Funny Science Fiction Thriller

It was a cold, gray day in November and we just moved in to a new town. Everyone seemed friendly enough but I missed my old neighborhood and even more I missed my house. I loved that house. It was very warm and homey.

My husband and I seemed to have fallen in a pattern that I was not happy with.

He seemed distant and I could not talk to him anymore.

He had to start his new job and I had to stay home and wait for our furniture.

The house was big and drafty but I thought with our belongings in it we would be home again.

He did kiss me good-bye that morning but I could tell it was not the same kiss we had once shared. I was worried and told him so and he said I think to much and watch to many soap operas. I said, ok, and he left for his new job which was vice president of a global company.

I puttered about and put some things away, but I just could not get those weird thoughts out of my head. But I stayed busy and soon it was noon and my husband, Ray, came home for lunch. He seemed a little better now and I was relieved to see the change in him. We ate lunch and he left and told me to stay home because the furniture would be arriving soon.

About two o clock the furniture arrived and I started to decide where to put it. I started by moving the sofa where I wanted it but I was having a hard time and I thought it was just to heavy. Then I started to move the chairs and found more resistance, but I knew the chairs were not that heavy. I pushed and pulled and finally made a little head way with them and got them where I wanted them. I then started on the end tables and I had the same problem, I was having trouble moving them where I wanted them.

I decided to take a break and went into the kitchen for some coffee. When I came back the chairs and end tables were repositioned in the same place they were before I moved them. I was so stunned that I called Ray to tell him what happened. He said I must be tired and I just thought I had moved them. I said I might be tired but I know I moved them to where I wanted them. He told me to lay down and rest for a while, which I did.

I got up after a long nap and was going to finish setting up the house. I did feel better so I decided to set up the living room again. I pulled and pushed the chairs again and got them where I wanted them. I then put the end tables by the chairs and went on to move the sofa. I fought with the sofa for over an hour and I was exhausted once again but I did manage to get it where I wanted it. I went into the bedroom to rest again and when I came back out the furniture was back where it was before. Now I was really scared. I did not know what to do so I called Ray again and he said he would come home as soon as possible. I started to move the sofa again and as I was moving it the end table climbed up on the chair and jumped on me. I fell down and the end table was trying to kill me. I fought with all my strength but I could not get it off of me. It was hitting me in the head and face and crushing my chest and I could not catch my breath. Then the chair climbed up on the coffee table and jumped on me. I could not breath and I was so dizzy. The chair then started to jump up and down on my chest. It was trying to crush me. I was terrified and kept fighting. I could feel blood running down my face. Both the end table and chair were jumping up and down on me. I managed to get the table off of me but I could not lift the chair, it was just to heavy. Soon everything went black and I passed out. Ray then came home and I could hardly see as I faded in and out of consciousness on the floor. I tried to yell for Ray but he was not listening to me. He was talking to the furniture. I was screaming for Ray to get the chair off of me as I was choking on my own blood. He then started to polish the coffee table as I lay on the floor dying. He was talking to it like he was making love to it, telling the coffee table how much he loved it and polishing it faster and faster. I could hear Ray and the coffee table moaning and Ray had a look on his face that I had never seen before. He then picked up the coffee table and started toward the bedroom. I begged him to help me but he just stood in front of me and took off all his clothes. He was making out with the coffee table. I thought this has to be a nightmare, but the pain was real and I knew if I didn't get help, I was going to die. I could hear them in the bedroom as I lay shivering on the floor. He was making love to the table over and over again. I could hear him saying I want to rub you forever and ever. After what seemed like an eternity Ray came back into the living room and I thought he was going to help me. As I was fading into unconsciousness for the last time I could see Ray get down on all fours and return to his original form, an ottoman. I then closed my eyes and passed away.

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September 15, 2020 03:59

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Tim Law
05:27 Sep 24, 2020

Wow... Such an odd, creepy story Mary... Well done 👍😳


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Karen McDermott
10:50 Sep 20, 2020

Wow. As the saying goes, that escalated quickly! :)


Mary Fuller
23:11 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you


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