Gothic manor house.... view prompt



**Sorry this story doesn't fit the prompt! But I wanted to put it back on my page!**

Today was going to be a good day! I had a date with Tommy and I just bought a new outfit! He was taking me to the fanciest restaurant in town. He promised me he would since he had been late to the last ten dates he promised he’d go to. I love Tommy but sometimes I wish he would say he couldn’t make it. I’d be fine with that, I just don’t want to be waiting on my porch for an hour and then get a call saying he’s not coming. 

Today I had a feeling he would show up. He was my boyfriend after all and he usually owned up to his mistakes.

Later that afternoon I put on my new summer dress, and my yellow shoes. I was ready for Tommy to pick me up! I walked outside my front porch looking down at my phone. I texted Tommy I was ready to go and he quickly texted back. 

The text read: Hannah, I am really sorry but I don’t think I can make it today. I promise we can go some other time!

I should have known. He was never going to change! He would always be the late, never coming Tommy I have always known. I couldn’t have predicted the next thing that happened, I started crying. Like really crying! My boyfriend had bailed on me for the eleventh time. Was there something more important that he had to do? 

All of a sudden a terrible idea popped into my head. It was permanently there, I couldn’t get it to leave. Was Tommy cheating on me?

I decided to text my friend Kelsey. She always knew what to do. My friend group always called her the ‘love master’! 

Hey Kelse, so this is the eleventh time Tommy couldn’t make it to a date. And I got this idea that he might be cheating. Do you have any thoughts?

I quickly pressed send without another thought. I went back inside my house and shut the door behind me. I changed my clothes into sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I didn’t feel like I needed to dress up anymore. I felt A stinging pain in my gut. True hatred, should I dump Tommy? More and more questions like this filled my head. 

I went to sit on the couch and turn on the tv. My phone buzzed a second later. It was Kelsey.

Kelsey’s text: Girl, I thought he was cheating from the first time you blew you off.

My heart beat started to pick up the pace. If Kelsey thought he was cheating, didn’t that mean he was? Even if he was cheating I wasn’t going to break up with him just yet. I still needed proof. It was time for detective Hannah!

I called Kelsey and told her to come over quickly. I ran down the hall to my room and got the most important thing a detective needed. A fedora hat. I plopped it on my head, and instantly looked in the mirror. 

I was ready! About half an hour later the doorbell rang. I ran to it and opened the door. It was Kelsey. SHe was wearing her hat too. It wasn’t the first time we had solved a case. 

“I know you love Tommy but get a grip! He has blown you off way more than a boy should! If you want proof then fine, but I know he is cheating!”

“Just come in!” I didn’t want to sound mean, but if my first boyfriend was cheating on me I don’t know what I’d do. 

Kelsey walked in and looked around. “So this is the new place you’ve been talking about! It’s nice. I still can’t believe your parents let you buy your own place! They didn’t let you get a bike until you were eighteen. I’m surprised they are letting you buy a house at twenty!” 

“Well they’ve changed! And I convinced them that Tommy was a great guy, and now he might be cheating. I can’t let my parents find out he’s a cheater!” Toward the end of my sentence I got louder and angrier. Then the tears came again. 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m sure we’ll find out that Tommy is the nice boy you know and love,” Kelsey said this with doubt in her voice. But she had to be right. I didn’t need my parents telling me they were right and I was wrong, again. 

We both walked outside to Kelsey’s car and started driving. Kelsey’s phone rang and she pulled over quickly. “Look what Tommy just posted!” Kelsey showed me her phone and there was a picture of the beach.

“Is he at the beach, instead of going on a date with me?” Kelsey nodded a small nodd, and turned her phone off. 

“Well if he’s at the beach, we are going there to bust him! It says in the comment section he is at Charleston beach. That’s only fifteen minutes from here!”

“Let’s go!” I was certain there was something going on with Tommy. He was ditching me now for the beach. Then he posted it? Did he really think I wouldn’t see that?

The only happy thought I could think of was, revenge! If Tommy wanted to cheat on me then fine, but he was going to get busted.

In fifteen minutes we arrived at the beach. Kelsey parked the car and we got out in a hurry. “Okay let’s find that scum.” Kelsey was excited about his, maybe a little two excited. We walked onto the beach and searched around for Tommy. 

It took about twenty-five minutes but before we knew it Tommy was within revenge range. Before Kelsey and I could talk about the plan she went over and taped Tommy on the shoulder. “Hey mister!”

“Kelsey! What are you doing here?” Tommy hadn’t seen me, which was good I was going for a surprise entrance.

“I thought you had a date with Hannah. Oh I get it the beach is way more important right?”

“No, that’s not it!” Kelsey pointed towards me and I knew that was my cue. I walked over to them in the most confident manner I possibly could. 

“What are you doing here?” I sounded mad, which was good.

“Girls, let me explain! I am here with my grandmother, I wanted to take her here because it’s one of her last days living. She’s meeting her old friends here and saying goodbye. I have been cancelling our dates because I have had to go to the hospital and take care of her. I’m sorry Hannah, I should have told you but I was embarrassed.” I could see the tears building up in his eyes and without thinking I went in and gave him a hug. 

October 20, 2020 23:08

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Hi Mia *Sorry, that was kinda bland of me to say, cause I'm trying to start a conversation


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Yay!!! Mia! You're back! I'm so happy!!! It must be nice to have a fresh start! So wanna be friends!!! Nice profile pic btw!!! 🤪


Mia Rigini
21:29 Jan 16, 2021

Ya of course!! Thx so much! I love your too


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B. W.
20:28 Oct 24, 2020

Heya Mia ^^


Mia Rigini
17:55 Nov 02, 2020



B. W.
18:04 Nov 02, 2020

how are ya?


Mia Rigini
21:52 Nov 02, 2020

I'm doing great actually! I just got back my quarter term report card and I'm actually really proud of myself! Anyway, how are you!


B. W.
21:57 Nov 02, 2020

I dunno, im kinda half and half with some stuff


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Megan Sutherland
01:36 Oct 22, 2020

Hi, Mia :) You probably don't know who I am. That's fine. I left you a comment about a month ago, but now reading some comment threads, I see you came back. Hopefully we can put the downvoting stuff behind us, because it would be great to have another Reedsy friend on here for me, and hopefully you feel the same way. I hope to read more of your stories in the future! (P.S. I'm trying to sound really professional here but if we do ever become friends you'll see I'm a LOT more spunky :D) -Megan S.


Mia Rigini
17:55 Nov 02, 2020

I'd love to be friends! Ha, me too! Looking forward to it! ;)


Megan Sutherland
21:25 Nov 02, 2020



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B. W.
01:04 Oct 21, 2020

Welcome back :)


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00:44 Oct 21, 2020

Hehe, I’ve already commented, but I’m back seeing you put this story up again! Well, first, welcome back!! Second, like before (duh, lol), awesome storyyy!


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00:38 Oct 21, 2020

Welcome back to Reedsy, Mia!


Mia Rigini
17:53 Nov 02, 2020



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23:01 May 20, 2024

Love it omg ur so pretty


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Rose CG
18:12 Mar 04, 2023



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Coco Longstaff
10:36 Feb 15, 2021

Hihi Wow this is soo nice and sweet❤️ Ur a great writer


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05:23 Nov 11, 2020

Welcome back! But this was very late, I know!


Mia Rigini
15:03 Nov 11, 2020

ha, it's okay! And thanks!


19:20 Nov 11, 2020

No problem! :)


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Hannah Skifstad
22:34 Oct 21, 2020

You did a great job


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Hannah Skifstad
22:34 Oct 21, 2020

Welcome back Mia how are you doing I loved your story


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16:23 Nov 11, 2020

Hii, Mia Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


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16:23 Nov 11, 2020

I loved the content


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Lauren :)
23:14 Nov 07, 2020

I love your profile pic just like I love this story! Keep writing! From Lauren K.


Mia Rigini
15:03 Nov 11, 2020

Awww, thanks so much!


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20:25 Nov 04, 2020

First of all, welcome back! I am so glad that you are back, now that we have officially put the down-voting situation behind us. Second of all, this story was amazing! I think that your dialogue flowed well and that your characters where just like real people (aka realistic). Third of all, I hope to read more of your stories! -Brooke D.


Mia Rigini
22:35 Nov 07, 2020

Thanks Brooke! Good to talk again!!


04:00 Nov 08, 2020

You're welcome! It is!


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