I needed this date to be good. After dozens of failed online dates, I finally built enough courage to ask a real woman out. We worked on different floors, Betty on the twentieth and I on the twenty-seventh, but we shared an elevator from time to time. We couldn't talk much, but I felt a connection. She thought I was funny, and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I've ever met.
I popped the question on the elevator. Regrettably, my nerves got the better of me, and I blurted out, "Will you be eating dinner this Friday? I know I will."
My heart raced. I couldn't believe what I just said. I looked at her, expecting disgust, but she stifled a laugh.
"You know, I usually do eat dinner on Fridays. Perhaps we could eat together. We could even call it a date?"
I wanted this date to be perfect. I studied my failed dates and devised a strategy to make this one fail-proof. According to my online dates, my biggest flaw is eating slowly. So, I decided to eat before Betty showed up. It might be weird, but it should solve the problem. Since I won't be hungry, I can order a small meal and finish when she does.
Unfortunately, the best plans of mice and men often go awry.
I was minding my business and eating my spaghetti when a waiter, carrying a massive tray with six plates, failed to see a chair slightly pushed out. He tripped, miraculously maintaining control of the tray, but ran into my table, which caused my plate to spill, covering my shirt and pants with marinara and noodles.
The maitre d' quickly escorted me to the restroom, ordering his staff to find some clothes in the lost-and-found bin. He apologized profusely. I assured him it was alright. An accident is an accident. I'm just happy he didn't dump the entire tray on me.
The staff member returned carrying bright yellow pants and an orange fur coat. "These are all I could find," the staff member said apologetically.
"They will have to do, come, let's let Mr. Drummen change."
I don't know which is worse. My spaghetti-stained outfit? Or this outrageous arrangement that only a famous person could get away with? The uncomfortable, wet feel of the spaghetti sauce forced me into the shameful clothing. The pants hugged my butt and legs, making it difficult to walk. The coat only went to my navel.
I wanted to run home, but I couldn't stand the thought of Betty thinking I stood her up.
I waited at the bar as we agreed. While waiting, I overheard a couple disagreeing. A lady's voice said I was a famous movie star, and a guy's voice insisted I was a rapper.
Brenda walked in and looked around the bar. She didn't recognize me. She scanned the room again, shrugged, and took a seat.
I sat beside her and ordered another beer. She quickly glanced at me and was unable to hide her shock. She turned her head towards the door, contemplating her escape route.
"Brenda, it's me, Spencer."
"Spencer?" She stared at me in disbelief, "From work?"
"Yeah, I know. There's a good reason for this." I pointed to my outlandish outfit.
She looked me up and down and turned red with embarrassment. "Honestly, I just came to say I had something come up."
I grabbed my beer and took a swig, "I understand."
"It's a family matter, and I must take care of it."
Another failed date. It's all my fault. I'm the only common denominator. What am I saying? Look at me - tight yellow pants, mid-drift fur coat. Of course, it's my fault.
"I'll see you at work." She turned to leave.
A stranger approached me, "Excuse me." A lady in her forties handed me a small notepad and pen. "Could I have your autograph? I've seen all your movies."
Brenda stopped and eyed me suspiciously.
I shook my head and tried to explain to the confused lady that I was not who she thought I was.
"I understand. It must be hard to go anywhere without people hounding you for an autograph. That's why I'm whispering. So the others won't hear."
If that was whispering, then I'm good at dating. The entire restaurant heard the lady. I didn't want to make a scene, so I scribbled something unintelligibly and returned the notepad.
The lady thanked me as she giggled, waving her notepad like she scored a bingo.
"What was that about?" Brenda asked.
Before answering, another lady handed me a napkin requesting my autograph. I signed, and then several more patrons lined up. I felt like a real movie star, and without realizing it, I started playing the part: making jokes, laughing, and winking.
My jaw dropped when I spotted the next person in line. A drop-dead gorgeous woman in a little black dress handed me a white silk scarf.
"Could you sign this?"
I nodded and clumsily searched for a way to write on the flimsy thing.
"Here," she turned, "Use my back." She flung her hair to the side, revealing her sexy neck and slightly exposed back.
I signed and returned her scarf, trying not to make eye contact. Pretty women scared me, and I didn't want her to see my fear.
"Do you like to dance?"
I stuttered and muttered, "I've got moves, more than Stars on Dancing with." I knew I said something wrong but couldn't figure out what.
She laughed, "You're funny." She grabbed my hand, "Why don't you come with me? There's this great club."
She pulled me, giving me the hottest bedroom eyes any woman has ever given me. I almost gave in when Brenda grabbed my other hand.
"Excuse me, Sister, but he belongs with me."
The Little Black Dress returned Brenda's stare. "Aren't you his assistant or agent or something?"
"I'm his date, and if you don't want me to call his bodyguard, I suggest you let him go." Brenda nodded towards this giant man standing with his back towards us.
The Little Black Dress sneered and let go of my hand. "If you change your mind and want a real woman, call me." She wrote her number down on a cocktail napkin and then stormed out.
I stood in disbelief. Two women were fighting over me. This night will go down as the greatest night in my life.
We continued to hold hands without moving. Bolts of electricity shot through me. I knew right then that she held more than just my hand; she also held my heart.
"So, you never told me you're famous," Brenda said with a coy smile.
I returned her smile, "I thought you had a family emergency?"
An awkward feeling overcame us. Something was in the air, and we both felt it.
"So, are we still on for dinner?" Brenda asked.
"Dinner? Yes. Let's go. For dinner, that is."
"Are you always this articulate on dates?"
"Worse, sometimes."
She laughed.
We walked to our table with every eye on us. My outfit never fooled Brenda. However, years later, she told me she had never been on a date with a more famous man in her life, and I'm still the most famous man in her life.
Oh, and by the way, we kept the outfit.
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Haha. Loved this.
Loved this, Daniel. Your narrator is immensely likeable in his awkwardness (something that women find endearing in men) and at the same time the story acts as a social commentary on how shallow people can be when they think they spot a celebrity. (I once had to physically restrain my husband from following someone famous into the men’s bathroom in a pizza restaurant when he and another celebrity just happened to be eating a few tables away from us.) And I am so pleased that he ended up with Betty (more commonly known as Brenda) and not the stunning beauty who came onto him. Btw, the Betty/Brenda confusion is quite understandable for a character who struggles to use words properly when he’s nervous. (My electrician persists in calling me ‘Julie’ even though I constantly sign messages to him as ‘Jane’.) Great job.
Thank you, Jane. I must confess that the Betty/Brenda confusion came from me. I forgot I named her Betty and thought I named her Brenda. I didn't catch the discrepancy until after my story was approved. It's embarrassing, but bound to happen when pumping out a story a week. 🤪
But it’s a discrepancy that works with your narrator’s peccadilloes, so all for the better.
Well, I never thought of it that way. Thanks for making me feel better.
Funny premise, and well executed! The Betty/Brenda thing was confusing early on. I had to go through it again to make sure these weren't two different women. But it didn't lessen my enjoyment of the writing.
Yeah, it's only one. I didn't catch my mistake until after the story was approved. It's just Betty. I don't know where the name Brenda came from. 🤣
Thanks for reading 👍
I love the simplicity of this plotline and the happy ending ;) "The coat only went to my navel." nailed the visual for me and I was all in at that point.
Thank you. I'm still laughing at the navel visual. 🤣
This is great!
Thanks 😀
That's funny I just decided maybe Betty was short for Brenda or something lol
Nope, just me forgetting my character's name. I've always been bad with names. 🤣
Another entertaining story.
Exceptional work.
Thank you
Clever use of the writing prompt. And you wrapped it all together nicely.
Thank you 😀
Stand to clap.
It is an elegant and beautiful story.
Thank you 😀
Hi Daniel, this story made me smile the whole time.
"Unfortunately, the best plans of mice and men often go awry," laid the plot perfectly, but then, the twist was funny--and a bit sad, realizing how people can be so influenced by fame-- and the ending was lovely. Well done :)
Thank you, and well said. People do go crazy over a celebrity. Can anyone say Swifty? 🤣
I liked it Daniel. I read your Bio. I so agree but it’s not a hobby for me, it’s my life now. Writing for me is a way to cope without Alcohol now. It’s a long weird story why after 25+ years of electrical engineering degree I went 180 to literacy? A lady said the phrase “word weaving” I will pay it forward.
Nice Hobby of “Word Weaving” your very talented.
I like it - "word weaving." It's a poetic picture. I'm glad you're overcoming Alcohol with writing - a much more awarding addiction.
I agree with the reader who said this seems like a scene from a sitcom. I could definitely picture it! Thanks for humor.
You're welcome, and thank you for reading.
Daniel, your story lived up to the promise of funny and romance. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you. I plan to follow you.
Thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed it 😀
Quite funny with Betty/Brenda's change of plans to be seen with someone "famous!" Well done.
Thank you. You caught my name change halfway through the story. It was approved before I could edit. Oh, well 🤪 It was my intention for her name to remain Betty throughout the story.
That was very sweet! Somehow, Why did I keep picturing Elton John! LOL. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for reading mine. Hope it was scary
Thank you for reading, and now I'm picturing Elton John 🤣
Great story. Very interesting way to use the prompt. I love humor and you are gifted in your timing and dialogue.
Thank you. Humor is my jam 😂
Loved it.
Thank you.
I enjoyed reading your story—it was hilarious!
Thank you. 😀👍
Unexpectedly sweet and hilarious. Absolutely loved this!
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
Hilarious — I remember the nightmare of dating and my fumbly-bumbly fails especially on setups. Fun poke at what makes and how we view fame today. BTW, when I was a movie doorman at 19 in the late ‘70s, a girl I was whacko crazy for and ALMOST dated walked in with some huge dude in a floor length fur coat I can only describe as football biker pimp coke dealer. In my soda-stained cheap blue blazer and clip-on, I could feel my manhood shrink to the size of pistachios, and it almost cured me of dating forever.😉 Great job!
How funny - pistachios 🤣 I was poking at the famous. How they even find outfits that sane people could never wear is beyond me. Also, why do I think it's perfectly normal when I see them in such outfits 🤪