Romance Fiction Inspirational

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Tick Tock. Six In the morning, but exhausted. 

Waking up, go to work? About to call in sick. 

I'm a manager, so I gotta go. 

An office job, so most likely bored.

A 40 min. Route away. Not much of a drive but enough to consume the day. 

Open up, and switch the lights on. Clock in and make sure nothing is wrong. 

Make a copy so the printer's working. Of course, make some coffee to start the morning.

New day same events. Same chatter, same stories, nothing different. 

Looking for an assistant because help is needed. Work picks up, and my energy depletes.

Found several, time for an interview. Roughly 20 resumes gotta pick and choose. Jessica, Britney, Cassie, and Stasey. Seen enough faces to just want to leave. All for the same position. I don't want to say no, but they have to reason.

I came across Lucy but, of course, had to interview. Ask my questions, and the response will conclude. 

She had about five years of experience. She knows her way around printers a fax and computers. Can organize and keep a heavy list. Perfect to remember, she makes notes with a pad that has a pen attached to it.

Takes the calls and makes sure I remember the meetings. Can summerize everything and only what's needed.

Spoke with respect and kept eye contact . Dressed well respectfully. She had a smile that would make you grin back.

Sounds too good to be true. Odd to say but people can always stretch the truth. Others had moments that didn't end well. 

Some no experiance. Some dressed like it's a motel. Had one I won't embarrass her. Name I won't mentioned but wore a ripped t-shirt. Definitely drunk at least she apologized. She said it's not usual for her but can focus. Right!

Tick Tock. 6am once again. The day starts over as if it's my friend. Open up, lights on, coffee again. Lucy caught my eye she seemed promising.


I can't rush too quick more resumes. Give everyone a chance as one says. 

Patricia, Tanisha, Helen. I spoke to more people than some do on Television. 

Then there was Tiffany, Veronica, and Brittany. Can't remember them all but still respect the effort completely.

Time moved on as it does. Denied most of them. Probably holding a grudge. Went on to Lucy and didn't hesitate. 

Strange but 100% certain as if we're related. I called to give the news. It was a Thursday and arranged for Monday's schedule. 

Then I went on day after day. Bored out of my mind in the most irked way. 

The job pays and I do it well. Can't blame the system but mentally it's hell. 

Always in your head sometimes. Focused on work but still out of your mind. 

Friday came, a mood switch. Finally some action before I leave it. The third Friday of the month so donut day.

I reward my people enough to obey. Respect because the job is tough. Accounting so the pressure struck. 

Lunch comes around it's the three of us. One talked about his dog and the other talks about her crush. 

Enthusiasm doesn't match. Vibe with one while the other memorialize that.

Saturday I chilled at home sleeping. Went shopping towards the afternoon but nothing obliterating. 

Excitement was craving but behind shame. Sunday I was alone then later I came. 

Monday comes once again. As it always does upset the confidence. 

Recovery mode from the weekend. Zone into work before the soul's condemned. 

Lucy's first day her presence makes it official. Beautiful honestly but the viewing was minimal. 

Showed her the ropes and how to climb. The ins and outs before the comply. 

Picked up quick and she did her thing. Got a weight lifted off me like armor on kings.

The day drags as normal. Lucy up to speed and quite professional. 

"Meeting with Robin at 10:30 and lunch with Steven. 2pm you have a customer should be smoother than a jam session."

"Thanks, Lucy I appreciate it. The energy and motivation is there I can feel it. Nice to get the ball rolling." 

Work gets done while the minds provoking. 

Wednesday jumps in it's place. Out of bed, brush teeth, out the door, and tie the shoe lace.

Open up, flick the lights the same old routine. Printer's good, computers on. 

The business is operating. Everyone comes in, and life moves forward. Scan paperwork then onto a folder.

Lucy comes in and starts right away. Made a coffee for me as if my vibe was gray. 

Presence that I appreciated. Enjoyed her smile the stress was detained. 

Months fall into my lap. Lucy on point awareness sharp like a wild cat. 

Knew the gap between throwing jokes and being serious. Single passing through but can definitely subsist. 

Days move as normal but the vibe has changed. Low key happy to work Lucy deserves the blame. 

Talked about it all from time to time. Life is hard verbalizing the pain can delay the confine.

Spoke about her time before. Worked as a flight attendant 10 Years back the mind was restored. 

Good for her went out to explore. Of course landed an experience that put a foot on the door. 

Needed a change she said. The money isn't the goal spoke like a legend. 

Enjoyed the job as I hope to. Doubt anyone would deny information reduced.

We went out several times but not as a date. Didn't want to come up from such a strong claim. 

Just as friends and it was great. Laughed, drank, walked just magnificent.

Tick tock. 6 am another day. Shower breakfast then work it's Tuesday. 

Open up, lights and printer's on. Everything seems right. I gave a little yawn. 

Everyone comes in Lucy as well. My coffee was made I enjoyed her smell. 

A perfume that hugs the nose. My body is there but mentally composed.

Years passes our bond just grew. Work went well a ton of papers were used. 

Never got in the way as some might think. Kept it professional give it a wink. 

I began to feel and I couldn't stop it. Let it warm me up love was convinced. 

She had a vacation planned for some time. Christmas in Switzerland I was surprised. 

Had someone there to show around. Will be gone for two weeks. No Lucy found. 

Plane will leave at midnight. I Will pass before she leaves town tonight. 

It might be my chance to confess. God know she might even find love there and have mine vanish. 

Friends become close enough with time spent. Keeps you from moving like a foot in cement.

Hours pass work picks up. Had to finish manager stuff. Sucks but it is what it is. 

Worked longer than usual physically drained. I ador Lucy and fought the feeling. Smacked my heart with diligence ignoring the meaning.

Can't love at work just doesn't coexist. Maybe I speak and she might start to resist. I felt it though, the fondness. 

I don't wanna ruin what's already great and have her to drift.

Plane leaves at midnight and I contemplate. Fell for her but don't want desire to fade. 

What choice do I have? Just throw myself like a basketball on Cupid's behalf.

11pm and a 30min. drive. Damn can't be late gotta let my emotions fly. On my way still following the laws. 

Strit town so I can't get caught.

Thinking on what to say. Brain in a fog my thoughts are moving like a parade. 

Made it to the airport and didn't even park correctly. Got out anxious looking for my allurement.

Saw her at a distance resting with her legs crossed. Eyes at a book captivated. 

Approached and stuttered no lie. Couldn't manage but willing to try.

"What are doing? I'm leaving soon. Almost midnight my flight can't be moved."

"Before you go I had to be honest completely. I understand our work and understand the boundaries."

Preserving the moment. 

"We have known each other for some time now. Been happier and fulfilled every time we were out. The work suffocates but not with you. Hard to place in words but enough to deduce.

Your green eyes and coffee colored hair. The ambience was wild and peace was declared.

Your presence over the years grows onto me."

"Wow, I didn't expect this before I'd leave."

"Sorry, but I had to, emotions distinguished. I couldn't risk you being oblivious to it. My feelings are in..."

"Well to be honest before you continue. I will put out there I have feelings for you too. The air is just perfect between us two.

would love you to come with but didn't want to destroy our relationship too. Everything was going so well.."

"Yeah I felt that. Definitely understand and afraid of getting cut back."

"NO I wouln't do that to you. I would be honest but nothing to tear down a heart that's just rude."

A hug was produced. Feelings were poured like some apple juice. 

Throw myself and sit there in scrutiny. Make sure the words bleed well since there was so much to loose within me.

She went on her way. I shuffled to work. Stay in contact like an atterny or lawyer.

Missed her as I would. Time moved twice as slow like it wants to reassure.

She came back and love sparked. Not give the news at work or it'll throw things off. 

Happier than a winning ticket. Got me moving back and forth like a game of cricket. 

Lucy my love strange how we collide. Other than the help the rest was a surprise. Up for anything other than goodbye. Kept a great vibe I can't emphasize.

The rest is for you to conclude. My life went well enough of the mental abuse. 

Still stressful at times but turned down a notch or two. Let's see how it goes December's our yearly review.

Posted Nov 18, 2022

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11 likes 7 comments

09:32 Jul 07, 2023

HOW do you do it?? It's GOT to be impossible to rhyme for that long!

But it isn't, somehow...

Love it again!!


Daniel Fernandes
12:36 Jul 07, 2023

Thanks once again for checking out anther story of mine. Puts a smile on my face to know that your loving them. The rhyming takes time to do but I enjoy the challenge. You usually never hear people write a whole story rhyming all the way through. I willing to go that route hoping many will enjoy and have fun reading.


Graham Kinross
03:54 Jan 14, 2023

This reads like slam poetry. Powerful.


Daniel Fernandes
03:59 Jan 14, 2023

Thank you for taking the time and comment. I enjoy writing poetry. Doing it for almost 11 years now. Venting or just story writing became something I love doing. I am happy you enjoyed it.


Graham Kinross
04:13 Jan 14, 2023

You’re welcome.


Mike Panasitti
23:17 Dec 27, 2022

You definitely have a writing style that's unique here on Reedsy. I have a suggestion, however. Why not try to stagger your rhymes or using a rhyming pattern other than couplets? Just a suggestion. You might want to experiment with it, and to read Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" for additional inspiration.


Daniel Fernandes
04:17 Dec 28, 2022

Thank you for your comment. I will give this a shot in one of my future stories. I got used to the style after writing this way for years. I will try and get out of my comfort zone to see. I have looked up Allen Ginsberg's Howl and will take a moment to read it whenever possible. I appreciate you taking the time to read.
