Thriller Suspense




Three in a row then it would stop. The sound in my dingy bleak cell stopped only for a second before continuing.Β 



Nothing. No sound, just nothing like existence had been torn out of the room.

I awoke to the sound of drilling in a room with three people standing over me. I waited for the drips but none came. It was all that I’d come to know over the years.Β 


I woke up with a menacing headache in a strange room. The room had been located inside a modern house. The walls were off-white with yellow light lamps hanging on the sides.Β 

Blood curdling screams rang in my ears.

Another headache but this one came with a thought. It seemed more like a memory rather than a thought.

Why would I have a memory of that? Where am I? Who am I? I couldn’t remember anything other than waking up in this oddly comforting room with a blaring headache. I didn’t want to remember anything else.

I traced over her neck with the bloody knife I used to-.

Why was this happening to me? Who did these memories belong to? Did they belong to me? If so, what did I do? Why did I do it? I continued to explore this house I had woken up in and the headache just seemed to worsen as the thoughts continued.Β 

The fear in their eyes not knowing what would happen next. Two shots.

A gun? I had a knife and a gun? No, not me. It can’t be me. I hope it’s not me. What if it is?

Blindfolded and tied up looking helpless.

I dropped to the floor, I justΒ couldn’t handle it anymore. The headache made me sick to my stomach and the memories made it worse. My arm also hurt for some reason.

It felt good knowing I would be the last person they would see.

I walked into a room and it happened to be the bathroom while grabbing my head. The pain just wouldn’t go away. The memories were mine they had to be. I looked in the mirror and saw myself for the first time but I didn’t get a chance to study the face looking back at me before another memory seeped its way into my brain.

I liked hearing their screams the way they tried to beg for help with their eyes. Fear. Pain. Mercy. I loved it.

I looked on my arms to see the numbers 000 tattooed on them. It was fresh as far as I could tell. Who put that there? Why the numbers 000? Am I a monster? These memories weren’t mine they had to belong to someone else but if they were mine. No, they can’t be mine. I'm not that type of person. Am I that type of person?

Help. One of them yelled thinking that would save them.

Who was this person? Why were their memories inhabiting my brain? Where am I? I wandered around the house like a lost puppy until I heard low music. Don’t go in, you might hurt them whoever β€œthem” was. I stopped myself from actually going inside but the door was ajar leaving me room to look inside. It was a beautifully decorated room with a teen girl inside. I walked away before anymore of the memories came back to haunt me.

The way they looked at each other coming to terms with their fate made me feel powerful.

I didn’t care about my crippling headache or who these memories belonged to anymore. I wanted to know what happened and why.Β 








Things were merging two different things happening at the same time. Three drips then a pause. The screaming overlapped the sound of water dripping. I got dizzy and passed out.


β€œI think it's time to put 000 back.”.

β€œNo, we can keep trying, just send them back inside the house”.

β€œWe can’t, if we do they might snap. Their memories are coming back faster than we had imagined”.

β€œSend 000 back outside, now”.


I woke up with an agonizing headache. In a house that felt familiar.









β€œWe can’t keep sending 000 back. We have to discontinue this experiment. They’re gaining their memories back too quickly”.

β€œFine put them back in their cell”.


The experiment had only gone on for a couple of days. Patient 000 had been their guinea pig. They wanted to see if they could fix people. They wanted to change the terrible people in the world by robbing them of their past. They didn’t have a choice they were already incarcerated for life and didn’t have anything to look forward to. Their only flaw was that people tend to try and remember their past lives. They would have succeeded in creating a better society if they had worked quicker or longer. There was no way to tell now the experiment was over but not for long. Soon more test subjects would materialize giving them more chances. But, until then patient 000 had failed and so did they.

For those wondering what 000 had done you should probably stop but you found this recording so I guess I’ll tell you. 000 broke one day after living some of the most treacherous days on Earth they snapped. In their outrage they kidnapped two families. They chased the first one through the woods and into a cabin where they blindfolded and tied them up. They left to get the other family and shot them in the head. They killed the children first forcing the parents to watch before killing them. Back at the cabin they removed the blindfold off of their victims. They began to torture it’s prey killing each of them off slowly with the dullest knife they could find. The family killed off in the house was found. 000 hadn’t been careful when murdering these innocent people leaving behind a ton of evidence. 000 was taken into custody soon after. When police arrived to pick them up 000 was covered in blood from head to toe smiling as they were handcuffed. Once in custody the second family was found buried in the woods. 000 was psychotic and may have killed more people if they hadn’t been caught so soon. 000 was locked away never to be seen again.

January 05, 2021 03:42

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Loved the story. Reading the "drip. drip." parts made me felt so relaxed for some reason...I loved it Blue. =)


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Beth Connor
03:15 Jan 06, 2021

So chilling, I loved the imagery! Great story.


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Kate Reynolds
22:32 Jan 05, 2021

Wow......... just wow. This story was soooooooooooooooo good! I loved how you slowly revealed that the protagonist was the killer! I got chills reading it! There were a few places that were missing commas and periods, though. "No, not me it can’t be me." Instead of this line, maybe put "No, not me. It can't be me!" I thought frantically. Other than that it was great!!!!!!!!! :D


Thank you for the feedback i'll change it now :)


Kate Reynolds
23:57 Jan 05, 2021

Np! :D


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o m g first of all, fanTABULOUS STORY, you're super good at descriptions :) second of all, you. write. so. fast. like howwwww? you've already answered that question, but like ?????? you write fantastic stories in so little time I'm- sHoOkπŸ€”πŸ˜Š GREAT JOB!!! ~ Amethyst


thank you!!! i just have a lot of time and a lot of ideas so i guess i write really fast cus of that thank you again :)


np! what time do you normally write a lot? for me its morning, early afternoon, and evening.


whenever i have time but its mostly at night


okee oh no i realized the time i hafta go to a meeting SAYONARA ✌🏼😊


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