Drama Fantasy Funny

In the whole village Arya was the sole person who had ever actually expressed her desire to leave the village in front of all the people in the village.

She did that cause, as she explained much later after her speach at the independence day, "I don't have it in myself to continue to fake laugh any longer at the terribly unfunny jokes of these people". She alo said something like that in her speach too but there was too much of it for the people of the village to remember the whole thing.

Arya would tell this story to anyone who would care to listen,there weren't any in that small village cause they all knew the story, and tell them with great solemness that she was bullied through almost all her childhood.

The people who were being accused of bullying her would plead not guilty and go to great lengths to tell you that it wasn't bullying but some harmless teasing. But then again things are terribly funny when they aren't happening to you.

The thing was that Arya was from the kadewa family. And her great ancestor Suraj kadewa was the first one in the entire village to buy a truck. At that time it was a really big thing. People would line up in front of the Kadewa household to get a look at the truck. Some were impressed a lot felt that it was too expensive and all felt jealous.The Kadewa household quickly became known as the richest in the village.

Suraj Kadewa thought that with the Truck the transport of crops would become easier and efficient. Most importantly he could charge other farmers for transporting their crops. He thought it a worthwhile investment. The problem, he soon discovered, was that he knew not how to drive the truck.

Of course nobody in village knew how to drive it either. So Suraj decided to call in a person from outside the village who could teach him how to drive the Truck. But after disscusing things with that person for about five minutes Suraj was furious. The amount the person asked for was, in Suraj's opinion, far too much. He felt that the person was trying to cheat him out of his money after seeing that Suraj was a illiterate person from a small rural area.

Without further any further ado after coming to this decision Suraj kicked the person out of his house and then slammed the door of his hut shut. But that was one thing that he came to regret shortly afterwards.

Still furious Suraj decided to have a go at the truck and learn it himself. After all he had learned how to drive a carriage all on his own too. Sadly things weren't quite that simple and Suraj found himself moving backward instead of forward and that's how he ended up falling along with the truck from the short cliff to the river. The truck quickly sank to the bottom and was never recovered but Suraj had luckily escaped and was found floating on support of a log in the river by a group of kids peeing nearby.

The thing was that Suraj had received heavy injury to the head and suffered from memory loss. Or at least that's what was told to the villagers and the person who had been kicked out of Suraj's house but was still in the village. Both were spektical towards this news. And their suspicon grew when one man vitnissed Suraj looking regrettably down at the river ine day.

On his death bed Suraj advises his family to stay away from the trucks and that's exactly what they did. No Kadewa ever bought trucks anymore and instead decided to switch to fishery.

The villagers found the incident funny and actually wrote about it in a book. A book that was written by the person who had been kicked out of Suraj's house. A book that was still popular by the time Arya was born.

She was often teases about whether she too forgot things that were embarrassing . Or maybe it was just Kadewa family tradition to buy and dump things down the river.Even the teachers snd adult laughed at those jokes so Arya too had to laugh so that it seemed like she wasn't bothered much by it.

But all those years of tough acting went down the drain when Arya drank four cans of beer and was told to come and say some few words on the independence day as the only women to win the poem writing award. And was then asked if she would like to dump the trophy in the river after this.

"This village has a serve lack of sense of humor,and the more I stay with you idiotic lot the more I start to think that life is worthless.."

And so Arya decided to speak out about all the things that were in her mind. She fought aff the person who came to her to tell her to give the mic back to him. Along with the cheif guest who had to give a speech next. But the speech wasn't where it ended either. After her cousins came to drag her away Arya decided that it was time for her to try her hands on a truck. Sadly for her no one was eager to have her anywhere near their precious truck. So she decided that she had to pull out that long sunk truck. She shouted that it was time for her to regain their lost honour as her cousins dragged her off.

And the next morning when Arya with a mild headache she decided to leave the village to follow her dream. She worked some small jobs here and there and finally got a job at a company whose motto was to have a fast efficient relationship with farmers.And a year later she came back to the village riding a brand new truck. Behind which were six more trucks and they all parked infront of the Kadewa household. And all the villagers went to look at them. Some were confused a lot were amused but all felt a tiny bit of admiration.

September 04, 2020 23:35

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