Sad Inspirational Speculative

Dedicated to my magical parakeet, Meg, who passed October 12th. I hope you're happy soaring around in paradise, Meg.

I'm flying.

Mama, I'm flying again, so free! I feel so independent! The cage is gone!


Where are you, Mama?

Weren't you holding me in your warm hand just now?

Weren't you looking at me and smiling?

Why was there sadness in your eyes, even though you were smiling? Mama, what happened? Why did saltiness roll down your face and fall into my mouth? 

It didn't taste good, Mama. Please don't feed that to me again.

Why was your face twisted in agony?

Why did you disappear?

It's getting cold here, Mama. It's cold, like the time you forgot to bring me close to the heater in the winter night. I remember you held me afterward, Mama. You apologized to me so many times, even though I kept telling you it was fine, and I was fine!

It's okay, Mama, I am fine. I'll keep flying. I'll keep going, and I'll never forget you, okay, Mama? Don't worry about me.

I feel bad, Mama.

I pecked and scratched you so many times. Blood seeped out of your cuts, but you didn't get mad. You smiled and told me not to.

I won't do it anymore, as long as I get to see you again, Mama.

Where am I? The sky is so white, so empty. It doesn't at all look like the sky I stared at through the window of our house. That sky was bright blue, the same color as my feathers. That sky had thick, puffy clouds and sent warmth through the window to me. This sky is cold, not too cold, but it's colder than usual. I miss you, Mama. I miss our house and my cage, and my seeds and my toys and my friend.

I miss your giggles as I smacked against the window, excited to fly around. I miss your warm, soft voice, murmuring beautiful words as you worked. I never knew what those words meant, Mama, but they sounded magical because they came from you.

I even miss when your voice got faster, weaving in and out with your sister's voice until you turned your backs to each other, and Grandma and Grandpa had to sort it out.

I even miss your worried squeals and shouts when I went behind the couch or bookshelves. I miss you scolding me gently for pecking my friends. I miss you reading to me, pronouncing words for me, in high hopes I'd mimic you. 

I never could, though, and my words always came out as chirps, and yours didn't.

Mama, I miss your warmth.

Everything about you was warm; your words, sweet like the fruits you put in my cage, your laughs, bouncy like the small rubber balls you brought home from the doctor's, your hands, smooth like my perch, your breaths, light like my feathers, your coffee eyes, hypnotic like the mirror hanging beside me.

I hope you still have your warmth, Mama. 

I'll remember it as I travel to my destination. I don't know how, but I know that where I'm going won't be warm. I know it'll be cold and barren and boring and too quiet to be called a real place. I'll keep your warm words and warm laughs and warm hands and warm breaths in mind, Mama.

Mama, I remember I wasn't a good bird.

I hurt you and yelled at you, and I always tricked you by escaping the old black cage after finding a large gap in the wires. I remember you came home, and I was exploring, and I heard you call me, so I answered.

You called me so many times that day, Mama, and I answered every single time. Then you found me, walking around under the bed, and breathed a warm sigh of relief, and picked me up, and put me in my cage.

You brought home a newer, larger, white-and-blue cage a week later. I couldn't find a way to escape from that cage.

It was probably for the best, Mama, wasn't it?

That's right. Mama, you always wanted the best for me. You brought friends so that I wouldn't be lonely. You let me out regularly because you wanted me to have freedom. You always gazed at me with your twinkling, warm coffee eyes, and then Grandma would come in and tell you to focus on your work again. 

Your voice was constantly there. You were always in my room, and if not, I heard your voice from the next, and if you were downstairs, I heard your voice echoing through the vents of our house, and if you were in the backyard, I heard your voice from the window, and if you went somewhere, I heard your voice in my head.

I miss your voice a lot, Mama.

There's no one to talk to me here, to bathe me in their warm voice, to look at me and call my name. 

I guess, for now, I'll keep listening to your voice in my head. I'll keep listening to you calling my name, whispering secrets to me, repeating your name to me so I could say it myself, you jokingly teaching me how to get food for myself. 

Mama, I miss our house. I miss flying around indoors with my friends, and I miss hiding from you, and I miss perching atop the bookshelf or a picture frame. I miss the smell of curry and rice and samosas flitting through the air along with me when Grandma and Grandpa cooked. I miss the scent of the air freshener. I miss the citrus scent of my seeds. I miss the smell of my friends, Mama. When will I see my friends?

Mama, is my friend all alone now? Will I be alone when I reach my destination? There aren't any friends around me, Mama.

Mama, it was so strange when you were looking at the bird wrapped in a tissue and calling it by my name. I chirped for you so many times, Mama! Mama! Mama! But you kept looking at the bird and shouting, Meg! Meg! Meg!

Mama, I'm Meg! Why didn't you look at me? I was right behind you, why didn't you look? I was chirping and chirping!

Now I'm alone, and I'm going to a cold place without you, Mama.

Mama, where are you?

October 16, 2020 19:39

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B. W.
04:43 Oct 31, 2020

Hey, could you maybe give me full critique and stuff on my stories? kinda like how I saw what you did on Vayds story "Mikey" and probably some other things? No ones really done that on my stories, besides possibly Charles and some others I forgot.


Laiba M
16:00 Oct 31, 2020

Oh, okay! I wasn't sure if I should, since it might seem hurtful or rude, and I know you care a lot about your friends' opinions :) I always use a disclaimer, but I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable getting harsh critique, it makes me feel bad~ Of course if you want, though!


B. W.
16:52 Oct 31, 2020

well- don't go and be like "Oh- this whole sentence was completely wrong and you didn't capitalize a name! you should stop now because of this" or something :/ I know you'll still be nice and never like that


Laiba M
17:26 Oct 31, 2020

Of course I wouldn't do that~~


B. W.
17:31 Oct 31, 2020

then its alright ^^ you could pick really any of my stories- maybe even my first one if you want, and then give some to me ^^


Laiba M
18:40 Oct 31, 2020



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B. W.
22:55 Oct 30, 2020

Hey, i think that you should go and check out where you are now on the leader-board :) I think that I upvoted you quite a lot ^^


Laiba M
23:09 Oct 30, 2020

Hope, I am so thankful!!! Oh my goodness, you're the sweetest! Thank you so much! I'll go and upvote you!


B. W.
23:13 Oct 30, 2020

No problem :) I'll probably do it again later today or tomorrow to get ya somewhere else on the leader-board, closer to the top 10 probably ^^


Laiba M
23:22 Oct 30, 2020

You're in 4th place now!!!


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B. W.
21:29 Oct 29, 2020

Laiba :D i just got some good news i guess, i finished one of my novels now ^^


Laiba M
22:56 Oct 29, 2020

Great! Good job~ I'm proud of you!!


B. W.
23:09 Oct 29, 2020

thanks ^^ do ya think you'd read it if I still publish it?


Laiba M
23:37 Oct 29, 2020

Which one?


B. W.
23:54 Oct 29, 2020

well- i aint sure if i told you about it or not, but it was a novel I made for fun and that it was kinda based off one of my favorite horror games/game in general.


Laiba M
15:33 Oct 30, 2020

That sounds good! Nice~ Oh, and by the way, I noticed NaNoWriMo means National Novel Writing Month, or something like that :)


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B. W.
05:02 Oct 29, 2020

Hey, so how is it coming along with my story? is it almost done and will it be out before Friday or at least before the newer prompts come out?


Laiba M
12:56 Oct 29, 2020

It's around 3/4 done :)


B. W.
14:58 Oct 29, 2020

Yay ^^ when do ya think it'll be out?


Laiba M
18:18 Oct 29, 2020

Late today or anytime tomorrow, most likely not in the evening/night of tomorrow though~


B. W.
18:21 Oct 29, 2020

yay ^^ thanks


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B. W.
01:20 Oct 29, 2020

Hey, i think that i might be almost done with one of my novels ^^ just a few more chapters and that's it.


Laiba M
02:03 Oct 29, 2020

That's great!!


B. W.
02:12 Oct 29, 2020

would you read it if i published it?


Laiba M
02:28 Oct 29, 2020

Of course! Which one is it? Where would you publish it?


B. W.
02:33 Oct 29, 2020

well- im not sure if i WOULD publish it or not, its just kind of a novel that I've only been doing for fun.


Laiba M
12:56 Oct 29, 2020

Well, it's a good idea :) You could publish it in parts on Reedsy, or the entire thing on Wattpad, or something like that.


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Avani G
18:54 Oct 27, 2020

Love your bio 🌹


Laiba M
19:03 Oct 27, 2020

Really? Thanks, lol~ Glad you noticed!


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Laiba M
19:04 Oct 27, 2020

Oh, and I like your bio a lot too! 3rd person bios are so fun to write for some reason :)


Avani G
19:07 Oct 27, 2020

Yess, I agree! Their really cool~


Laiba M
19:10 Oct 27, 2020

Yeah! There's just something about them~ by the way, do you know how to make a Google Forum quiz or whatever it's called?


Avani G
19:12 Oct 27, 2020

Yup! It's called Google Form, btw ;) I think you have to go to forms.google.com/Sign_in or just click the waffle button in a new tab and scroll down to find the Forms icon.


Laiba M
19:14 Oct 27, 2020

Oh, lolll, I probably sounded really old right there TT-TT Thanks!! Have you ever made one for Reedsy?


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Avani G
20:52 Oct 28, 2020

I just updated a part in there... it's about me getting in trouble all the time :/


Laiba M
20:53 Oct 28, 2020

Ohh, cool! I'll check it out~


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Avani G
19:10 Oct 22, 2020

Hi, Laiba!! Please check out my latest story, 'Moonlight Reflection'!


Laiba M
19:11 Oct 22, 2020



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B. W.
19:50 Oct 19, 2020

Heya amiga


Laiba M
22:05 Oct 19, 2020

Hi! I've been downvoted by 70+ points, Hope :(( Upvote spree??


B. W.
00:14 Oct 20, 2020

sure, upvote spree ^^


Laiba M
00:52 Oct 20, 2020

Okay!! Let's have a conversation and then upvote each other~~


B. W.
01:21 Oct 20, 2020

so, how is it going with the stuff?


Laiba M
02:24 Oct 20, 2020

What stuff? By the way, are you upvoting my comments? I can't be sure if you are lol


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B. W.
00:20 Oct 18, 2020

I'm kind of freaking out now about a couple of things, could we still talk?


Laiba M
01:06 Oct 18, 2020

Yeah, what's up??


B. W.
01:13 Oct 18, 2020

It's just some things again, it's some stuff with Covid and my real life friends, some stuff about you and other online friends like what if you all leave? and some other things but i don't know what to do to calm down.


Laiba M
02:40 Oct 18, 2020

Well, about the online friends, I'm always on Reedsy, so you'll have me! And I'm sure I said this before, but if your online friends plan on leaving, I know that they'd definitely tell you and maybe leave you with a contact. There should be at least one contact method they're comfortable sharing! Numbers, emails, social media, Wattpad, anything with personal messaging, there is probably at least one thing that people are fine with sharing.


B. W.
02:46 Oct 18, 2020

Yeah, i guess your kinda right about. You have Wattpad (i think) so that's probably the thing we'd use IF you ever ended up leaving. Thanks for some of the help with this :)


Laiba M
03:01 Oct 18, 2020

No problem~!


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Laiba M
02:42 Oct 18, 2020

And then with COVID, don't worry, as long as you stay inside as much as you can and limit outside contact as much as possible, and wear masks and gloves, you won't contract it and if your family does the same, neither will your family. With your friends, socially distanced meetups will be fine if you're worried not seeing them for too long might ruin your friendship. Don't worry! Take some deep breaths and think about what I said, you'll be fine soon~ Maybe write it out in a story or poem, writers express emotions that way as well~~


B. W.
02:45 Oct 18, 2020

I mean, i usually listen to music to calm myself down whenever something like this happens, sometimes it'll be calming music or for some reason sad music or just some of my favorite music i listen to on a daily basic. Though for some reason i haven't been able to find any good songs to help.


Laiba M
03:02 Oct 18, 2020

That's a good idea! What kind of music do you like?


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Zilla Babbitt
17:52 Oct 17, 2020

This is beautiful, Laiba! I love the image of death as "south"-- that was really poignant. There was no dialogue, which was appropriate, and it was a long story with little happening without feeling that way. I suggest getting rid of the italics, since the whole story is in them. Likewise I suggest you clarify the ending. I'm assuming it was Meg's soul looking down? You write grief very well. I hope you feel better soon. My condolences.


Laiba M
19:15 Oct 17, 2020

Thank you, Zilla! I will edit those things, thanks for the well wishes :)


Zilla Babbitt
01:25 Oct 18, 2020

Of course!


Laiba M
02:43 Oct 18, 2020

Thanks again! Are there any serious or hard critiques you'd like to give?


Zilla Babbitt
12:39 Oct 18, 2020

Hmm. I think you could work on enunciating your climax a bit more. I suggest you elaborate those scenes with the grandparents. Beyond that and what I mentioned the first time, nothing.


Laiba M
13:05 Oct 18, 2020

Okay, thank you!!


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21:37 Nov 17, 2020

Hey, Laiba! I was wondering if you could check out the quiz in my bio?? Thanks!


Laiba M
22:45 Nov 17, 2020



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B. W.
23:47 Nov 14, 2020



Laiba M
17:37 Nov 15, 2020



B. W.
18:46 Nov 15, 2020

so how ya been?


Laiba M
21:49 Nov 15, 2020

Actually, very good! I spent a lot of time with friends this weekend, gave and received gifts, cooked, and baked chocolate chip brownies :)


B. W.
22:30 Nov 15, 2020

oh, that sounds really nice ^^


Laiba M
01:01 Nov 16, 2020

Yeah :) How about you?


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B. W.
00:03 Nov 12, 2020

Hey, ya know that prompt that's about the fake couple or something along with the reality show?


Laiba M
00:13 Nov 12, 2020



B. W.
00:17 Nov 12, 2020

I could use some of your help with it if that's alright ^^


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Laiba M
00:14 Nov 12, 2020

I mean yeah, ahah~


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B. W.
22:53 Nov 11, 2020

how much have ya gotten down-voted?


Laiba M
23:57 Nov 11, 2020

I can't even count :) Downvoted enough to say that if I get upvoted, I can't tell there was ever an upvote spree 5 minutes later~


B. W.
00:00 Nov 12, 2020

I could still try to upvote you again if ya want?


Laiba M
00:04 Nov 12, 2020

Sure, thanks!!


B. W.
00:10 Nov 12, 2020

no problem ^^ how many points do ya want?


Laiba M
00:13 Nov 12, 2020

Not sure, just do how many you want :) If you don't feel like finding every single comment, even one upvote is greatly appreciated!~


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B. W.
04:37 Nov 11, 2020

Hey, i got a new story out now :) could ya maybe check out "Sweet revenge" and then leave some critique/feedback on it?


Laiba M
14:37 Nov 11, 2020



B. W.
16:08 Nov 11, 2020

thanks ^^ im excited to see what ya think


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B. W.
00:23 Nov 11, 2020

Hey, could you maybe still help me with the story I've been trying to do and stuff?


Laiba M
00:43 Nov 11, 2020

The realistic one or a new one? And sure~


B. W.
01:27 Nov 11, 2020

The other one, im not gonna try and do the realistic one anymore


Laiba M
01:54 Nov 11, 2020

Oh, okay. What's the other one?


B. W.
02:28 Nov 11, 2020

Didn't i ever tell ya about the whole video game idea?


Laiba M
14:36 Nov 11, 2020



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B. W.
04:36 Nov 10, 2020

i dont think ill do the story anymore


Laiba M
13:23 Nov 10, 2020



B. W.
17:30 Nov 10, 2020

I just can't do it


Laiba M
17:33 Nov 10, 2020

It seemed like a decent idea... is it just writer's block? Because I know you can make a good realistic story, the part of the Reedsy friends story that was in real life looked really good to me!


B. W.
17:34 Nov 10, 2020

I tried writing it down last night and it just looked so crappy and it almost looked like the first story I did on here which was really bad.


Laiba M
17:37 Nov 10, 2020

I wish we could talk privately :/ then we could share story ideas with each other without spoiling it to everyone T-T do you have Wattpad? Do you want to share that?


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B. W.
00:56 Nov 10, 2020

these are still just really random questions because I'm bored and I'm also just a bit curious, whats the weirdest dream that you've had before?


Laiba M
01:09 Nov 10, 2020

Oh, wow. I've had tons of... unique (?) dreams. Most of them are more beautiful and/or meaningful and sometimes scary. Not really weird. Although I do remember hallucinating that a Chinese dragon had entered my room (I was having a sleepover, so the people over and I were sleeping on the floor) and slid across the floor and was about to eat me. I vividly remember how electric its colors were: bright blue and bright orange. Just as it opened its mouth, I screamed, but I was actually screaming in real life, so the people woke up and comforted me.


B. W.
01:29 Nov 10, 2020

when did this weird chinese dragon nightmare happen if ya don't mind me asking? I've had a weird and sort of scary dream that's actually happened a few times for some reason and I also remember another weird yet I guess scary dream that's a different one.


Laiba M
01:37 Nov 10, 2020

When I was two or three :) What's the dream? Lol, the dream I wrote below is a full-on story!


B. W.
01:45 Nov 10, 2020

Well, two dreams here: 1. This was a dream from like a long time ago, probably when I was like 5 or something. In the dream, everything in my room just seemed to be in black and white and I was probably the same way but I'm not exactly sure with that. Though I remember looking around in the room and then this short dude who I was looked familiar as a character from something was like peaking out from another part of my bed a bit creepily, the other stuff that I remember was me backing away while facing the thing but it kept following me, I'...


Laiba M
02:16 Nov 10, 2020

Oh, gosh, that's scary. When I was younger, I would have dreams in which I was looking at a teacher/family member, and all of a sudden the room would twist and their body would be tall and their head would be small and the floors would tilt, it was scary, lol


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Laiba M
01:36 Nov 10, 2020

If you want a long dream I had with an absolutely chaotic storyline, then here you go :) I was working somewhere (not sure where, because dreams leave out tons of details that when you actually tell the dream to others, it makes sense) and had gone to the locker room to put away my belongings. Now, this locker room was cramped, and the walls were lockers, and there were a few rows of lockers in the middle of the room, so there were people all over trying to put away their things. After I was done putting my things away, I was led to a huge ...


B. W.
01:45 Nov 10, 2020

w o w


Laiba M
02:15 Nov 10, 2020

Yep :) I don't even know at this point, haha


B. W.
02:26 Nov 10, 2020

when did this one happen?


Laiba M
02:28 Nov 10, 2020

A week or two ago.


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B. W.
21:21 Nov 09, 2020

do ya think your ever gonna put out some more quizzes?


Laiba M
23:17 Nov 09, 2020

Started working on one today, haha!


B. W.
23:36 Nov 09, 2020

Ya have? when do ya think that'll be done?


Laiba M
23:46 Nov 09, 2020

Not sure, it requires quite a bit of research. Maybe this weekend?


B. W.
00:00 Nov 10, 2020

what kind of quiz is it gonna be?


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B. W.
19:07 Nov 09, 2020

Hey, could you maybe help me with something please?


Laiba M
19:17 Nov 09, 2020

Sure! What is it?


B. W.
19:18 Nov 09, 2020

well, ya know how all of my stories are always fantasy and stuff like that? I was wanting to try and make a realistic story for once, no fantasy or anything like that. But I've never done one before and I know your good at those so I was wanting your help.


Laiba M
19:36 Nov 09, 2020

Wouldn't the one with Hopper and Jinx and Binx be classified as realistic?


B. W.
19:42 Nov 09, 2020

No not really :/ because i think I've told you, Hopper is sorta from another dimension and he's not a human, he's like a mix of a phoenix and other things


Laiba M
19:58 Nov 09, 2020

Ohhh, right. Honestly, I don't think it would be hard for you-you're an amazing writer! You use teenagers in most stories so I think you should use those in your realistic fiction story. Maybe just talk about them going on an adventure, but not a fantasy adventure. Like exploring a treehouse they found, going in a haunted mansion, etc.


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