Aqua's Squad {Part 101}

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write a story that involves a secret or magic ingredient.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Funny

"So good that most of you are here. Now-now, we must begin shortly." Aqua said in a bossy manner, looking closely at her watch. She was a young girl of fifteen but her manners and her 'pish-posh' style didn't tell that.  

Alec said, "Yeah...please do. We've been waiting for so long."

"What's this all about?", another teenager, Palak was eager to know why this stranger had called her, and then asked to wait for an hour.

Taina spoke up next, "Who are all these people?"

"I am late for my next appointment. Please make it fast." This was surely Dr. Harsh, Aqua thought.  

Itachi was a bit more patient than others, he said, "I am sure this girl has something very important to say, hence she is waiting for the right moment."

All the others rolled their eyes.

'There's surely something special about them all. I think I made the right choice. Now, I just have to wait for the others.'

After fifteen more minutes of waiting, when 'the others' didn't turn up, Aqua said, "Sadly, we'll have to commence this meeting. Please do make yourselves comfortable. This might come as a shock to you."

"Madam, I am telling this to you, if this is a prank, I don't have time for it. My patients are waiting and every second I sit here means a second lost from saving someone's life."

"I know Doctor. Don't worry, when you leave this room, it will be like not even a minute has passed since you entered in here."

The doctor was sure that this was a prank, probably by one of his patients, the impatient ones, the high-schoolers. But there was something that compelled him to sit and listen to what the girl in front of him was about to say.

The other people also had a restless, sort-of feeling. They still didn't want to leave, just like the doctor.

"Well, I don't think any more people are coming, so let's just begin." 

As soon as Aqua said this, another girl, Kiara entered the room.

"So sorry that I am late. I had to complete such a lot of schoolwork! Wait a minute! This is not the 'Reader's Club'...Where am I?"

Aqua spoke, "This is a meeting. MY meeting. And since you have come here, take a seat and tell us about yourself."

"I, um, I am Kiara. I am twelve and I like to, um, read books. I actually came here for the Reader's Clubs' meeting."

"Yeah we got that kid. Now make it fast." It was Dr. Harsh again.

"Okay, um, I have a dog, a German Shepherd and he is my best friend. I don't really have many friends. Um, do you want me to say anything else?" Kiara looked at Aqua.

"No Kiara. This is fine for now. Please have a seat. Now, since you're in such a hurry, Dr. Harsh, please go ahead."

"Go ahead with what?"

"Tell us something about yourself."

"Ahem. If this is some random get-to-know-a-bunch-of-strangers fest, I am leaving." Taina was about to leave when Aqua got up and shot a stern glance at Taina.

Quick as a wink, a bird, an eagle came in an perched on top of Taina. She couldn't move. So she stayed.

"Okay. I am a doctor, doctor Harsh. I practice at my own clinic in a small town. I am here just to buy some new equipments."

"Very good. Now its your turn, Taina." Aqua said, nodding towards her bird, Phoenix to get off of her.

"I am Taina. I am in my sweet sixteen. I love fashion and I adore wolves. I am the most popular person at school and will remain the same for eternity..." Taina's voice had a superior authority to it. Aqua thought in her mind, 'I need to make sure that SHE is under control.'

"Okay. This is going to take a long time. Why don't we all gather around here and prepare a nice cup of tea for each other. Here are all the ingredients. Go on Alec. It's your turn now."

"Um, I am Alec. I go to college. I was actually here to meet up some of my friends. Why are we doing this? I am terrible at introducing myself."

"Okay, now it's my turn. I am Palak. I..." 

"Sorry to interrupt. Alec, can you pass on that bottle?" Aqua muttered in between.

"What's this?" Dr. Harsh said. He wanted everything to be very precise and up to his standards.

"It's a secret ingredient. It makes the tea more delicious."

"Okay." Came in the doctor's reply. where was I? Oh yes, I am Palak. I love everything about nature. It is so beautiful!"

There was a moment of silence. No one spoke and everyone looked at each other.

"If I may speak?" Itachi said.

"Sure, go ahead." Aqua nodded at him, asking him to continue.

"I am Itachi. I left my village and my family in Japan. I am new to this place and this language. I try my best to speak good. I am sorry for my mistake."

Aqua spoke with a triumphant smile, "Awesome! Everyone's done! Now, let's drink the tea." 

Tea cups in hand, everyone drank the tea. Everyone except Aqua.

"Mmm...yum. What was the secret ingredient that you added in the tea?" Alec said, reading everyone's mind.

"Oh it was nothing." Aqua said, waving her hand in an up-down motion.

"No please, do tell."

"Yes, I am feeling a bit different."

"Same here."


Everyone was asking Aqua the name of the ingredient and she was showered with all these questions at once. She couldn't resist any further. 

She blurted out, "That was a special ingredient, made by a trusted person. After drinking this, you all will harness the superpower that you always wanted."

With this, Aqua stood up and left the room, leaving everyone in daze.

[Thank you everyone who participated and sent me the characters. Now, to reveal the names of the people who gave me these awesome characters:

AQUA ~ This one is made by yours truly ;)

PALAK ~ Palak Shah {}

TAINA ~ Wolf Warrior {}

DR. HARSH ~ Anonymous 

ITACHI ~ Anonymous (real life friend)

KIARA ~ Keya M. {}

ALEC ~ Dako-Bear {}]

June 26, 2021 18:22

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Keya M.
00:47 Jun 28, 2021

Great job Dhwani, and thanks for including me!


Dhwani Jain
03:05 Jun 28, 2021

Thanks Keya for including Kiara in this series!!!


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Dhwani Jain
13:55 Aug 18, 2021

Bio updated


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Palak Shah
14:27 Jun 27, 2021

I love the new series and thanks for including me. The plot twist at the end was awesome. Great work :))


Dhwani Jain
14:39 Jun 27, 2021 can check out the same story WITH PICTURES on my blog.... Here's the link: Thank you for such a nice character :)


Palak Shah
12:32 Jun 28, 2021

Thanks for including me I was wondering how you made this website and what you normally do on it because I would like to make a website but I am not sure how to do so.


Dhwani Jain
12:35 Jun 28, 2021

You're always welcome! About the site, I just randomly said one night "I want to start my own blog!" So, I went off the YouTube and searched, in came the results. I used WordPress to make the site for free....if you want I can search ad drop the YouTube link.....It is really easy to make and operate. Furthermore, if you want to monetize it in the future, you just upgrade your plan (which start from $4 a month) and you can then monetize it. What do you think about my blog?


Palak Shah
14:24 Jun 28, 2021

Thank you so much for telling me this and btw your blog looks amazing and I love it so much :))


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TJ Squared
20:42 Jun 26, 2021

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i really like this new series! The character development stage is always fun and interesting. That plot twist at the end was super cool!!! great job on this!!!


Dhwani Jain
05:50 Jun 27, 2021

Thanks.... I am sorry that I didn't use your character as it is (as you gave me), but I feel that this is also good. BTW, awesome name, Taina!!!!


TJ Squared
13:50 Jun 27, 2021

It’s alright, I’m just glad that I could be a part of it. :)


Dhwani Jain
13:51 Jun 27, 2021

Yeah, the name you gave was nice, and creative. Bonjour mon amie!!!


TJ Squared
13:54 Jun 27, 2021

Thanks :) Bonjour to you too :D


Dhwani Jain
13:56 Jun 27, 2021

What do you think about the visual I made for this prompt? It's on my blog too... ;)


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Unknown User
14:39 Jul 12, 2021

<removed by user>


Dhwani Jain
03:00 Jul 13, 2021

Thanks Toben! Whoa! Thanks that really means a lot. I make graphics for almost all my stories for my blog (You should check it out too : Yeah, I use Canva for this. Why do you ask? That's great! Will wait for your review there....


Unknown User
04:11 Jul 13, 2021

<removed by user>


Dhwani Jain
04:24 Jul 13, 2021

Oh my! Thank you so much Toben! Nice....will check it out. Okay. Um, even you can submit your name to me. Read my bio and send the names to me. Also, we can collaborate on a story too (example ~ DJ Wolf, The Author Who Can't Write)


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Dhwani Jain
13:55 Aug 18, 2021

Bio updated


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